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The gas push-pull test (GPPT) is a single-well gas-tracer method to quantify in situ rates of CH4 oxidation in soils. To improve the design and interpretation of GPPT field experiments, gas component transport during GPPTs was examined in abiotic porous media over a range of water saturations (0.0 < or = Sw < or = 0.61). A series of GPPTs using He, Ne, and Ar as tracers for CH4 were performed at two injection/extraction gas flow rates (approximately 200 and approximately 700 mL min(-1)) in a laboratory tank. Extraction phase breakthrough curves and mass recovery curves of the gaseous components became more similar at higher Sw as water in the pore space restricted diffusive gas-phase transport. Diffusional fractionation of the stable carbon isotopes of CH4 during the extraction period of GPPTs also decreased with increasing Sw (particularly when Sw > 0.42). Gas-component transport during GPPTs was numerically simulated using estimated hydraulic parameters for the porous media and no fitting of data for the GPPTs. Numerical simulations accurately predicted the relative decline of the gaseous components in the breakthrough curves, but slightly overestimated recoveries at low Sw (< or = 0.35) and underestimated recoveries at high Sw (> or = 0.49). Comparison of numerical simulations considering and not considering air-water partitioning indicated that removal of gaseous components through dissolution in pore water was not significant during GPPTs, even at Sw = 0.61. These data indicate that Ar is a good tracer for CH4 physical transport over the full range of Sw studied, whereas, at Sw > 0.61, any of the tracers could be used. Greater mass recovery at higher Sw raises the possibility to reduce gas flow rates, thereby extending GPPT times in environments such as tundra soils where low activity due to low temperatures may require longer test times to establish a quantifiable difference between reactant and tracer breakthrough curves.  相似文献   

Soils and sediments are porous media characterized by heterogeneities across a wide range of spatial scales. Physical, chemical, and biological properties have been found to show great variation even at subcentimeter scales. Here we present a new micro technique for the in situ study of chemical and microbiological reactions in water-saturated porous media at the mm-scale. This technique combines micro suction cups with the principle of single-well injection-withdrawal tests ("push-pull" tests). Push-pull tests have been used extensively on larger scales in groundwater research to obtain quantitative information of physical, chemical, and microbiological characteristics of an aquifer. The micro push-pull technique presented here was developed and validated using a thin-slab chamber filled with sand. A porous micro cup was used to inject about 250 μL of a test solution into the water-saturated sand pack and then to slowly extract about 850 μL water from the same point. The extraction-phase breakthrough curves of the solutes were modeled considering advection, dispersion, and molecular diffusion without fitting any parameters. As an example we quantified the degradation of citrate injected into the water-saturated sand pack inoculated with denitrifying bacteria. The results show that the new technique can be used to assess local microbial degradation processes under in situ conditions on the micro scale.  相似文献   

Gas-water mass transfer and the transport of dissolved gases in variably saturated porous media are key processes for in-situ remediation by pulsed gas sparging. In this context, gas dissolution tests were conducted during pulsed oxygen gas injection into sand columns. The columns were recharged with anoxic water, effluents were analyzed for dissolved O2, and tracer tests were performed to detect accumulation of trapped gas. In a second series oxygen gas was blended with sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), and O2 and SF6 breakthrough curves were recorded. To interpret experimental results, a numerical model was applied that simulates multi-species kinetic mass transfer during gas dissolution. The model predicted breakthrough curves of dissolved gas species and delivered spatially resolved values for gas phase accumulation and composition, which are not directly accessible experimentally. It was shown how dissolved nitrogen accumulates increasingly in trapped gas phase and inhibits its complete dissolution, in case the pulsed gas injections were operated based on O2 breakthrough only. Accumulation of nitrogen also retarded dissolved oxygen transport and thus oxygen breakthrough. Experiments plus modeling demonstrated that SF6 measurements are highly sensitive to the gas dissolution processes, and provide a more sensitive criterion for determining gas injection frequencies during pulsed biosparging.  相似文献   

