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In the present scenario of global economy and World Wide Web, large sets of evolving and distributed data can be handled efficiently by incremental data mining. Frequent patterns are very important in knowledge discovery and data mining process, such as mining of association rules, correlations. FP-tree is a very versatile data structure used for mining of frequent patterns in knowledge discovery and data mining process. FP-tree is a compact representation of transaction database that contains frequency information of all relevant frequent patterns (FP) of the database. All of the existing incremental frequent pattern mining algorithms, such as AFPIM, CATS, CanTree, CP-tree, and SPO-tree, perform incremental mining by processing one transaction of the incremental part of database at a time and updating it to the FP-tree of initial (original) database. Here, in this paper, we propose a novel method that takes advantage of FP-tree representation of incremental transaction database for incremental mining. We propose a batch incremental processing algorithm BIT_FPGrowth that restructures and merges two small consecutive duration FP-trees to obtain a FP-tree of the FP-Growth algorithm. Our BIT_FPGrowth uses FP-tree as preprocessed data repository to get transactions (i.e., item-sets), unlike other sequential incremental algorithms that read transactions from database. BIT_FPGrowth algorithm takes less time for constructing FP-tree. Our experimental results show that, as the size of the database increases, increase in runtime of BIT_FPGrowth is much less and is least of all the other algorithms.  相似文献   

In the past decade, XML has emerged as the standard language for information exchanging over the Internet. Due to its tree-structure paradigm, XML is superior for its capability of storing, querying, and manipulating complex data. Therefore, discovering frequent tree patterns over tree-structured data has become an interesting topic for XML data management. In this paper, we propose a tree mining algorithm, named BUXMiner, for finding a special class of frequent trees, called rooted unordered trees, from a tree-structured database. BUXMiner employs an efficient bottom-up approach to enumerate all candidate trees over a compact global tree guide and computes the frequent trees based on the tree guide. In addition to BUXMiner, we also propose a mining approach called BUMXMiner to discover the maximal frequent rooted unordered trees. We compare BUXMiner with previous tree-structure mining algorithms, namely XQPMinerTID and FastXMiner, which were also proposed to discover rooted unordered trees. The experimental results show that our algorithm outperforms XQPMinerTID and FastXMiner in terms of efficiency. The performance results from real-world applications also indicate the usefulness of our proposed tree mining algorithms in a variety of web applications, such as analysis of web page access patterns and mining frequent XML query patterns for caching.  相似文献   

To improve software quality, static or dynamic defect-detection tools accept programming rules as input and detect their violations in software as defects. As these programming rules are often not well documented in practice, previous work developed various approaches that mine programming rules as frequent patterns from program source code. Then these approaches use static or dynamic defect-detection techniques to detect pattern violations in source code under analysis. However, these existing approaches often produce many false positives due to various factors. To reduce false positives produced by these mining approaches, we develop a novel approach, called Alattin, that includes new mining algorithms and a technique for detecting neglected conditions based on our mining algorithm. Our new mining algorithms mine patterns in four pattern formats: conjunctive, disjunctive, exclusive-disjunctive, and combinations of these patterns. We show the benefits and limitations of these four pattern formats with respect to false positives and false negatives among detected violations by applying those patterns to the problem of detecting neglected conditions.  相似文献   

Data mining has become increasingly important in the Internet era. The problem of mining inter-sequence pattern is a sub-task in data mining with several algorithms in the recent years. However, these algorithms only focus on the transitional problem of mining frequent inter-sequence patterns and most frequent inter-sequence patterns are either redundant or insignificant. As such, it can confuse end users during decision-making and can require too much system resources. This led to the problem of mining inter-sequence patterns with item constraints, which addressed the problem when end-users only concerned the patterns contained a number of specific items. In this paper, we propose two novel algorithms for it. First is the ISP-IC (Inter-Sequence Pattern with Item Constraint mining) algorithm based on a theorem that quickly determines whether an inter-sequence pattern satisfies the constraints. Then, we propose a way to improve the strategy of ISP-IC, which is then applied to the \(i\)ISP-IC algorithm to enhance the performance of the process. Finally, pi ISP-IC, a parallel version of \(i\)ISP-IC, will be presented. Experimental results show that pi ISP-IC algorithm outperforms the post-processing of the-state-of-the-art method for mining inter-sequence patterns (EISP-Miner), ISP-IC, and \(i\)ISP-IC algorithms in most of the cases.  相似文献   

