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采用自主设计的高温摩擦试验机,研究了7075铝合金在边界润滑条件下的摩擦规律,建立不同温度下的变摩擦因数模型,并分析了各温度下的摩擦形貌,通过Abaqus有限元仿真和实际冲压验证变摩擦因数模型的准确性。研究结果表明:在边界润滑条件下,试验温度从100℃升高至300℃时,摩擦因数随着试验温度的增大而升高;在100~200℃时,摩擦因数相对稳定;在200~300℃时,摩擦因数随着滑动时间的增加,先增大后减小然后趋于稳定;在300℃时, 7075铝合金表面犁沟的磨损效果显著;当采用变摩擦因数模型时,铝合金的模拟成形效果更能接近实际的成形效果,有效提高了软件的模拟精度。 相似文献
7075铝合金广泛用于要求高力学性能的零部件。有关技术文献指出,该合金的耐蚀性和力学性能主要决定于淬火冷却速度。这种现象通常称为"淬火敏感性"。本文的主要目的是,通过改变热处理工艺参数和轧制方向(L,LT,ST)来研究板材试样的淬火冷却速度对其性能的影响。试样均在实验室设备中热处理,以获得T6、T76和T73处理状态。试样为长方体(13 mm 13 mm 100 mm),水淬,通过改变水温或改变温度为20℃、用水搅动的浴槽中聚合物浓度来调节淬火冷却速度。在每种实验条件下,均采用置于试样中的热电偶测量冷却速度。此外,还进行了有限元(FEM)模拟试验,以测定所有试验条件下冷却过程的热传递系数;进行了拉伸试验和晶间腐蚀试验,以弄清所研究的冷却速度对7075合金板材性能的影响。 相似文献
基于随机弹丸的7075铝合金喷丸的残余应力场(英文) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用随机弹丸模型,研究了不同弹丸数目及位置、分析步时间、覆盖率及靶材表面粗糙度对7075-T651高强度铝合金经喷丸强化后产生的残余应力场的影响。结果表明:不同弹丸数目及位置对残余应力场有显著影响;对于45个随机弹丸模型,当分析步时间为0.075ms时,残余应力场达到稳定状态,对于15、25、65及85个随机弹丸模型,稳定分析步时间分别为0.065、0.0683、0.0817和0.0883ms;当弹丸数目从15增加到65时,σsrs和σmcrs随弹丸数目的增多而增加,当弹丸数目继续增加到85时,σsrs和σmcrs出现减少现象,Zm随着弹丸数目的增加并未表现出明显的变化,Z0随着弹丸数目的增多而不断增加;σsrs随着靶材表面粗糙度的变化未表现出明显的变化规律,σmcrs、Zm和Z0随着表面粗糙度的增大而不断减小。 相似文献
多向锻造7075铝合金的结构和性能 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在440℃经多向锻造加工成7075铝合金锻件。研究了锻件的显微组织和力学性能随退火温度和T73回火的变化,TEM和SEM用于分析锻件的晶粒和第二相形态。多向和大变形锻造产生平均晶粒尺寸1.8μm的完全再结晶组织。390℃-450℃退火使晶粒长大到3μm,但位错和第二相分布没有明显改变,这时锻件展现出较低强度和较高延性。T73回火使锻件屈服强度和拉伸强度分别提高280%和210%,而延性同退火样相比并无明显下降,断裂韧性达到51MPam^1/2,可以认为这是沉淀强化的贡献。 相似文献
多向锻造对改善7075铝合金性能的作用 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
研究了多向反复锻造对7075铝合金显微组织的细化作用。结果表明,经多向反复热锻,7075铝合金的晶粒尺寸可以减小到2μm以下,并具有良好的热稳定性。淬火时效后,在强度与常规状态相当的情况下,拉伸伸长率可达18%。 相似文献
7075铝合金应力腐蚀敏感性的SSRT和电化学测试研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
采用慢应变速率试验(SSRT)研究了7075铝合金的应力腐蚀行为。试验结果表明,外加阳极极化和阴极极化都能增加7075铝合金的应力腐蚀敏感性,即使在弱极化情况下也能显著增加合金的应力腐蚀敏感性。但是,外加极化对于不同热处理状态的7075铝合金,其应力腐蚀敏感性增加的程度不同。电极极化对T6状态合金的SCC敏感性的影响显著,而对RRA和T7351状态合金的影响较轻微。随着拉伸应力的增加,7075-RRA铝合金的阳极极化曲线略向正移,滞后环面积扩大,但并不显著。 相似文献
Tahar Sahraoui Mohamed Hadji Nacer Bacha Riad Badji 《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》2003,12(4):398-401
A study has been made to investigate the effect of a prior amount of warm rolling on the superplastic forming behavior of
a standard grade 7075 aluminum alloy. The thermomechanical treatment process presented for grain refinement includes furnace
cooling from the solution treatment temperature to the overaging temperature, warm rolling from 65–85% deformation, recrystallization,
and artificial aging treatment. Increasing the amount of warm rolling beyond 80% deformation does not produce material with
higher elongation to failure when the thermomechanical treatment process presented is used. The largest value of elongation
to failure was 700%, which was obtained for a specimen having a grain size of 8 μm at a strain rate of 6×10−3S−1. The fracture surface exhibits a granular appearance indicative of an intergranular fracture mode. Dislocation activities
