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The fraction of twinned region in lenticular martensite was measured as a function of the formation temperature of martensite. It was found that the fraction increases linearly with the decrease in the formation temperature. The temperature rise at the interface due to the latent heat of transformation during the adiabatic growth of martensite plate is shown to be the probable reason for the twinning-to-slip transition. From a calculation of the local temperature rise, the thickening rate of lenticular martensite is estimated to be about 30 cm/sec, which is more than three orders of magnitude slower than that of lengthwise growth.  相似文献   

For Ni–Mn–Ga alloys, giant magnetic-field-induced strains may be achieved in a modulated martensitic state, offering attractive chances for academic and practical exploration. However, the metastability of modulated martensite imposes a severe constraint on the capacity of these alloys as promising materials for sensors and actuators. In the present work, we conduct both experimental examinations and ab initio calculations to seek potential remedies of this critical problem through composition tuning. Results show that, for Group II alloys having modulated martensite at reasonable temperatures, the increase in Ni addition results in an enhanced tendency to the formation of non-modulated (NM) martensite, whereas the proper Mn addition leads to the stabilization of seven-layered modulated (7M) martensite, which serves as the structural ground state of martensite. By correlating the microstructural evolutions with the two-stage phase transformation (i.e. austenite  7M martensite  NM martensite), it is demonstrated that the 7M martensite possesses lower energy barriers in terms of the lattice distortion of parent austenite and the interfacial energy of martensitic variants, which plays a vital role in bridging the austenite to NM martensite transformation. This result is expected to provide useful information for the design of these new functional materials.  相似文献   

Electronic structure of iron-aluminides (Fe1−xAlx) has been calculated for a range of aluminum concentration (0⩽x⩽0.5) by using first principles density functional theory to explain the variation of electrical resistivity with increasing Al content. The Fe–Al intermetallics are modeled by a cluster of 15 atoms confined to their bulk geometry. The location of Al atoms as a function of concentration, x was determined by minimizing the total energy of the clusters. The electronic structure was determined by calculating the total as well as partial density of states around each of the Fe and Al atoms. With increasing Al concentration, the transfer of Al 3p electrons into the minority 3d orbital of Fe not only has a profound effect on the magnetic properties of these intermetallics, but affects their transport properties as well. For example, the observed anomaly in the electrical resistivity of Fe1−xAlx that peaks at x=0.33 is found to be a direct consequence of the filling of the Fe 3d orbital with Al valence electrons. The density of states is characterized by three distinct features: a narrow 3d band just below the Fermi energy originating from the Fe atoms, an Al s-band lying deeper in energy, and an Al p-band above the Fermi energy. The energy gap between Al 3p and Fe 3d density of states decreases with increasing Al concentration and for x=0.40, the density of states at the Fermi energy is a strongly hybridized p–d state giving Fe1−xAlx metallic-like properties. These features are consistent with the recent photoemission studies carried out at the synchrotron facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. An anomaly in the temperature dependence of electrical resistivity is also explained in terms of the unique electronic and magnetic structure of these intermetallics.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》2000,48(9):2297-2306
Bridgman crystal growth experiments were carried out to investigate the solidification behavior of Fe–Ni alloys containing nominally between 4 and 4.5 at.% Ni. Due to macrosegregation, a radial concentration gradient was established across the cylindrical specimens. Due to this gradient, a series of solid/liquid interface morphologies was observed. Oriented two-phase microstructures, which formed either lamellar or fibrous δ-ferrite in an austenite (γ) matrix, were found in the central region of specimens with a composition of some 4.2 at.% Ni and a G/V ratio close to the critical ratio for solid/liquid interface breakdown. At slightly smaller concentrations, oscillatory two-phase structures formed which were similar to the 2-λ instabilities of off-eutectic alloys. The observations confirm that at low solidification rates the stable growth morphology in peritectic alloys cannot be selected by the highest growth temperature criterion. A recently developed nucleation and constitutional undercooling criterion (NCU) was applied to establish a solidification microstructure selection map. Reasonable agreement was obtained between calculated and experimental results. Based on eutectic growth theory the possibility of simultaneous two-phase growth in peritectic alloys is discussed.  相似文献   

N. Stanford  D.P. Dunne 《Acta Materialia》2010,58(20):6752-6762
Fe–Mn–Si is a well-characterized ternary shape memory alloy. Research on this alloy has consistently shown that the addition of 5–6 wt.% Si is desirable to enhance the reversibility of stress-induced martensite vis-à-vis shape memory. This paper examines the effect of Si on the morphology and the crystallography of the martensite in the Fe–Mn–Si system. It is concluded that the addition of Si increases the c/a ratio of the martensite, reduces the transformation volume change and decreases the atomic spacing difference between the parallel close-packed directions in the austenite–martensite interface (habit) plane. It is proposed that, in addition to austenite strengthening, Si enhances reversibility by reducing the volume change and the interfacial atomic mismatch between the martensite and the austenite. Although shape memory is improved, transformation reversibility remains limited by the necessary misfit dislocations that accommodate the atomic spacing differences in the interface.  相似文献   

