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The results of a study of the detailed thermomechanical postbuckling response characteristics of flat unstiffened composite panels with central circular cutouts are presented. The panels are subjected to combined temperature changes and applied edge loading (or edge displacements). The analysis is based on a first-order shear deformation plate theory. A mixed formulation is used with the fundamental unknowns consisting of the generalized displacements and the stress resultants of the plate. The postbuckling displacements, transverse shear stresses, transverse shear strain energy density, and their sensitivity coefficients are evaluated. The sensitivity coefficients measure the sensitivity of the post-buckling response to variations in the different lamination and material parameters of the panel. Numerical results are presented showing the effects of the variations in the hole diameter, laminate stacking sequence, fiber orientation, and aspect ratio of the panel on the thermomechanical postbuckling response and its sensitivity to changes in panel parameters. 相似文献
A finite element study was conducted to determine the effects of notches on the load bearing capability and radial displacements of axially loaded composite cylindrical panels. The panel considered assumed that eight symmetrically placed graphite/epoxy plies were used. A mesh refinement in the vicinity of the cutout was conducted in order to study the non-linear collapse analysis. In addition, the effect of different size cutouts with aspect ratios (axial dimension of cutout divided by circumferential dimension) of 2·0 and 0·5 was studied. The findings indicated that as the surface area of the cutout increased, the buckling load decreased. Cutouts with aspect ratios of 2·0 appeared to be capable of carrying higher loads than notches with an aspect ratio of 0·5. 相似文献
Free vibration analyses of laminated curved panels with central circular cutouts and subjected to axial compressive forces are carried out by employing the Abaqus finite element program. The fundamental frequencies of these composite laminated curved panels with a given material system are then maximized with respect to fiber orientations by using the golden section method. Through parametric studies, the significant influences of the panel aspect ratio, the panel curvature, the cutout size and the compressive force on the maximum fundamental frequencies, the optimal fiber orientations and the associated fundamental vibration modes of these panels are demonstrated and discussed. 相似文献
The study focuses on the development of a simple and accurate global/local method for calculating the static response of
stepped, simply-supported, isotropic and composite plates with circular and elliptical cutouts. The approach primarily involves
two steps. In the first step a global approach, the Ritz method, is used to calculate the response of the structure. Displacement
based Ritz functions for the plate without the cutout are augmented with a perturbation function, which is accurate for uniform
thickness plates only, to account for the cutout. The Ritz solution does not accurately satisfy the natural boundary conditions
at the cut-out boundary, nor does it accurately model the discontinuities caused by abrupt thickness changes. Therefore, a
second step, local in nature is taken in which a small area in the vicinity of the hole and encompassing other points of singularities
is discretized using a fine finite element mesh. The displacement boundary conditions for the local region are obtained from
the global Ritz analysis. The chosen perturbation function is reliable for circular cutout in uniform plates, therefore elliptical
cutouts were suitably transformed to circular shapes using conformal mapping. The methodology is then applied to the analysis
of composite plates, and its usefulness successfully proved in such cases. The proposed approach resulted in accurate prediction
of stresses, with considerable savings in CPU time and data storage for composite flat panels. 相似文献
The paper addresses a problem of optimization of structure of a composite material for smooth panels under strength and stability restrictions. Types of optimal structures have been substantiated. A series of numerical experiments have been carried out to verify the conclusions stated. 相似文献
《Composite Structures》1987,8(1):63-81
A simple numerical method based on the Rayleigh principle is presented for predicting the natural frequencies of composite rectangular plates which exhibit special and general orthotropy. The method is illustrated for simply-supported rectangular plates having central rectangular cutouts and double square cutouts. The results are compared with the reported finite element and analytical results. 相似文献
Ya. S. Karpov 《Strength of Materials》2004,36(6):570-581
A theoretical approach is put forward for the structural design (in terms of the number of layers, layer thickness, and reinforcement orientation angle) for laminated composite material of minimalweight aircraft panels with restrictions on their strength, stability, and deflection. We deduce dependences for calculation of potential number of uniform-strength layers in a stack, for which the strength criterion in the form of equality is satisfied. A problem of structural optimization for a composite made up of uniform-strength layers is formulated and solved. The structures with reinforcement orientation angles [0], [90], [0, 90], [±], [±1, ±2], [0, ±], [90, ±], and [0, 90, ±] are demonstrated to be the optimal ones, depending on the load type and magnitude. We derived the necessary and sufficient sets of equations for the determination of design parameters. Several examples and particular loading cases are discussed.Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 6, pp. 33–47, November–December, 2004 相似文献
The paper presents a new approach for shape optimisation of structures with residual strength as the design objective. It
must be emphasized that flaws are inevitably present in most structures, and hence the influence of cracks on optimised shapes
needs to be investigated. Numerical simulation of cracks using the finite element method requires a very fine mesh to model
the singularity at crack tip. This makes fracture calculations computationally intensive. Furthermore, for a damage tolerance
based optimisation numerous cracks are to be considered along the structural boundary, and fracture analysis needs to be repeated
for each crack at every iteration, thus making the whole process extremely computationally expensive for practical purpose.
