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Silicon solar cells that feature screen printed front contacts and a passivated rear surface with local contacts allow higher efficiencies compared to present industrial solar cells that exhibit a full area rear side metallization. If thermal oxidation is used for the rear surface passivation, the final annealing step in the processing sequence is crucial. On the one hand, this post‐metallization annealing (PMA) step is required for decreasing the surface recombination velocity (SRV) at the aluminum‐coated oxide‐passivated rear surface. On the other hand, PMA can negatively affect the screen printed front side metallization leading to a lower fill factor. This work separately analyzes the impact of PMA on both, the screen printed front metallization and the oxide‐passivated rear surface. Measuring dark and illuminated IV‐curves of standard industrial aluminum back surface field (Al‐BSF) silicon solar cells reveals the impact of PMA on the front metallization, while measuring the effective minority carrier lifetime of symmetric lifetime samples provides information about the rear side SRV. One‐dimensional simulations are used for predicting the cell performance according to the contributions from both, the front metallization and the rear oxide‐passivation for different PMA temperatures and durations. The simulation also includes recombination at the local rear contacts. An optimized PMA process is presented according to the simulations and is experimentally verified. The optimized process is applied to silicon solar cells with a screen printed front side metallization and an oxide‐passivated rear surface. Efficiencies up to 18.1% are achieved on 148.8 cm2 Czochralski (Cz) silicon wafers. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The properties of fine‐line printed contacts on silicon solar cells, in combination with light‐induced plating (LIP), are presented. The seed layers are printed using an aerosol system and a new metallization ink called SISC developed at Fraunhofer ISE. The influence of multiple layer printing on the contact geometry is studied as well as the influence of the contact height on the line resistivity and on the contact resistance. The dependence between contact resistance and contact height is measured using the transfer length model (TLM). Further on, it is explained by taking SEM images of the metal–semiconductor interface, that a contact height of less than 1 µm or a minimum ink amount of only 4–6 mg is sufficient to contact a large area (15·6 cm × 15·6 cm) silicon solar cell on the front side and results in a contact resistance Rc × W < 0·5 Ω cm. As the line resistivity of fine‐line printed fingers needs to be reduced by LIP, three different plating solutions are tested on solar cells. The observed differences in line resistivity between ρf = 5 × 10−8 and 2 × 10−8 Ω m are explained by taking SEM pictures of the grown LIP‐silver. Finally, the optimum LIP height for different line resistivities is calculated and experimentally confirmed by processing solar cells with an increasing amount of LIP silver. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thin‐film epitaxial silicon solar cells are an attractive future alternative for bulk silicon solar cells incorporating many of the process advantages of the latter, but on a potentially cheap substrate. Several challenges have to be tackled before this potential can be successfully exploited on a large scale. This paper describes the points of interest and how IMEC aims to solve them. It presents a new step forward towards our final objective: the development of an industrial cell process based on screen‐printing for > 15% efficient epitaxial silicon solar cells on a low‐cost substrate. Included in the discussion are the substrates onto which the epitaxial deposition is done and how work is progressing in several research institutes and universities on the topic of a high‐throughput epitaxial reactor. The industrial screen‐printing process sequence developed at IMEC for these epitaxial silicon solar cells is presented, with emphasis on plasma texturing and improvement of the quality of the epitaxial layer. Efficiencies between 12 and 13% are presented for large‐area (98 cm2) epitaxial layers on highly doped UMG‐Si, off‐spec and reclaim material. Finally, the need for an internal reflection scheme is explained. A realistically achievable internal reflection at the epi/substrate interface of 70% will result in a calculated increase of 3 mA/cm2 in short‐circuit current. An interfacial stack of porous silicon layers (Bragg reflectors) is chosen as a promising candidate and the challenges facing its incorporation between the epitaxial layer and the substrate are presented. Experimental work on this topic is reported and concentrates on the extraction of the internal reflection at the epi/substrate interface from reflectance measurements. Initial results show an internal reflectance between 30 and 60% with a four‐layer porous silicon stack. Resistance measurements for majority carrier flow through these porous silicon stacks are also included and show that no resistance increase is measurable for stacks up to four layers. