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The subsolidus phase relations in the ZnO–MoO3–B2O3, ZnO–MoO3–WO3 and ZnO–WO3–B2O3 ternary systems have been investigated by the means of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). There is no ternary compound in all the systems. There are five binary compounds and five tie lines in the ZnO–MoO3–B2O3 system. This system can be divided into six 3-phase regions. There are three binary compounds and three tie lines in the ZnO–MoO3–WO3 system. This system can be divided into four 3-phase regions. There are four binary compounds and four tie lines in the ZnO–WO3–B2O3 system. This system can be divided into five 3-phase regions. The possible component regions for ZnO single crystal flux growth were discussed. The phase diagram of Zn3B2O6–ZnWO4 pseudo-binary system has been constructed, and the result reveals this system is eutectic system. The eutectic temperature is 1007 °C and eutectic point component is 70 mol% Zn3B2O6.  相似文献   

Zirconia and alumina based ceramics present interesting properties for their application as implants, such as biocompatibility, good fracture resistance, as well as high fracture toughness and hardness. In this work the influence of sintering time on the properties of a ZrO2–Al2O3 composite material, containing 20 wt% of Al2O3, has been investigated. The ceramic composites were obtained by sintering, in air, at 1600 °C for sintering times between 0 and 1440 min. Sintered samples were characterized by microstructure and crystalline phases, as well as by mechanical properties. The grain growth exponents, n, for the ZrO2 and Al2O3 were 2.8 and 4.1, respectively, indicating that different mechanisms are responsible for grain growth of each phase. After sintering at 1600 °C, the material exhibited a dependency of hardness as function of sintering time, with hardness values between 1500 HV (120 min) and 1310 HV (1440 min) and a fracture toughness of 8 MPa m1/2, which makes it suitable for bioapplications, such as dental implants.  相似文献   

Al2O3–TiC composites with a content of 30 wt% TiC with various size of starting powders were manufactured by hot pressing. The Vickers hardness, bending strength and fracture toughness were studied. The experiment results show that the starting powder size has a significant effect on the properties of the Al2O3–TiC composites. The maximum bending strength of the submicron Al2O3 with the fine TiC powders addition is 712 MPa, while the maximum fracture toughness of the same Al2O3 matrix with the large TiC powders addition is 6.5 MPa m1/2.  相似文献   

Employing a Tian-Calvet-type calorimeter operating in the scanning mode at temperatures from 1120 to 1220 K, the enthalpy change, ΔdH, associated with the decomposition of GaBO3 (=1/2β-Ga2O3+1/2B2O3(liq.)) and the corresponding decomposition temperature, Td, were determined: ΔdH=30.34±0.6 kJ/mol, Td=1190±5 K. Using the transposed-temperature-drop method the thermal enthalpy, H(T)−H(295 K), of GaBO3 was measured as a function of temperature, T, in the region from 760 to 1610 K; the results obtained are
[H(T)−H(295 K)]/(J/mol)=104.8·(T/K)−31 300 (760 K<T<1190 K),
[H(T)−H(295 K)]/(J/mol)=138.8·(T/K)−41 480 (1190 K<T<1590 K).
On the basis of the experimental results, the enthalpy and entropy of formation, ΔfH and ΔfS, respectively, of GaBO3 from the component oxides were derived:
ΔfH=−30.34 kJ/mol,ΔfS=−25.50 J/(K·mol) at 1190 K,
ΔfH=−10.55 kJ/mol,ΔfS=−5.48 J/(K·mol) at 298 K.
The enthalpy versus temperature curve shows, apart from a step associated with the decomposition of GaBO3, a further step at 1593 K which is attributed to a monotectic equilibrium.  相似文献   

A valence change from Eu3+ to Eu2+ was observed in the europium ion-doped ZnO–B2O3–P2O5 glasses prepared at high temperature in air. The fluorescence emission spectrum of the sample consists of a broad emission band ascribed to the 5d–4f transition of Eu2+ ion and sharp emission peaks assigned to the transitions of 5Do7FJ (J = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4) of Eu3+ ion, indicating that part of Eu3+ can be reduced into Eu2+ in the glass. A charge compensation model is proposed. The rigid tetrahedral network structure of glasses plays an important role in stability of Eu2+. The fabrication conditions are also studied.  相似文献   

