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The application of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) as a non-destructive technique for the monitoring of ring separation in masonry arch bridges was studied. Numerical modelling techniques were used to simulate tests using GPR—these numerical experiments were backed up and calibrated using laboratory experiments. Due to the heterogeneity of these structures, the signals coming from the interaction between the GPR system and the bridge are often complex, and hence hard to interpret. This defined the need to create a GPR numerical model that will allow the study of the attributes of reflected signals from various targets within the structure of the bridge. The GPR numerical analysis was undertaken using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. Since “micro regions” in the structure need to be modelled, subgrids were introduced into the standard FDTD method, in order to economize on the required memory and the calculation time. Good correlations were obtained between the numerical experiments and actual GPR experiments. It was shown both numerically and experimentally that significant mortar loss between the masonry arch rings can be detected. However, hairline delaminations between the mortar and the brick masonry cannot be detected using GPR.  相似文献   

针对工件-夹具系统的误差分离问题,基于径向基神经网络算法建立了夹具误差的分离和识别算法.根据工件位姿变化对测试点位移数据的函数关系,对测试数据进行处理,并使用径向基神经网络方法分别建立夹紧力-测试数据和测试数据-夹紧力的拟合模型,实现了定位误差与夹紧误差的分离,计算出工件的位姿变化量和夹紧力的大小,从而能够为误差补偿或者故障诊断提供数据支持.使用该算法对实验数据进行分离与识别,夹紧力和位姿变化量的预测误差分别控制在10%和13%以内.  相似文献   

张旻  陈卫林  李骥 《无损检测》2020,(2):61-64,73
在钢结构脉冲涡流缺陷识别中,通常采用信号的峰值幅度、过零时间、主峰面积等特征参数对缺陷进行表征。但上述参数相互关联,存在一定的信息冗余,增加了数据分析量及信息筛选难度,进而影响了缺陷识别的效率。针对上述问题,采用主成分分析法对脉冲涡流信号的6个特征参数进行降维处理,构造了一个主成分特征,减少了信息冗余;将上述主成分特征输入Logistic分类器,实现了对钢结构减薄缺陷的准确识别。结果表明:主成分分析法可以在确保缺陷识别准确率的情况下,有效减少分类器处理的数据量,提高缺陷识别效率。  相似文献   

Ground penetrating radar is being used as a survey tool to study stone and brick masonries. The aim of the research is to produce guidelines for a technical procedure for the acquisition and interpretation of radar traces to detect inclusions, voids and other defects, the effectiveness of repair, the characteristics of leaves in multiple-leaf walls and to find the presence of moisture in a stone masonry wall. This paper shows first results of in situ tests carried out on historic buildings.  相似文献   

郑建军  刘涛玮  樊子铭  张涛 《焊接》2024,45(1):60-63, 80



薄壁铝合金锥形件旋压过程的缺陷分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李亚非  陈辉 《锻压技术》2008,33(1):56-59
针对铝锥旋压成形中出现的质量缺陷,通过有限元分析模拟其成形过程.分析了产生缺陷的原因,并验证了不同工艺参数条件下旋压制品的成形特点,为制定旋压工艺方案提供参考.同时,在旋压试验中验证、优化模拟结果.结果表明,模拟分析有效地展现了旋压过程中的各种异常变形及其原因,如破裂、翻边、褶皱、失稳等,为制定、优化旋压工艺提供了有益的指导,在旋压加工中有效地避免了上述缺陷,提高了产品质量,简化了工艺试验方案,提高了生产效率.  相似文献   

The paper presents a new use of the Continuous Wavelet Transform for modal parameter identification applied to CNC machine tools. Firstly, the resonant frequencies and damping ratios of the CNC machine tool axis drive are estimated in the frequency domain using the transmissibility relation at resonance. The experimental Bode diagrams are determined using a novel measurement practice for the decoding of signals generated by a position encoder.This paper focuses on a novel application of the Continuous Wavelet Transform to identify the resonance frequencies and corresponding damping ratios of the CNC machine tool axis drive. The proposed method has the ability to detect variations in the amplitude levels of weak components embedded in strong noise and non-stationary processes. The superior ability of the Wavelet Transform to identify accurately modal parameters is demonstrated by comparing the results of the two different methods.  相似文献   

结合数值模拟和物理实验,实现了圆管、方管管坯上不同孔形、不同翻孔方向的管壁异形渐进翻孔成形.通过模拟验证了圆管管壁异形渐进翻孔成形过程的受力情况与方管翻孔时不同,各个部分的成形力大小大致相同;在方管中有:圆弧端成形力>过渡端成形力>直壁端成形力的关系.研究发现,破裂、金属堆积、划痕严重、底端凸起等是渐进翻孔可能出现的缺...  相似文献   

通过DYNAFORM有限元分析软件模拟分析了一种拱形件的冲压工艺,尤其是凸、凹模圆角半径的大小对拉深工艺的影响,得到了合适的工艺参数,解决了该类异形件成形的难点,最终制定出了正确的冲压成形工艺方案。  相似文献   

本文分析了液压系统闭环辨识特点,提出了闭环辨识的实验条件,并在微机控制的液压系统闭环辨识实验装置上进行了验证。  相似文献   

针对阀控液压对称执行机构频率响应数据模型辨识问题,提出了一种功率谱估计闭环间接辨识方法,并分析了传感器分辨率、信号数据长度、窗函数、数据分段对辨识精度的影响。该方法首先使用改进的扫频信号对阀控液压对称执行机构进行扫频测试,然后对数据进行功率谱估计闭环间接辨识得到液压执行机构开环频率特性,最后对各种因素对辨识精度的影响进行了仿真分析。仿真结果表明:使用功率谱估计进行参数辨识时,传感器分辨率和精度越高、激励数据越长,使用hamming窗函数、2分段数据进行辨识信号前处理可得到更高的参数辨识精度。  相似文献   

