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Laser-assisted mechanical micromachining (LAMM) is a micro-cutting method that employs highly localized thermal softening of the material by continuous wave laser irradiation focused in front of a miniature cutting tool. However, since it is a heat-assisted process, it can induce a detrimental heat-affected zone (HAZ) in the part. This paper focuses on characterization and prediction of the HAZ produced in a LAMM-based micro-grooving process. The heat-affected zone generated by laser heating of H-13 mold steel (42 HRC) at different laser scanning speeds is analyzed for changes in microstructure and microhardness. A 3-D transient finite element model for a moving Gaussian laser heat source is developed to predict the temperature distribution in the workpiece material. The model prediction error is found to be in the 5–15% range with most values falling within 10% of the measured temperatures. The predicted temperature distribution is correlated with the HAZ and a critical temperature range (840–890 °C) corresponding to the maximum depth of the HAZ is identified using a combination of metallography, hardness testing, and thermal modeling.  相似文献   

文中对Fe-Mn-C系TWIP钢的焊接行为进行了系统研究,采用激光焊和钨极氩弧焊(TIG)进行了焊接试验,对两种焊接方法的焊后热影响区的显微组织及力学性能进行了分析.结果表明,激光焊后焊接热影响区(HAZ)及焊缝组织更为细小,分布也更为均匀,断后伸长率明显好于TIG焊.焊缝的显微硬度要高于HAZ和母材,TIG焊后HAZ晶粒严重长大,显微硬度在HAZ处也明显降低,出现了软化,导致综合性能偏差.  相似文献   

对含铜时效钢焊接热影响区粗晶区进行了焊接CCT图的测定及一次和二次模拟焊接热循环试验.结果表明,依据焊接CCT图可以大致确定实际冷却时间t8/5最佳范围为7~35s.一次热循环试验表明,热连轧的含铜钢焊接热输入范围较窄,在较大热输入条件下,焊接热影响区粗晶区出现脆化,脆化的原因是t8/5较大时生成了大量的粒状贝氏体.t8/5大于7s后,粗晶区开始出现软化.软化的原因是ε-Cu粒子的回溶、贝氏体板条宽化和铁素体数量增加共同作用的结果.二次热循环峰值温度Tp处于两相区时,发生显著脆化,脆化的原因是焊接冷却过程中形成了尺寸较粗大的粒状贝氏体及在原奥氏体晶界处形成了珠光体组织.  相似文献   

以凝固温度范围极宽的合金为对象,研究焊接热影响区的液化现象,表征该区域中出现的连续孔隙状裂纹,并分析其产生机理. 结果表明,连续孔隙状裂纹的产生与母材中残余第二相颗粒的连续分布、热影响区中出现的严重液化现象及液相的流失密切相关. 其产生机理在于:焊接加热时,第二相颗粒加剧了晶界液化的程度,并形成连接热影响区和焊接熔池的液相通道;冷却过程中,由于熔池区熔体体积收缩促使热影响区中的液相流向熔池;凝固末期,通道因胞状晶生长而被堵塞,导致液相无法从熔池回填,从而在热影响区形成连续孔隙状裂纹.  相似文献   

The continuous cooling transformation curve of heat-affected zone(HAZ) of X70 pipeline steel was measured by Gleeble-3500 thermal mechanical simulator,optical microscope(OM) and hardness analysis. The microstructure transformation rule at different cooling rates and solution behaviors of microalloy carbonitride during heating process of simulated specimens were investigated.When the cooling rate changes from 10 to 20 °Cás-1,microstructures at HAZ are identified as granular bainite,lathy bainite, and quasi-polygonal ferrite. This microstructure is featured with fine ferrite grains, martensite/austenite islands dispersed, high-density dislocations, and fine carbonitride particles, resulting in improving the strength and toughness of HAZ. With the cooling rate increasing to above 40 °Cás-1, the microstructure is predominantly coarse lathy bainite with clear primary austenite grain boundary. While the cooling rate decreases to below 1 °Cás-1, a fairly small amount of pearlite can be observed at the boundaries. The strength and toughness of HAZ are deteriorated because of coarse grains among these microstructures. Most of microalloy carbonitrides in HAZ could be dissolved in the matrix during heating process. A few of TiN particles existing as residues in the matrix can prevent austenite grain from growing, and then improve the strength and toughness of HAZ.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》2004,52(8):2337-2348
The austenite to bainite phase transformation was investigated in a low alloy structural steel after simulated welding heat treatment, by means of light microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Upper bainite packets result from the growth of groups of laths having close crystallographic orientations but highly misoriented habit planes. Self-accommodation of the transformation eigenstrain was evaluated for various bainite configurations using a micromechanical model. The observed pairs of variants seem to help limiting plastic strain in the austenite phase, thus enhancing growth of the bainite phase during cooling.  相似文献   