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A fabrication process for Emitter‐Wrap‐Through solar cells on monocrystalline material with high quality gap passivation by wet thermal silicon dioxide is investigated. Masking and structuring steps are performed by screen‐printing technology. Via‐holes are created by an industrially applicable high‐speed laser drilling process. The cell structure features a selective emitter structure fabricated in a single high temperature step: a highly doped emitter at the via‐holes and the rear side, allowing for a low via‐hole resistivity as well as a low resistivity contact to screen‐printed pastes, and a moderately doped front side emitter exhibiting high quantum efficiency in the low wavelength range. Therefore a novel approach is applied depositing either doped or undoped PECVD silicon dioxide layers on the front side. It is shown that doping profiles advantageous for the EWT‐cell structure can be achieved. The screen‐printed aluminum paste is found to penetrate the underlying thermal dioxide layer at appropriate contact firing conditions leading to a zone of high recombination in the overlap region of aluminum and silicon dioxide. It is shown that conventional PECVD‐anti‐reflection silicon nitride acts as effective protection layer reducing the recombination in this region. Designated area conversion efficiencies up to 18.8% on FZ material are obtained applying the single step side selective emitter fabrication technique. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the influence of the composition of screen printing metal pastes on contacting boron emitters for crystalline silicon solar cells, optimized on the basis of commercial Ag‐paste Ferro 3347 by adding silicon and aluminum. Aluminum provides a lower contact resistance, while silicon prevents the spiking and alloying of aluminum with the silicon of the substrate. The best pastes have turned out to be high Si‐concentrated, which have provided a final specific contact resistance of 3–4 mΩ cm2 on screen printed boron emitters diffused at 1000°C for 8 min, with shunt conductance lower than 0.6 mS/cm2. The final fill factors have been better than 77.5% and open circuit voltages have exceeded 605 mV on Czochralski (Cz) n type 0.7 Ω cm solar cells. These results have proven the feasibility of our screen printing process for p+nn+ structures. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The advanced semiconductor finger solar cell is a silicon wafer cell designed for industrial implementation. The concept incorporates a selective emitter with a front side grid metallisation that combines the advantages of both screen printing and plating techniques. Screen‐printed metal forms the busbars and a few thick but widely spaced fingers. The current is carried to these fingers via narrow, closely spaced, thinly plated, laser‐doped lines formed perpendicular to the fingers. This paper explains the evolution from the original semiconductor finger cell design to this advanced version and outlines the issues encountered in the process development thus far. An encouraging result of 18.5% efficiency has been achieved on a large area cell with fully industrial equipment, and several opportunities for significant improvement are identified. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While it is well known that the typical printed silver fingers on a silicon solar cell have profile striations, bottle‐necks, and line breaks, the impact of these imperfections have not been assessed in calculations of front grid related power losses. This study uses detailed finite element modeling to show that when the realistic effects of non‐uniform line conductance is accounted for; the simulated cell efficiency can be significantly lower than under the assumption of uniform lines, becoming closer to measured trends. The study also explores the incorporation of additional interconnecting fingers to the parallel grid finger in the H pattern, concluding that they are typically of no benefit to improving the cell efficiency. As an auxiliary observation, it was found that the efficiency calculated by simple ohmic power loss formulae is typically underestimated by 0.1–0.2% absolute, a margin that should be accounted for in cell optimization and analysis. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Microcrystalline silicon‐based single‐junction pin solar cells have been fabricated by very high‐frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition using a showerhead cathode at high pressures and under silane depletion conditions. The i‐layers are made near the transition from amorphous to crystalline. It was found that, especially at high crystalline fractions, the open‐circuit voltage and fill factor are very sensitive to the morphology of the substrate. At an i‐layer deposition rate 0·45 nm/s, we have measured a stabilised efficiency of 10% (Voc = 0·52 V, FF = 0·74) for a cell made on texture‐etched ZnO:Al. The performance is stable under light soaking. The defect density of the absorber layer is in the 1015 cm−3 range. In spite of the presence of oxygen contamination, good electrical properties and good infrared cell response are obtained. