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In a previous article, a stress testing methodology was reported to detect network traffic‐related Real‐Time (RT) faults in distributed RT systems based on the design UML model of a System Under Test (SUT). The stress methodology, referred to as Test LOcation‐driven Stress Testing (TLOST), aimed at increasing the chances of RT failures (violations in RT constraints) associated with a given stress test location (an network or a node under test). As demonstrated and experimented in this article, although TLOST is useful in stress testing different test locations (nodes and network, it does not guarantee to target (test) all RT constraints in an SUT. This is because the durations of message sequences bounded by some RT constraints might never be exercised (covered) by TLOST. A complementary stress test methodology is proposed in this article, which guarantees to target (cover) all RT constraints in an SUT and detect their potential RT faults (if any). Using a case study, this article shows that the new complementary methodology is capable of targeting the RT faults not detected by the previous test methodology. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a scheme for conformance checking of GKS implementations with the given GKS standard specification[1] based on functional black box testing. Specific testing problems caused by the nature of graphics systems and a solution are presented. Thereby emphasis is laid on a software generation technique which allows to configure reference implementations from a suitable specification of GKS. The reference implementation is used to produce correct reference data the contents and formats of which are adjusted for the particular candidate implementation.  相似文献   

User‐interactive undo is a recovery facility that enables users to correct mistakes easily by canceling or re‐executing operations that have already been executed. This paper presents an interesting common structural property that has been discovered in programs that implementing user‐interactive undo features. The property shows that there is a one‐to‐one correspondence between program statements that raise erroneous effects and those statements that can undo these effects. Statistical validation has been conducted which gives evidences to show that this property holds for 99 per cent of all the cases. An approach for automated verification of user‐interactive undo features in database applications through the use of this empirical property is further proposed. Based on the verification results, test cases are automatically generated to confirm the correctness of these features. A case study has been conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed verification and testing approach in terms of fault detection capability. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a generic formal framework to specify and test autonomous e‐commerce agents. First, the formalism to represent the behaviour of agents is introduced. The corresponding machinery to define how implementations can be tested follows. Two testing approaches are considered. The first of them, which can be called active, is based on stimulating the implementation under test (IUT) with a test. The peculiarity is that tests will be defined as a special case of autonomous e‐commerce agent. The second approach, which can be called passive, consists of observing the behaviour of the tested agent in an environment containing other agents. As a case study the framework is applied to the e‐commerce system Kasbah. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Firewalls are one of the most widely used security devices to protect a communications network. They help secure it by blocking unwanted traffic from entering or leaving the protected network. Several commercial vendors have extended their firewall capabilities to support SCADA protocols or designed SCADA-specific firewalls. Although open-source firewalls are used successfully in IT networks, their use in SCADA networks has not been properly investigated. In this research we investigate the major open-source firewalls for their use in SCADA networks and identify Linux iptables’ potential as an effective SCADA firewall. Iptables is a powerful open-source firewall solution available as part of most Linux distributions in use today. In general, use of iptables as a network-level firewall for SCADA systems has been limited to basic port and host filtering, without further inspection of control messages. We propose and demonstrate a novel methodology to use iptables as an effective firewall for SCADA systems. This is achieved by utilizing advanced iptables features that allow for dynamic inspection of packet data. It is noteworthy to mention that the proposed solution does not require any modification to the netfilter/iptables framework, making it possible to turn a Linux system into an effective SCADA firewall. The approach has been tested by defining filtering rules for the Modbus TCP protocol and validating its ability to defend against various attacks on the protocol.  相似文献   

The goal of regression testing is to ensure that the behaviour of existing code, believed correct by previous testing, is not altered by new program changes. This paper argues that the primary focus of regression testing should be on code associated with (1) earlier bug fixes and (2) particular application scenarios considered to be important by the developer or tester. Existing coverage criteria do not enable such focus, for example, 100% branch coverage does not guarantee that a given bug fix is exercised or a given application scenario is tested. Therefore, there is a need for a new and complementary coverage criterion in which the user can definea test requirement characterizing a given behaviour to be covered as opposed to choosing from a pool of pre‐defined and generic program elements. This paper proposes this new methodology and calls it UCov, a user‐defined coverage criterion wherein a test requirement is an execution pattern of program elements, and possibly predicates, that a test case must satisfy. The proposed criterion is not meant to replace existing criteria, but to complement them as it focuses the testing on important code patterns that could go untested otherwise. UCov supports test case intent verification. For example, following a bug fix, the testing team may augment the regression suite with the test case that revealed the bug. However, this test case might become obsolete due to code modifications not related to the bug. But if a test requirement characterizing the bug was defined by the user, UCov would determine that test case intent verification failed. The UCov methodology was implemented for the Java platform, was successfully applied onto 10 real‐life case studies and was shown to have advantages over JUnit. The implementation comprises the following tools: (1) TRSpec: allows the user to easily specify complex test requirements; (2) TRCheck: checks whether user‐defined test requirements were satisfied, that is, supports test case intent verification; and (3) TRMigrate: migrates user‐defined test requirements to subsequent versions of a given program. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于行为的软件测试过程模型及其应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在深入研究各种综合测试技术的基础上,通过对比分析各种主流的测试模型,提出了一种基于行为的软件测试过程模型,包括了测试设计、测试计划、测试执行、测试结果分析和测试重用等活动,把这些测试活动嵌入到软件开发的整个生命周期当中。然后将这种测试模型应用到一个大型的应用程序测试项目(AMP)中,发现这种测试模型在尽早发现Bug和回归测试选择效率上具有较好的测试效果。  相似文献   