Micro-laminated ZrO2-Al2O3 coatings were prepared by electrochemical depositing ZrO2 film and Al2O3 film alternatively in ethanol solutions containing aluminum nitrate and zirconium nitrate, with small amounts of yttrium nitrate added respectively into both solutions. The micro-laminated ZrO2-Al2O3 coating is of nanostructure. FE-SEM analyses show that the cross section of the micro-laminated coatings has alternate six-layer films of ZrO2 and Al2O3, with the thickness of each layer in the range of nanometer or submicron. The surface of the microlaminated coatings is composed of nano-particles. SEM, XRD and mass gain measurement were adopted to study the oxidation resistance of coatings on stainless steel. It has been found that all the coatings are effective in protecting the substrate from oxidation, and micro-laminated coatings exhibit more excellent protectiveness performance. Mechanisms accounting for such effects have been discussed.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONIn recent years , micro-laminated coatings witha great potential for applications have attractedconsiderable interest . The micro-laminated coat-ings can dramatically i mprove many properties in-cluding fracture toughness ,fatigue behavior ,i m-pact behavior , oxidation resistance , hot corrosionresistance ,etc[1].It is evident that the formabili-ty ,shape ,and the fracture resistance of the coat-ings during forming andin service depend not onlyon the properties of the indivi…  相似文献   

PbO–Nb2O5–P2O5 glasses containing different concentrations of MnO ranging from 0 to 2.5 mol% were prepared. A number of studies viz., differential thermal analysis, infrared, optical absorption, luminescence, Raman and ESR spectra, magnetic susceptibility and dielectric properties (constant ′, loss tan δ, ac conductivity σac over a range of frequency and temperature) of these glasses have been carried out. The results have been analyzed in the light of different oxidation states of manganese ions. The analysis indicates that when the concentration of MnO is around 1.0 mol%, manganese ions mostly exist in Mn2+ state, occupy network forming positions with MnO4 structural units and increase the rigidity of the glass network. When MnO is present in higher concentrations, these ions seem to exist mostly in Mn3+ state and occupy modifying positions.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a time–temperature-transformation diagram of an Mg–Zn–Gd alloy. An Mg97Zn1Gd2 (at.%) alloy shows different precipitation sequences at low, medium and high temperatures. Low-temperature aging at <523 K brings about coherent β′-phase precipitation to a -Mg solid solution, resulting in increase in strength of the alloys. However, aging at medium and high temperatures >623 K led to strengthening of the Mg–Zn–Gd alloy, owing to the formation of profuse stacking faults and 14H long period stacking ordered structure from the supersaturated -Mg matrix, respectively.  相似文献   

研制了3种不同Al2O3含量(质量分数分别为5%,10%,15%)的纳米ZrO2-Al2O3基高温可磨耗封严涂层粉末材料,采用大气等离子喷涂(APS)工艺,制备了3种涂层材料的双层结构封严涂层和Al2O3含量逐层递增的多层结构封严涂层.对涂层材料的沉积效率,涂层的微观结构、硬度和结合强度等进行了测试与分析.结果表明:封严涂层材料的沉积效率随Al2O3含量的增加而升高;由于熔融条件的不同,涂层内ZrO2的形态不唯一;封严涂层的硬度和结合强度与厚度和Al2O3含量有紧密的关系;与双层结构封严涂层相比,多层结构封严涂层的综合性能良好,基本可以满足封严涂层对厚度、硬度和结合强度的要求.  相似文献   

