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36 night sleep recordings were carried out on 15 patients suffering from myotonia dystrophica. 9 of these patients complained of diurnal hypersomnia. 10 patients had a disturbance of night sleep with a reduction of REM sleep sometimes associated with interruption of the recording with an increase in the light stages of sleep or alternatively with an increase of REM sleep with a reduction in the latency period of the first paradoxical sleep or with narcoleptic elements. 13 patients had abnormally early abolition of chin EMG activity, almost on falling asleep. 11 cases had pathological apnoeic episodes during sleep and in 9 of the 10 patients who underwent respiratory function studies there was a restrictive airways defect. In addition 9 had frank hypoxia without hypercapnia and 4 a right to left shunt. 3 clinically unaffected patients but with affected relatives were also investigated, 2 were found to have sleep disturbances 1 of which was associated with early abolition of tone.  相似文献   

Twelve patients with predominantly obstructive type sleep apnea underwent cardiac catheterization, hemodynamic monitoring, and arterial blood gas analysis during wakefulness and sleep. Abnormalities during wakefulness included systemic hypertension in four of 12, exercise-induced mild pulmonary hypertension in five of 12, and alveolar hypoventilation in one. During sleep nine patients had cyclic elevations of arterial pressure with each apneic episode, exceeding 200 mm Hg systolic in three of 12. Pulmonary artery pressures increased in 10 of 12, exceeding 60 mm Hg systolic in five. Marked degrees of hypoxemia (arterial P02, less than 50 mm Hg in eight of 12) and moderate hypercapnia with respiratory acidosis were associated with these hemodynamic changes. Cyclic upper airway obstruction during sleep may result in hypercapnia, acidosis, and pronounced hypoxemia, which can lead to hemodynamic abnormalities during sleep. Sustained pulmonary hypertension and possibly systemic hypertension may follow. Tracheostomy is an effective therapy and is recommended to symptomatic patients who have predominantly obstructive apnea but no relievable anatomic cause of upper airway obstruction.  相似文献   

We have compared the proliferative potential of IELs isolated from rat colon (CIEL) and small bowel (SBIEL), and compared this with that observed using spleen lymphocytes. Unless additional irradiated spleen cells were added as a source of accessory cells, both IEL populations show poor proliferation in response to Con A stimulation. The CD4/CD8 ratio in spleen, SBIEL and CIEL was markedly different (3:1, 1:3, and 1:1, respectively). Cells expressing surface markers characteristic of macrophages were not routinely found in SBIELs. Both IEL preparations inhibited spleen cell proliferation in response to Con A or immobilized anti-CD3, and produced a soluble factor(s) capable of causing similar inhibition. For CIEL this inhibition was dependent upon a proliferation-independent but cell-cell contact dependent event.  相似文献   

In Exp I, 37 male and 42 female undergraduates reported more sexual arousal in response to nonaggressive than to aggressive depictions when the portrayals were sexually explicit, but the opposite occurred when the portrayals were nonsexual. In Exp II, 367 males were classified into no arousal, moderate arousal, or high arousal from force (AFF) groups on the basis of self-reports. To evaluate the veridicality of this classification, 118 Ss' penile tumescence in response to various depictions was assessed. Findings generally replicate those of the Exp I and confirm the accuracy of the AFF classification. The no- and the moderate-AFF Ss were less sexually aroused by aggressive than by nonaggressive portrayals, but the opposite was found for the high-AFF group. Strong differences between AFF groups were found on ideological factors, including acceptance of violence against and dominance over women, acceptance of nonsexual aggression, and Ss' beliefs that they might actually use force against women. In contrast, differences were not found on sexuality factors. Implications for theories on the causes of rape are discussed. (64 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sleep patterns of aged, infirm, demented, chronically institutionalized residents of a skilled-care nursing facility were studied. The purpose of this naturalistic study was to describe sleep and wakefulness (S/W) within the limits afforded by brief behavioral observations and to examine homeostasis and diurnal rhythmicity of S/W as a function of psychoactive drug intake. Observers noted S/W every 15 min, 24 hr a day for 10 days in 24 Ss. Results indicated substantial individual variation in daytime hours. Daily and weekly variation within Ss was minimal. Sleep was least likely near sunset. Ss on psychoactive drugs showed dampened diurnal variation in S/W rhythms. In Ss not on such drugs, there was a suggestion of homeostasis of S/W between sleep during the morning and evening hours. Results are discussed methodologically (viability of approach), theoretically (age-related change in sleep), and practically (potential treatments). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A subsample of 33 subjects classified by interview as unusual sleepers were asked to record their sleep in the morning and stress and heart rate at bedtime (index of physiological arousal). Increased physiological activity was expected in long sleepers because they had been identified as worriers, i.e., show activated physiological arousal. These data were recorded for a month, but no statistically significant differences for the long sleepers were noted.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which respiratory stimuli induce arousal from sleep and the clinical significance of these arousals have been explored by numerous studies in the last two decades. Evidence to date suggests that the arousal stimulus in nonrapid eye movement sleep (NREM) is related to the level of inspiratory effort rather than the individual stimuli that contribute to ventilatory drive. A component of the arousal stimulus proportional to the level of inspiratory effort may originate in mechanoreceptors either in the upper airway or respiratory pump. Medullary centers responsible for ventilatory drive may also send a signal proportionate to the level of drive to higher centers in the brain which are responsible for arousal. Thus, the arousal stimulus may consist of multiple components, each increasing as inspiratory effort increases. The level of effort triggering arousal is an index of the arousability of the brain (arousal threshold). A deeper stage of sleep, central nervous system depressants, prior sleep fragmentation, and the presence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have been observed to increase the arousal threshold to airway occlusion. Less information is available concerning the mechanisms of arousal from rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. While REM sleep is associated with the longest obstructive apneas in patients with OSA, normal human subjects appear to have a similar or lower arousal threshold to respiratory stimuli in REM compared to NREM sleep. Recent studies have challenged the assumption that the termination of all obstructive apnea is dependent on arousal from sleep. Improvements in methods to detect and quantitate changes in the cortical electroencephalogram (EEG) may better define the relationship between arousal and apnea termination. This may result in improved criteria for identifying EEG changes of clinical significance. While little is known concerning the mechanisms of arousal in central sleep apnea, arousal may play an important role in inducing this type of apnea in some patients.  相似文献   