In order to reduce the discrepency between experimental and numerical development, a parameter automatic identification procedure from rheological test is formulated as an inverse problem. The direct model which permits to simulate the large strain behaviour during the rheological test is a Finite Element Code. The inverse problem is formulated as finding a set of rheological parameters starting from a known constitutive equation. The goal is to compute the parameter vector which minimizes an objective function representing, in the least square sense, the difference between experimental and numerical data. The high nonlinearity of the problem to be solved, requires the use of an accurate evaluation of the sensitivity matrix by analytical differentiation of governing equations with respect to the parameters. Thus the optimisation algorithm is strongly coupled with the finite element simulation. This method, namely a Computer Aided Rheology (CAR) methodology is possible in principle for all tests able to be simulated. This paper concerns the thermoviscoplastic deformation during torsion and tension tests.  相似文献   

A. Petek 《CIRP Annals》2009,58(1):283-286
Before starting, the production forming processes require real experiments in order to accurately define forming limits. For this reason and because incremental sheet metal forming technology requires a relatively long production time, an autonomous on-line system for fracture identification has been developed. The system is a versatile tool for the identification of the location and time of the occurrence of the fracture, without human influences or oversight. The system is based on an investigation of the forming forces, responsive to very small variations, appearing during the forming process, and works effectively with different material types, material thicknesses and product shapes.  相似文献   

借助金相显微镜、扫描电镜和能谱仪等相关试验方法,对薄规格冷轧基板SPHC边部分层缺陷形成机理进行分析.对缺陷形貌、成分、金相组织、金属流线及轧制设备与工艺的综合分析结果表明,边部分层缺陷形成于精轧第6道次,该道次前钢板边部发生翻边是造成边部分层缺陷的直接原因;而钢板边部翻边是由于轧制过程中钢板严重跑偏,并与带有磨损凹槽的侧导板发生碰撞,钢板边部沿凹槽内缘上翘造成的.从避免钢板跑偏和侧导板严重磨损两方面采取措施后,成功地避免了该缺陷产生.  相似文献   

孙小文  刘斌 《模具工业》2013,39(8):67-72
对模具电极用夹具利用ANSYS软件对其进行模态分析,得到系统的固有频率和振型,为模具电极用夹具的设计及动力学分析提供参考依据。利用ANSYS分析模块对模具电极用夹具结构进行优化分析,最优结果是:夹具的最大节点位移为3.32×10-3mm,最大节点应力为7.61MPa,总体积为2.14×105mm3,与优化之前的结果相比较,体积减少了33.1%。  相似文献   

箱式发电机定子铁芯套机座后其模态会发生变化,为防止发电机机座与定子在运行中发生共振等现象,在设计时就要对发电机模态进行详细仿真分析。本文利用有限元分析法和试验检测方式对某型号发电机定子套机座的模态进行对比分析,为进一步研究该类型风力发电机定子刚度提供依据。  相似文献   

控制理论的发展与制造过程识别策略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于控制理论及其发展趋势,阐述了经典控制理论、现代控制理论和智能控制理论在制定制造过程识别策略中的应用,并在分析与研究各种策略的特点与存在问题的基础上,指出了发展方向。  相似文献   

黄荣林  白振华  李麒麟 《轧钢》2020,37(5):30-34
针对冷轧钢卷卷取后带钢表面出现挫、划伤缺陷的问题,对缺陷宏观与微观形貌进行了分析,研究了冷轧钢卷卷取后带钢表面的挫、划伤缺陷的形成机理,即带钢在卷取过程中沿卷筒周向的静态卷取张力不能与动态的摩擦力相平衡而造成带钢层与层之间的打滑碰撞,导致带钢表面出现挫伤和划伤缺陷。为此,从卷取张力、速度波动的抑制,张力制度的优化,设备的维护,运输装备的改造等方面提出了相应措施,并将其应用到某2 030 mm五机架冷连轧机组,挫、划伤缺陷的发生率从1.2%下降到0.1%,保证了产品质量,取得了较大的经济效益。  相似文献   

焊缝偏差和熔深识别及其集成智能控制系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
介绍一种焊缝跟踪和熔透控制的集成智能控制系统。该系统从同一传感器中获取焊缝偏差和熔深信息,实现了焊缝跟踪和熔透的同时控制。主要介绍控制系统的构成、信息识别方法、神经模糊控制器设计及其在实际中的应用结果。  相似文献   

陈兆勇 《轧钢》2020,37(6):100-104
针对客户反馈的SAE6150工具钢表面花斑形貌问题,对其宏观形貌和成分进行了检测分析,发现产生花斑形貌的直接原因是由于原料盘条表面存在不平整的微凹坑,平面和凹坑面在光的反射作用下呈现明暗不同的视觉色差,从而形成肉眼可见的花斑形貌。微凹坑产生的原因是盘条在轧制过程中表面残留氧化铁皮轧制压入而造成的;另外,盘条拉拔前的鳞皂化处理致使大量皂化液进入凹坑凝固后形成塞积物,盘条拉拔后凹坑难以去除而形成黑白相间的花斑形貌。为此,提出了相应改进措施,从根本上解决了热轧盘条表面缺陷问题。  相似文献   

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