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包婧文  鹏飞 《太阳能》2011,(2):14-16
2010年12月2日在锦江富园酒店召开的"金太阳示范工程和太阳能光电建筑应用示范工程工作会议"上,财政部经济建设司司长李敬辉宣布了包括北京经济技术开发区在内的首批13个太阳能光伏发电集中应用示范区名单。财政部副部长张少春,科技部副部长曹健林,国家能源局副局长刘琦,北京市委常委、常务副市长吉林及国家电网公司副总经理帅军庆共同点亮水晶球,为北京经济技术开发区太阳能光伏发电集中应用示范区正式揭牌。  相似文献   

非言 《太阳能》2011,(14):55
河北保定自成为"金太阳示范工程"全国样本城市以来,太阳能光伏发电就惠及到了市民。英利员工可利用来自车棚顶上的光伏屋顶并网发电项目在产业园车棚内集体免费充电。  相似文献   

包婧文  鹏飞 《太阳能》2011,(1):6-10
2010年12月2日,由财政部、科技部、住房和城乡建设部、国家能源局四部委联合,在北京经济技术开发区锦江富园酒店召开了金太阳示范工程和太阳能光电建筑应用示范工程工作会议,旨在认真贯彻国务院节能减排和发展新能源战略  相似文献   

包婧文  鹏飞 《太阳能》2011,(2):8-13,30
科技部副部长曹健林:依靠科技创新引领和支撑光伏产业持续健康发展能源紧缺和气候变化已成为当今世界各国面临的共同挑战,大力发展包括太阳能在内的新能源产业,走绿色、低碳、环保、生态的可持续发展道路,已成为各国的广泛共识。我们必须对未来清洁能源的发展趋势有一个正确的判断,要立足现状,筹划未来,在新一轮的国际新能源竞争中占据有利地位。截至2009年底,我国太阳电池年产量已超过4000MW,占全球总产量的40%,我国已成为名副其实的全球太阳电池生产大国。然而我们还称不上强国,太阳电池的核心技术还掌握在美国、德国、日本等国家的手中,我们赚取的只是薄利。科技部副部长曹健林表示,科技创新  相似文献   

由江苏隆昌新能源公司投资的常州市新北区工业厂房屋顶光伏发电示范项目近日成功并入国家电网。  相似文献   

李冰 《节能与环保》2012,(10):37-37
正2012年9月14日,北京市百兆瓦阳光校园金太阳光伏屋顶工程开工仪式在北京市八一中学举行,北京市副市长洪峰,国家财政部部长助理、党组成员余蔚平,国家能源局新能源司副司长梁志鹏等出席。"百兆瓦阳光校园金太阳光伏屋顶工程"是指在全市所有具备安装条件的大、中、小学校园及相关教育设施建筑物上建设屋顶太阳能光伏发电用户侧并网系统,总装机容量为100兆瓦,每年可为首都200万师生带来约1.2亿度的绿色电力,也是我国最大规模的公共机构太阳能光伏屋顶项目。目前,国家财政部、国家能源局等部门已将该项目列为了中央金太阳项目  相似文献   

6月底,财政部、科技部、国家能源局发布《关于做好2011年金太阳示范工作的通知》,一时金太阳工程又成为行业内争论的焦点。此次政策与2010年政策有怎样的区别?是大同小异还是各有侧重?  相似文献   

美国加利福尼亚州启动了一项“屋顶太阳能工程”,此举旨在提高加州利用可再生能源的能力。 根据工程计划,南加州部分商业楼房的房顶将率先安装先进的太阳能光伏发电装置,安装面积将达到604万m^2。工程建成后,这些设施的发电功率将达到250MW,能满足南加州16.2万个家庭的生活用电。  相似文献   

美国加利福尼亚州启动了一项“屋顶太阳能工程”,此举旨在提高加州利用可再生能源的能力。 根据工程计划,南加州部分商业楼房的房顶将率先安装先进的太阳能光伏发电装置,安装面积将达到604万m^2。工程建成后,这些设施的发电功率将达到250MW,能满足南加州16.2万个家庭的生活用电。  相似文献   

近日,国家财政部下发2011年太阳能光电建筑应用示范补助资金预算的通知,易事特500kWp工业厂房屋顶分布式光伏发电站荣列国家太阳能光电建筑示范工程,并将给予相关财政补贴。这是继易事特"教育部光伏系统工程研究中心产业化基地"成立后取得的又一重大成果,不仅为易事特光伏产业实现量产化提供了有力条件,而且  相似文献   

The importance of the short time scale for the introduction of new energy technologies is indicated and the possible effects outlined. the barriers to changes in philosophy on energy matters are discussed and some approaches are suggested.  相似文献   

In the past two decades, the globalization of financial markets and multinational trade has intensified internationally, and become increasingly competitive. In the construction industry, critical changes are initiated to reduce operating costs for achieving sustainable operation. Conventional cost pricing for building projects no longer apply as energy shortage and environmental pollution are new challenges faced by construction companies. Many countries have attempted to solve the CO2 emission problems by levying a carbon tax, which leads to a higher cost for construction companies. Therefore, this study aims to adopt life cycle assessment (LCA) in order to assess CO2 emission costs and apply a mathematical programming approach to allocate limited resources to maximize profits for construction companies.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the experimental investigation and analysis of the energy and environmental performance of a green roof system installed in a nursery school building in Athens. The investigation was implemented in two phases. During the first phase, an experimental investigation of the green roof system efficiency was presented and analysed, while in the second one the energy savings was examined through a mathematical approach by calculating both the cooling and heating load for the summer and winter period for the whole building as well as for its top floor. The energy performance evaluation showed a significant reduction of the building's cooling load during summer. This reduction varied for the whole building in the range of 6–49% and for its last floor in the range of 12–87%. Moreover, the influence of the green roof system in the building's heating load was found insignificant, and this can be regarded a great advantage of the system as any interference in the building shell for the reduction of cooling load leads usually to the increase of its heating load.  相似文献   

