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There is good evidence for a signaling role played by Ig heavy chain in the developmental transition through the pre-B cell stage. We have previously described signal-capable or signal-incapable mutants of mu heavy chain in which a signaling defect is caused by failure to associate with the Ig alpha/beta heterodimer. To further characterize the role of Ig heavy chain-mediated signaling in vivo, as well as in B cell development and allelic exclusion, we have created transgenic mice in which the B cells express these signal-capable and signal-incapable mutant mu chains. Failure of mu to signal via Ig alpha/beta results in a block in B cell development in mice expressing the signal-incapable mu. A small number of B cells in these animals do escape the developmental block and are expressed in the spleen and the periphery as B220+ transgenic IgM+ cells. These cells respond to LPS by proliferating but show no response to T-independent-specific Ag. In contrast, B cells expressing the signal-capable B cell receptor show a strong signaling response to Ag-specific stimulus. There is no Ig alpha seen in association with signal-deficient IgM. Thus, the B cell receptor complex is not assembled, and no signal can be delivered. Despite the block in developmental signaling, allelic exclusion is complete. There is no detectable coexpression of transgenic IgM and endogenous murine IgM, nor is there rearrangement of the endogenous heavy chain genes. This suggests that differing signaling mechanisms are responsible for the developmental transition and allelic exclusion and thus allows for separate examination of these signaling mechanisms.  相似文献   

RAG-1 and RAG-2 are developmentally regulated genes that are essential for V(D)J recombination and lymphocyte development. Expression of RAG-1 and RAG-2 by thymocytes is normally limited to cells that have not completed selection. We have previously documented that persistent expression of the recombinase activating genes (RAG) in transgenic mice results in aberrant thymic development, altered lymphatic microanatomy, and a profound immunodeficiency. Here we further document the pathologic changes found in TG.RAG-1,2 mice and examine the role of TCR recombination and positive and negative thymic selection, as well as allelic exclusion, in the etiology of the phenotype. We find that neither selection nor TCR allelic exclusion can be overcome by transgenic expression RAG-1 and RAG-2 under the control of an lck promoter.  相似文献   

Within the broader framework of facilitating investigations into the inherent responses of restricted neuronal phenotypes devoid of their in vivo afferents, serum- and steroid-free cultures enriched in corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), arginine vasopressin (AVP), and beta-endorphin (beta-END) peptidergic neurons were prepared from the hypothalamic paraventricular (PVN: CRH and AVP) and/or arcuate (ARC: beta-END) nuclei of juvenile male rats. The functional viability of these ARC/PVN cultures was verified by their ability to synthesize and secrete CRH, AVP, and beta-END under basal and depolarizing (veratridine) conditions in vitro. Peptide secretion was shown to be Ca2+ and Na+ dependent in that it was blocked in the presence of verapamil and tetrodotoxin, respectively. Exposure of ARC/PVN cocultures to the glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX) resulted in a dose-dependent increase of CRH secretion and an inhibition of AVP and beta-END; the CRH responses deviated strikingly from predictions based on in vivo experiments. Steroid withdrawal or treatment with the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU38486 reversed these trends. Opposite effects of DEX on CRH secretion were observed in cultures consisting of PVN cells only. Supported by studies using an opioid receptor agonist (morphine) and antagonist (naloxone), these observations demonstrate that ARC-derived (beta-END) neurons modulate the responses of PVN neurons to DEX.  相似文献   

