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通过对注册表及系统自定义隐藏文件的操作,以硬盘物理序列号为注册码,并用加密形式保存,对共享软件起到真正的保护作用,防止破解,提高共享软件合法使用的安全性,并给出部分代码.  相似文献   

罗和平 《福建电脑》2011,27(8):154-155
将MD5算法应用于共享软件的注册码保护方式,可以更好地保护软件,提高软件注册的安全性,增加软件被解密的难度;本文介绍了利用MD5加密算法来构造软件注册算法。  相似文献   

三、注册码 当用户注册成功后,注册码就被写到共享软件的相应位置。这时共享软件必须对用户注册码进行实时检测与判断,才能实现注册限制功能。这时要求共享软件必须内部取得注册源数据,并利用注册机中相同的算法产生内部注册码。这就要求共享软件直接读取ROM BIOS的注册源信息,并在共享软件中需要限制的功能处增加注册码检测判断功能,这需要根据共享软件的实际需要、软件大小和实现的难易  相似文献   

杜选 《福建电脑》2006,(12):191-191
现在网上一些共享软件通过采用注册码验证机制来实现对软件部分功能的限制使用,而注册码是根据用户计算机中的唯一硬件参数来生成的,即一台计算机对应唯一的一个注册码,这样可以防止注册码的盗用问题。本文详细阐述了在VFP应用软件中通过读取用户计算机的硬盘序列号,生成注册码,从而实现对软件进行注册的解决方法。  相似文献   

共享软件加密的一些误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共享软件从出现的那一天起就深受破解者(Cracker)的"喜爱",因为相对于防范较为严密或使用硬件加密的商业软件来说,共享软件是比较容易破解的.虽然许多共享软件的作者也采用了时间限制或注册码校验等方法保护自己的软件,但是多数共享软件的作者对软件加密与解密技术不了解,对加密方法的应用和代码编写过程中存在很多漏洞,从而使看似很可靠的加密方法形同虚设.软件加密与解密之争,道高一尺魔高一丈,但是最终往往不是技术致胜,而是心态致胜,本文以软件破解者的心态分析了一些软件作者常犯的错误,并提出了相应的防范措施.  相似文献   

提出了加密时把RSA公钥密码算法和MH背包公钥密码算法相混合,从而提高破解难度。把这种混合加密方法用于软件防盗版中,采用一台计算机,一个不同的注册码方式保护软件防止盗版,有效地阻止未被授权用户运行和使用软件,从而促进共享软件及其他软件的销售。  相似文献   

棠棠 《玩电脑》2004,(9):90-92
本将针对共享软件注册码(序列号)的生成及破解做一定的探讨。中会出现专业性较强的术语,对普通电脑用户而言难免会有些晦涩难懂。但如果你正好对密码学比较感兴趣。或开发共享软件后正在为注册码的加密而头疼,那本你势必要看一看。  相似文献   

本文介绍基于硬件设备信息和RSA公开密钥加密算法的共享软件注册码生成方 法。通过本文所述算法将能实施对共享软件的有效注册管理并防止注册机的非法制 作。  相似文献   

永不再传,经典3式破解软件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虽说一款共享软件的价格不算贵,但如果不小心把注册码丢掉,重装系统的时候只能干瞪眼儿了。本文带领大家一探软件注册的神秘世界:网上流传的卡巴斯基30天循环使用补丁,是怎么制作出来的?怎样找回自己丢失的注册码?软件注册码的玄机,随软件种类不同而不同吗?  相似文献   

基于RSA的双重加密技术在软件注册中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将密码学中加密和数字签名的理论应用于软件加密,设计了一种对软件既加密又签名的双重保护方案。方案中采用了“一机一码”制,运用密码学中成熟的公开密码算法RSA对软件验证模块加密,对注册码进行数字签名,并以数据库的形式进行密钥管理。双重保护机制有效的防止了非法注册码的传播和非法注册机的制作。  相似文献   

地震勘探解释软件价格昂贵,且软件许可证数量有限,严重影响了科研生产的正常开展。为此,提出了地震勘探解释软件远程共享的构建方法,使常规的地震解释软件Landmark及Jason等,可通过FLEX许可管理软件实现软件共享;其他软件可通过共享模式的组合达到软件共享目的;软件共享管理平台用于共享解释软件的综合管理,并利用网络专线实现远程软件共享。该软件远程共享的构建方法,对其他需要实现远程软件共享的单位或部门,具有一定的参考与借鉴价值。  相似文献   