Frequent pattern mining in data streams is an important research topic in the data mining community. In previous studies, a minimum support threshold was assumed to be available for mining frequent patterns. However, setting such a threshold is typically difficult. Hence, it is more reasonable to ask users to set a bound on the result size. The present study considers mining top-k frequent patterns from data streams using a sliding window technique. A single-pass algorithm, called MSWTP, is developed for the generation of top-k frequent patterns without a threshold. In the method, the content of the transactions in the sliding window is incrementally maintained in a summary data structure, named SWTP-tree, by scanning the stream only once. To make the mining operation efficient, insignificant patterns are distinguished from others by applying the Chernoff bound. Two kinds of obsolete pattern and one kind of insignificant pattern are periodically pruned from the pattern tree. Whenever necessary, the k most frequent patterns can be selected from SWTP-tree in order of their descending frequency. The performance of the proposed technique is evaluated via simulation experiments. The results show that the proposed method is both efficient and scalable, and that it outperforms comparable algorithms.  相似文献   

Frequent pattern mining is an essential theme in data mining. Existing algorithms usually use a bottom-up search strategy. However, for very high dimensional data, this strategy cannot fully utilize the minimum support constraint to prune the rowset search space. In this paper, we propose a new method called top-down mining together with a novel row enumeration tree to make full use of the pruning power of the minimum support constraint. Furthermore, to efficiently check if a rowset is closed, we develop a method called the trace-based method. Based on these methods, an algorithm called TD-Close is designed for mining a complete set of frequent closed patterns. To enhance its performance further, we improve it by using new pruning strategies and new data structures that lead to a new algorithm TTD-Close. Our performance study shows that the top-down strategy is effective in cutting down search space and saving memory space, while the trace-based method facilitates the closeness-checking. As a result, the algorithm TTD-Close outperforms the bottom-up search algorithms such as Carpenter and FPclose in most cases. It also runs faster than TD-Close.  相似文献   

Mining frequent tree patterns has many applications in different areas such as XML data, bioinformatics and World Wide Web. The crucial step in frequent pattern mining is frequency counting, which involves a matching operator to find occurrences (instances) of a tree pattern in a given collection of trees. A widely used matching operator for tree-structured data is subtree homeomorphism, where an edge in the tree pattern is mapped onto an ancestor-descendant relationship in the given tree. Tree patterns that are frequent under subtree homeomorphism are usually called embedded patterns. In this paper, we present an efficient algorithm for subtree homeomorphism with application to frequent pattern mining. We propose a compact data-structure, called occ, which stores only information about the rightmost paths of occurrences and hence can encode and represent several occurrences of a tree pattern. We then define efficient join operations on the occ data-structure, which help us count occurrences of tree patterns according to occurrences of their proper subtrees. Based on the proposed subtree homeomorphism method, we develop an effective pattern mining algorithm, called TPMiner. We evaluate the efficiency of TPMiner on several real-world and synthetic datasets. Our extensive experiments confirm that TPMiner always outperforms well-known existing algorithms, and in several cases the improvement with respect to existing algorithms is significant.  相似文献   

Mining frequent patterns from univariate uncertain data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we propose a new algorithm called U2P-Miner for mining frequent U2 patterns from univariate uncertain data, where each attribute in a transaction is associated with a quantitative interval and a probability density function. The algorithm is implemented in two phases. First, we construct a U2P-tree that compresses the information in the target database. Then, we use the U2P-tree to discover frequent U2 patterns. Potential frequent U2 patterns are derived by combining base intervals and verified by traversing the U2P-tree. We also develop two techniques to speed up the mining process. Since the proposed method is based on a tree-traversing strategy, it is both efficient and scalable. Our experimental results demonstrate that the U2P-Miner algorithm outperforms three widely used algorithms, namely, the modified Apriori, modified H-mine, and modified depth-first backtracking algorithms.  相似文献   

Systematically we study data structures used to implement the algorithms of association rule mining, including hash tree, itemset tree, and FP-tree (frequent pattern tree). Further, we present a generalized FP-tree in an applied context. This assists in better understanding existing association-rule-mining strategies. In addition, we discuss and analyze experimentally the generalized k-FP-tree, and demonstrate that the generalized FP-tree reduces the computation costs significantly. This study will be useful to many association analysis tasks where one must provide really interesting rules and develop efficient algorithms for identifying association rules.  相似文献   