Experimental and mathematical modeling studies were performed to investigate the transport and retention of nanoscale fullerene aggregates (nC60) in water-saturated porous media. Aqueous suspensions of nC60 aggregates (95 nm diameter, 1 to 3 mg/L) were introduced into columns packed with either glass beads or Ottawa sand at a Darcy velocity of 2.8 m/d. In the presence of 1.0 mM CaCl2, nC60 effluent breakthrough curves (BTCs) gradually increased to a maximum value and then declined sharply upon reintroduction of nC60-free solution. Retention of nC60 in glass bead columns ranged from 8 to 49% of the introduced mass, while up to 77% of the mass was retained in Ottawa sand columns. When nC60 suspensions were prepared in deionized water alone, effluent nC60 BTCs coincided with those of a nonreactive tracer (Br-), with minimal nC60 retention. Observed differences in nC60 transport and retention behavior in glass beads and Ottawa sand were consistent with independent batch retention data and theoretical calculations of electrostatic interactions between nC60 and the solid surfaces. Effluent concentration and retention profile data were accurately simulated using a numerical model that accounted for nC60 attachment kinetics and a limiting retention capacity.  相似文献   

The transport and filtration behavior of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in columns packed with quartz sand was systematically examined under repulsive electrostatic conditions. An increase in solution ionic strength resulted in greater oocyst deposition rates despite theoretical predictions of a significant electrostatic energy barrier to deposition. Relatively high deposition rates obtained with both oocysts and polystyrene latex particles of comparable size at low ionic strength (1 mM) suggest that a physical mechanism may play a key role in oocyst removal. Supporting experiments conducted with latex particles of varying sizes, under very low ionic strength conditions where physicochemical filtration is negligible, clearly indicated that physical straining is an important capture mechanism. The results of this study indicate that irregularity of sand grain shape (verified by SEM imaging) contributes considerably to the straining potential of the porous medium. Hence, both straining and physicochemical filtration are expected to control the removal of C. parvum oocysts in settings typical of riverbank filtration, soil infiltration, and slow sand filtration. Because classic colloid filtration theory does not account for removal by straining, these observations have important implications with respect to predictions of oocyst transport.  相似文献   

Bioremediation is a cost-efficient cleanup technique that involves the use of metabolically active bacteria to degrade recalcitrant pollutants. To further develop this technique it is important to understand the migration and deposition behavior of metabolically active bacteria in unsaturated soils. Unsaturated transport experiments were therefore performed using Deinococcus radiodurans cells that were harvested during the log phase and continuously supplied with nutrients during the experiments. Additional experiments were conducted using this bacterium in the stationary phase. Different water saturations were considered in these studies, namely 100 (only stationary phase), 80, and 40%. Results from this study clearly indicated thatthe physiological state of the bacteria influenced its transport and deposition in sands. Metabolically active bacteria were more hydrophobic and exhibited greater deposition than bacteria in the stationary phase, especially at a water saturation of 40%. The breakthrough curves for active bacteria also had low concentration tailing as a result of cell growth of retained bacteria that were released into the liquid phase. Collected breakthrough curves and deposition profiles were described using a model that simultaneously considers both chemical attachment and physical straining. New concepts and hypotheses were formulated in this model to include biological aspects associated with bacteria growth inside the porous media.  相似文献   

We present results on the migration of silica colloids through laboratory columns packed with partially saturated quartz sand. The transport of the silica colloids responds to changes in the steady-state volumetric moisture content (theta) and for low theta depends on the wetting history of the sand pack prior to colloid injection. A mathematical model that incorporates a first-order rate law to simulate film straining and a second-order rate law to simulate partitioning at air-water interfaces closely describes colloid transport and mass transfer over the range of experimental conditions tested. The mass-transfer parameters of the model are sensitive to changes in both the level of water saturation and the flow rate. A semiempirical expression, based on a modification of film-straining theory, accounts for the observed variation in the first-order rate coefficient with changes in theta and average porewater velocity. Our work indicates that the presence of the air phase substantially influences porewater concentrations of mineral colloids in water-unsaturated media and that the kinetics of particle removal attributed to air-water boundaries reflects the contribution of multiple mass-transfer mechanisms.  相似文献   