根据车辆自组网上层应用种类丰富、服务质量(QoS)需求多样的特点,结合层次设计思想,设计并实现一种采用注册回调式API和共享内存通信机制的端到端通信软总线.该软总线支持TCP、UDP和AUDP等多种传输协议,便于系统松耦合集成和信息透明传输.仿真实验结果表明,对于设立不同优先级的应用,该软总线能够满足端到端时延、时延抖...  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the evolutionary design and implementation of a search tool for files in shared workspaces used within an off-the-shelf groupware product. The design is based on the assumption that a useful generic search tool must be highly tailorable, which is achieved by applying an innovative software architecture allowing the assembly of components during runtime. In order to understand people's searching methods in shared workspaces and to support the design, we employed interviews and workshops with users as well as a field test to understand the users' needs. During the design process we developed a series of prototypes that were then evaluated by office workers. Consequently, the process described and the lessons learned extend from searching in files as a case via tailorability of software as an answer to the resulting requirements to component architecture as a way to implement this tailorability. The results derived from the treatment of these interrelated aspects constitute the core and value of this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the evolutionary design and implementation of a search tool for files in shared workspaces used within an off-the-shelf groupware product. The design is based on the assumption that a useful generic search tool must be highly tailorable, which is achieved by applying an innovative software architecture allowing the assembly of components during runtime. In order to understand people's searching methods in shared workspaces and to support the design, we employed interviews and workshops with users as well as a field test to understand the users' needs. During the design process we developed a series of prototypes that were then evaluated by office workers. Consequently, the process described and the lessons learned extend from searching in files as a case via tailorability of software as an answer to the resulting requirements to component architecture as a way to implement this tailorability. The results derived from the treatment of these interrelated aspects constitute the core and value of this paper.  相似文献   

基于SVG的矢量图形库管理模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
万本庭  陈明 《计算机工程》2006,32(3):65-67,78
SVG标准已被广泛应用于图形处理系统中,但当有大量的SVG图形文件时,SVG标准没有给出如何管理这些SVG文件的方法。该文阐述了将大量SVG文件构建成一个SVG图形库的模型,该SVG库减少了SVG文件大小,使得图形库也能更加方便共享、管理SVG文件。  相似文献   

During software development, architecture decisions should be documented so that quality attributes guaranteed by these decisions and required in the software specification could be persisted. An important part of these architectural decisions is often formalized using constraint languages which differ from one stage to another in the development process. In this paper, we present a family of architectural constraint languages, called ACL. Each member of this family, called a profile, can be used to formalize architectural decisions at a given stage of the development process. An ACL profile is composed of a core constraint language, which is shared with the other profiles, and a MOF architecture metamodel. In addition to this family of languages, this paper introduces a transformation-based interpretation method of profiles and its associated tool.  相似文献   

基于C共享库的MATLAB与Visual C#混合编程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
范建中  陈蕴 《计算机工程与设计》2006,27(14):2689-2690,F0003
MATLAB具有很强的数值计算能力,而Visual C#具有强大的图形用户界面的开发能力,两者的互补结合可以快速和高效地开发专业计算软件。为此,以实例的方式展示了由MATLAB生成C共享库,并在Visual C#中调用此C共享库来实现两者之间的混合编程。另外,对在Visual C#中调用C共享库时的一些需要注意的问题进行了讨论,并给出了外部程序调用由MATLAB生成的C共享库的一般步骤。实例证明通过C共享库来实现MATLAB与Visual C#混合编程的方法是行之有效的。  相似文献   

The concept of Business Objects (BOs) has been recently promoted as a new way of exploiting object‐orientation for achieving large‐grain reuse. In this paper, we address the issue of how to effectively re‐engineer business software applications using BOs as a reuse technique. To this end, we first identify the reuse features of business objects and then compare them with other reuse techniques. In addition, we show that software re‐engineering can be more economical when business objects are used. Our work also provides guidance on how to develop and use a Business Object Architecture (BOA), which is shared by a group of interrelated and interdependent software applications. We argue that such architecture allows for more efficient reuse and better maintainability and it is illustrated by means of a case study in a realistic manufacturing environment.  相似文献   

已有的方面交互分析方法大多未考虑共享注入点的检测,从而影响了它们的实际应用。针对这一问题,基于面向方面软件体系结构描述语言AC2-ADL,提出了一种基于逻辑的软件体系结构层共享注入点检测方法。首先基于一阶逻辑,给出了软件体系结构层注入点和切点指示器(pointcut designator,PCD)的形式化描述方法。在此基础上,应用一阶逻辑公式的合一思想,提出了软件体系结构层共享注入点的相关定义及定理,并进一步设计出软件体系结构层共享注入点的检测算法。该研究成果可为在其他面向方面软件体系结构描述语言定义的体系结构中检测共享注入点提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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