The output of frequent pattern mining is a huge number of frequent patterns, which are very redundant, causing a serious problem in understandability. We focus on mining frequent subgraphs for which well-considered approaches to reduce the redundancy are limited because of the complex nature of graphs. Two known, standard solutions are closed and maximal frequent subgraphs, but closed frequent subgraphs are still redundant and maximal frequent subgraphs are too specific. A more promising solution is δ-tolerance closed frequent subgraphs, which decrease monotonically in δ, being equal to maximal frequent subgraphs and closed frequent subgraphs for δ=0 and 1, respectively. However, the current algorithm for mining δ-tolerance closed frequent subgraphs is a naive, two-step approach in which frequent subgraphs are all enumerated and then sifted according to δ-tolerance closedness. We propose an efficient algorithm based on the idea of “reverse-search” by which the completeness of enumeration is guaranteed and for which new pruning conditions are incorporated. We empirically demonstrate that our approach significantly reduced the amount of real computation time of two compared algorithms for mining δ-tolerance closed frequent subgraphs, being pronounced more for practical settings.  相似文献   

Mining frequent patterns with periodic wildcard gaps is a critical data mining problem to deal with complex real-world problems. This problem can be described as follows: given a subject sequence, a pre-specified threshold, and a variable gap-length with wildcards between each two consecutive letters. The task is to gain all frequent patterns with periodic wildcard gaps. State-of-the-art mining algorithms which use matrices or other linear data structures to solve the problem not only consume a large amount of memory but also run slowly. In this study, we use an Incomplete Nettree structure (the last layer of a Nettree which is an extension of a tree) of a sub-pattern P to efficiently create Incomplete Nettrees of all its super-patterns with prefix pattern P and compute the numbers of their supports in a one-way scan. We propose two new algorithms, MAPB (Mining sequentiAl Pattern using incomplete Nettree with Breadth first search) and MAPD (Mining sequentiAl Pattern using incomplete Nettree with Depth first search), to solve the problem effectively with low memory requirements. Furthermore, we design a heuristic algorithm MAPBOK (MAPB for tOp-K) based on MAPB to deal with the Top-K frequent patterns for each length. Experimental results on real-world biological data demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithms in running time and space consumption and also show that the pattern matching approach can be employed to mine special frequent patterns effectively.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of mining frequent itemsets along with their temporal patterns from large transaction sets. A model is proposed in which users define a large set of temporal patterns that are interesting or meaningful to them. A temporal pattern defines the set of time points where the user expects a discovered itemset to be frequent. The model is general in that (i) no constraints are placed on the interesting patterns given by the users, and (ii) two measures—inclusiveness and exclusiveness—are used to capture how well the temporal patterns match the time points given by the discovered itemsets. Intuitively, these measures indicate to what extent a discovered itemset is frequent at time points included in a temporal pattern p, but not at time points not in p. Using these two measures, one is able to model many temporal data mining problems appeared in the literature, as well as those that have not been studied. By exploiting the relationship within and between itemset space and pattern space simultaneously, a series of pruning techniques are developed to speed up the mining process. Experiments show that these pruning techniques allow one to obtain performance benefits up to 100 times over a direct extension of non-temporal data mining algorithms.  相似文献   

Mining maximal hyperclique pattern: A hybrid search strategy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A hyperclique pattern is a new type of association pattern that contains items which are highly affiliated with each other. Specifically, the presence of an item in one transaction strongly implies the presence of every other item that belongs to the same hyperclique pattern. In this paper, we present an algorithm for mining maximal hyperclique patterns, which specifies a more compact representation of hyperclique patterns and are desirable for many applications, such as pattern-based clustering. Our algorithm exploits key advantages of both the Depth First Search (DFS) strategy and the Breadth First Search (BFS) strategy. Indeed, we adapt the equivalence pruning method, one of the most efficient pruning methods of the DFS strategy, into the process of the BFS strategy. Our experimental results show that the performance of our algorithm can be orders of magnitude faster than standard maximal frequent pattern mining algorithms, particularly at low levels of support.  相似文献   

The field of data mining has become accustomed to specifying constraints on patterns of interest. A large number of systems and techniques has been developed for solving such constraint-based mining problems, especially for mining itemsets. The approach taken in the field of data mining contrasts with the constraint programming principles developed within the artificial intelligence community. While most data mining research focuses on algorithmic issues and aims at developing highly optimized and scalable implementations that are tailored towards specific tasks, constraint programming employs a more declarative approach. The emphasis lies on developing high-level modeling languages and general solvers that specify what the problem is, rather than outlining how a solution should be computed, yet are powerful enough to be used across a wide variety of applications and application domains.This paper contributes a declarative constraint programming approach to data mining. More specifically, we show that it is possible to employ off-the-shelf constraint programming techniques for modeling and solving a wide variety of constraint-based itemset mining tasks, such as frequent, closed, discriminative, and cost-based itemset mining. In particular, we develop a basic constraint programming model for specifying frequent itemsets and show that this model can easily be extended to realize the other settings. This contrasts with typical procedural data mining systems where the underlying procedures need to be modified in order to accommodate new types of constraint, or novel combinations thereof. Even though the performance of state-of-the-art data mining systems outperforms that of the constraint programming approach on some standard tasks, we also show that there exist problems where the constraint programming approach leads to significant performance improvements over state-of-the-art methods in data mining and as well as to new insights into the underlying data mining problems. Many such insights can be obtained by relating the underlying search algorithms of data mining and constraint programming systems to one another. We discuss a number of interesting new research questions and challenges raised by the declarative constraint programming approach to data mining.  相似文献   