MRL-lpr/lpr (MRL/lpr) mice are a model of human autoimmune disease. They exhibit a number of characteristics of systemic lupus erythematosus, including anti-DNA Abs, anti-cardiolipin Abs, immune complex-mediated vasculitis, lymphadenopathy, and severe glomerulonephritis. Although the autoimmune disorder is mediated primarily by mutation of the Fas gene (lpr), which interferes with lymphocyte apoptosis, MRL/lpr mice also have other predisposing genetic factors. In an effort to identify these additional factors, we have applied quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping using an intercross between MRL/lpr mice and the nonautoimmune inbred strain BALB/cJ. A complete linkage map spanning the entire genome was constructed for 189 intercross progeny, and genetic loci contributing to features of the autoimmunity were identified using statistical analytic procedures. As expected, the primary genetic determinant of autoimmune disease in this cross was the Fas gene on mouse chromosome 19, exhibiting a lod score of 60. In addition, two novel loci, one on chromosome 2 (lod score, 4.3) and one on chromosome 11 (lod score, 3.1), were found to contribute to levels of anti-DNA Abs. Interestingly, the chromosome 19 and chromosome 11 QTLs, but not the chromosome 2 QTL, also exhibited associations with anti-cardiolipin Abs (lod scores, 38.4 and 2.6). We further examined the effects of these QTLs on the development of coronary vasculitis in the F2 mice. Our results indicate that the QTLs on chromosomes 11 and 19 also control the development of vasculitis, demonstrating common genetic determinants of autoantibody levels and vasculitis.  相似文献   

Peripheral B cell tolerance was studied in mice of the autoimmune-prone, Fas-deficient MRL/ lpr.H-2(d) genetic background by introducing a transgene that directs expression of membrane-bound H-2Kb antigen to liver and kidney (MT-Kb) and a second transgene encoding antibody reactive with this antigen (3-83mu delta, anti-Kk,b). Control immunoglobulin transgenic (Ig-Tg) MRL/lpr.H-2(d) mice lacking the Kb antigen had large numbers of splenic and lymph node B cells bearing the transgene-encoded specificity, whereas B cells of the double transgenic (Dbl-Tg) MRL/lpr.H-2(d) mice were deleted as efficiently as in Dbl-Tg mice of a nonautoimmune B10.D2 genetic background. In spite of the severely restricted peripheral B cell repertoire of the Ig-Tg MRL/lpr.H-2(d) mice, and notwithstanding deletion of the autospecific B cell population in the Dbl-Tg MRL/lpr.H-2(d) mice, both types of mice developed lymphoproliferation and exhibited elevated levels of IgG anti-chromatin autoantibodies. Interestingly, Dbl-Tg MRL/lpr.H-2(d) mice had a shorter lifespan than Ig-Tg MRL/lpr.H-2(d) mice, apparently as an indirect result of their relative B cell lymphopenia. These data suggest that in MRL/lpr mice peripheral B cell tolerance is not globally defective, but that certain B cells with receptors specific for nuclear antigens are regulated differently than are cells reactive to membrane autoantigens.  相似文献   

B lymphocytes in individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) secrete pathogenic autoantibodies to DNA which cause clinical nephritis. (NZB X NZW) F1 (BW) female mice also secrete pathogenic anti-DNA autoantibodies, and therefore are considered to be an animal model of SLE. The rearranged immunoglobulin (Ig) genes that encode an anti-DNA antibody from a diseased BW mouse have been cloned, and transgenic (Tg) mice have been created by microinjection of these constructs into fertilized eggs from normal mice. As we reported previously, when the construct contains the C gamma 2a heavy chain constant (CH) region, the mice spontaneously secrete anti-DNA IgG and they develop mild nephritis. This demonstrated that the Ig encoded by the transgene is pathogenic. In contrast, here we report that when the construct contains the same anti-DNA Ig variable (V) regions used previously, along with the C mu region, the autoreactive B cells are rendered tolerant. Most B cells in the Tg mice express the mu transgene product on their surface, and rearrangement of endogenous light chain genes is partially suppressed. Furthermore, most hybridomas made from Tg B cells secrete IgM anti-DNA. Despite this, the Tg mice have reduced levels of total serum Ig and they do not secrete anti-DNA IgM either spontaneously or following immunization with DNA. We conclude that most B cells in the Tg mice have been rendered anergic. Anergy is however reversible in vitro; lipopolysaccharide stimulation of Tg B cells leads to the production of a significant amount of IgM anti-DNA antibody. The studies demonstrate that in this line of Tg mice on a normal mouse genetic background potentially pathogenic B cells that express a high-affinity Ig specific for a natural autoantigen are subject to tolerance by induction of anergy.  相似文献   

