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Power electronics applications in utility systems are growing very rapidly and promise to change the landscape of future power systems in terms of generation, operation, and control. This paper attempts to justify the importance of introducing undergraduates to these applications in the first course in power systems, so they become familiar with current and future practices and technologies. It presents a roadmap of doing so, taking a top-down approach where first various utility applications of power electronics are briefly described along with the role of power electronics as an interface, and then the power electronics systems are discussed in appropriate detail to fulfill these roles.  相似文献   

Laboratory exercises to accompany an undergraduate power electronics course are discussed. Topics include inductors, periodic steady state, drive circuits, PWM control, average switch models, and startup. These laboratories present an evolutionary sequence of increasingly difficult, design-oriented power electronics laboratories  相似文献   

The authors have recently added a strong writing component to one of their freshman courses in electrical engineering. The students prepared two kinds of reports-memoranda and formal engineering project reports. The authors' instructional objectives were to execute well these two forms: to write with a professional tone, and to make good choices about which technical material to include. To meet these objectives, model memos and engineering project reports were developed, lectures about these memos and reports were presented, a Web site for the course was developed, the technical aspects of the reports were graded by a student hourly grader, the writing aspects of the reports were evaluated by a professor, and followup debriefings were conducted at the lecture class meetings. The authors report on the development process and discuss student response to the course  相似文献   

继电保护与通信专业的技术配合问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴飞龙 《电力系统通信》2007,28(11):66-69,72
电力通信和继电保护专业之间存在着技术鸿沟,但又密不可分。为了使2个专业密切结合,文章通过对传输220 kV线路继电保护业务通信通道的3个典型故障案例的现场试验分析,说明了造成两项技术难以配合的直接原因,阐述了继电保护、电力通信以及高压检修专业互相配合的重要性,指出只有增进技术层面的相互了解、协调配合一致,才能确保电力系统继电保护信号安全可靠地传输。  相似文献   

This paper describes the undergraduate radar course taught at the Escola Universitaria Politecnica del Baix Llobregat (EUPBL) of the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain. At present, the EUPBL offers a three-year degree in Technical Telecommunications Engineering. This paper briefly describes the EUPBL, the organization of the degree program, the structure of the radar course, the evaluation methods, and two practical exercises on a sonar demonstrator and a global positioning system kit.  相似文献   

A plan is presented for integrating SPICE (simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis) into an undergraduate electronics curriculum. Three design projects for students are described: a network theory project, an analog electronics design course, and a senior thesis project. In the first project used in a first course on network theory, the emphasis is on simple programs that can extend basic techniques (such as Thevenin's equivalent circuit) to cases where hand analysis is long and tedious. In the electronics course, the application of the bipolar-junction transistor and field-effect transistor is more clearly understood by the student when he/she constructs an analog amplifier according to a given set of specifications. Creativity is encouraged, since the design of the amplifier is flexible as long as the specifications are met. In the senior thesis project, SPICE, along with other computer design packages, enables the student to analyze and modify a project before it is constructed. This saves valuable construction time and allows for a more thorough theoretical analysis  相似文献   

DSP for practicing engineers: a case study in Internet course delivery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the explosion of the Internet and the desire of many institutions to disseminate courses across the world, many students look to online education with promise. However, institutions planning to provide distance learning opportunities may wish to have a model to analyze before venturing forth. There are many factors that ultimately influence the methods of delivery, content, length, and technical support for an online course. This paper presents the design, implementation, and evaluation of an online course titled DSP for Practicing Engineers at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, and analyzes feedback from students who have taken the course and the staff who administered it. Different aspects of course development are discussed at length, including curriculum and media type.  相似文献   

通信用阀控式铅酸蓄电池供电可靠性的讨论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
徐曼珍 《蓄电池》2009,46(1):26-32
阀控式铅酸蓄电池(VRLA)是目前支持通信系统工作的主要备用电源。VRLA电池在浮充条件下的缺点已在国际会议上经过多次专题讨论。国内用户的反映是,当市电发生故障时,电池单体放电容量往往达不到设计要求。本文分析了一些影响电池可靠性的重要因素,提议在使用维护过程中改变充电方式,并在选购产品时要注重电池的基本性质。  相似文献   

分析电力通信网络管理联网的需求和各种联网方案的问题,综合考虑各种因素,提出了一个切实可行的方案。论文还介绍了该方案在江苏省电力通信网网管系统的联网过程以及实际应用情况。  相似文献   