In the present work, modulated four- and five-layered orthorhombic, seven-layered monoclinic (4O, 10M and 14M) and unmodulated double tetragonal (L10) martensites are characterized in Heusler Ni–Mn–Sn alloys using X-ray diffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction techniques and thermal analysis. All modulated layered martensites exhibit twins and stacking faults, while the L10 martensite shows fewer structural defects. The substitution of Sn with Mn in Ni50Mn37+xSn13?x (x = 0, 2, 4) enhances the martensitic transition temperatures, while the transition temperatures decrease with increasing Mn content for constant Sn levels in Ni50?yMn37+ySn13 (y = 0, 2, 4). The compositional dependence of the martensitic transition temperatures is mainly attributed to the valence electron concentration (e/a) and the unit-cell volume of the high-temperature phase. With increasing transition temperatures (or e/a), the resultant martensitic crystal structure evolves in a sequence of 4O  10M  14M  L10 in bulk Ni–Mn–Sn alloys.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》2003,51(6):1561-1572
The effect of the crystallography of film-like Ni3Al(γ′) precipitates along grain boundaries of NiAl(β) on the fracture stress at room temperature was examined using β bicrystals with controlled orientations. The selected variant of γ′-film satisfied the Kurdjumov–Sachs (K–S) relation with a neighbouring β crystal, and deviated from the relation with an adjacent β crystal. In the course of tensile deformation at ambient temperature, fracture occurred preferentially at the (β/γ′) interphase boundary deviating from the K–S relation, which showed no plastic flow, and the fracture stress decreased with increasing deviation angle. In contrast, slip transfer from γ′-film to β crystal across coherent (β/γ′) interface was observed, when the variant of γ′-film satisfied the K–S relation with both neighbouring β crystals. To clarify the relation between the interphase boundary fracture and the deviation angle from the K–S relation, the boundary structure of incoherent (β/γ′) interfaces was discussed using O-lattice theory and transmission electron microscopic observations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of swaging on the microstructure and tensile properties of high density two phase alloys 90W–7Ni–3Fe and 93W–4.9Ni–2.1Fe. Samples were liquid phase sintered under hydrogen and argon at 1480 °C for 30 min and then 15% cold rotary swaged. Measurement of microstructural parameters in the sintered and swaged samples showed that swaging slightly increased tungsten grain size in the longitudinal direction and slightly decreased tungsten grain size in the transverse direction. Swaging increased the contiguity values in both longitudinal and transverse directions. Swaging led to more severe deformations at the edges than at the center of the specimens. Solidus and liquidus temperatures of the nickel-based binder phase in the sintered and swaged samples were determined by differential scanning calorimetry measurements. An increase in tensile strength with a reduction in ductility was observed due to strain hardening by swaging.  相似文献   

The effect of the composition and cooling rate of the melt on the microhardness, phase composition, and fine-structure parameters of as-cast and splat-quenched (SQ) high-entropy (HE) Al–Cu–Fe–Ni–Si alloys was studied. The quenching was performed by conventional splat-cooling technique. The cooling rate was estimated to be ~106 K/s. Components of the studied HE alloys were selected taking into account both criteria for designing and estimating their phase composition, which are available in the literature and based on the calculations of the entropy and enthalpy of mixing, and the difference between atomic radii of components as well. According to X-ray diffraction data, the majority of studied Al–Cu–Fe–Ni–Si compositions are two-phase HE alloys, the structure of which consists of disordered solid solutions with bcc and fcc structures. At the same time, the Al0.5CuFeNi alloy is single-phase in terms of X-ray diffraction and has an fcc structure. The studied alloys in the as-cast state have a dendritic structure, whereas, after splat quenching, the uniform small-grained structure is formed. It was found that, as the volume fraction of bcc solid solution in the studied HE alloys increases, the microhardness increases; the as-cast HE Al–Cu–Fe–Ni–Si alloys are characterized by higher microhardness compared to that of splat-quenched alloys. This is likely due to the more equilibrium multiphase state of as-cast alloys.  相似文献   