The high-strength low-alloy( HSLA ) steel heat-affected zone (HAZ)softening was predicted using a grey model.HSLA steel DILLIMAX690E,NK-HITEN610U2 and BHW35 were taken as examples in the research on ul...  相似文献   

李亚江  张永兰 《焊接学报》1995,16(3):130-134
采用光镜、电子衍射等试验方法,对高纯铁素体不锈钢焊接区域的显策组织结构,析出物及焊接热影响区断口形态进行了试验研究。结果表明,HAZ晶粒长大是导致铁素体钢焊接区域韧性下降的主要原因,析出物对脆化裂纹的产生和扩展有促进作用。在生产中应采取尽量减小焊接线能量的措施,以防止HAZ晶粒粗化引起的脆化现象。  相似文献   

The morphology and structure of precipitates in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of fire-resistant steel were studied by transmission electron microscopy, while the simulated elevated temperature strength studies were carried out to elucidate the effect of precipitation state on strength at high temperature. The precipitates were identified as (Nb,Ti)(C,N) with FCC structure. A high density of fine (Nb,Ti)(C,N) precipitated in subcritical HAZ. As the peak temperature of thermal cycle was increased, the density and size of particles were observed to decrease. During austenisation, precipitates were dissolved mostly in the coarse-grained heat-affected zone and dissolved totally in the fusion line. The higher strength at 600?°C was present in coarse-grained heat-affected zone and lower in intercritical heat-affected zone. The different precipitate condition in sub-HAZs led to the different evolution behaviour of carbonitrides on heating and thus high-temperature strength.  相似文献   

采用电脉冲处理FH690钢焊接热影响区,利用显微观察和和力学性能试验,分析了电脉冲效应对热影响区韧性的影响。缺口冲击试验结果表明电脉冲处理后热影响区的韧性增强,显微观察断口形貌呈塑性,电子背射衍射试验表明塑性相为奥氏体。在电脉冲作用下,脆性组元的大电阻产生集中的焦耳热和电流密度,依据Boltzmann分布规律,揭示了薄膜状奥氏体在电压梯度、温度梯度及其产生的压应力梯度综合作用下的形成机理。电脉冲作用斑点不超过0.2 mm,与经典焊后热处理韧化技术相比,显示了电脉冲韧化的局域性特征。创新点:(1)电脉冲处理高强钢焊接热影响区形成了奥氏体。(2)电脉冲处理韧化高强钢焊接热影响区,对邻近组织的性能无影响。  相似文献   

Simulated heat-affected zone continuous cooling transformation diagram was developed for advanced fireresistant steel. Over a wide range of cooling rates, corresponding to t8/5 from 6 s to 150 s, granular bainite was the dominant transformation constituent, while the morphology of less dominant martensite-austenite (M-A) constituent changed from film-like to block-type constituent; but the hardness remained similar to the average value of 190-205 HV (0.2). The start and finish transformation temperature was high at 700 °C and 500 °C, and is different from the conventional high strength low alloy steels. It is believed that the high-content (0.09 wt%) of Nb may promote bainite transformation at relatively high temperatures. Martenistic matrix was not observed at high cooling rate and the film-like M-A constituent and blocky M-A constituent with thin film of retained austenite and lath martensite were observed on slow cooling. Excellent impact toughness was obtained in the heat-affected zone with 15-75 kJ/cm welding heat input.  相似文献   

研究了0.012 4%锆对低合金高强度钢焊接热影响区粗晶区第二相粒子和冲击韧性的影响.结果表明,模拟20 kJ/cm焊接线能量下无锆钢焊接热影响区粗晶区中第二相粒子为Al-Ti复合氧化物和(Ti,Nb) N析出物.而含锆钢则是Zr-Al-Ti复合氧化物及(Al,Ti,Nb) N和(Ti,Nb) N析出物.同时,定量数据分析表明含锆钢中氧化物和氮化物粒子密度更高且尺寸更加细小.这些高密度的细小的第二相粒子在焊接过程中能有效钉扎晶界移动,抑制奥氏体晶粒粗化,在焊接热影响区粗晶区中得到尺寸相对细小均匀的原奥氏体晶粒,使得含锆钢焊接热影响区粗晶区呈现韧性断裂和极好的低温冲击韧性.  相似文献   