Osteopontin (OPN) is an Arg-Gly-Asp-containing phosphoprotein that is secreted by activated T cells. The concentration of serum OPN protein is elevated in autoimmune-prone MRL-lpr mice as well as in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Previously, it was shown that OPN induces the polyclonal activation of B cells, resulting in the augmented production of immunoglobulin, indicating that OPN plays some role in the development of autoimmune disease. However, the link between OPN and development of autoimmune disease remains unclear. To analyze the role of OPN in immune system and autoimmune diseases, we have generated two kinds of transgenic mice: one carries the immunoglobulin (Ig) enhancer/SV40 promoter and the other carries the cytomegalovirus enhancer/chicken beta-actin (CAG) promoter. In both groups of transgenic mice, the B1 cell population in peritoneal cavity was markedly increased and titer of IgM and IgG3 antibodies in the serum was considerably higher than that in wild-type mice. Most important, the titer of the IgM class of anti-double-stranded DNA antibody was significantly elevated in transgenic mice. These results strongly suggest that OPN may have an important role in the propagation and differentiation of B1 cells and production of autoantibodies.  相似文献   

The potential of cord blood (CB) to serve as a rich source of stem cells and stem cell factors is receiving increasing attention. In addition, perhaps because of the early ontogeny of these cells or the lack of surface antigens, cord blood stem cells do not appear to require close identity with the recipient. In the present pilot study, we investigated the presence of a hematopoiesis enhancing effect (HEE) by assaying the ability of human cord blood cells to augment hematopoiesis across a species barrier. For these experiments, autoimmune-prone MRL-Ipr/Ipr mice were exposed to sublethal levels of irradiation and cord blood administration to study the role of factors present in human cord blood in augmenting the rate of lymphopoiesis. This strain was chosen because of the increased presence of peripheral T and B subpopulations, namely the B-1 and CD4/CD8 double negative T-cell subpopulations, which do not arise directly from bone marrow precursors, but rather accumulate with age. MRL-Ipr/Ipr mice were sublethally irradiated and reconstituted with syngeneic bone marrow (BM) cells or with human cord blood cells or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), or were left unreconstituted. At 2 weeks post-treatment, lymphoid populations in the spleen and lymph nodes were studied as a measure of hematopoiesis. Factors present in cord blood were able to augment hematopoiesis over that which occurred endogenously. At 2 weeks postirradiation, recipients of BM cells displayed the fastest rate of peripheral lymphoid recovery, nonreconstituted mice showed the slowest lymphoid recovery, and recipients of cord blood recovered their lymphoid populations at an intermediate rate. Similarly, myelopoiesis was increased in irradiated SJL/J recipients of human cord blood. Thus, human cord blood cells appear to produce/induce factors that may act as an adjunct to increase stem-cell activity.  相似文献   

The MRL/lpr murine model resembles human lupus both in its serologic and immunopathologic features, and is characterized by high-level IgG and autoantibody production. The precise mechanisms for this B cell hyperactivity are poorly understood. This study explored the role of IL-1 in determining high-level IgG and autoantibody production in the MRL/lpr murine lupus model by blocking IL-1 activity with a recombinant IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra). IgG and autoantibody production (anti-DNA ab and Id-H130 activity) by B cells derived from MRL/lpr mice was significantly suppressed by treating B cell cultures with IL-1Ra. In contrast, IgG and autoantibody production by B cells derived from young MRL/lpr, MLR/++, or normal C3H/HeJ mice showed virtually no suppression with IL-1Ra. Collectively, these findings indicate that IL-1 may be an important factor in determining the heightened production of IgG, anti-DNA, and id-H130 antibody production in lupus-prone MRL/lpr mice. Furthermore, heightened IL-1 activity appears to be influenced by both age and the presence of the lpr mutation.  相似文献   