The use of nanoscale ferrihydrite particles, which are known to effectively enhance microbial degradation of a wide range of contaminants, represents a promising technology for in situ remediation of contaminated aquifers. Thanks to their small size, ferrihydrite nanoparticles can be dispersed in water and directly injected into the subsurface to create reactive zones where contaminant biodegradation is promoted. Field applications would require a detailed knowledge of ferrihydrite transport mechanisms in the subsurface, but such studies are lacking in the literature. The present study is intended to fill this gap, focusing in particular on the influence of flow rate and ionic strength on particle mobility. Column tests were performed under constant or transient ionic strength, including injection of ferrihydrite colloidal dispersions, followed by flushing with particle-free electrolyte solutions. Particle mobility was greatly affected by the salt concentration, and particle retention was almost irreversible under typical salt content in groundwater. Experimental results indicate that, for usual ionic strength in European aquifers (2 to 5 mM), under natural flow condition ferrihydrite nanoparticles are likely to be transported for 5 to 30 m. For higher ionic strength, corresponding to contaminated aquifers, (e.g., 10 mM) the travel distance decreases to few meters. A simple relationship is proposed for the estimation of travel distance with changing flow rate and ionic strength. For future applications to aquifer remediation, ionic strength and injection rate can be used as tuning parameters to control ferrihydrite mobility in the subsurface and therefore the radius of influence during field injections.  相似文献   

Dissolved noble gas concentrations in groundwater can provide valuable information on recharge temperatures and enable 3H-3He age-dating with the use of physically based interpretive models. This study presents a large (905 samples) data set of dissolved noble gas concentrations from drinking water supply wells throughout California, representing a range of physiographic, climatic, and water management conditions. Three common interpretive models (unfractionated air, UA; partial re-equilibration, PR; and closed system equilibrium, CE) produce systematically different recharge temperatures or ages; however, the ability of the different models to fit measured data within measurement uncertainty indicates that goodness-of-fit is not a robust indicator for model appropriateness. Therefore caution is necessary when interpreting model results. Samples from multiple locations contained significantly higher Ne and excess air concentrations than reported in the literature, with maximum excess air tending toward 0.05 cm3 STP g(-1) (deltaNe approximately 400%). Artificial recharge is the most plausible cause of the high excess air concentrations. The ability of artificial recharge to dissolve greater amounts of atmospheric gases has important implications for oxidation-reduction dependent chemical reactions. Measured gas concentration ratios suggest that diffusive degassing may have occurred. Understanding the physical processes controlling gas dissolution during groundwater recharge is critical for optimal management of artificial recharge and for predicting changes in water quality that can occur following artificial recharge.  相似文献   

The contamination of groundwater by geogenic arsenic is the cause of major health problems in south and southeast Asia. Various hypotheses proposing that As is mobilized by the reduction of iron (oxy)hydroxides are now under discussion. One important and controversial question concerns the possibility that As contamination might be related to the extraction of groundwater for irrigation purposes. If As were mobilized by the inflow of re-infiltrating irrigation water rich in labile organic carbon, As-contaminated groundwater would have been recharged after the introduction of groundwater irrigation 20-40 years ago. We used environmental tracer data and conceptual groundwater flow and transport modeling to study the effects of groundwater pumping and to assess the role of reinfiltrated irrigation water in the mobilization of As. Both the tracer data and the model results suggest that pumping induces convergent groundwater flow to the depth of extraction and causes shallow, young groundwater to mix with deep, old groundwater. The As concentrations are greatest at a depth of 30 m where these two groundwater bodies come into contact and mix. There, within the mixing zone, groundwater age significantly exceeds 30 years, indicating that recharge of most of the contaminated water occurred before groundwater irrigation became established in Bangladesh. Hence, at least at our study site, the results call into question the validity of the hypothesis that re-infiltrated irrigation water is the direct cause of As mobilization; however, the tracer data suggest that, at our site, hydraulic changes due to groundwater extraction for irrigation might be related to the mobilization of As.  相似文献   