Men exhibit much higher levels of genital and subjective arousal to sexual stimuli containing their preferred sex than they do to stimuli containing only the nonpreferred sex. This study used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate how this category-specific pattern would be reflected in the brains of homosexual (n = 11) and heterosexual (n = 11) men. Comparisons of activation to preferred sexual stimuli, nonpreferred sexual stimuli, and sports stimuli revealed large networks correlated with sexual arousal, spanning multiple cortical and subcortical areas. Both homosexual and heterosexual men exhibited category-specific arousal in brain activity. Within the amygdala, greater preference-related activity was observed in homosexual men, but it is unclear whether this is a cause or a consequence of their sexuality. In a subsequent analysis of regions hypothesized to support arousal, both participant groups demonstrated widespread increases in evoked activity for preferred stimuli. Aggregate data from these regions produced significant differences between stimulus types in 16 out of 22 participants. Significant activational differences matched reported sexual orientation in 15 of these 16 participants, representing an advance in psychophysiological measures of arousal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Mechanical ventilation of cats in sleep and wakefulness causes apnea, often within two to three cycles of the ventilator. We recorded 137 medullary respiratory neurons in four adult cats during eupnea and during apnea caused by mechanical ventilation. We hypothesized that the residual activity of respiratory neurons during apnea might reveal its cause(s). The results showed that residual activity depended on 1) the amount of nonrespiratory inputs to the cell (cells with more nonrespiratory inputs had greater amounts of residual activity); 2) the cell type (expiratory cells had more residual activity than inspiratory cells); and 3) the state of consciousness (more residual activity in wakefulness and rapid-eye-movement sleep than in non-rapid-eye-movement sleep). None of the cells showed an activation during ventilation that could explain the apnea. Residual activity of approximately one-half of the cells was modulated in phase with the ventilator. The strength of this modulation was quantified by using an effect-size statistic and was found to be weak. The patterns of modulation did not support the idea that mechanoreceptors excite some respiratory cells that, in turn, inhibit others. Indeed, most cells, inspiratory and expiratory, discharged during the deflation-inflation transition of ventilation. Residual activity failed to reveal the cause of apnea but showed that during apnea respiratory neurons act as if they were disinhibited and disfacilitated.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The study was designed to investigate the influence of haemodialysis on the pharmacokinetics of the non-ionic contrast medium iopentol and the outcome of radiocontrast nephropathy in patients at risk undergoing angiography. METHODS: We prospectively studied 30 patients with reduced renal function (mean serum creatinine concentration (+/- SEM), 2.4 +/- 0.16 mg/dl (212 +/- 14 mumol/l)). Patients were randomly assigned to receive either a haemodialysis procedure for 3 h, started as soon as possible (63 +/- 6 min) after administration of contrast medium, or a conservative treatment. Serum concentrations of iopentol and creatinine were followed for up to 14 days. RESULTS: The extracorporal plasma clearance of contrast medium was 71 +/- 2.5 ml/min. The fraction of the dose eliminated was 32 +/- 3%. The rate of radiocontrast nephropathy (defined as serum creatinine increase of > or = 0.5 mg/dl (44 mumol/l) within 48 h) after administration of contrast medium was similar in both groups (53 and 40% in group 1 (haemodialysis) and group 2 (conservative treatment) respectively). The course of absolute changes in serum creatinine over the whole observation period was not different in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: The data indicate that haemodialysis eliminates contrast medium effectively, but it may not influence the incidence or outcome of contrast induced nephropathy.  相似文献   