Scientific progress in recent years has led to the generation of huge amounts of biological data, most of which remains unanalyzed. Mining the data may provide insights into various realms of biology, such as finding co-occurring biosequences, which are essential for biological data mining and analysis. Data mining techniques like sequential pattern mining may reveal implicitly meaningful patterns among the DNA or protein sequences. If biologists hope to unlock the potential of sequential pattern mining in their field, it is necessary to move away from traditional sequential pattern mining algorithms, because they have difficulty handling a small number of items and long sequences in biological data, such as gene and protein sequences. To address the problem, we propose an approach called Depth-First SPelling (DFSP) algorithm for mining sequential patterns in biological sequences. The algorithm’s processing speed is faster than that of PrefixSpan, its leading competitor, and it is superior to other sequential pattern mining algorithms for biological sequences.  相似文献   

We investigate the problem of scheduling n jobs in s-stage hybrid flowshops with parallel identical machines at each stage. The objective is to find a schedule that minimizes the sum of weighted completion times of the jobs. This problem has been proven to be NP-hard. In this paper, an integer programming formulation is constructed for the problem. A new Lagrangian relaxation algorithm is presented in which precedence constraints are relaxed to the objective function by introducing Lagrangian multipliers, unlike the commonly used method of relaxing capacity constraints. In this way the relaxed problem can be decomposed into machine type subproblems, each of which corresponds to a specific stage. A dynamic programming algorithm is designed for solving parallel identical machine subproblems where jobs may have negative weights. The multipliers are then iteratively updated along a subgradient direction. The new algorithm is computationally compared with the commonly used Lagrangian relaxation algorithms which, after capacity constraints are relaxed, decompose the relaxed problem into job level subproblems and solve the subproblems by using the regular and speed-up dynamic programming algorithms, respectively. Numerical results show that the new Lagrangian relaxation method produces better schedules in much shorter computation time, especially for large-scale problems.  相似文献   

Discovery of frequent DATALOG patterns   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Discovery of frequent patterns has been studied in a variety of data mining settings. In its simplest form, known from association rule mining, the task is to discover all frequent itemsets, i.e., all combinations of items that are found in a sufficient number of examples. The fundamental task of association rule and frequent set discovery has been extended in various directions, allowing more useful patterns to be discovered with special purpose algorithms. We present WARMR, a general purpose inductive logic programming algorithm that addresses frequent query discovery: a very general DATALOG formulation of the frequent pattern discovery problem.The motivation for this novel approach is twofold. First, exploratory data mining is well supported: WARMR offers the flexibility required to experiment with standard and in particular novel settings not supported by special purpose algorithms. Also, application prototypes based on WARMR can be used as benchmarks in the comparison and evaluation of new special purpose algorithms. Second, the unified representation gives insight to the blurred picture of the frequent pattern discovery domain. Within the DATALOG formulation a number of dimensions appear that relink diverged settings.We demonstrate the frequent query approach and its use on two applications, one in alarm analysis, and one in a chemical toxicology domain.  相似文献   

钱雪忠  惠亮 《计算机应用》2011,31(5):1339-1343
基于FP-tree的最大频繁模式挖掘算法是目前较为高效的频繁模式挖掘算法,针对这些算法需要递归生成条件FP-tree、产生大量候选最大频繁项集等问题,在分析FPMax、DMFIA算法的基础上,提出基于降维的最大频繁模式挖掘算法(BDRFI)。该算法改传统的FP-tree为数字频繁模式树DFP-tree,提高了超集检验的效率;采用的预测剪枝策略减少了挖掘的次数;基于降低项集维度的挖掘方式,减少了候选项的数目,避免了递归地产生条件频繁模式树,提高了算法的效率。实验结果表明,BDRFI的效率是同类算法的2~8倍。  相似文献   

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