Many modern automated test generators are based on either metaheuristic search techniques or use constraint solvers. Both approaches have their advantages, but they also have specific drawbacks: Search‐based methods may get stuck in local optima and degrade when the search landscape offers no guidance; constraint‐based approaches, on the other hand, can only handle certain domains efficiently. This paper describes a method that integrates both techniques and delivers the best of both worlds. On a high‐level view, the proposed method uses a genetic algorithm to generate tests, but the twist is that during evolution, a constraint solver is used to ensure that mutated offspring efficiently explores different control flow. Experiments on 20 case study programmes show that on average the combination improves branch coverage by 28% over search‐based techniques while reducing the number of tests by 55%, and improves coverage by 13% over constraint‐based techniques while reducing the number of tests by 73%. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regression testing is an expensive testing process used to validate modified software. Regression test selection and test‐case prioritization can reduce the costs of regression testing by selecting a subset of test cases for execution, or scheduling test cases to meet testing objectives better. The cost‐effectiveness of these techniques can vary widely, however, and one cause of this variance is the type and magnitude of changes made in producing a new software version. Engineers unaware of the causes and effects of this variance can make poor choices in designing change integration processes, selecting inappropriate regression testing techniques, designing excessively expensive regression test suites and making unnecessarily costly changes. Engineers aware of causal factors can perform regression testing more cost‐effectively. This article reports the results of an embedded multiple case study investigating the modifications made in the evolution of four software systems and their impact on regression testing techniques. The results of this study expose tradeoffs and constraints that affect the success of techniques and provide guidelines for designing and managing regression testing processes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用工业组态软件强大的人机界面功能和灵活实用的网络功能,结合工业以太网技术在组网中方便可靠的特性,设计了一个自来水厂的自动监测系统。  相似文献   

This paper presents a model-driven, stress test methodology aimed at increasing chances of discovering faults related to network traffic in distributed real-time systems (DRTS). The technique uses the UML 2.0 model of the distributed system under test, augmented with timing information, and is based on an analysis of the control flow in sequence diagrams. It yields stress test requirements that are made of specific control flow paths along with time values indicating when to trigger them. The technique considers different types of arrival patterns (e.g., periodic) for real-time events (common to DRTSs), and generates test requirements which comply with such timing constraints. Though different variants of our stress testing technique already exist (that stress different aspects of a distributed system), they share a large amount of common concepts and we therefore focus here on one variant that is designed to stress test the system at a time instant when data traffic on a network is maximal. Our technique uses genetic algorithms to find test requirements which lead to maximum possible traffic-aware stress in a system under test. Using a real-world DRTS specification, we design and implement a prototype DRTS and describe, for that particular system, how the stress test cases are derived and executed using our methodology. The stress test results indicate that the technique is significantly more effective at detecting network traffic-related faults when compared to test cases based on an operational profile.  相似文献   

This paper describes the testing strategy, methods and tools used for testing a distributed financial services system on the Internet with CORBA interfaces for handling a high volume of queries to a relational database. The new system architecture was derived by reengineering a previous more limited application. The paper starts with an outline of the software architecture, the testing requirements and the testing strategy. It then goes on to describe the tools used in the project and the results achieved. For the project a generic C++ integration test framework was developed especially for testing distributed components. This tool is described in detail. The paper ends with a discussion of the discovered defects and their distribution. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increasingly, modern‐day software systems are being built by combining externally‐developed software components with application‐specific code. For such systems, existing program‐analysis‐based software engineering techniques may not directly apply, due to lack of information about components. To address this problem, the use of component metadata has been proposed. Component metadata are metadata and metamethods provided with components, that retrieve or calculate information about those components. In particular, two component‐metadata‐based approaches for regression test selection are described: one using code‐based component metadata and the other using specification‐based component metadata. The results of empirical studies that illustrate the potential of these techniques to provide savings in re‐testing effort are provided. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   



Mutation testing is a fault-injection-based technique to help testers generate test cases for detecting specific and predetermined types of faults.


Before mutation testing can be effectively applied to embedded systems, traditional mutation testing needs to be modified. To inject a fault into an embedded system without causing any system failure or hardware damage is a challenging task as it requires some knowledge of the underlying layers such as the kernel and the corresponding hardware.


We propose a set of mutation operators for embedded systems using kernel-based software and hardware fault simulation. These operators are designed for software developers so that they can use the mutation technique to test the entire system after the software is integrated with the kernel and hardware devices.


A case study on a programmable logic controller for a digital reactor protection system in a nuclear power plant is conducted. Our results suggest that the proposed mutation operators are useful for fault-injection and this is evidenced by the fact that faults not injected by us were discovered in the subject software as a result of the case study.