电力电子与新能源发电方向课程体系的构建与实践   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
课程建设是专业建设的重要组成部分.为深化教学改革、提高教学质量,从学科特色、教学理念、教学内容及教学方式等方面入手,构建了电力电子与新能源发电方向课程体系,积极开展立体化特色教材建设,力争在学科特色、教学理念、组织内容、教学方法和教学形式等各方面有所创新,以满足网络信息时代电气工程特色专业课程教学的创新性要求.  相似文献   

In 1987, the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation offered a $50000 Peace Prize for the best proposal offering an action plan to provide sufficient incentives for science to be used for peaceful rather than destructive purposes. The winning proposal, submitted by the Hungarian Engineers for Peace, is reprinted here with minor changes. The authors propose that engineers and science professionals consider and elaborate their own standpoint and communicate their opinion, supported by scientific arguments and verification, to other citizens in their countries. They call for a world movement of engineers for peace. They provide an action plan and time schedule for a world congress of engineers for peace  相似文献   

The integral method is applied to the derivation of suitable Lyapunov functions for single and multimachine power systems. It has been successfully applied to two single-machine problems and a three-machine problem, described in the literature. The application of the method is simple, effective and systematic.  相似文献   

An operating system course draws from a well-defined fundamental theory, but one needs to consider how more recent advances, not necessarily in the theory itself, can be applied to improve the course and the general body of knowledge of the student. The goal of This work is to show how recent software engineering developments can be introduced to such a course to not only satisfy the theory requirements, but also make the theory more understandable. In particular, This work focuses on how students can effectively learn the Unified Modeling Language, the object-oriented methodology, and the Java programming language in the context of an operating systems course. The goal is to form a systematic software engineering process for operating system design and implementation.  相似文献   

This working group report presents DC benchmark models tailored to AC/DC interaction. This is to encourage comparisons of the performance of different control strategies or computational tools related to various AC/DC interaction phenomena and system dynamic performance (electromechanical oscillations, AC/DC recovery problems)  相似文献   

Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) oxidized with poly(4-styrenesulfonate)(PEDOT:PSS) is a candidate material for applications in molecular electronics, such as organic field effect devices, organic photovoltaics, and organic light emitting devices. The properties of 3.5–4.0 nm sized SnO2 nanoparticles doped PEDOT:PSS films were investigated for anode application. Sheet resistance was decreased and rms roughness was slightly increased with the incorporation of SnO2 nanoparticles. However, the connectivity of conducting grains was improved by the plasticizing effect of surface –OH groups of SnO2 nanoparticle. Using photoemission spectroscopy and near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS), the electronic structure of the films is studied comparatively on the C 1s NEXAFS, secondary electron emission cut off, and valence band spectra. The start of electron emission retarded and valence band maximum was increased in the PEDOT:PSS-SnO2 nanocomposite films. These changes in the electronic structure resulted from emitted electron screening of core-hole in the PEDOT:PSS energy band and electron donation of SnO2 nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Gassing锂电池模型考虑了电化学反应的析气和温度影响,描述了锂电池系统的非线性时变特性,使模型的适用范围拓广至SOC>85%的临界情况.通过积分变换,用能量状态W0代替原状态变量开路电压U0,将表征锂电池重要特性的SOC-OCV曲线转换成SoC-W0曲线,同时进一步考虑了倍率充放电效应,提出了改进型Gassing模型.仿真结果表明,改进型Gassing模型不仅能适用于SOC-OCV曲线中间区域平坦的磷酸铁锂电池,还进一步提高了模型的仿真精度及SOC计算的合理性和有效性.  相似文献   

In this study, an integral augmented sliding mode control (SMC + I) has been proposed to improve control performance of systems. Stability of the closed-loop system is guaranteed in the sense of Lyapunov stability theorem. The effectiveness of the control solution is established by the stability analysis of the closed-loop system dynamics. The proposed controller is adopted to control speed of an electromechanical system. The experimental set-up reflects the emphasis on the practicability of the proposed sliding mode controller. The experimental results are presented and compared with the results obtained from conventional sliding mode control and Proportional + Integral + Derivative (PID) control. The experimental results verify that the proposed controller provides favorable tracking performance, faster and smoother speed regulation with regard to parameter variations and disturbances. The present study shows that the proposed controller, with its straightforward solution, is easily applicable to industrial problems and an alternative to conventional PID and sliding mode controllers.  相似文献   

Average-case algorithm analysis is usually viewed as a tough subject by students in the first courses in computer science. Traditionally, these topics are fully developed in advanced courses with a clear mathematical orientation. The work presented here is not an alternative to this, rather, it presents the analysis of algorithms (and average-case in particular) adapted to the mathematical background of students in an elementary course on algorithms or programming by using two selected case-studies  相似文献   

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