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Measurements of the flux density distribution recorded directly with several microfield probes are reported. For weakly hysteretic samples marked differences of the profiles in increasing and decreasing fields are observed and attributed to the influence of the reversible magnetization. The evaluation of bulk pinning forces shows a shift of the maximum toward higher inductions with increasing defect concentration and a scaling of the field dependence with temperature. The disappearance of pinning forces well belowH Hc2 is analyzed in terms of the threshold criterion. An evaluation of the basic pinning forces shows that elasticity effects of the flux line lattice may not be neglected, although large precipitates (2 µm) are the main pinning sites. An identification of the basic pinning mechanism is complicated by the presence of dislocations around the precipitates.  相似文献   

The specific heat at constant flux densityC B was measured to study the thermodynamic properties of the mixed state of a type II superconductor at low reduced temperaturet=T/T c . The sample was a Pb0.96Tl0.04 alloy having =0.97. The results are thatC B increases nearly linearly withB throughout the mixed state, with a discontinuous jump down to the normal state value at the upper critical field. Att<0.21 a small, positive curvature ofC B versusB is consistent with Eilenberger's calculations. However, this positive curvature is not consistent with fluxoid interaction models for low flux density. These measurements supplement previous measurements fort<0.5 using isothermal calorimetry on the same sample. Taken together, the two experiments indicate that, at a givenT, the incremental entropy per fluxoid is nearly constant for allB. This result forces some interesting empirical relationships among the parameters that characterize the mixed state.On sabbatical leave from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, South Dakota.  相似文献   

Stacking faults, which were detected in the Ag-In system, have been examined by transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. An enhanced concentration of stacking faults in splat cooled specimens as well as the formation of a metastable hexagonal phase in the f c c region of the alloy was observed. As far as we know this is the first case of the terminal solid solubility being reduced by rapid quenching. Terminal solid solubility is reduced because of the high concentration of structural defects introduced by quenching, e.g. dislocations and stacking faults, which serve as the nuclei for the transformation from the f c c to the h c p structure. Our measurements and calculations show that the stacking fault energy minimum is shifted to lower electron concentrations with respect to the stacking fault energy minimum corresponding to the equilibrium phase boundary for the f c c-h c p transformation. The new metastable phase boundary for this transformation was confirmed by X-ray examinations. We explain this earlier h c p phase appearance in rapid quenched specimens as the consequence of enhanced interaction of the Fermi surface and contracted Brillouin zone. The Brillouin zone contraction we attributed to quenched-in vacancies.  相似文献   

We have measured the length change due to the transition from the super-conducting to the normal state in pure In and Sn and in In-Sn alloys. The measurements were made on single-crystal specimens. The alloys had Sn content ranging from zero to 12 at %. Crystals parallel and perpendicular to the tetragonal axis were grown at each alloy content. We find that the relative length changes l/l are very sensitive to alloy content. From l/l we have calculated the stress derivatives H c/ and T c / and we find that T c / changes from +59 to –92 mK/bar for stress along the tetragonal axis, and from –9 to 46 mK/kbar for stress perpendicular to the tetragonal axis. We suggest that these large changes are due to Fermi surface topology changes upon increasing the Sn content in In.  相似文献   

The activation of 〈c + a〉 non-basal slip system can help to improving the mechanical properties of Magnesium alloys. The activation conditions of 〈c + a〉 non-basal slip system in Mg alloys are reviewed, such as the addition of lithium elements, increasing temperatures, and regions of stress concentration, and so on. Moreover, the article summarizes our results from the work on Mg alloys using equal channel angle pressing with back pressure, and points out that 〈c + a〉 non-basal slip systems also become active much easier under hydrostatic pressure, which will help to open new window to explore the basic physics of the activation of non-basal slip.  相似文献   

The paramagnetic-antiferromagnetic transition and the martensitic transformation of Fe-Mn (Mn 15–32 wt%) alloys have been investigated by resistivity, dilatometry and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results show that paramagnetic-antiferromagnetic transition increases the resistivity and the volume of alloys, whereas the martensitic transformation reduces the resistivity and volume of alloys. The A f that was determined by the dilatometric method is not the temperature that martensites in the Fe-Mn alloys have reverse transformed to austenites completely. Mn additions reduce M s, increase T N and the lattice parameter of austenite in the Fe-Mn alloys. Both the antiferromagnetic transition and the martensitic transformation lead to an increase in the lattice parameter of austenite. The lattice parameters both above T N and below T N decrease linearly with temperature. The lattice parameter below M s increases first and then decreases. Moreover, the (110) and (002) atomic planes in the Fe-15Mn-0.15C alloy are separated into two peaks: 2 for (002) is 44.16°, 2 for (110) is 44.47°.  相似文献   