Methods of optical and electron microscopies were used to study the structure of particles of niobium carbide in a cast refractory Fe–Cr–Ni–C alloy modified by Nb and Ti. Particles of niobium carbide in the structure of the cast alloy are predominantly multiphase polycrystalline clusters that are inhomogeneous in the chemical composition and crystal structure. The misorientation angle between individual crystals that compose the carbide particles is 30°–60°. The polycrystalline character of carbides is probably associated with significant thermal stresses that arise at the interphase boundaries in the structure of the alloy upon the primary cooling of the ingot. To explain the polymorphism of the cluster of niobium carbide, a further analysis of the structural and geometrical crystallography is required.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》2002,50(7):1797-1807
The Fe alloy melts containing 7.5, 15, 22.5 and 30 at% Ni were bulk undercooled to investigate the structure evolution. When the undercooling of the four melts is lower than the critical value 110, 125, 175 and 325 K, respectively, only the stable face-centered cubic phase crystallizes. In this case a grain refinement caused by solid superheating is observed in all the alloys, but another grain refinement induced by recrystallization can merely occur in the Fe–30 at%Ni alloy undercooled by 190–325 K. Alternate crystallization of the metastable body-centered cubic phase occurs above the critical undercooling. It is indicated that the subsequent heterogeneous nucleation of the stable phase in the metastable solid and remaining liquid coexisting system is influenced not only by the morphology and surface area of the metastable solid, but also by the effective undercooling of the remaining liquid. On the basis of the experimental results and the theoretical analyses, a structure evolution map for bulk Fe–Ni system is constructed.  相似文献   


Zn, Zn–Ni, Zn–Fe and Zn–Fe–Ni films have been deposited by electrochemical deposition technique onto steel plate substrates. The objective of this study was to characterise the corrosion properties of these alloys in saline solution for the application as new environmentally friendly sacrificial coatings in the protection of steel structures. The morphological and structural properties of the alloys were systematically studied using XRD and SEM techniques. Cyclic voltammetry of the individual metals was performed to help understand the electroplating process of the films. Grain sizes of the films were calculated using Scherrer's formula. Partial substitution of Zn to Fe and Ni leads to an improvement in the corrosion resistance. Compared with other zinc alloys, the Zn–Ni alloy deposit was the noblest.  相似文献   

The following anomalies are theoretically analyzed: weakening of the protective ability of dense Cr2O3 film during its long-term thermal exposure (because of iron oxidation under the film); lowering of the heat resistance of Fe–Cr and Fe–Ni–Cr alloys during the oxidation (800°C) with an increase in the chromium content over 40 at. %; improving of the protective ability of the films formed at Fe–Ni alloys because of nickel oxidation under the dense FeO film; and the internal oxidation of the Fe 30Ni alloys under the FeO films with the internal formation of FeO oxides and spinel of NiFe2O4 type. It is shown that these anomalies can be explained, and the composition of the most heat-resistant alloys calculated, if one takes into account that associates with significantly stronger interatomic bonds than those in ideal solutions can form in solid solutions and cause unlimited solubility of the metallic components in each other.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》2003,51(15):4395-4409
The most salient features of the surface structure and bulk behavior of Ni–Pd alloys have been studied using the Bozzolo–Ferrante–Smith (BFS) method for alloys. Large-scale atomistic simulations were performed to investigate surface segregation profiles as a function of temperature, crystal face, and composition. Pd enrichment of the first layer was observed in (1 1 1) and (1 0 0) surfaces, and enrichment of the top two layers occurred for (1 1 0) surfaces. In all cases, the segregation profile shows alternated planes enriched and depleted in Pd. In addition, the phase structure of bulk Ni–Pd alloys as a function of temperature and composition was studied. A weak ordering tendency was observed at low temperatures, which helps to explain the compositional oscillations in the segregation profiles. Finally, based on atom-by-atom static energy calculations, a comprehensive explanation for the observed surface and bulk features will be presented in terms of competing chemical and strain energy effects.  相似文献   

We have succeeded to fabricate body-centered cubic (bcc) single phase of Fe–Mn–Ga alloys using melt-spinning technique. Heusler type L21 structure of Fe2MnGa alloy are predicted to have half-metallic properties, however bulk Fe2MnGa alloys crystallize into face-centered cubic (fcc) lattice with small admixture of bcc phase. By changing either ejection temperature or rotation speed of melt-spinning processing parameters, fcc or bcc lattice can be obtained from same precursor ingot. For stoichiometric Fe2MnGa as-spun alloy, super-lattice diffraction peaks indicative of L21 structure are observed from XRD measurements. The as-spun bcc alloys transform into ferromagnetic hexagonal lattice by thermal annealing.  相似文献   

《Scripta materialia》2002,46(8):605-610
In single crystal Ni2MnGa that exhibits 4.6% magnetic field induced strain (MFIS) at 291 K, it is found that the effect lacks thermal stability. As the temperature rises, the MFIS decreases concomitantly with the lattice distortion. At the same time, the critical magnetic field necessary to activate twin boundary motion falls. A new intermediate martensitic phase is observed.  相似文献   

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