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玻璃密度与生产控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐凯 《中国玻璃》2002,27(5):24-25,15
构成玻璃组成的各种氧化物及其配比,是决定玻璃物理、化学性质的主要因素。反之,我们可以通过玻璃的物理、化学性质来调整玻璃的组成来维持其稳定。利用玻璃的密度来控制生产的稳定,正是利用了这一原理。  相似文献   

玻璃表面波纹度是影响浮法超薄电子玻璃质量的重要因素,通过光检条纹仪区分出玻璃的明暗条纹,研究退火前后超薄玻璃明暗条纹处的密度变化规律。结果表明,玻璃明暗条纹处的密度差是造成玻璃表面波纹度、形成光检条纹的直接原因之一。超薄电子玻璃波纹度产生的根本原因在于明暗条纹处成分的微不均匀,可通过提高配合料、熔化和成形工艺的稳定性,改善玻璃成分的均匀性来优化玻璃表面质量。  相似文献   

利用玻璃密度控制工艺生产   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李丰华 《玻璃与搪瓷》1999,27(4):30-32,46
利用降法测定玻璃,作为监控玻璃生产的手段。每天测定玻璃的密度,制作密度-时间曲线,它能直观地反映密度的变化情况。通过分析其密度值大小和变化趋势,以判断玻璃各氧化4物的波动情况。经常在同一产品上的不同部位,取几个试样,测定它们的密度差,根据这些密度差,就能表示该玻璃的熔化均匀程度。  相似文献   

采用传统熔融冷却法制备了CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-AlF3(A系列)和CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-CaF2(C系列)系统玻璃,在其组成范围SiO245mol%、Ca/Al1(mol)、F/Al1(mol)内,利用Doweidar密度模型在CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-F系统玻璃A系列和C系列中分别得到AlO3F四面体的体积,其值可认为是一常数VAl-f=57.82×10-24cm-3,与引入氟的形式(CaF2或AlF3)和化学计量浓度的改变无关;AlO4四面体的体积大于AlO3F四面体体积(VAl-fVAl-o),分析认为这与质点间的键力发生改变有关(fAl-ffAl-0),键力越小,质点间的距离越大,使VAl-f变大。由此模型得到的CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-F玻璃理论计算密度值与实际测量密度值基本相符,误差小于0.03%。  相似文献   

李廷  谭松亮  郭丽华 《玻璃》2013,(12):10-12
阐述了超自浮法玻璃的透射比与厚度之间的理论关系,并对理论关系进行了实际实验论证。  相似文献   

何流  殷明瑞  易元  闵蛟 《玻璃》2022,(9):41-44
密度是玻璃基板最重要的物性指标之一。传统方法中,检测密度时要对样品进行精密退火,以消除残余应力的影响,但该方法不能客观精准地反应玻璃基板性能的变化。通过运用浮力法分别对退火前后玻璃基板的密度进行测试分析,结果显示,玻璃基板原片密度的波动大于退火后密度的波动。因此,有必要对玻璃基板原片的密度进行检测和管控。  相似文献   

影响玻璃密度的因素有玻璃的化学组成、玻璃的温度和玻璃的热历史。玻璃密度的测定方法有浮沉密度比较仪测定法和天平称量测定法。密度测定的取样方法有传统的取样方法、在生产时间上的纵向取样方法和多滴机密度测定的取样方法。密度数据在实际生产中可用于监控配料工艺、熔窑工艺的稳定性,用于对玻璃配方的及时调整和对配料系统稳定性的有效监控。  相似文献   

In this investigation, the fracture energy of joints consisting of soda lime glass sandwiched around either an acrylate or poly(vinyl butyral) (PVB) was studied. This was accomplished for various adhesive thicknesses with the use of a tapered double cantilever beam specimen loaded in mode I. For adhesive thicknesses varying between 0.03 mm and 0.80 mm, the fracture energies ranged from 15 to 95 Pam for the glassy acrylate joints and from 375 to 1060 Pam for the more rubbery PVB joints. While the fracture energy was relatively independent of thickness for the acrylate joints, there was an increasing trend in toughness for the PVB joints. The fracture energy of the acrylate joints was modeled with a process zone model with reasonable results while the fracture energy of the PVB joints was modeled with constraints on the plastic zone. Scanning electron microscopy and measured bulk adhesive properties provided necessary input into the models.  相似文献   