Bacterial chemotaxis enables motile cells to move along chemical gradients and to swim toward optimal places for biodegradation. However, its potentially positive effects on subsurface remediation rely on the efficiency of bacterial movement in porous media, which is often restricted by high deposition rates and adhesion to soil surfaces. In well-controlled column systems, we assessed the influence of the chemo-effectors naphthalene, salicylate, fumarate, and acetate on deposition of chemotactic, naphthalene-degrading Pseudomonas putida G7 in selected porous environments (sand, forest soil, and clay aggregates). Our data showed that the presence of naphthalene in the pore water decreased deposition of strain 67 (but not of a derivative strain, P. putida 67.C1 (pHG100), nonchemotactic to naphthalene) by 50% in sand-filled columns, as calculated by the relative adhesion efficiency (at). Similar effects were observed with P. putida G7 strain for the other chemoeffectors. Deposition, however, depended on the chemoeffector's chemical structure, its interaction with the column packing material, and concomitantly its pore-water concentration. As the presence of the chemoeffectors had no influence on the physicochemical surface properties of the bacteria, we suggest that chemotactic sensing, combined with changed swimming modes, is likely to influence the deposition of bacteria in the subsurface, provided that the chemoeffector is dissolved at sufficient concentration in the pore water.  相似文献   

The use of zerovalent iron micro- and nanoparticles (MZVI and NZVI) for groundwater remediation is hindered by colloidal instability, causing aggregation (for NZVI) and sedimentation (for MZVI) of the particles. Transportability of MZVI and NZVI in porous media was previously shown to be significantly increased if viscous shear-thinning fluids (xanthan gum solutions) are used as carrier fluids. In this work, a novel modeling approach is proposed and applied for the simulation of 1D flow and transport of highly concentrated (20 g/L) non-newtonian suspensions of MZVI and NZVI, amended with xanthan gum (3 g/L). The coupled model is able to simulate the flow of a shear thinning fluid including the variable apparent viscosity arising from changes in xanthan and suspended iron particle concentrations. The transport of iron particles is modeled using a dual-site approach accounting for straining and physicochemical deposition/release phenomena. A general formulation for reversible deposition is herein proposed, that includes all commonly applied dynamics (linear attachment, blocking, ripening). Clogging of the porous medium due to deposition of iron particles is modeled by tying porosity and permeability to deposited iron particles. The numerical model proved to adequately fit the transport tests conducted using both MZVI and NZVI and can develop into a powerful tool for the design and the implementation of full scale zerovalent iron applications.  相似文献   

Well-controlled laboratory column experiments were conducted to understand the influence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) biofilms on the transport of selected engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) in granular porous media representative of groundwater aquifers or riverbank filtration settings. To understand the importance of particle size on retention in the biofilm-coated granular (quartz sand) matrix, column experiments were carried out using nanosized (20 nm) and micrometer-sized (1 μm) sulfate-functionalized polystyrene latex particles (designated as 20 nSL and 1 mSL, respectively). Additional experiments conducted with nanosized (20 nm) carboxyl-modified latex particles (20nCL) and carboxyl-modified CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) provide information on the influence of particle surface chemistry on retention. Biofilm grown on the surface of the sand was characterized by total biomass quantification, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), and electrokinetic analysis. All four particles exhibit increased retention in the biofilm-coated packed bed: e.g., the attachment efficiency (α) of the 1 mSL particle increases from 0.40 to 1.7, whereas α for the 20 nSL particle increases from 0.04 to 0.10 in the biofilm-coated system. Particle surface chemistry can also influence the affinity of the ENPs for the biofilm coating as revealed by the greater attachment of the 20 nSL particle onto the biofilm-coated sand (α = 0.10) than its carboxylated counterpart (α = 0.04). Column experiments conducted using sand coated with growth medium (LB) or extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) extracted from P. aeruginosa biofilms further reveal that particle surface chemistry influences the interaction between the different ENPs and these coated sand surfaces. Namely, coating of sand surfaces with LB medium or bacterial EPS does not affect the transport of the sulfonated nanoparticle, but the LB coating leads to decreased retention of the carboxylated latex nanoparticle. Furthermore, our results show that EPS coatings are not necessarily good surrogates for biofilm-coated sand. Electrokinetic characterization of the clean and coated sand surfaces also reveals that the extent of particle retention is not controlled by electrical double layer interactions. Future studies should thus be aimed at improving our understanding of the fundamental mechanisms (both colloidal and noncolloidal) governing nanoparticle transport and fate in biofilm-laden granular aquatic environments.  相似文献   