We conclude that our mutation operators are useful for integration testing of an embedded system.  相似文献   

Software architecture specifications are of growing importance for coping with the complexity of large-scale systems. They provide an abstract view on the high-level structural system entities together with their explicit dependencies and build the basis for ensuring behavioral conformance of component implementations and interactions, e.g., using model-based integration testing. The increasing inherent diversity of such large-scale variant-rich systems further complicates quality assurance. In this article, we present a combination of architecture-driven model-based testing principles and regression-inspired testing strategies for efficient, yet comprehensive variability-aware conformance testing of variant-rich systems. We propose an integrated delta-oriented architectural test modeling and testing approach for component as well as integration testing that allows the generation and reuse of test artifacts among different system variants. Furthermore, an automated derivation of retesting obligations based on accurate delta-oriented architectural change impact analysis is provided. Based on a formal conceptual framework that guarantees stable test coverage for every system variant, we present a sample implementation of our approach and an evaluation of the validity and efficiency by means of a case study from the automotive domain.  相似文献   

A number of current control systems for aircraft have been specified with statecharts. The risk of failures requires the use of a formal testing approach to ensure that all possible faults are considered. However, testing the compliance of an implementation of a system to its specification is dependent on the specification method and little work has been reported relating to the use of statechart-specific methods. This paper describes a modification of a formal testing method for extended finite-state machines to handle the above problem. The method allows one to demonstrate correct behaviour of an implementation of some system, with respect to its specification, provided certain specific requirements for both of them are satisfied. The case study illustrates these and shows the applicability of the method. By considering the process used to develop the system it is possible to reduce the size of the test set dramatically; the method to be described is easy to automate. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

邓雄  刘超 《计算机工程与设计》2006,27(13):2414-2418
软件确认测试在软件测试生命周期中占有重要地位。尽管在整个开发过程中经历了各种测试和检验,但是,在其正式发布和投入运行之前仍必需通过正式的和系统全面的测试,来确认其是否符合需求。本文介绍了软件确认测试的主要测试内容及活动,分析了确认测试在软件开发过程中的作用和地位,归纳了确认测试的基本测试模型,总结了确认测试的基本测试过程和方法。  相似文献   

ContextThe design of complex systems demands methodologies to analyze its correct behaviour. It is usual that a correct behaviour is determined by the compliance with temporal requirements. Currently, testing is the most used technology to validate the correctness of systems. Although several techniques that take into account time aspects have been proposed, most of them require the tester interacts with the system. However, if this is not possible, it is necessary to apply a passive testing approach where the tester monitors the behaviour of the system.ObjectiveThe aim of this paper is to propose a methodology to perform passive testing on communicating systems in which the behaviour of their components must fulfill temporal restrictions associated with both performance and delays/timeouts.MethodOur framework uses algorithms for checking traces collected from the systems against invariants which formally represent the most relevant properties that must be fulfilled by the system. In order to support the feasibility of the methodology, we have performed an empirical study on a complex system for automatic recognition of images based on a pipeline architecture. We have analyzed the correctness of the system’s behaviour with respect to a set of invariants. Finally, an experiment, based on mutations of the system, was conducted to study the level of detection of a set of invariants.ResultsDifferent errors were detected and fixed along the development of the system by means of the proposed methodology. The results of the experiments with the mutated versions of the system indicated that the designed set of invariants was more effective in finding errors associated to temporal aspects than those related to communication among components.ConclusionThe proposed technique has been shown to be very useful for analyzing complex timed systems, and find errors when the tester has no control over their behaviour.  相似文献   

Using formal specifications to support software testing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Formal specifications become more and more important in the development of software, especially but not only in the area of high integrity system design. In this paper it is demonstrated, how, apart from the specification phase, further benefits may be drawn from formal specifications for checking the implementation against the specification. It is shown how the specification can be used for systematically deriving test input data and for automatically evaluating test results. The approach is illustrated using the specification language Z. The same principles may be applied to other specification languages. The approach allows a high degree of automation, drastically improving productivity and quality of the testing process.  相似文献   

Markov chain usage models support test planning, test automation, and analysis of test results. In practice, transition probabilities for Markov chain usage models are often specified using a cycle of assigning, verifying, and revising specific values for individual transition probabilities. For large systems, such an approach can be difficult for a variety of reasons. We describe an improved approach that represents transition probabilities by explicitly preserving the information concerning test objectives and the relationships between transition probabilities in a format that is easy to maintain and easy to analyze. Using mathematical programming, transition probabilities are automatically generated to satisfy test management objectives and constraints. A more mathematical treatment of this approach is given in References [ 1 ] (Poore JH, Walton GH, Whittaker JA. A constraint‐based approach to the representation of software usage models. Information and SoftwareTechnology 2000; at press) and [ 2 ] (Walton GH. Generating transition probabilities for Markov chain usage models. PhD Thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, May 1995.). In contrast, this paper is targeted at the software engineering practitioner, software development manager, and test manager. This paper also adds to the published literature on Markov chain usage modeling and model‐based testing by describing and illustrating an iterative process for usage model development and optimization and by providing some recommendations for embedding model‐based testing activities within an incremental development process. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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