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The combination of various design and performance parameters in dual thrust solid rocket motors coupled with constraints may lead to a multitude of configurations. It is difficult to initially determine a suitable design without optimization. In this article, a methodology for the design of a 3D wagon wheel that provides two levels of thrust, namely boost phase thrust and sustain phase thrust, is investigated. The proposed framework consists of an integrated approach of grain design, computer aided design and hybrid optimization. A hybrid genetic algorithm and simulated annealing are used for optimization due to their robustness and capability to find global optimal solution. Several benchmark test functions are used to validate the performance of the optimization algorithm and solution. Maximization of the average thrust ratio and the total impulse are the objective functions under the given constraints. 相似文献
加速度对丁羟推进剂燃速影响的研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
通过试验研究了加速度场中丁羟推进剂的燃速的加速度敏感性。另外从加速度力作用下燃烧区压缩导致热反馈增大角度出发,建立了加速度条件下推进剂稳态燃烧模型,并编程计算、分析了影响推进剂燃速敏感性的因素,可为发动机内弹道设计提供参考。 相似文献
Nadir Yilmaz Burl Donaldson Walter Gill William Erikson 《Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics》2008,33(2):109-117
Strand burner pressure–time data are analyzed to determine if the propellant burning rate can be extracted. This approach is based on strand burner pressure–time history that is related to the temperature change due to exothermic reaction heating of chamber gases and gas addition to the chamber by propellant combustion products. In support of this method, chemical equilibrium calculations were made to project product composition, internal energy, and other needed properties. A mathematical model was formulated and solved numerically and the calculated burning rates were compared with the experimental wire‐break time results provided simultaneously and with the propellant manufacturer's results, when available. The comparisons reveal that the approach has merit and that more accurate pressure determination coupled with additional thermochemical information and strand burner gas temperature measurements has the potential to make this approach a viable technique and one that can be applied in conjunction with other burning rate measurements. The proposed method is similar to a well‐developed technique which is commonly applied to ballistic powders but with adjustments for the differences in geometry, pressure, and time of event. 相似文献
Alaa R. Abdel Gawad Mahmoud Y. M. Ahmed Hamed M. Abdalla Mohamed A. El‐Senbawy 《Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics》2016,41(6):965-971
Mathematical models that simulate the internal ballistics of solid propellant rocket motors are widely used in lieu of the expensive, hazardous, time‐consuming static firing experiments. Since they rely on the input of various measured data, these models are vulnerable to uncertainties that may deteriorate their prediction accuracy. Improving the accuracy of internal ballistics prediction can be achieved by coupling the mathematical models with optimization algorithm. This paper discusses the issues of uncertainties and their impact on prediction accuracy of developed mathematical models. The model handles two types of dual thrust rocket motors, where the impact of uncertainties is more pronounced since they include more geometric and ballistic parameters. The model is developed based on the fundamental principles of internal ballistics and is coupled with a commercial genetic algorithm optimization tool. Two static firing tests are conducted to assess the proposed optimized prediction model. It is found that prediction optimization via tuning the uncertain parameters has led to significantly improving the prediction accuracy. More importantly, the tuned uncertain parameters give better understanding and clearer insight of the phenomena taking place inside dual thrust solid propellant rocket motors. 相似文献
Tai‐Kang Liu 《Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics》2011,36(2):131-139
