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Increased apoptosis of myeloid precursors appears to contribute to the pathophysiology of cytopenias in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Fas /APO-1(CD95) is a cell surface protein inducing an apoptotic signal after its binding to Fas ligand or to a functional anti-Fas antibody. Here we studied Fas expression by immunocytochemistry on marrow slides from 30 cases of MDS. Increased Fas expression in erythroblasts and/or immature granulocytes, compared to controls, was seen in 12 (40%) of the cases. In addition, in 16 of the 18 cases with > or = 5% marrow blasts, a variable proportion of blasts expressed Fas. Increased apoptosis was found by morphological analysis and/or TUNEL technique in marrow cells from 8 of the 26 cases analyzed (31%) The ability of Fas antigen to trigger apoptosis was studied after addition of a functional anti Fas antibody in 5 of the patients with Fas overexpression. Addition of this antibody, however, only lead to mild increase of apoptosis in immature granulocytes (but not other myeloid cells) in 2 of the 5 cases. Thus, increased Fas expression is seen in myeloid and/or blast cells in the majority of MDS cases. However, the relationship between this finding and increased apoptosis in MDS still remains to be established.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the processing of painful electrical stimuli in patients with unilateral frontal or parietal lobe damage and matched control subjects. Patients with frontal lesions showed increased pain thresholds when the stimuli were administered contralateral to the lesion. While the peak-to-peak amplitudes of the N150/P250 components of the somatosensory potentials increased linearly with stimulus intensity in the control subjects, the responses in the frontal group did not change significantly between stimulation at pain and tolerance threshold. There was no evidence for altered pain processing in patients with parietal lobe lesions. The findings of the present study support the hypothesis of an involvement of the frontal cortex in pain perception in humans.  相似文献   

CD4+ TCRalphabeta+ T cells from the colonic lamina propria of athymic (nude) mice were adoptively transferred into histocompatible (SCID) mice homozygous for the autosomal recessive mutation scid (severe combined immunodeficiency). Transfer of these extrathymic CD4+ T cells into SCID mice induced a pancolitis in the adoptive host. The histopathology of this inflammatory response was restricted to the colon and closely resembled human UC. CD4+ T cells infiltrating the colonic lamina propria of diseased SCID mice displayed the surface phenotype of mucosa-seeking memory/effector cells, expressed interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), and lysed targets in a Fas (CD95)/FasL-dependent pathway. Massive accumulation of oligoclonal CD4+ T cells of athymic origin with the phenotype of Th1 memory/effector T cells in the colonic lamina propria of a histocompatible, immunodeficient host elicits a pancolitis that morphologically mimics human UC.  相似文献   

In many cell types, p53-mediated growth inhibition is dependent on induction of p21, which is an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases that are required for cell cycle progression. Failure of mutant p53 proteins to transactivate p21 may lead to uncontrolled proliferation. Because many ovarian cancers have mutations in the p53 gene, we examined p21 levels in normal and malignant ovarian epithelial cells to determine whether p21 expression is dependent on wild-type p53. Normal ovarian epithelial cells and two ovarian cancer cell lines with wild-type p53 expressed readily detectable levels of p21, whereas in p53 null and mutant cell lines, expression of p21 was diminished strikingly. A correlation between the status of the p53 gene and p21 expression also was noted in 23 primary epithelial ovarian cancers. Normal levels of p21 RNA were seen in 4/7 (57%) cancers with wild-type p53, whereas 14/16 (88%) cancers with mutant p53 had reduced p21 expression (P < 0.05). In addition, we found that lambda-irradiation of normal and malignant ovarian epithelial cells with wild-type, but not mutant, p53 resulted in induction of p21. These data are suggestive that induction of p21 is a feature of p53-mediated growth inhibition in normal ovarian epithelial cells. Conversely, mutation of the p53 gene in ovarian cancers usually is associated with decreased p21 expression. The lack of an absolute correlation between p21 expression and the status of the p53 gene in ovarian cancers is consistent with other studies that have suggested that p21 may also be regulated by p53-independent pathways.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (CDKI) genes p15INK4B and p16INK4A are frequently inactivated by genetic alterations in many malignant tumors and that they are candidate tumor-suppressor genes. Although genetic alterations in these genes may be limited to lymphoid malignancies, it has been reported that their inactivation by aberrant methylation of 5' CpG islands may be involved in various hematologic malignancies. In this study, we investigated the p15INK4B and p16INK4A genes to clarify their roles in the pathogenesis of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Southern blotting analysis showed no gross genetic alterations in either of these genes. However, hypermethylation of the 5' CpG island of the p15INK4B gene occurred frequently in patients with MDS (16/32 [50%]). Interestingly, the p15INK4B gene was frequently methylated in patients with high-risk MDS (refractory anemia with excess blasts [RAEB], RAEB in transformation [RAEB-t], and overt leukemia evolved from MDS; 14/18 [78%]) compared with patients with low-risk MDS (refractory anemia [RA] and refractory anemia with ring sideroblast [RARS]; 1/12 [8%]). Furthermore, methylation status of the p15INK4B gene was progressed with the development of MDS in most patients examined. In contrast, none of the MDS patients showed apparent hypermethylation of the p16INK4A gene. These results suggest that hypermethylation of the p15INK4B gene is involved in the pathogenesis of MDS and is one of the important late events during the development of MDS.  相似文献   