Rapid surface resolidification with a high powered CO2-laser was performed in preparing directionally solidified Al2O3/YAG/ZrO2 ternary eutectic ceramic in situ composite. The effects of laser processing parameters on the solidification microstructure characteristics and thermal properties were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and synthetically thermal analysis (STA). Detailed investigations of the influence of laser power and scanning rate on the preparation and microstructural parameters of the ternary eutectic were presented. Moreover, the eutectic phase separation rule at high temperature was discussed. The results indicate that solidification microstructure of the ternary eutectic composite is greatly influenced by the laser processing parameters. The synthetically thermal analysis shows that the eutectic temperature of ternary Al2O3/YAG/ZrO2 composite is 1 738 °C, well matching the phase diagram of Al2O3-Y2O3-ZrO2.  相似文献   

ZrO2-SiC composite powder was synthesized by carbothermal reduction of zircon in argon atmosphere, and it was used as the additive to prepare Al2O3-C refractories. The effects of heating temperature on the synthesis process and the addition of the synthesized composite powder on the properties of the Al2O3-C refractories were investigated. The results show that the synthesized composite powder can be easily obtained by heating the mixture of zircon and carbon black at 1 873 K for 4 h in argon atmosphere, and the relative contents of ZrO2 and SiC in sample reach about 83.7% and 16.3%, respectively. The bulk density, crushing strength and thermal shock resistance of the Al2O3-C refractories can be improved obviously by the addition of the synthesized ZrO2-SiC composite powder.  相似文献   

Optical microscopy, analytical scanning and transmission electron microscopy have been used to interpret the influence of C on the ageing response of Ti–15–3 (Ti–15V–3Al–3Sn–3Cr (wt.%)). It has been found that the addition of carbon reduces the extent of oxygen segregation to grain boundaries and thus reduces the tendency for grain boundary alpha to form during ageing. The ageing response and the scale of precipitation at 600 °C have been found to depend on the heating rate used. The as-quenched microstructure is characterised by striations typical of pre-martensite-type contrast with a spacing of about 20–25 nm. Diffraction patterns in as-quenched samples show diffuse scattering in addition to the maxima associated with this large spacing. The striations and diffuse scattering anneal out at ageing temperatures above 400 °C. Contrary to earlier work no evidence has been obtained for omega in as-quenched or aged samples. The alpha precipitation is on a finer scale than can be accounted for by the carbides or by the dislocations punched out by the carbides. This conclusion, taken together with the absence of any evidence for omega, leads to the view that the presence of carbon in solution, rather than the carbides, limits diffusion of oxygen and provides additional nucleation sites for alpha – perhaps through vacancy–carbon–oxygen complexes.  相似文献   

采用Cu+B钎料分别在钎焊温度890~970℃,保温时间为10min;钎焊温度为930℃,保温时间0~30min条件下,钎焊A120,陶瓷与TCA合金.利用SEM,EDS和压剪试验研究接头界面组织及力学性能.结果表明,随钎焊温度升高或保温时间的延长,Ti2(Cu,Al)2O层增厚,紧邻其侧生成连续并增厚的Ti2(Cu,Al),Ti2(Cu,Al)含量增加;Ti+Ti2(Cu,Al)含量增加,尺寸变大,分布范围逐渐变宽并向TC4合金侧迁移,TCA合金侧过共析组织区变宽.钎焊温度低于950℃时,TiB晶须主要分布在Ti2Cu晶界处的AlCu2Ti上;当钎焊温度高于950℃时,AlCu2Ti相逐渐消失,TiB晶须主要分布于Ti2Cu上.当保温时间为10min,钎焊温度为950℃时,接头最大强度为96MPa;而当钎焊温度为930℃,保温时间为20min时,接头最大强度为83MPa.关键词:Al2O3陶瓷;TC4合金;钎焊参数;界面组织;抗剪强度  相似文献   