引入遗传算法模拟了基于45钢交流闪光对焊焊接的实测温度场的焊接热影响区的奥氏体晶粒长大演化过程.应用遗传算法模拟晶粒长大时,同时考虑了系统能量最低和晶界向曲率半径方向迁移两大要素.该焊接热影响区的粗晶区和细晶区实测平均晶粒半径r分别为54.30,13.58μm,与遗传算法模拟所得的平均晶粒半径51.50μm和16.29μm结果相近.遗传算法模拟结果表明了焊接热循环过程中存在的温度梯度,使得焊接热影响区中的晶粒长大平均半径r仅为整体加热时晶粒平均半径r的66.8%.  相似文献   

采用热模拟的方法模拟智能型抗震耐火钢Q420FRE的焊接热影响区,并进行600℃的高温拉伸实验。在经受高温拉伸的过程中,单道次的高温拉伸强度在粗晶区最高,逐渐向细晶区和不完全重结晶区降低,到未相变区又升高。双道次焊接热影响区也呈现相同的规律。随着焊接热输入的提高,焊接热影响区粗晶区的高温拉伸强度降低。在焊接热循环作用下,碳氮化物(Nb,Ti)(C,N)的溶解、长大和粗化引起了焊接热影响区不同区域高温拉伸强度的差异。  相似文献   

铁路货车用TCS345不锈钢焊接热影响区韧性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用 thermol-cal 软件获得一定成分体系下铁路货车用 12%Cr 铁素体不锈钢的相图,结合相图对 12%Cr 铁素体不锈钢的焊接过程进行分析.利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜分析 12%Cr 铁素体不锈钢的焊接热影响区为铁素体和马氏体以及碳、氮化物组成的粗晶区和细晶区两部分.结果表明,铁素体晶粒的尺寸与马氏体的含量是影响热影响粗晶区韧性的主要因素.当母材中的碳、氮化物颗粒尺寸在 2~5μm 时,具有最优的冲击性能;当母材中碳+氮含量为 0.02% 左右时,在文中试验条件下粗晶区的马氏体含量为 40%,焊接接头粗晶区具有 -22 ℃的最低韧脆转变温度.
The transformation temperature phase diagram of 12% chromium steel is obtained by using Thermal-cal software. Process of welding 12% chromium stainless steel is analysed with the phase transformation temperature scope. The heat-affected zone (HAZ) of the weld joints is observed with optic microscope and scanning electronic microscope, which the microstructure consists of ferrite, martensite, coarse grain heat-affected zone (CGHAZ), fine grain heat-affected zone (FGHAZ) and Ti(C/N). The key elements that affect toughness of CGHAZ are ferritic grain size and martensitic content. The base material has the best impact toughness when grain size of Ti(C/N) reaches 2-5μm. The lowest ductility-brittle transition temperature in CGHAZ is -22 ℃ when content of carbon plus nitrogen in base material is about 0.02% and martensitic content in CGHAZ is 40% under some certain welding procedure.  相似文献   

采用热模拟试验机对Q460q高强度桥梁钢热影响区的组织及韧性进行了分析、研究。结果表明,峰值温度Tp为900℃时,模拟焊接热影响区组织为细小的铁素体+少量细小的珠光体,韧性最好。Tp为1100~1350℃时,组织为粗大的粒状及板条状贝氏体,韧性最差。Tp为1350℃时的粗晶区,随着冷却时间t8/5的延长,组织变得粗大,先共析铁素体数量增加,M-A组元尺寸变大,且数量先增加后减少,韧性降低。  相似文献   

火焰切割所产生的被切割金属材料的组织变化直接影响到精密金属切削机床的加工余量,因此对切割断面区域的金相组织研究是优化切割工艺参数和提高断面质量的前提和基础.通过对厚度为900 mm的34CrNiMo6钢以及厚度为450mm的45钢铸锭进行氧-丙烷火焰切割试验,并对切割断面热影响区宏观及微观组织进行观察,分析了热影响区组织变化对工件性能的影响,确定了切割热影响区的范围以及精密金属切削的机械加工余量,为进一步优化曲柄切割工艺参数及切割后加工起指导作用.  相似文献   

Based on welding thermal simulation on Nb-microalloyed X80 pipeline steel using Gleeble-3500 thermal simulation equipment,microstructure and impact toughness in coarse grain heat-affected zone (CGHAZ) ...  相似文献   

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