Moreover, the lack of information concerning crack size, orientation, and location makes the formulation of the optimisation
problem difficult. As a result, little attention has been paid to date to consider fracture parameters in the optimisation
objective. To address this, the paper presents a methodology for the shape optimisation of structures with strength and durability
as the design objectives. In particular, the damage tolerance optimisation is illustrated via the problem of optimal design
of a ‘cutout in a rectangular block under biaxial loading’. A parametric shape representation has been used to describe the
problem geometry. Damage tolerance based optimisation was performed using nonlinear programming algorithms, and NE-NASTRAN
was used for finite element analysis. The first order mathematical programming algorithms, viz: the Broydon–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno
(BFGS) and the Fletcher–Reeves (Conjugate Direction) Methods were evaluated as the potential algorithms for optimising the
residual strength in the presence of flaws. Another recently developed Sequential Unconstrained Minimisation Technique (SUMT),
based on an exterior penalty function method and especially suited for large problems, was also investigated for fracture
based optimisation. The effects of the orientation and the number of boundary cracks on the optimal solutions were also studied.
It has been shown that the residual strength optimised shapes can be different from the corresponding and commonly adopted
stress optimised solution. This emphasises the need to explicitly consider residual strength as the design objective. In all
cases a significant reduction in the maximum stress intensity factor was achieved with the generation of a ‘near’ uniform
fracture critical surface. The design space near the optimal region was found to be relatively flat. This is beneficial as
a significant structural performance enhancement is important rather than precise identification of the local/global optimum
solution. The optimal solutions obtained using the nonlinear programming algorithms were compared against those obtained in
the literature using a heuristic optimisation method (Biological algorithm). The results obtained using the two methods, employing
inherently different (gradient-based and gradient-less) algorithms, were found to agree very well. 相似文献
The aim of present investigation is to study the buckling and postbuckling response and strengths under positive and negative in-plane shear loads of simply-supported composite laminate with various shaped cutouts (i.e., circular, square, diamond, elliptical-vertical and elliptical-horizontal) of various sizes using finite-element method. The FEM formulation is based on the first order shear deformation theory which incorporates geometric nonlinearity using von Karman’s assumptions. The 3-D Tsai-Hill criterion is used to predict the failure of a lamina while the onset of delamination is predicted by the interlaminar failure criterion. The effect of cutout shape, size and direction of shear load on buckling and postbuckling responses, failure loads and failure characteristics of quasi-isotropic [i.e., (+45/−45/0/90)2s] laminate has been discussed. In addition, the effect of composite lay-up [i.e., (+45/−45/0/90)2s, (45/−45)4s and (0/90)4s] has also been reported. It is observed that the cutout shape has considerable effect on the buckling and postbucking behaviour of the quasi-isotropic laminate with large size cutout. It is also observed that the direction of shear load and composite lay-up have substantial influence on strength and failure characteristics of the laminate. 相似文献
采用落锤法对复合材料加筋板进行了低速冲击损伤(LVI)试验,根据复合材料加筋板构型,设计了冲击支持支架,研究了支持支架的间距对冲击结果的影响;用相同的冲击能量对复合材料加筋板结构中3处典型位置进行冲击,得到不同位置的损伤形貌;分别对完好件和损伤试验件进行压缩试验,将试验结果进行对比,分析不同位置的冲击损伤对结构压缩性能的影响。试验结果表明:在相同的冲击能量下,支持支架间距越小,所造成的冲击损伤越严重;在50 J冲击能量下,筋条区蒙皮处的冲击所造成的损伤不易观察,筋条间蒙皮处的冲击所造成的损伤最为明显,而筋条边缘蒙皮处的冲击可以导致筋条边缘的脱粘;冲击损伤会使加筋板屈曲载荷轻微下降,筋条间蒙皮和筋条区蒙皮冲击损伤对压缩结果影响相对较小,筋条边缘处的冲击会引起损伤处蒙皮的子层屈曲,并影响结构破坏形式,使结构压缩承载能力有较为明显的下降。 相似文献
In order to promote the efficient use of composite materials in civil engineering infrastructure, effort is being directed
at the development of design criteria for composite structures. Insofar as design with regard to buckling of composite shells
is concerned, it is well known that a key step is to investigate the influence of initial geometric imperfection. At present,
imperfection sensitivity study of composite shells has not been explored in detail. Thus, the objective of this paper is to
present the formulation used in developing a composite shell element and to validate the element from the composite curved
panel. The non-linear formulation of the shell element is based on the updated Lagrangian method. The shell element is capable
of small strain and large displacement analysis with finite rotations. In order to remove the rigid body rotation, a co-rotational
method is used. Subsequently the postbuckling analyses from the modeling of the curved panel with initial imperfection damage
are performed to investigate the effect of initial geometric imperfection shape and amplitude. The results are used to estimate
imperfection sensitivity for such panels. 相似文献