A dual gas tracer experiment using sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and an isotope of helium (3He) and measurements of dissolved noble gases was performed at the El Rio spreading grounds to examine gas transport and trapped air below an artificial recharge pond with a very high recharge rate (approximately 4 m day(-1)). Noble gas concentrations in the groundwater were greater than in surface water due to excess air formation showing that trapped air exists below the pond. Breakthrough curves of SF6 and 3He at two nearby production wells were very similar and suggest that nonequilibrium gas transfer was occurring between the percolating water and the trapped air. At one well screened between 50 and 90 m below ground, both tracers were detected after 5 days and reached a maximum at approximately 24 days. Despite the potential dilution caused by mixing within the production well, the maximum concentration was approximately 25% of the mean pond concentration. More than 50% of the SF6 recharged was recovered by the production wells during the 18 month long experiment. Our results demonstrate that at artificial recharge sites with high infiltration rates and moderately deep water tables, transport times between recharge locations and wells determined with gas tracer experiments are reliable.  相似文献   

Data from 6 filtration studies, representing 43 experiments, are analyzed with a simplified version of the single-parameter O'Melia and Ali clogging model. The model parameter displays a systematic dependence on fluid velocity, which was an independent variable in each study. A cake filtration model also explains the data from one filtration study by varying a single, velocity-dependent parameter, highlighting that clogging models, because they are empirical, are not unique. Limited experimental data indicate exponential depth dependence of particle accumulation, whose impact on clogging is quantified with an extended O'Melia and Ali model. The resulting two-parameter model successfully describes the increased clogging that is always observed in the top segment of a filter. However, even after accounting for particle penetration, the two-parameter model suggests that a velocity-dependent parameter representing deposit morphology must also be included to explain the data. Most of the experimental data are described by the single-parameter O'Melia and Ali model, and the model parameter is correlated to the collector Peclet number.  相似文献   

Straining of nonspherical colloids in saturated porous media   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We explore the effects of colloid shape on straining kinetics by measuring the filtration of spherical and nonspherical colloids within saturated columns packed with quartz sand. Our observations demonstrate that the transport of peanut-shaped colloids matches the transport of spherical colloids with diameters equal to the minor-axis length of the peanut-shaped colloids. The straining rates of the spherical colloids vary linearly with the ratio of colloid diameter (d(p)) to sand-grain diameter (d(g)) for 0.0083 < d(p)/d(g) < 0.06. This linear relationship also quantifies the straining rates of the peanut-shaped particles provided that the particle's minor axis length is used for d(p). Results of pore-scale simulations reveal that a peanut-shaped particle adopts a preferred orientation as it approaches a pore-space constriction such that its major axis tends to align with the local flow direction. The extent of this reorientation increases with the particle's aspect ratio. Findings from this research suggest that straining is sensitive to changes in colloid shape and thatthe kinetics of this process can be approximated on the basis of measurable properties of the nonspherical colloids and porous media.  相似文献   