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In recent years, zinc oxide has been investigated as a front electrode material in hydrogenated amorphous silicon/hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (a‐Si:H/µc‐Si:H) tandem solar cells. Such as for other transparent conducting oxide materials and applications, a proper balancing of transparency and conductivity is necessary. The latter is directly related to the density and the mobility of charge carriers. A high density of charge carriers increases conductivity but leads to a higher absorption of light in the near‐infrared part of the spectrum due to increased free‐carrier absorption. Hence, the only way to achieve high conductivity while keeping the transparency as high as possible relies on an increase of carrier mobility. The carrier density and the mobility of sputtered Al‐doped zinc oxide (ZnO:Al) can be tailored by a sequence of different annealing steps. In this work, we implemented such annealed ZnO:Al films as a front electrode in a‐Si:H/µc‐Si:H tandem solar cells and compared the results with those of reference cells grown on as‐deposited ZnO:Al. We observed an improvement of short‐circuit current density as well as open‐circuit voltage and fill factor. The gain in current density could be attributed to a reduction of both sub‐band‐gap absorption and free‐carrier absorption in the ZnO:Al. The higher open‐circuit voltage and fill factor are indicators of a better device quality of the silicon for cells grown on annealed ZnO:Al. Altogether, the annealing led to an improved initial conversion efficiency of 12.1%, which was a gain of +0.7% in absolute terms. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rear surface of high‐efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells is based on a combination of dielectric passivation and point‐like contacts. In this work, we develop a 3D model for these devices based on 2.2 Ωcm p‐type crystalline silicon substrates. We validate the model by comparison with experimental results allowing us to determine an optimum design for the rear pattern. Additionally, the 3D model results are compared with the ones deduced from a simpler and widely used 1D model. Although the maximum efficiency predicted by both models is approximately the same, large deviations are observed in open‐circuit voltage and fill factor. 1D simulations overestimate open‐circuit voltage because Dember and electrochemical potential drops are not taken into account. On the contrary, fill factor is underestimated because of higher ohmic losses along the base when 1D analytical model is used. These deviations are larger for relatively low‐doped substrates, as the ones used in the experimental samples reported hereby, and poor passivated contacts. As a result, 1D models could mislead to too short optimum rear contact spacing. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reducing the optical losses and increasing the reflection while maintaining the function of doped layers at the back contact in solar cells are important issues for many photovoltaic applications. One approach is to use doped microcrystalline silicon oxide (μc‐SiOx:H) with lower optical absorption in the spectral range of interest (300 nm to 1100 nm). To investigate the advantages, we applied the μc‐SiOx:H n‐layers to a‐Si:H single junction solar cells. We report on the comparison between amorphous silicon (a‐Si:H) single junction solar cells with either μc‐SiOx:H n‐layers or non‐alloyed silicon n‐layers. The origin of the improved performance of a‐Si:H single junction solar cells with the μc‐SiOx:H n‐layer is identified by distinguishing the contributions because of the increased transparency and the reduced refractive index of the μc‐SiOx:H material. The solar cell parameters of a‐Si:H solar cells with both types of n‐layers were compared in the initial state and after 1000 h of light soaking in a series of solar cells with various absorber layer thicknesses. The measurement procedure for the determination of the solar cell performance is described in detail, and the measurement accuracy is evaluated and discussed. For an a‐Si:H single junction solar cell with a μc‐SiOx:H n‐layer, a stabilized efficiency of 10.3% after 1000 h light soaking is demonstrated. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interdigitated back contact (IBC) crystalline silicon (c‐Si) solar cells are attracting a lot of attention because of their capability to reach world record conversion efficiency. Because of the relatively complex contact pattern, their design and optimization typically require advanced numerical simulation tools. In this work, a TCAD‐based simulation platform has been developed to account accurately and in detail the optical and passivation mechanisms of front texturization. Its validation has been carried out with respect to a novel homo‐junction IBC c‐Si solar cell based on ion implantation and epitaxial growth, comparing measured and simulated reflectance, transmittance, internal quantum efficiency, external quantum efficiency spectra, and current density–voltage characteristics. As a result of the calibration process, the opto‐electrical losses of the investigated device have been identified quantitatively and qualitatively. Then, an optimization study about the optimal front surface field (FSF) doping, front‐side texturing morphology, and rear side geometry has been performed. The proposed simulation platform can be potentially deployed to model other solar cell architectures than homo‐junction IBC devices (e.g., passivated emitter rear cell, passivated emitter rear locally diffused cell, hetero‐IBC cell). Simulation results show that a not‐smoothed pyramid‐textured front interface and an optimal FSF doping are mandatory to minimize both the optical and the recombination losses in the considered IBC cell and, consequently, to maximize the conversion efficiency. Similarly, it has been showed