The magnetic properties of small- superconducting In-Bi, In-Tl, In-Pb, Sn-Bi, and Sn-Sb alloys are investigated. The evaluation of the experiments is carried out in the framework of BCS and GLAG theory. At a critical alloy concentration a phase transition occurs, at which type I superconductivity goes over into type II. Comparing the results with Lifshitz's theory, it is found that the phase transition is of higher than second order. The contribution from the nonanalytical part of the concentration dependence of the electronic specific heat coefficient is 0.63–0.77, and thus the order of the phase transition increases by this amount.  相似文献   

The role of silicon in the precipitation of the phase (Al5Cu6Mg2) has been investigated through comparative studies on Al-3.63Cu-1.67Mg (wt%) and Al-3.63Cu-1.67Mg-0.5Si alloys. Both alloys were extensively examined after solution treating at 525°C for 2.5 h followed by ageing at 265°C for times up to 650 h. Limited studies were also undertaken on both alloys after ageing at 200 and 305°C. Precipitation of was observed in Al-3.62%Cu-1.66%Mg-0.5%Si for all ageing conditions studied but was absent in Si-free Al-3.62%Cu-1.66%Mg. In addition, S and phases were observed in both alloys. The volume fraction of phase in the Si containing alloy was substantially reduced by a pre-age stretch followed by ageing for 24 h at 265°C with S being the dominant precipitate type. The volume fraction of phase in the Si containing alloy was lower after ageing 24 h at 200°C than after 24 h at 265 and 305°C. Peak hardness was higher for the Si free alloy on ageing at 200 and 265°C, but the Si free alloy softened more rapidly, reflecting the more rapid coarsening kinetics of S compared with .  相似文献   

Data on the physical properties of alloys at high temperatures are urgently needed for the mathematical modeling of high-temperature processes such as casting, welding, secondary refining, dip melting, spray forming, and metal powder production. Data are required for those properties which are involved in heat and fluid flow in high-temperature processes. Levitated drop methods have been adopted to measure the surface tensions, densities, and enthalpies of commercial alloys, and rapid, transient methods have been developed to measure thermal conductivities to avoid the problem of convection. The results obtained for the properties of commercial alloys for the liquid and mushy states are discussed.Paper presented at the Fourth International Workshop on Subsecond Thermophysics, June 27–29, 1995, Köln, Germany.  相似文献   

The effect of quenching on the martensitic transformation mechanism in 1 Au-Cd alloys has been investigated by measurements of the electrical resistivity and X-ray diffraction. In the case of the Au-47.5 at%Cd alloy, the 2-martensite is the characteristic product under quenching conditions, but it always exists with the equilibrium 2-martensite phase. Consequently, the 1 2 and 2transformations occur simultaneously during the heating and cooling cycles. The corresponding resistivity behaviour is very complicated and extremely sensitive to thermal treatments such as quenching temperature and thermal cycling. On the other hand, in the case of the Au-49.0 at%Cd alloy, only the 1 2 transformation occurs even when quenched, and the transformation is unaffected structurally by quenching. A distinct resistivity anomaly, which is considered to be due to the disappearance of quenched-in vacancies, is observed in quenched alloys. Some important characteristics of this anomaly are determined. In particular, the quenching effect disappears when the specimen is heated above the temperature at which the resisitivity anomaly begins. This result suggests that the quenched-in vacancies play an essential role in the martensitic transformation process under quenching conditions.  相似文献   

Room-temperature values of the Hall constantR H (Bc), Seebeck coefficient (Tc), and the temperature dependence of the electric conductivity c in the 120–360 K temperature interval have been investigated on samples of Bi2–x In x Te3 crystals prepared by the Bridgman technique. It has been established on the basis of the changes of these transport coefficients with increasing content of indium that for values close tox=0.1 the conductivity type changes from p-type to n-type. Suppression of the concentration of holes due to the incorporation of In atoms into the crystal lattice of p-Bi2Te3 is accounted for by a model of point defects in the Bi2xIn x Te3 crystal lattice. It is assumed that the arising uncharged substitutional In Bi x defects polarize the Bi2Te3 lattice and thus lower the concentration of anti-site defects BiTe, whose charges are compensated by holes. The dominant defects in the crystal lattice of n-Bi2–x In x Te3 are the tellurium vacancies V Te . .  相似文献   

