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In this paper, a hovering control system for an underwater vehicle is proposed to support core internal inspections. The system adopted a localization part and a thruster control part. The former utilizes a map-matching method, referring cross-sectional shape data cut from a three-dimensional computer aided design (CAD) and structural shapes measured by a laser range system for horizontal positioning. A pressure sensor provides vertical positioning. The latter utilizes the thrust vector control, or reference thrust vectors are converted to each propeller thrust based on the vehicle's geometric structure. Experiments to evaluate performance of the proposed system were implemented at a mock-up of the reactor bottom part. As a result, it was confirmed that the position was detected with an accuracy of 48 mm, and for a flow velocity of 200 mm/s, it was verified that the vehicle hovered within 77 mm of a target point. Therefore, core internal inspections can be stably carried out even where there is external force caused by water convection flow.  相似文献   

The swim-type remotely operated vehicle (ROV) for inspection of narrow spaces in nuclear power plants has been developed. Many structures are crowded in a confined space at regular intervals in the bottom area of a reactor. So, the thickness of the ROV shape is an important design point to ensure that the ROV can move in the space. The developed ROV has a three-dimensional swimming mechanism using six thrusters, three cameras for observing the position while moving and for making inspections easily, and a localization system. The localization system combines two elements: a gyroscope to detect the progression direction; and a slit laser that detects the progression distance using the optical cutting method. The localization method is called the modified inertial navigation (MIN) method and it was evaluated in a mock-up examination. The ROV was able to move smoothly using the MIN method and its position could be detected without making a mistake in the route followed.  相似文献   

In order to optimise use of the limited resources (time, power) of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) with a miniaturised X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer on board to carry out in situ autonomous chemical mapping of the surface of sediments with desired resolution, a genetic algorithm for rapid curve fitting is reported in this paper. This method quickly converges and provides an accurate in situ assessment of metals present, which helps the control system of the AUV to decide on future sampling locations. More thorough analysis of the available data could be performed once the AUV has returned to the base (laboratory).  相似文献   

孟丹  杨柳  马英豪  畅翔  马弢  张富国  杨屹  商洁 《辐射防护》2020,40(6):571-576
通过粒度分离采样、真空测量模式、能量甄别法和α/β比值法的氡扣除技术的联合应用,扣除了绝大部分氡、钍及其子体对放射性气溶胶监测的干扰,研制出了高氡环境下放射性气溶胶在线监测仪,并将其在不同氡活度浓度的环境下进行了运行验证,效果良好。该监测仪适用于相关核设施等氡活度浓度较高的场所,为燃料泄漏检查等职业人员的辐射安全提供了重要保障。  相似文献   

During nuclear power plant maintenance, the multi-stud tensioning machine is used to perform opening/sealing the cap of the reactor pressure vessel. This process incorporates elongations of 58 studs, whose extension values are monitored in real time by measurement meters. Conventionally, the placements of the meters are performed by human labor, which is time consuming and radioactively hazardous. In this paper, we introduce an automated measurement robot system, consisting of 58 node robots and multiple field bus based distributed control devices, to complete meter placement and data acquisition tasks without human involvement in the hazardous working site. In order to eliminate the swing phenomenon of the wire-driven meter adaptor on the robot distal end, extra-insensitive input shaper is employed for robot motion control, thus saving the overall operation time from traditionally over 10 minutes to less than 22 s.  相似文献   

To inspect the post-accident nuclear core reactor of the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (F1-NPP), a transportable fiber-coupled laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument has been developed. The developed LIBS instrument was designed to analyze underwater samples in a high-radiation field by single-pulse breakdown with gas flow or double-pulse breakdown. To check the feasibility of the assembled fiber-coupled LIBS instrument for the analysis of debris material (mixture of the fuel core, fuel cladding, construction material and so on) in the F1-NPP, we investigated the influence of the radiation dose on the optical transmittance of the laser delivery fiber, compared data quality among various LIBS techniques for an underwater sample and studied the feasibility of the fiber-coupled LIBS system in an analysis of the underwater sample of the simulated debris in F1-NPP. In a feasible study conducted by using simulated debris, which was a mixture of CeO2 (surrogate of UO2), ZrO2 and Fe, we selected atomic lines suitable for the analysis of materials, and prepared calibration curves for the component elements. The feasible study has guaranteed that the developed fiber-coupled LIBS system is applicable for analyzing the debris materials in the F1-NPP.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a new inspection robot for the In-Service Inspection of the heat transfer system of the Fast Breeder Reactor MONJU. The inspection was carried out using a tire-type ultrasonic sensor for volumetric tests at high temperature (atmosphere, 55°C; piping surface, 80°C) and radiation exposure condition (dose rate, 10 mGy/h; piping surface dose rate, 15 mGy/h). An inspection robot using a new tire type for the ultrasonic testing sensor and a new control method was developed. A signal-to-noise ratio S/N over 2 was obtained during the functional test for a calibration defect with a depth of 50%t (from the tube wall thickness). In the automatic inspection test, an EDM slit with a depth of 9% from the pipe thickness was detectable and with an S/N ratio = 4.0 (12.0 dB).  相似文献   