Allelic exclusion in kappa light-chain synthesis is thought to result from a feedback mechanism by which the expression of a functional kappa light chain on the surface of the B cell leads to an intracellular signal that down-regulates the V(D)J recombinase, thus precluding rearrangement of the other allele. Whereas such a feedback mechanism clearly plays a role in the maintenance of allelic exclusion, here we provide evidence suggesting that the initial establishment of allelic exclusion involves differential availability of the two kappa alleles for rearrangement. Analysis of kappa+ B-cell populations and of individual kappa+ B cells that have rearranged only one allele demonstrates that in these cells, critical sites on the rearranged allele are unmethylated, whereas the nonrearranged allele remains methylated. This pattern is apparently generated by demethylation that is initiated at the small pre-B cell stage, on a single allele, in a process that occurs prior to rearrangement and requires the presence in cis of both the intronic and 3' kappa enhancers. Taken together with data demonstrating that undermethylation is required for rearrangement, these results indicate that demethylation may actually underly the process of allelic exclusion by directing the initial choice of a single kappa allele for rearrangement.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cause-of-death statistics are widely used for comparing health characteristics of European Community (EC) countries. Before attempting to interpret between-country differences, it is essential to assess the biases affecting the comparability of the data. EUROSTAT decided to address globally this problem with the objective to improve the quality and comparability of cause-of-death data within the EC. METHODS: The material is based on a review of results of international comparative cause-of-death studies and on specific inquiries among EC. Both cause-of-death certification and codification practices are analysed. Certification is studied comparing the models of death certificates, the type of information captured, certifiers training and querying practices. The different coding systems are analysed (International classification of diseases (ICD) in use, interpretation of the ICD rules, implementation of automated coding systems). RESULTS: International studies on comparability of certification and coding practices between countries are rare. These studies are based on certification of cases histories and recoding of samples of death certificates. Recent studies on respiratory diseases, cancers and diabetes outline differences that influenced on the reported level of mortality. The specific EUROSTAT investigation (1997) outline general discrepancies: models of death certificates, nature and amount of information entered, way to establish the diagnosis, degree of consistency of the certification process, autopsy practices, certifiers practices, implementation of ICD-10 and implementation of automated coding systems. CONCLUSION: EUROSTAT studies are now focused on causes of death requiring special attention for comparability (e.g. suicide, accidental deaths, drug and alcohol related deaths, unknown and ill-defined causes), on procedures to improve the homogeneity of certifiers training and querying practices, on the effect of the transition to ICD-10. The international model of death certificate recommended by the World Health Organization should be adopted as widely as possible. Uniform complementary information (e.g. surgery, pregnancy, autopsy, place of occurrence of accidental deaths, work accident) should also be adopted. The EUROSTAT investigations must result in definitions of common recommendations and guidelines to EC.  相似文献   

Urine leakage from the umbilicus was observed while expressing urine by the Crede manoeuvre in a three-year-old tetraplegic girl with a chronically distended urinary bladder. Intravenous urography (IVU) revealed bilateral hydroureteronephrosis with markedly distended urinary bladder. Regular three hourly intermittent catheterization was advised, and the parents and carers of this child agreed to perform catheterization. There was cessation of urine leak within 48 hours of urethral drainage. Cystography performed two weeks later showed no vesicoureteric reflux; vesicoumbilical fistula was no longer demonstrable. Follow-up IVU, performed after eight and half months of regular intermittent catheterization, showed regression of hydroureteronephrosis. We believe that urine leakage from the umbilicus served two important protective functions in this child, viz. (1) it prevented possible vesical or renal rupture; (2) the striking clinical symptom of urine leak from the umbilicus focussed the attention of the carers to the underlying serious condition of the urinary tract. Further, this case demonstrates that regression of marked hydroureteronephrosis can be achieved by intermittent catheterization performed at regular intervals by devoted parents/carers, in selected cases of spinal cord injury with neuropathic bladder, and vesical outlet obstruction, thus obviating the need for any form of temporary or permanent urinary diversion.  相似文献   