Composite sandwich constructions are widely employed in various light weight structures, because composite sandwich panels have high specific stiffness and high specific bending strength compared to solid panels. Since sandwich panels are basically unsuited to carry localized loads, the sandwich structure should provide joining inserts to transfer the localized loads to other structures.In this work, the load transfer characteristics of the partial type insert for composite sandwich panels were investigated experimentally with respect to the insert shape. The static and dynamic pull out tests of the composite sandwich panels composed of an aluminum honeycomb core, two laminates of carbon fiber/epoxy composite and aluminum insert, were performed. From the experiments, the effect of the insert shape on the mechanical characteristics of composite sandwich panels was evaluated. 相似文献
Residual strength of aircraft panels with multiple site damage 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Multiple site damage (MSD) is a type of cracking that may be found in aging airplanes which can adversely affect the damage tolerance of an airframe structure. In this paper the behavior of MSD is studied by examining the interaction of cracks in stiffened and riveted panels. The hybrid finite element method, in conjunction with the complex variable theory of elasticity, is used to provide accurate and efficient solutions to these problems. Typical results include stress intensity factors at the crack tips, stress concentration factors in the stiffeners, and rivet loads for a stiffened structure with multiple cracks. Particular emphasis is placed on the derivation and interpretation of residual strength diagrams. This study produces a better understanding of the interaction between multiple cracks and provides insight for avoiding MSD in future designs.This work was supported by the Technical Center, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation 相似文献
The objective of this paper is to study stability and failure of a composite laminate with a centrally placed cutout of various shapes (i.e., circular, square, diamond, elliptical-vertical and elliptical-horizontal) under combined action of uni-axial compression and in-plane shear loads. The FEM formulation based on the first order shear deformation theory and von Karman’s assumptions has been utilized. Newton–Raphson method is used to solve nonlinear algebraic equations. Failure of a lamina is predicted by the 3-D Tsai–Hill criterion whereas the onset of delamination is predicted by the interlaminar failure criterion. The effects of cutout shape, direction of shear load and composite lay-up on buckling and postbuckling responses, failure loads and failure characteristics of the laminate has been discussed. An efficient utilization of material strength is observed in the case of laminate with circular cutout as compared to the laminate with other shaped cutouts. In addition, it is also concluded that although the buckling strength of the (0/90)4s laminate is lower than that of the (+45/?45/0/90)2s and (45/?45)4s laminates, but its strength is increased in the advanced stage of postbuckling deformation. 相似文献
Composite laminates are finding increasing use in load bearing structures of a safety critical nature. This trend means that it becomes increasingly important to be able to measure the accumulated damage within safety critical composite panels. The current research approaches include the use of piezoelectric patches, fibre optics, and even the intrinsic piezoresistive properties of carbon fibres themselves. The aforementioned methods do, however, suffer various difficulties in terms of manufacturing considerations, as well as the complexities associated with some of the monitoring equipment needed to interpret damage levels. A more robust concept has however recently seen development, which relies on embedding metastable ferrous elements or wires within the laminate. Not only can this smart material easily withstand the processing temperatures; but if correctly used, the elements may impart significant load-bearing capacity to the laminate. The damage assessment equipment is simple and can in fact be operated by a person with no specialised training. 相似文献
Bolted patch repair of composite panels with a cutout 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The present investigation concerns the analysis of bolted patch repairs of flat composite panels by using a complex potential–variational method. The validity of the current analysis predictions is established by comparison against experimental measurements and previous predictions. The experimental investigation used two patch repairs, with different bolt patterns, of a cutout in an aluminum skin under uniaxial loading. The previous predictions were made for a patch-repaired composite skin with 16 bolts under uniaxial loading. The same patch repair configuration is analyzed here under more complex loading conditions and with two bolts missing, leading to a non-symmetric bolt arrangement. Also, the influence of patch geometry and bolt pattern on the effectiveness of the repair is investigated by considering an elliptical cutout in the skin. 相似文献
《Engineering Failure Analysis》2004,11(1):49-78
This paper presents a weight function technique for calculating the stress intensity factors for composite repairs to cracks emanating from an internal notch, corrosion blend out, or a free edge under arbitrary loading in rib stiffened panels. The predictions are compared with both finite element and experimental values. This methodology represents a significant extension to existing assessment and design formulae that are currently limited to the case of uniform loading and flat unstiffened panels. 相似文献