To better understand how interactions with the air phase influence the movement of natural organic matter (NOM) through the vadose zone, we measured the transport of soil-humic acid (SHA) through laboratory columns packed with partially saturated sand. Our results demonstrate that sorptive reactions at air-water interfaces reduce SHA mobility and that the affinity of SHA for the air phase increases as the porewater pH declines from 8 to 3.9. SHA desorption from air-water interfaces is negligible for conditions of constant pH, but release of bound SHA occurs in response to perturbations in porewater pH. We analyzed the effluent samples collected from our laboratory columns using high-performance size-exclusion chromatography. The results of this analysis demonstrate that the SHA did not fractionate appreciably during transport through the columns, suggesting that the various components of the SHA pool (as distinguished on the basis of molecular weight) express an equal affinity for the air-water interfaces over the range of pH conditions tested. A mathematical model incorporating irreversible, second-order rate laws to simulate adsorption at air-water and solid-water interfaces closely describes the SHA breakthrough data. The mass-transfer parameters that govern this model vary in a discernible fashion with changes in porewater pH, and the parameter trends are consistent with published theories for SHA adsorption.  相似文献   

The physical-chemical behavior of the fullerene C60 in environmental and physiological media is of interest for understanding the potential transport, exposure, and impacts of these materials on organisms and ecosystems. We considerthe role of electrolyte composition and concentration, the effect of organic macromolecules, and the mode of preparation of colloidal aggregates of C60 (nC60) on the deposition of these colloids in a porous medium such as a groundwater aquifer or a water treatment filter. Results for nC60 deposition are qualitatively consistent with trends anticipated by theory. Deposition was found to increase with increasing ionic strength, the presence of polysaccharide-type organic matter, and lower Darcy velocities. Factors that will tend to decrease the retention of these materials in porous media include a low ionic strength and the presence of humic-like substances, while the ionic strengths typical of many natural waters and the presence polysaccharide-based natural organic matter, as may be produced by algae or bacteria, will tend to favor deposition and reduced potential for exposure. Variability in the method of preparing colloidal aggregates of fullerenes was observed to yield significant differences in nC60 properties and transport behavior.  相似文献   

A study was done to compare Nissui Compact Dry Yeast and Mold plates (CDYM), 3M Petrifilm Yeast and Mold count plates (PYM), dichloran-rose bengal chloramphenicol (DRBC) agar, and dichloran 18% glycerol (DG18) agar for enumerating yeasts and molds naturally occurring in 97 foods (grains, legumes, raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, dairy products, meats, and miscellaneous processed foods and dry mixes). Correlation coefficients for plates incubated for 5 days were DG18 versus DRBC (0.93), PYM versus DRBC (0.81), CDYM versus DG18 (0.81), PYM versus DG18 (0.80), CDYM versus DRBC (0.79), and CDYM versus PYM (0.75). The number of yeasts and molds recovered from a group of foods (n = 32) analyzed on a weight basis (CFU per gram) was not significantly different (alpha = 0.05) when samples were plated on DRBC, DG18, PYM, or CDYM. However, the order of recovery from foods (n = 65) in a group analyzed on a unit or piece basis, or a composite of both groups (n = 97), was DRBC > DG18 = CDYM > PYM. Compared with PYM, CDYM recovered equivalent, significantly higher (alpha = 0.05) or significantly lower (alpha = 0.05) numbers of yeasts and molds in 51.5, 27.8, and 20.6%, respectively, of the 97 foods tested; respective values were 68.8, 15.6, and 15.6% in the small group (n = 32) and 43.1, 33.8, and 23.1% in the large group (n = 65) of foods. The two groups contained different types of foods, the latter consisting largely (73.8%) of raw fruits (n = 16) and vegetables (n = 32). Differences in efficacy of the four methods in recovering yeasts and molds from foods in the two groups are attributed in part to differences in genera and predominant mycoflora. While DG18 agar, CDYM, and PYM appear to be acceptable for enumerating yeasts and molds in the foods analyzed in this study, overall, DRBC agar recovered higher numbers from the 97 test foods, thereby supporting its recommended use as a general purpose medium for mycological analysis.  相似文献   

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