Alterations in tumor suppressor gene p53, localized on chromosome 17p13, are considered to play a significant role in the initiation and, to some extent, even in the progression of various malignant tumors. In this respect, investigations on conventional highly malignant osteosarcomas have shown a mutation rate of approximately 20%. However, currently, data on the mutation rate in the group of variant histology osteosarcomas of low-grade malignancy do not exist. Therefore, we investigated a panel of low malignant entities (five low malignant intramedullary osteosarcomas grade 1; one intramedullary osteosarcoma grade 2; eight parosteal osteosarcomas, including one local recurrence grades 1 and 2, and five periosteal osteosarcomas grade 2) with polymerase chain reaction/single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis focusing on exons 4 to 8 of the p53 gene followed by direct sequencing. Point mutations were found in one low-grade osteoblastoma-like osteosarcoma and in two periosteal osteosarcomas grade 2 (one missense, one silent, and one nonsense mutation). This mutation rate of 15.7% (3 of 19) is comparable to that determined in highly malignant osteosarcomas. Moreover, the analysis of clinical data did not show any difference in the behavior of tumors with p53 mutations compared with those without. Therefore, we suggest that alterations in p53 gene are an early event in the tumorigenesis of malignant osteoblastic tumors without impact on progression of these tumors.  相似文献   

Infectious mononucleosis due to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is almost always a self-limited disease, most commonly seen in young adults. Hepatitis is a well-recognized complication of EBV infection that usually resolves spontaneously. Jaundice occasionally results from the unusual complication of autoimmune haemolytic anaemia rather than hepatitis. We report a 60-year-old man with severe cholestatic jaundice whose history, liver histology and laboratory findings suggested EBV infection. He also developed significant jaundice related to his hepatitis, but not to autoimmune haemolysis, a situation that led to diagnostic delay. Costly diagnostic laboratory tests and invasive procedures were performed to rule out a malignant extrahepatic biliary obstruction. Physicians need to be aware of this complication and EBV infection should be included in the differential diagnosis of cholestatic jaundice in the elderly.  相似文献   

Mutations in the p53 gene are associated with a wide variety of human malignancies. Point mutation in one allele and loss of the remaining one generally lead to inactivation of p53 protein. A high frequency of allelic losses corresponding to the 17p13.3 region that contained the p53 gene sequence was also noted in human endometrial carcinoma. Thus, in order to confirm involvement of the p53 gene in endometrial carcinogenesis, we searched for nucleotide sequence change in this gene in 42 endometrial carcinomas that had been subjected to previous LOH analyses. Using the polymerase-chain-reaction-single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) method, we detected p53 gene mutations in 4 specimens. Two adenocarcinomas with allelic loss on 17p contained a mutant p53 gene in the allele that was retained. One specimen with a p53 gene mutation contained a 17q deletion but was uninformative for LOH on 17p. p53 gene mutation was also noted in the remaining stage-I carcinoma, though the 17p deletion was not detected in the previous LOH examination. However, 5 specimens with the LOH on 17p retained the wild-type p53 gene. In the remaining 33 specimens, both alleles of p53 gene seemed to be normal. The mutations observed in 2 specimens (cases 10 and 24), involving C-to-T and T-to-G substitutions, were located in a highly conserved region. However, the mutations identified in the remaining 2 cases (29 and 35) were at regions positioned outside conserved stretches.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The p53 gene frequently is affected by point mutations, rearrangements, or deletions that contribute to the genesis or progression of a wide variety of human adult solid tumors; however, to the authors' knowledge, this gene alteration has not been analyzed in neuroblastoma. METHODS: Genomic DNA samples from 20 children with neuroblastoma, including 16 patients with advanced disease, were screened for the presence of mutations in exons 5-9 of the p53 gene, where over 90% of mutations have been reported to be located in human cancer. The screening technique employed polymerase chain reaction/single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis followed by direct DNA sequencing. RESULTS: Heterozygous mutations were detected in 2 of the 20 cases. A silent mutation (T to G transversion) at codon 172 and a missense mutation (G to T transversion) at codon 259 were found in patients with Stage II and Stage IV disease, respectively. Thus, p53 mutations were found to occur in neuroblastoma, but at a low frequency (2 of 20). CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that in a minority of neuroblastomas, p53 gene mutations may play a contributing role in tumorigenesis, but other genes presumably play a major role in this tumor.  相似文献   