This study acquired, classified, and analyzed more than 3500 repeated‐measured steady state strand burner burning rate data from our quality control data bank as well as from open literature. The large size of consistent data from our resource were employed for the construction of a model that correlates burning rate standard deviations with average burning rates for both within‐batch lots and among‐batch lots. An increase in standard deviations with burning rates was observed for both correlations. Both correlations exhibit an R2‐statistic larger than 0.82 within burning rate range of 3.4–38.6 mm s−1, and both correlations provide predictions in good agreements with some good quality published data. These two correlations may serve as feasible burning rate standard deviation tolerance reference when conducting composite propellants production quality control or burning rate data reproducibility checkup. Moreover, the confidence limits of parameters from the derived within‐batch correlation equation allow assessing the maximum pressure‐exponent uncertainties within selected burning rate range, thus provide insightful considerations to pressure‐exponent tolerance assignment for propellants under development or production. 相似文献
根据朗缪尔单分子吸附原理和AP分解的质子转移机理,分别在AP晶体界面和气相混合区中确立物质守恒关系,分析了AP在不同分解速率下气相混合区中NH_3和HClO_4的气相分子浓度关系;将其与AP晶体气固交界面的反应强度进行关联,建立了一种能够分析压强变化状态对推进剂燃速影响的动力学机理,并推导了相应的物理过程,通过实验将AP/降速剂(CaCO_3或NH_4C_2O_4)的TG-DSC分析结果与药条燃速结果进行了对比。结果表明,该降速机理能够解释降速剂对推进剂燃速和压强指数的多种作用,CaCO_3能够使AP的热失重分解温度出现一定程度的前移,因此对控制推进剂的高压压强指数有利,而NH_4C_2O_4不具备这种效果。 相似文献
概述了固体推进剂配方优化设计的进展及常用的优化方法,重点介绍了模式搜索法和遗传算法优化原理,通过一些典型实例介绍了具体优化计算方法。该优化方法和优化设计软件包(SPOD)可用于火炸药、化学及高分子材料配方优化设计中。附参考文献41篇。 相似文献
对发动机装药无缸浇注技术进行了研究.按国内的二次料斗真空花板除气装药工艺,设计了药浆流入真空系统中成形复杂结构药柱的无缸浇注技术,经过小型燃烧室旋转式无缸连续浇注工艺试验、大型发动机药柱无缸浇注工艺演示试验,验证了无缸浇注的技术可行性.提出在大型固体助推发动机装药中采用无缸浇注工艺成型途径. 相似文献
Four bis(ethylenediamine)metal(II) nitrate (BEMN) complexes, i.e. [M(EDA)2](NO3)2, where M=Cu, Co, Ni and Zn, have been prepared and characterized. Thermolysis of these complexes induced by heat and drop‐weight impact has been investigated by TG‐DTG, DTA, explosion delay (DE), explosion temperature (TE) and impact sensitivity measurement. The kinetics of early thermolysis reaction prior to fast decomposition have been evaluated. Contracting area (CA, n=2) and contracting cube (CC, n=3) equations were found to give the best fits in isothermal TG data among all tested nine mechanism‐based kinetic models. The values of activation energy (Ea), TE, DE and activation energy for explosion (E*) have been found to be quite lower for the copper complex as compared to cobalt, nickel and zinc complexes. A mechanism of thermolysis has also been proposed. All these complexes were found to be insensitive towards impact of 2 kg weight up to the height of 110 cm. These complexes were used as energetic burning rate modifiers in the combustion of hydroxy‐terminated polybutadiene (HTPB)‐ammonium perchlorate (AP) composite solid propellants. A two‐fold increase in burning rate was observed with copper and cobalt complexes at low concentration (2% by wt.). The in situ freshly formed metal oxides with large number of active sites in their crystallites seem to be better additives for combustion of propellants. 相似文献
在一维气相稳态反应流模型的基础上,总结了适用于双基推进剂、改性双基推进剂、复合固体推进剂燃速预估的修正因子,拓宽了燃烧理论模型的适用范围.采用Visual C++和Microsoft Access为开发工具,完成了基于组分化学键结构参数的固体推进剂燃速预估软件(SPRS)编制.该软件基于Windows XP系统,界面友好,使用方便,具有数据更新和信息查询功能.用户不仅能根据推进剂的化学组成(配方)和给定压强计算燃速、压力指数等参数,还可根据给定的燃速和压力指数等调整推进剂配方组成,对缩短固体推进剂研制周期和节约研制成本具有重要意义. 相似文献
This work aimed at evaluating the spray congealing method for the production of microparticles of carbamazepine combined with a polyoxylglyceride carrier. In addition, the influence of the spray congealing conditions on the improvement of drug solubility was investigated using a three-factor, three-level Box-Behnken design. The factors studied were the cooling air flow rate, atomizing pressure, and molten dispersion feed rate. Dependent variables were the yield, solubility, encapsulation efficiency, particle size, water activity, and flow properties. Statistical analysis showed that only the yield was affected by the factors studied. The characteristics of the microparticles were evaluated using X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and hot-stage microscopy. The results showed a spherical morphology and changes in the crystalline state of the drug. The microparticles were obtained with good yields and encapsulation efficiencies, which ranged from 50 to 80% and 99.5 to 112%, respectively. The average size of the microparticles ranged from 17.7 to 39.4 µm, the water activities were always below 0.5, and flowability was good to moderate. Both the solubility and dissolution rate of carbamazepine from the spray congealed microparticles were remarkably improved. The carbamazepine solubility showed a threefold increase and dissolution profile showed a twofold increase after 60 min compared to the raw drug. The Box-Behnken fractional factorial design proved to be a powerful tool to identify the best conditions for the manufacture of solid dispersion microparticles by spray congealing. 相似文献
输气焊接HDPE三通管道,由于焊接使材料性能下降,并产生应力集中,因此必须对管道连接处增加壁厚.基于对HDPE材料性能和焊接处HDPE材料拉伸强度的试验,对HDPE材料三通管道壁厚进行数值优化设计.有限元模型中采用理想弹塑性和Ramberg-Osgood两种材料本构模型,计算得到管道等应力线以及壁厚优化曲线,对管道设计具有实际意义. 相似文献