The autoimmune-prone MRL-lpr substrain of mice develop an autoimmunity-associated behavioral syndrome (AABS) which resembles in many respects the behavior of animals exposed to chronic stress. The present study examined whether these mice show changes in the morphology of neuronal dendrites, as found in animals exposed to chronic stress. A modified Golgi-Cox procedure was used to visualize the dendrites of pyramidal neurons in the parietal cortex and in the CA1 hippocampal field of 5-week and 14-week old MRL-lpr mice and MRL + / + controls. Reduced dendritic branching and length, and an up to 20% loss of dendritic spines were observed in parietal and hippocampal pyramidal neurons of MRL-lpr mice at both ages. In the parietal cortex, there was an age-dependent potentiation in the reduction of basilar, but not apical, dendrite branching and length, as well as in the loss of spines on basilar segments. Loss of spines in the hippocampus followed an age-related course for apical but not basilar dendrites. Moreover, compared to age-matched controls, brain weight was smaller in MRL-lpr mice at 14 but not 5 weeks of age. Considering that dendritic atrophy becomes more extensive when autoimmune disease is florid in MRL-lpr mice, it is proposed that immune/inflammatory factor(s) produce dendritic loss. Reduced dendritic complexity may represent, at least in part, a structural basis for the altered behavioral profile of MRL-lpr mice.  相似文献   

The bcl-2 gene belongs to a class of oncogenes involved in the inhibition of apoptosis. Most follicular lymphomas are associated with the t(14;18) translocation that juxtaposes the bcl-2 gene located on chromosome 18 to the immunoglobulin gene locus located on chromosome 14. Consequently, the bcl-2 gene is overly expressed and leads to an accumulation of mature clonal B cells. Prolonged survival of the B cell clone appears to be the early event in tumorigenesis, creating an increased risk of cumulative mutations. Interestingly, bcl-2/Ig gene rearrangements may be identified in nearly 50% of normal individuals but the outcome of normal individuals carrying high levels of t(14;18) is not well defined. Persistent polyclonal B cell lymphocytosis (PPBL) is a unique polyclonal lymphoproliferative disorder mostly restricted to women. We have recently demonstrated that PPBL is also associated with multiple bcl-2/Ig gene rearrangements. In this report, we have extended our analysis to additional patients and demonstrated that all patients presented multiple detectable t(14;18) translocated clones. In addition, Bcl-2 protein expression was increased. Our findings, along with the clinical features of PPBL, make this disorder an exceptional model for the study of B-cell homeostasis.  相似文献   

Lupus-prone mice develop a systemic autoimmune disease that is dependent upon the B cell help provided by autoreactive alphabeta CD4+ T cells. Since autoreactive T cells with high affinity for self peptides are normally deleted in the thymus, their presence in these mice suggests the possibility that intrathymic negative selection may be defective. Here, we directly compared central T cell tolerance in response to a conventional peptide Ag in lupus-prone MRL/MpJ mice with a nonautoimmune strain using an MHC class II-restricted TCR transgene. Our results did not demonstrate any defects after Ag exposure in the induction of intrathymic deletion of immature CD4+ CD8+ thymocytes, in TCR down-regulation, or in the number of apoptotic thymocytes in MRL/MpJ compared with nonautoimmune mice. Furthermore, we found that the lpr mutation had no influence upon the Ag-induced thymic deletion of immature thymocytes. These data support the notion that T cell autoreactivity in MRL/MpJ mice is caused by defects in peripheral control mechanisms.  相似文献   