Innovative nuclear reactor designs include passive means to achieve high reliability in accomplishing safety functions. Functional reliability analyses of passive systems include Monte Carlo sampling of system uncertainties, followed by propagation through mechanistic system models. For complex passive safety systems of high reliability, Monte Carlo simulations using mechanistic codes are computationally expensive and often become prohibitive. Passive system reliability analysis using recently proposed Response Conditioning Method, which incorporates the insights obtained from approximate solutions like response surfaces in simulations to obtain computationally efficient and consistent probability estimates, is presented in this paper. The method is applied to evaluate the reliability of passive Decay Heat Removal (DHR) system of Indian Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR). The accuracy as well as efficiency of the method is compared with direct Monte Carlo simulation. The variability of the reliability values is estimated using bootstrap technique. The system abilities, to prevent critical structural damage as well as to ensure operational safety, are quantitatively ascertained. The system functional failure probabilities are integrated with hardware failure probabilities and the inclusion of passive system unreliability in Probabilistic Safety Assessment is demonstrated.  相似文献   

In this study, an improved method for calculating the effective delayed neutron fraction of a core with a few collapsed energy groups has been developed. To accurately calculate the effective delayed neutron fraction of a core using the conventional method, a structure with several energy groups is needed for the fast energy region in order to reflect the difference in the fission spectra for prompt fission neutrons and delayed neutrons. On the other hand, a structure with only a few energy groups is needed for the criticality evaluation. Thus, the calculation cost increases for the effective delayed neutron fraction calculations owing to the need for a large number of energy groups. To solve this problem, in the present study, the error mechanism for the effective delayed neutron fraction calculation using a structure with only a few energy groups was studied, and it was found that the error results from the collapse of the fission spectra after the cell calculations without adjoint flux weighting. In addition, an improved method for the collapse fission spectra with an adjoint flux obtained by one-point calculation was developed. Using the proposed method, the effective delayed neutron fraction can be estimated with sufficient accuracy using a structure consisting of only a few collapsed energy groups. This result will contribute to reducing the calculation cost and/or improving the accuracy of effective delayed neutron fraction calculations.  相似文献   

This paper presents the architecture for upgrading the instrumentation and control (I&C) systems of a Korean standard nuclear power plant (KSNP) as an operating nuclear power plant. This paper uses the analysis results of KSNP's I&C systems performed in a previous study. This paper proposes a Preparation–Decision–Design–Assessment (PDDA) process that focuses on quality oriented development, as a cyclical process to develop the architecture. The PDDA was motivated from the practice of architecture-based development used in software engineering fields. In the preparation step of the PDDA, the architecture of digital-based I&C systems was setup for an architectural goal. Single failure criterion and determinism were setup for architectural drivers. In the decision step, defense-in-depth, diversity, redundancy, and independence were determined as architectural tactics to satisfy the single failure criterion, and sequential execution was determined as a tactic to satisfy the determinism. After determining the tactics, the primitive digital-based I&C architecture was determined. In the design step, 17 systems were selected from the KSNP's I&C systems for the upgrade and functionally grouped based on the primitive architecture. The overall architecture was developed to show the deployment of the systems. The detailed architecture of the safety systems was developed by applying a 2-out-of-3 voting logic, and the detailed architecture of the non-safety systems was developed by hot-standby redundancy. While developing the detailed architecture, three ways of signal transmission were determined with proper rationales: hardwire, datalink, and network. In the assessment step, the required network performance, considering the worst-case of data transmission was calculated: the datalink was required by 120 kbps, the safety network by 5 Mbps, and the non-safety network by 60 Mbps. The architecture covered 17 systems out of 22 KSNP's I&C systems. The architecture is implementable with the equipment developed in South Korea. The architecture can be used as a model to upgrade the existing I&C systems in a planned, large-scale, and one-shot manner. A more detailed architecture down to software level will be developed in the future.  相似文献   

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