that recombination losses are affected more by the doping profile rather than the surface smoothing. Moreover, the performed investigation reveals that the optimal FSF doping is almost independent from the front texturing morphology and FSF passivation quality. According to this result, it has been demonstrated that an IBC cell featuring an optimal FSF doping does not exhibit a significant efficiency improvement when the FSF passivation quality strongly improves, proving that IBC cell designs based on low‐doped FSF require a very outstanding passivation quality to be competitive. Deploying an optimization algorithm, the adoption of an optimized rear side geometry can potentially lead to an efficiency improvement of about 1%abs as compared with the reference IBC solar cell. Further, by improving both emitter and c‐Si bulk quality, a 22.84% efficient solar cell for 280‐μm thick c‐Si bulk was simulated. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have presented thin Al2O3 (~4 nm) with SiNx:H capped (~75 nm) films to effectively passivate the boron‐doped p+ emitter surfaces of the n‐type bifacial c‐Si solar cells with BBr3 diffusion emitter and phosphorus ion‐implanted back surface field. The thin Al2O3 capped with SiNx:H structure not only possesses the excellent field effect and chemical passivation, but also establishes a simple cell structure fully compatible with the existing production lines and processes for the low‐cost n‐type bifacial c‐Si solar cell industrialization. We have successfully achieved the large area (238.95 cm2) high efficiency of 20.89% (front) and 18.45% (rear) n‐type bifacial c‐Si solar cells by optimizing the peak sintering temperature and fine finger double printing technology. We have further shown that the conversion efficiency of the n‐type bifacial c‐Si solar cells can be improved to be over 21.3% by taking a reasonable high emitter sheet resistance. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To further increase the efficiency of multijunction thin‐film silicon (TF‐Si) solar cells, it is crucial for the front electrode to have a good transparency and conduction, to provide efficient light trapping for each subcell, and to ensure a suitable morphology for the growth of high‐quality silicon layers. Here, we present the implementation of highly transparent modulated surface textured (MST) front electrodes as light‐trapping structures in multijunction TF‐Si solar cells. The MST substrates comprise a micro‐textured glass, a thin layer of hydrogenated indium oxide (IOH), and a sub‐micron nano‐textured ZnO layer grown by low‐pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD ZnO). The bilayer IOH/LPCVD ZnO stack guarantees efficient light in‐coupling and light trapping for the top amorphous silicon (a‐Si:H) solar cell while minimizing the parasitic absorption losses. The crater‐shaped micro‐textured glass provides both efficient light trapping in the red and infrared wavelength range and a suitable morphology for the growth of high‐quality nanocrystalline silicon (nc‐Si:H) layers. Thanks to the efficient light trapping for the individual subcells and suitable morphology for the growth of high‐quality silicon layers, multijunction solar cells deposited on MST substrates have a higher efficiency than those on single‐textured state‐of‐the‐art LPCVD ZnO substrates. Efficiencies of 14.8% (initial) and 12.5% (stable) have been achieved for a‐Si:H/nc‐Si:H tandem solar cells with the MST front electrode, surpassing efficiencies obtained on state‐of‐the‐art LPCVD ZnO, thereby highlighting the high potential of MST front electrodes for high‐efficiency multijunction solar cells. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, the back surface field (BSF) formation of locally alloyed Al‐paste contacts employed in recent industrial passivated emitter and rear cell solar cell designs is discussed. A predictive model for resulting local BSF thickness and doping profile is proposed that is based on the time‐dependent Si distribution in the molten Al paste during the firing step. Diffusion of Si in liquid Al away from the contact points is identified as the main differentiator to a full‐area Al‐BSF; therefore, a diffusion‐based solution to the involved differential equation is pursued. Data on the Si distribution in the Al and the resulting BSF structures are experimentally obtained by firing samples with different metal contact geometries, peak temperature times and pastes as well as by investigating them by means of scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy. The Si diffusivity in the Al paste is then calculated from these results. It is found that the diffusivity is strongly dependent on the paste composition. Furthermore, the local BSF doping profiles and thicknesses resulting from different contact geometries and paste parameters are calculated from the Si concentration at the contact sites, the diffusivity and solubility data. These profiles are then used in a finite element device simulator to evaluate their performance on solar cell level. With this approach, a beneficial paste composition for any given rear contact geometry can be determined. Two line widths are investigated, and the effects of the different paste properties are discussed in the light of the solar cell results obtained by simulation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the use of a copper‐based metallization scheme for the specific application of thin‐film epitaxial silicon wafer equivalent (EpiWE) solar cells with rear chemical vapor deposition emitter and conventional POCl3 emitter. Thin‐film epitaxial silicon wafer equivalent cells are consisting of high‐quality epitaxial active layer of only 30 µm, beneath which a highly reflective porous silicon multilayer stack is embedded. By combining Cu‐plating metallization and narrow finger lines with an epitaxial cell architecture including the porous silicon reflector, a Jsc exceeding 32 mA/cm2 was achieved. We report on reproducible cell efficiencies of >16% on >70‐cm2 cells with rear epitaxial chemical vapor deposition emitters and Cu contacts. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Screen‐print diffusion pastes present an industrially applicable alternative to conventional techniques of dopant deposition. Several commercially available screen‐print dopant pastes are assessed for their suitability in forming heavy selective diffusions for use under metal contacts in silicon solar cells. Pastes are assessed in terms of their ease of application, their ability to form heavy diffusions with low sheet resistances, and their ability to maintain high post‐diffusion wafer lifetimes. Potential for the use of dopant pastes in high‐efficiency solar cell devices is investigated using photoconductance (PC) measurements and photoluminescence (PL) images. It is found that under certain conditions, screen‐print dopant pastes, particularly phosphorus paste, have potential to form effective selective diffusions without significantly compromising performance in high‐efficiency solar cells. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We theoretically investigate light trapping with disordered 1D photonic structures in thin‐film crystalline silicon solar cells. The disorder is modelled in a finite‐size supercell, which allows the use of rigorous coupled‐wave analysis to calculate the optical properties of the devices and the short‐circuit current density Jsc. The role of the Fourier transform of the photonic pattern in the light trapping is investigated, and the optimal correlation between size and position disorder is found. This result is used to optimize the disorder in a more effective way, using a single parameter. We find that a Gaussian disorder always enhances the device performance with respect to the best ordered configuration. To properly quantify this improvement, we calculate the Lambertian limit to the absorption enhancement for 1D photonic structures in crystalline silicon, following the previous work for the 2D case [M.A. Green, Progr. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2002; 10 (4), pp. 235–241]. We find that disorder optimization can give a relevant contribution to approach this limit. Finally, we propose an optimal disordered 2D configuration and estimate the maximum short‐circuit current that can be achieved, potentially leading to efficiencies that are comparable with the values of other thin‐film solar cell technologies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Laser‐fired contacts to n‐type crystalline silicon were developed by investigating novel metal stacks containing Antimony (Sb). Lasing conditions and the structure of metals stacks were optimized for lowest contact resistance and minimum surface damage. Specific contact resistance for firing different metal stacks through either silicon nitride or p‐type amorphous silicon was determined using two different models and test structures. Specific contact resistance values of 2–7 mΩcm2 have been achieved. Recombination loss due to laser damage was consistent with an extracted local surface recombination velocity of ~20 000 cm/s, which is similar to values for laser‐fired base contact for p‐type crystalline silicon. Interdigitated back contact silicon heterojunction cells were fabricated with laser‐fired base contact and proof‐of‐concept efficiencies of 16.9% were achieved. This localized base contact technique will enable low cost back contact patterning and innovative designs for n‐type crystalline solar cell. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work presents the results of a detailed series resistance characterization of silicon solar cells with screen‐printed front contacts using hotmelt silver paste. Applying the hotmelt technology energy conversion efficiencies up to 18·0% on monocrystalline wafers with a size of 12·5 cm × 12·5 cm have been achieved, an increase of 0·3% absolute compared to cells with conventional screen‐printed contacts. This is mainly due to the reduction in the finger resistance to values as low as 14 Ω/m, which reduces the series resistance of the solar cell significantly. To retrieve the lumped series resistance as accurately as possible under the operating condition, different determination methods have been analyzed. Methods under consideration were fitting of the two‐diode equation function to a dark IV‐curve, integration of the area A under an IV‐curve, comparison of a jscVoc with a one‐sun IV‐curve, comparison of the jsc and Voc points of a shaded curve with the one‐sun IV‐curve as well as comparison of a dark IV‐curve with a one‐sun IV‐curve, and comparison of IV‐curves measured at different light intensities. The performed investigations have shown that the latter four methods all resulted in reliable series resistance values. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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