周耀光  豆书英 《玻璃》2010,37(5):49-51
玻璃生产企业的生产经营与资产评估看似两个并不相干的领域其实有着十分密切的联系。本文主要论述了玻璃生产企业的生产经营与资产评估之间的关系。  相似文献   

Data are presented on the changes in the room-temperature refractive index and density of a borosilicate crown glass produced by different heat-treatments. Measurements on a large number of samples with widely varying thermal history show that the refractive index is a single-valued function of the density. The increase in refractive index for a given density change is smaller than that calculated by the Lorentz-Lorenz theory; the apparent contribution of the induced polarization to the local electric field is very small. This may be due to a reduction in the ionic polarizabilities that accompany the density increase; alternatively, the Lorentz-Lorenz form of the theory may not be valid in solid materials such as glass. Data of other investigators are shown to agree with the data reported here.  相似文献   

刘再进  任书明  宫汝华  李青 《玻璃》2018,45(3):38-42
高铝玻璃通过化学强化后,获得一定的表面应力(CS)和应力层深度(DOL),当它被再次加热(或退火)时,其表面的应力会产生松驰现象,松驰程度与加热温度及玻璃本身的黏温特性有着对应关系;当加热温度达到玻璃自身的转变点(T_g)温度时,应力松驰达到极限,即玻璃表面应力被全部松驰,CS、DOL值回到零。  相似文献   

唐国斌  魏华金 《玻璃》2012,39(4):24-26
影响中空玻璃反射影像质量的因素有多种多样,如环境温度、气压、钢化加工、中空加工方式等等。本文仅通过模拟环境温度变化的实验,测试和分析不同尺寸和结构的中空玻璃在不同温度条件下发生变形的程度,通过中空玻璃凹凸变形与温度、气压变化的关系进行探讨,有助于玻璃深加工企业更好地控制中空玻璃的平整度。  相似文献   


In this article an attempt is undertaken to verify the approach already successfully applied to polymeric glasses for deriving a simple analytic relationship between the glass transition temperature, Tg , and Vickers microhardness, Hv , (for polymers it is Hv  = 1.57 Tg –571, Hv in MPa, Tg in K). On the basis of previously reported data for Hv and Tg of 12 inorganic glasses (lead-silicate-, alkali-silicate-, alumosilacate, and quartz glasses) a linear relationship in the form Hv  = 5.87 T g + 1740 (Hv in MPa, Tg in K) is derived. In addition, a critical analysis of the published attempt for theoretical deriving of the relationship between Hv and Tg is also offered.  相似文献   

张宇宏  李茂刚 《玻璃》2020,(2):52-55
双玻组件面板用超白压延玻璃,背板用浮法玻璃是性价比最佳选择,对这两种玻璃相同成分不同厚度进行透过率测试,将测试结果与厚度-透过率转换公式计算所产生的理论值进行比较,找出超白压延玻璃和浮法玻璃的厚度与透过率的量化关系。  相似文献   

The pore size distribution(PSD)measured by the gas bubble point(GBP)method ofceramic microfiltration(MF)membranes prepared by suspension technique was found to be signifi-cantly influenced by the membrane thickness.A culm-like model for pore structure was introduced tocharacterize the membrane pores instead of the conventional model which does not reflect the radiusvariation along the pore passages and is unable to explain the thickness effect on the membrane PSD.A laminate structure,taking the culm-like model for pore structure into consideration,was hypoth-esized for ceramic MF membranes.A mathematical model was then established to quantitativelydescribe the relationship between the membrane number PSD and the membrane thickness.Goodresults were obtained for the correlation of mean pore size and simulation of the PSD for ceramicMF membranes.  相似文献   

介绍了通过喷涂均匀递增的清漆涂层梯度膜厚试板,并用橘皮仪检测不同膜厚区域外观数据,找出清漆膜厚与漆膜外观之间关系。为确定最经济的清漆涂层膜厚和选择最佳性(外观)价(膜厚)比的清漆提供必要的数据支持,对涂层设计和确定生产线相关工艺参数也有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

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