Infants are prone to accidental asphyxiation. Therefore, we studied airway-defensive behaviors and their relationship to spontaneous arousal behavior in 41 healthy sleeping infants (2-26 wk old), using two protocols: 1) infant was rebreathing expired air, face covered by bedding material; and 2) infant was exposed to hypercarbia, face uncovered. Multiple measurements of respiratory and motor activities were recorded (video, polygraph). The infants' response to increasing hypercarbia consisted of four highly stereotyped behaviors: sighs (augmented breaths), startles, thrashing limb movements, and full arousal (eyes open, cry). These behaviors occurred abruptly in self-limited clusters of activity and always in the same sequence: first a sigh coupled with a startle, then thrashing, then full arousal. Incomplete sequences (initial behaviors only) occurred far more frequently than the complete sequence and were variably effective in removing the bedding covering the airway. In both protocols, as inspired CO2 increased, incomplete arousal sequences recurred periodically and with increasing frequency and complexity until the infant either succeeded in clearing his/her airway or was completely aroused. Spontaneous arousal sequences, identical to those occurring during hypercarbia, occurred periodically during sleep. This observation suggests that the infant's airway-defensive responses to hypercarbia consist of an increase in the frequency and complexity of an endogenously regulated, periodically occurring sequence of arousal behaviors.  相似文献   

Attention and arousal are multi-dimensional psychological processes, which interact closely with one another. The neural substrates of attention, as well as the interaction between arousal and attention, are discussed in this review. After a brief discussion of psychological and neuropsychological theories of attention, event-related potential correlates of attention are discussed. Essentially, attention acts to modulate stimulus-induced electrical potentials (N100/P100, P300, N400), rather than generating any unique potentials of its own. Functional neuroimaging studies of attentional orienting, selective attention, divided attention and sustained attention (and its inter-dependence on underlying levels of arousal) are then reviewed. A distinction is drawn between the brain areas which are crucially involved in the top-down modulation of attention (the 'sources' of attention) and those sensory-association areas whose activity is modulated by attention (the 'sites' of attentional expression). Frontal and parietal (usually right-lateralised) cortices and thalamus are most often associated with the source of attentional modulation. Also, the use of functional neuroimaging to test explicit hypotheses about psychological theories of attention is emphasised. These experimental paradigms form the basis for a 'new generation' of functional imaging studies which exploit the dynamic aspect of imaging and demonstrate how it can be used as more than just a 'brain mapping' device. Finally, a review of psychopharmacological studies in healthy human volunteers outlines the contributions of the noradrenergic, cholinergic and dopaminergic neurotransmitter systems to the neurochemical modulation of human attention and arousal. While, noradrenergic and cholinergic systems are involved in 'low-level' aspects of attention (e.g. attentional orienting), the dopaminergic system is associated with more 'executive' aspects of attention such as attentional set-shifting or working memory.  相似文献   

In contrast to the many neural studies into the mechanisms of sleep onset and maintenance, few studies have focused specifically on awakening from sleep. However, the abrupt electrographic changes and large brief cardio-respiratory activation at awakening suggest that a distinct, transiently aroused, awake state may exist compared to later wakefulness. To test this hypothesis we utilized the acoustic startle reflex, a standard un-conditioned reflex elicited by a sudden loud noise. This reflex is modulated under specific conditions, one being a diminution of startle when a quieter pre-stimulus is presented immediately before the loud stimulus. This pre-pulse inhibition (PPI) is used as a measure of sensorimotor gating, with smaller PPI indicating less filtering of sensory inputs and increased responsiveness to external stimuli. Eight rats with electrodes for recording sleep-wake state were studied. An accelerometer measured startle responses. The startle reflex was elicited by 115 dB, 40 ms tones. PPI was produced by 74 dB, 20 ms tones preceding the 115 dB tone by 100 ms. Responses within 100 ms were measured. Stimuli were applied either 3-10 s after spontaneous awakenings, or in established wakefulness (> 30 s). Responses to the startle stimuli alone were similar in the different awake states (P = 0.821). However, PPI was smaller at awakening from non-REM sleep compared to established wakefulness (45.4 +/- 7.5% vs. 74.3 +/- 6.1%, P = 0.0002). PPI after awakening from REM sleep (52.8 +/- 17.9%) was not significantly different than established wakefulness (P = 0.297). Reduced PPI of the startle reflex at awakening from non-REM sleep supports the hypothesis that wakefulness immediately after spontaneous sleep episodes is neurophysiologically distinct from later wakefulness and associated with reduced gating of motor responses to sensory inputs. Spontaneous activation of this distinct, transiently aroused, state upon awakening may serve a protective function, preparing an animal to respond immediately to potentially threatening stimuli.  相似文献   