p15(INK4b) gene is an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4 and CDK6 whose expression is induced by transforming growth factor (TGF)beta. Recent reports suggest frequent methylation of the p15(INK4b) gene promoter in leukemias, and it has been proposed that this methylation could be necessary for leukemic cells to escape TGF beta regulation. We investigated the methylation status of p15(INK4b) gene in 53 myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) cases, including nine that had progressed to acute myeloid leukemia (AML), using a recently described sensitive method where polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is preceded by bisulfite modification of DNA (methylation specific PCR). p15(INK4b) methylation was observed in 20 of 53 (38%) of the cases. Twenty of the 24 patients with greater than 10% bone marrow blasts had p15(INK4b) methylation (including all nine patients who had progressed to AML) as compared with none of MDS patients with <10% bone marrow blasts. No correlation between karyotypic abnormalities and methylation status was found. Patients with p15(INK4b) methylation had a worse prognosis, but the prognostic significance of p15(INK4b) methylation was no more found by multivariate analysis, due to its strong correlation to the percentage of marrow blasts. In 10 MDS cases, sequential DNA samples were available. In five of them, methylation of the p15(INK4b) gene was detected at leukemic transformation, but not at diagnosis. Our results showed that methylation of the p15(INK4b) gene in MDS is correlated with blastic bone marrow involvement and increases with disease evolution toward AML. It suggests that proliferation of leukemic cells might require an escape of regulation of the G1 phase of the cell cycle, and possibly of TGF beta inhibitory effect.  相似文献   

Abnormalities of the p53 gene and protein were examined in 81 primary breast carcinoma samples. Using a polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformational polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis, mutations in p53 exons 5-8 were identified in 13 of 81 tumours (16 per cent) and confirmed by DNA sequencing. Positive staining for p53 protein was detected in ten of 77 (13 per cent) of these tumours using polyclonal CM1 antibody on formalin-fixed tissue. Mutations detected by PCR-SSCP analysis were more common in grade III tumours (P = 0.015), but no correlation was found with tumour size, node status or level of epidermal growth factor receptor expression. A p53 mutation was associated with positive antibody staining in only two patients. Positive immunohistochemical staining using a p53 antibody may detect p53 protein expression, but this may not correlate directly with an underlying mutation in the hot spot region examined.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor-I receptor (IGF-IR) is involved in tumorigenesis. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the IGF-IR is a physiological target for p53 in osteosarcoma cells. The p53-induced regulation of IGF-IR levels was studied in a tetracycline-regulated expression system. When expressed in Saos-2, osteosarcoma cells that lack p53, wild-type p53 decreased, whereas mutated p53 increased IGF-IR expression, and IGF-I-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the IGF-IR. Similarly, wild-type p53 decreased IGF-I-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1. A functional and physical interaction between p53 and Sp1, in the regulation of the IGF-R, was studied in osteosarcoma cells. Expression of p53 decreased IGF-IR promoter activity, whereas no effect on promoter activity was seen by Sp1 expressed alone. However, Sp1 counteracted the inhibitory effect of p53 on IGF-IR promoter activity in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, wild-type and mutated p53 were coimmunoprecipitated with Sp1, indicating a physical interaction between p53 and Sp1. In conclusion, p53 regulates IGF-IR expression, as reflected by a reduction in IGF-IR protein and a parallel reduction in IGF-I-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the IGF-IR and IRS-1 in an osteosarcoma cell line. These data indicate that the IGF-I receptor is a physiological target for p53 in osteosarcoma cells. Furthermore, data supporting an interaction between p53 and Sp1 in the regulation of the promoter activity of IGF-IR are presented.  相似文献   

The p53 tumor suppressor gene encodes a nuclear phosphoprotein with growth inhibiting properties, which is activated in cell exposed to various forms of DNA damaging stress. The development of human cancer often involves inactivation of this suppressor through various mechanisms, including gene deletions and point mutations. Most mutations impair the specific DNA-binding capacity of p53, therefore allowing cells to proliferate in conditions where cells with intact p53 function are suppressed or eliminated. Thus, mutation of p53 may provide a selective advantage for the clonal expansion of preneoplastic or neoplastic cells. The diversity of p53 mutations provides a valuable tool to identify important sources of cancer-causing mutation in the human setting. Mutagens and carcinogens damage the genome in characteristics ways, leaving "mutagen fingerprints" in DNA. Well-characterised examples of such "fingerprints" include G: C to T: A transversions in lung cancers in association with cigarette smoke, G: C to T: A transversions at codon 249 in liver cancers in association with dietary exposure to Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and CC: GG to TT: AA tandem dipyrimidine transitions in skin cancers in association with UVB exposure. In addition, mutations at different codons are not functionally equivalent. The availability of crystal structures of p53 protein represents an essential development in the understanding of the functional properties of p53 mutants. In the future, it is expected that analysis of p53 mutations may provide useful information for the diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of cancer.  相似文献   

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