To study the relative contributions of clonal deletion, clonal anergy, and receptor editing to tolerance induction in autoreactive B cells and their dependence on B cell receptor affinity, we have constructed "knock in" mice in which germline encoded or somatically mutated, rearranged anti-DNA heavy (H) chains were targeted to the H chain locus of the mouse. The targeted H chains were expressed on the vast majority of bone marrow (BM) and splenic B cells and were capable of Ig class switching and the acquisition of somatic mutations. A quantitative analysis of B cell populations in the BM as well as of Jkappa utilization and DNA binding of hybridoma Abs suggested that immature B cell deletion and light (L) chain editing were the major mechanisms affecting tolerance. Unexpectedly, these mechanisms were less effective in targeted mice expressing the somatically mutated, anti-DNA H chain than in mice expressing the germline-encoded H chain, possibly due to the greater abundance of high affinity, anti-DNA immature B cells in the BM. Consequently, autoreactive B cells that showed features of clonal anergy could be recovered in the periphery of these mice. Our results suggest that clonal deletion and receptor editing are interrelated mechanisms that act in concert to eliminate autoreactive B cells from the immune system. Clonal anergy may serve as a back-up mechanism for central tolerance, or it may represent an intermediate step in clonal deletion.  相似文献   

The B cell antigen receptor, composed of membrane immunoglobulin (Ig) sheathed by the Igalpha/Igbeta heterodimer plays a critical role in mediating B cell development and responses to antigen. The cytoplasmic tails of Igalpha and Igbeta differ substantially but have been well conserved in evolution. Transfection experiments have revealed that, while these tails share an esssential tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM), they perform differently in some but not all assays and have been proposed to recruit distinct downstream effectors. We have created transgenic mouse lines expressing chimeric receptors comprising an IgM fused to the cytoplasmic domain of each of the sheath polypeptides. IgM/alpha and IgM/beta chimeras (but not an IgM/beta with mutant ITAM) are each independently sufficient to mediate allelic exclusion, rescue B cell development in gene-targeted Igmu- mice that lack endogenous antigen receptors, as well as signal for B7 upregulation. While the (IgM/alpha) x (IgM/beta) double-transgenic mouse revealed somewhat more efficient allelic exclusion, our data indicate that each of the sheath polypeptides is sufficient to mediate many of the essential functions of the B cell antigen receptor, even if the combination gives optimal activity.  相似文献   

B lymphocytes express Ag receptors (BCR) that are composed of ligand binding subunits, the membrane Igs, associated with Ig alpha/Ig beta heterodimers. One main BCR function is to bind and to internalize Ags. Peptides generated from these internalized Ags may be presented to T lymphocytes. Here, we have analyzed the involvement of BCR Ig alpha/Ig beta components in BCR constitutive endocytosis. The role of Ig alpha subunit in BCR constitutive endocytosis was first determined in the context of an IgM-based BCR. In contrast with BCR that contain wild-type Ig alpha, surface BCR lacking Ig alpha cytoplasmic domain were not constitutively internalized. The respective roles of Ig alpha and Ig beta subunits were then analyzed by expressing chimeric molecules containing the cytoplasmic domains of either subunits in a B cell line. Only the Ig alpha cytoplasmic domain contained an internalization signal that allowed constitutive endocytosis of Ig alpha chimeras via coated pits and accumulation in sorting-recycling endosomes. This internalization signal is contained in its immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif. These results indicate that Ig alpha, through its immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif, may account for the ability of IgM/IgD BCR to constitutively internalize monovalent Ags.  相似文献   

Cerebellar Purkinje cells in the heterozygous Lurcher mutant undergo cell autonomous degeneration beginning in the second week of postnatal development and becoming almost total around 30-45 days. The Lurcher mutation was recently identified as gain-of-function defect in the delta 2 glutamate receptor causing a constitutive current leak, suggesting that +/Lc Purkinje cells die by an excitotoxic mechanism. In previous studies we have shown that overexpression of bcl-2, a key regulator of cell death, in the heterozygous Lurcher mutant does not prevent +/Lc Purkinje cell death. To investigate further the mechanisms of +/Lc Purkinje cell death, we have crossed +/Lc mutants with a second line of Hu-bcl-2 transgenics (NSE73a) that shows an earlier onset of transgene expression and higher expression levels. Analysis of eight +/Lc-NSE73a mutants (4 at 2 months and 4 at 5-6 months) showed that Hu-bcl-2 overexpression delayed, but ultimately could not prevent +/Lc Purkinje cell death.  相似文献   

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