Al2O3/ZrO2(Y2O3)复合材料断裂过程中的相变及力学性能   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用真空烧结方法制备了Al2O3/ZrO2(Y2O3)复合材料,分析了ZrO2(3Y)和ZrO2(2Y)含量对Al2O3基陶瓷抗弯强度、断裂韧性的影响.用XRD定量分析了含摩尔分数2%与3%Y2O3的ZrO2(2Y)与ZrO2(BY)在断裂过程中四方相转变成单斜相的相变量,用以阐明增韧机制.结果表明,在ZrO2含量为15%(体积分数)时,Al2O3/ZrO2(3Y)和Al2O3/ZrO2(2Y)复合材料的抗弯强度、断裂韧性分别达到825MPa,7.8MPa·m1/2和738MPa,6.7MPa·m1/2,两者的性能差异主要来自不同的增韧机制.  相似文献   

High removal rate (up to 16.6 mm3/s per mm) grinding of alumina and alumina–titania was investigated with respect to material removal and basic grinding parameters using a resin-bond 160 μm grit diamond wheel at the speeds of 40 and 160 m/s, respectively. The results show that the material removal for the single-phase polycrystalline alumina and the two-phase alumina–titania composite revealed identical mechanisms of microfracture and grain dislodgement under the grinding conditioned selected. There were no distinct differences in surface roughness and morphology for both materials ground at either conventional or high speed. An increase in material removal rate did not necessarily worsen the surface roughness for the two materials at both speeds. Also the grinding forces for the two ceramics demonstrated similar characteristics at any grinding speeds and specific removal rates. Both normal and tangential grinding forces and their force ratios at the high speed were lower than those at the conventional speed, regardless of removal rates. An increase in specific removal rate caused more rapid increases in normal and tangential forces obtained at the conventional grinding speed than those at the high speed. Furthermore, it is found that the high speed grinding at all the removal rates exerted a great amount of coolant-induced normal forces in grinding zone, which were 4–6 times higher than the pure normal grinding forces.  相似文献   

The effects of BaZrO3 addition on the thermal behavior and microstructure of YBCO superconductors have been investigated. The differential thermal analysis indicates that the peritectic decomposition temperature of YBCO precursor powder is not change when BaZrO3 is doped. The solidification temperature of YBCO changes with increasing of BaZrO3 addition, thus the window of solidification temperature is affected. The results of scanning electron microscopy show that the BaZrO3 particles are accumulated along the growth boundary, which result in the constitutional segregation of YBCO. The pushing–trapping theory is used to explain the phenomenon of segregation in the YBCO matrix.  相似文献   

The friction and wear properties of ZrO2 and ALO3 cooperatively toughened mullite composites-mullite/ZrO2/Al2O3(MZA) were studied. The tribological tests were performed in a line-reciprocating tribometer using a GCr15 steel ball on a MZA disk under different dry reciprocating sliding conditions at room temperature. A wide range of normal loads and sliding speeds were chosen to investigate the relationship between the wear mechanisms of MZA and the testing conditions. The wear mechanism diagram of MZA is constructed, it contains two typical regions. It suggests that the wear mechanisms of MZA in each of the region change from one to another depending on the wear conditions. In the mild wear region, the wear rate of MZA is 10^-6 mm^3/m, and the wear mechanism of MZA is plastic deformation accompanied by a little micro-cracking. In the severe wear region, the wear rate of MZA is 10 5 mm^3/m and the dominant wear mechanism in this region is brittle fracture.  相似文献   

A comprehensive methodology to fabricate an Al–25Si–X composite via spray-forming and extrusion was investigated to judge the potential of this alloy for applications requiring high strength as well as high wear resistance and/or high elastic modulus. Billets were spray-formed with a low gas/metal ratio of about 0.8 m3/kg to reduce the consumption of nitrogen gas. The billets, having considerable porosity, were then extruded into sub-scale bars using various extrusion parameters, such as extrusion ratio, die temperature, and die configuration to optimize the extrusion conditions and eliminate the pores in the preform. Based on results obtained from the preliminary sub-scale extrusion tests, the spray-formed billets were then hot extruded into a tubular shape with outer and inner diameters of 97 mm × 77 mm, respectively, at an extrusion temperature of 500 °C. Various material properties of the extruded tubes were measured and compared with other candidate materials for these applications.  相似文献   

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