Cells in the cat primary auditory cortex (A1) were investigated to see whether they could integrate sound signals over time. A1 cells responded well to frequency-modulated sweeps. When a portion of the sweep was replaced by silence the response was weakened considerably. However, the response strength was restored when the silent portion was replaced by a burst of band noise, even though the cells did not respond to the burst of noise alone. These results indicate that A1 cells do not respond simply to instantaneous characteristics of acoustic stimuli but respond to those integrated over time.  相似文献   

The response to tracheal stimulation (50 microliters of tap water) during wakefulness, non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep was investigated in adult cats. In wakefulness, repetitive coughing occurred on 80% of the trials. In NREM and REM sleep, the most frequent response (approximately 69% and 58% of the trials, respectively) was arousal, followed by coughing. Apneas occurred following the stimulus and before arousal in 11% and 24% of the trials in NREM and REM sleep, respectively. In NREM sleep, the tracheal stimulus sometimes evoked expiratory efforts following a normal inspiratory effort (11% of the trials). These were much weaker than the expiratory efforts during coughing in wakefulness. In REM sleep, stimulation in 11% of the trials elicited increased inspiratory efforts. Although these may have been diminutive preparatory inspirations for coughing, they were much smaller than preparatory inspirations associated with coughing in wakefulness, and they were never followed by active expiratory efforts. Arousal from either NREM or REM sleep in response to tracheal stimulation was sometimes associated with an augmented breath. This response, which is common upon spontaneous arousal, may lead to deeper aspiration of the tracheal fluid. We conclude that in cats coughing requires wakefulness and that airway stimuli in sleep cause a variety of respiratory responses, some of which may be maladaptive.  相似文献   

Overnight sleep EEG recorded from 21 derivations was studied in 8 healthy subjects. The vector autoregressive model was fitted to all 21 channels simultaneously. Ordinary, multiple and partial coherences and directed transfer functions were estimated for sleep stages and wakefulness. Ordinary coherences give rather trivial information that coherence decreases with distance. Partial coherences revealed specific structure that was well repeatable for the subjects studied. Differences in coherence patterns between sleep stages were found by means of statistical tests. An increase of coherence was found for sleep stages 2, 3 and 4. Directed transfer function made possible the identification of the main centers from which EEG activity is spreading during sleep and wakefulness. During sleep the influence of subcortical structures was manifested by propagation of activity from the fronto-central region. The range of this interaction was highest in sleep stages 3 and 4. An EEG analysis, based on the approach of treating time series as a realization of one process and on the simultaneous (not pair-wise) evaluation of signals offers new possibilities in the investigation of synchronization and functional relations in the brain.  相似文献   

The noradrenergic neurones of the locus coeruleus (LC) discharge tonically during wakefulness, decrease their activity during slow wave sleep and are virtually quiescent during paradoxical sleep. We recently demonstrated an inhibitory glycinergic input to the locus coeruleus and proposed that this could be responsible for inhibition of the LC during paradoxical sleep. To test this proposal, we developed a method combining polygraphic recordings, iontophoresis and single-unit extracellular recordings in the unanaesthetized head-restrained rat. Iontophoretically applied strychnine, a specific glycine antagonist, induced strong excitation of LC neurones during paradoxical sleep, but also during slow wave sleep and wakefulness. These results suggest that glycine tonically inhibits noradrenergic LC neurones throughout the entire sleep-waking cycle and not only during paradoxical sleep.  相似文献   

In hemodialysates of cerebral venous blood from rabbits kept asleep by electrical stimulation of the somnogenic intralaminar thalamus, a seasonal correlation was found between the histamine (H) concentration and the external daily temperature, with a minimum in winter and a maximum in summer. By contrast, in dialysates of rabbits aroused by electrical stimulation of the midtrain reticular formation, the H concentration reached in winter the same high level as in summer. During the winter, stimulation of the waking midbrain reticular system increased the H-level of the cerebral blood dialysate, whereas that of the somnogenic intralaminar thalamus did not enhance, sometimes even lowered, the H-concentration. This suggests that the mechanism of H release in blood might be associated with the midbrain activating reticular system and moderated by the intralaminar thalamus.  相似文献   

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