There is a widespread belief that the world energy problem will be solved by rising prices — closing the ‘gap’ by reducing demand and bringing in new, large, previously overcostly energy sources. The author rejects this view — high prices are the problem not the solution. Supply and demand will be brought into balance at some price, and the objective of energy policy should be to make it as low as we can, by concentrating on the exploitation of large, low-cost energy sources. New energy-saving technologies and new energy sources are more likely to be pursued in such an expensive climate than in the alternative world of high-priced energy.  相似文献   

Renewable energy is one of the main pillars of sustainable development, especially in developing economies. Increasing energy demand and the limitation of fossil fuel reserves make the use of renewable energy essential for sustainable development. Wind energy is considered to be one of the most important resources of renewable energy. In North African countries, such as Egypt, wind energy has an enormous potential; however, it faces quite a number of technical challenges related to the performance of wind turbines in the Saharan environment. Seasonal sand storms affect the performance of wind turbines in many ways, one of which is increasing the wind turbine aerodynamic resistance through the increase of blade surface roughness. The power loss because of blade surface deterioration is significant in wind turbines. The surface roughness of wind turbine blades deteriorates because of several environmental conditions such as ice or sand. This paper is the first review on the topic of surface roughness effects on the performance of horizontal‐axis wind turbines. The review covers the numerical simulation and experimental studies as well as discussing the present research trends to develop a roadmap for better understanding and improvement of wind turbine performance in deleterious environments. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the competitiveness, role, and impact of microalgal biodiesel in the 21st century using a global energy system model with a detailed technological representation. The major conclusions are the following. First, the competitiveness of microalgal biodiesel decreases as CO2 stabilization constraints become more stringent. The share of microalgal biodiesel and renewable jet fuel produced from it in total global final energy consumption over the time horizon 2010–2100 is 5.1% in the case without CO2 constraints compared with 3.9% and 0.7% in the case of CO2 stabilization at 550 ppmv and 400 ppmv, respectively. This is because production and combustion of microalgal biodiesel release as much CO2 as is captured from anthropogenic sources and assimilated by microalgae and because CO2 prices raised by stringent CO2 stabilization constraints make the economics of microalgal biodiesel unattractive. Second, the competitiveness of microalgal biodiesel is also greatly affected by microalgal production cost and microalgal lipid yield. Under a 400 ppmv CO2 stabilization constraint, a 50% microalgal production cost decrease leads to increase in total global microalgal biodiesel production over the time horizon by a factor of 6.5, while a 50% microalgal lipid yield increase leads to increase in it by a factor of 4.5. Third, microalgal biodiesel plays an important role in satisfying the energy demand in the transport sector, thereby replacing petroleum products and Fischer–Tropsch synfuels. An increasing proportion of microalgal biodiesel is converted into renewable jet fuel over time to be used as a fuel for aircraft. Fourth, either without CO2 constraints or under the 550 ppmv CO2 stabilization constraint, the participation of microalgal biodiesel in the global energy market would have a large impact on the global energy supply and consumption structure. This is not only because of its substitution for other forms of final energy, but also because of the need to satisfy the demand for CO2 for microalgal production.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the role of the energy transformation index and of final energy consumption per GDP unit in the disparities in energy intensity across countries. In that vein, we use a Theil decomposition approach to analyze global primary energy intensity inequality as well as inequality across different regions of the world and inequality within these regions. The paper first demonstrates the pre-eminence of divergence in final energy consumption per GDP unit in explaining global primary energy intensity inequality and its evolution during the 1971-2006 period. Secondly, it shows the lower (albeit non negligible) impact of the transformation index in global primary energy inequality. Thirdly, the relevance of regions as unit of analysis in studying cross-country energy intensity inequality and their explanatory factors is highlighted. And finally, how regions around the world differ as to the relevance of the energy transformation index in explaining primary energy intensity inequality.  相似文献   

Energy consumption has risen in Malaysia because of developing strategies and increasing rate of population. Depletion of fossil fuel resources, fluctuation in the crude oil prices, and emersion of new environmental problems due to greenhouse gasses effects of fossil fuel combustion have convinced governments to invest in development of power generation based on renewable and sustainable energy (RSE) resources. Recently, power generation from RSE resources has been taken into account in the energy mix of every country to supply the annual electricity demand. In this paper, the scenario of the energy mix of Malaysia and the role of RSE resources in power generation are studied. Major RSE sources, namely biomass and biogas, hydro‐electricity, solar energy, and wind energy, are discussed, focusing more toward the electrical energy demand for electrification. It is found that power generation based on biomass and biogas utilization, solar power generation, and hydropower has enough spaces for more development in Malaysia. Moreover, minihydropower and wind power generation could be effective for rural regions of Malaysia. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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