The transformation Li3PO4 shows characteristics of both continuous and martensitic transformations. Below 340° C, no detectable transformation occurs; between 340 and 410° C, the transformation goes only partially to completion; above 410° C the transformation rapidly goes to completion. At any temperature in the range 340 to 410° C, transformation proceeds rapidly in the initial stages to attain a certain degree of transformation. With prolonged isothermal heating or grinding of the samples, further transformation does not occur. The reverse transformation could not be effected under normal, dry conditions.  相似文献   

In Al-Si alloys, the properties are influenced by the shape and distribution of the eutectic silicon particles in the matrix, as also by the iron intermetallics and copper phases that occur upon solidification. The -Al5FeSi iron intermetallic phase, in particular, is known for its detrimental effect on the properties, and is controlled variously by the iron content and the melt/solidification conditions of the alloy. The formation of the iron intermetallics has been observed in commercial 319 alloy end-chilled castings, obtained from non-treated and treated melts, where the effects of cooling rate, strontium modification and grain refinement have been studied. The volume fraction of -phase formed was seen to increase with the decrease in cooling rate (i.e. with increasing distance from the chill) in the untreated alloy. Sympathetic (preferential) nucleation of the -iron needles was also observed, in which the branching of -needles from a parent needle resulted in the formation of large -needle entities that can cover distances of 1200 m across the matrix surface. The beneficial effect of modification, i.e. strontium addition to the melt, was manifested through its influence on the fragmentation and dissolution of the -needles. The strontium poisons the sites where sympathetic nucleation takes place. Dissolution was accelerated with increasing strontium content, the optimum level being 300 p.p.m. Grain refining, on the other hand, negated the beneficial effect of modification, in that the -needles underwent thickening and the sympathetic nucleation/branching also occurred. The modified alloy was found to possess the lowest volume fraction of -Al5FeSi phase among the unmodified, modified, grainrefined, and modified/grain-refined alloys.  相似文献   

The damping behavior in torsion of single phase -In3Sn has been evaluated at room temperature over a broad range of frequencies (10–4 to 103 Hz) and as a function of various mechanical and thermal treatments. The results are consistent with a model for the power-law (tan f –n), high-temperature-background absorption being effected by diffusional processes on grain and, particularly, on subgrain boundaries. The results are compared/contrasted with those for damping in single-phase -InSn4 and in the two-phase - eutectic. Failure of the eutectic material to follow a composite model for damping, combined with a thermal aging effect that lowers damping only for certain frequencies, shows that the boundary-based absorption model for the high-temperature background applies, too, to phase boundaries.  相似文献   

Isothermal precipitation in Al-14 at% Mg and Al-16 at% Mg is studied by isothermal calorimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, and optical and transmission electron microscopy. The characteristic length of the precipitates varies strongly with ageing temperature, indicating that the definition of a state variable is not possible. As a consequence the commonly used equation:
with f() a function depending only on the fraction transformed, and g(T) a function of temperature, is not valid for this reaction. The isothermal calorimetry curves can be fitted over the entire range of transformation by a recently developed variant of the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov (JMAK) model. For T < 160 °C and T > 200 °C the reaction exponent n is larger than 2.5, indicating an autocatalytic precipitation process. The mechanisms for this autocatalytic process are discussed.  相似文献   

The amplitude dependence of the velocity of nonlinear second sound in Helium II, as given by the Khalatnikov nonlinear coefficient, was measured nearT using a single-pulse travel-time technique. Using nonplanar pulses which were amplified and focused by a spherical reflector, the confirmation of Khalanikov's second order two fluid model prediction was extended to within 7 mK of T much closer to the critical temperature than previously reported. This study was restricted to single pulses of second sound in order to ensure that the measurement pertained only to an undisturbed, vortextangle-free sample of Helium II.  相似文献   

The effects of Na substitution on the properties of Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2?xNaxOy were investigated. The prepared samples are characterized using X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscope, DC electrical resistivity and magnetic-hysteresis loop measurements. It has been found that with increasing Na doping for Cu, the transition temperature gradually increase while crystal lattice parameters slightly change. Magnetic hysteresis measurements have shown that the hysteresis loops of doped samples are greater than the undoped sample. In addition, significant enhancement has been observed in the Jc values of Na-doped samples, which were calculated from the M–H curves by using Bean’s critical state model.  相似文献   

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