within grains were observed, indicating the occurrence of dislocation slip during grain boundary sliding. 相似文献
7075铝合金热压缩变形流变应力 总被引:42,自引:10,他引:42
在Gleeble-1500热模拟试验机上,采用高温等温压缩试验,对7075铝合金在高温压缩变形中的流变应力行为进行了研究。结果表明,应变速率和变形温度的变化强烈地影响合金流变应力的大小,流变应力随变形温度升高而降低,随应变速率提高而增大;可用Zener-Hollomon参数的指数形式来描述7075铝合金高温压缩变莆时的流变应力行为。 相似文献
Residual stress in quenched 7075 aluminum alloy thick plates 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
1 INTRODUCTION70 75isoneoftheprecipitation hardenedalu minumalloysmainlyusedasplateandforgingsintheaerospaceindustry .Itshighstrengthisachievedthroughaquenchingoperationwherethematerialisrapidlycooledfromthesolutionheattreatmenttem perature(4 75℃ )toroomtemperature ,whichcancausetheadverseeffectofintroducingresidualstress ,leavingthematerialunsuitableforfurthermachiningoperationsandforservice[13] .Residualstressinthequenchingoperationforaluminumalloysisusuallystudiedbynumericalprediction… 相似文献
通过对7075铝合金进行不同温度(450、465、480和495 ℃)的固溶处理,研究了固溶温度对该合金的硬度、室温拉伸性能及高周疲劳性能的影响,并用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对合金显微组织及疲劳断口进行观察。结果表明,随着固溶温度的升高,合金组织发生不同程度的静态再结晶和晶粒长大,合金硬度和拉伸强度均先升高后降低,480 ℃固溶处理后达到最高;疲劳极限随着固溶温度的升高先降低后升高,495 ℃固溶处理后达到最高。疲劳裂纹主要起源于粗大残留相处,扩展过程中产生的二次裂纹可降低裂纹扩展的驱动力,进而降低合金的裂纹扩展速率,提高合金疲劳性能。 相似文献
A typical aluminum alloy, AA7075, was immersed in the EXCO solution, and its corrosion properties during different immersion time were measured repetitively using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy technique (EIS). The EIS data a were simulated using equivalent circuit with ZView program. The results show that once the exfoliation occurs, the low frequency inductive loop in the Nyquist plot associated with the relaxation phenomenon of reaction intermediates disappears, and the Nyquist plane is mainly composed of two capacitive arcs in the high frequency range and low frequency range respectively. The former originates from the original corroded surface, while the latter from the newly formed interface by exfoliation corrosion (EXCO). With the increased immersion time, the high frequency capacitance arc decreases gradually, while the low frequency capacitance arc increases gradually. From the beginning of immersion up to 9 hours, charge transfer resistance gradually decreases, illustrating the acceleration of the corrosion rate, whereas the proton concentration decreases steeply, indicating the cathodic process is pre‐dominant. Then the corrosion rate decreases gradually corresponding to the exhausting of proton ions. The results also show that the exfoliation corrosion is developed from pitting corrosion through intergranular corrosion to general corrosion at the end. 相似文献
The superplastic forming potential of two fine-grained 5083 aluminum alloys were studied under biaxial tension using a pneumatic bulge test. Experiments were performed at temperatures ranging from 475 to 525 ℃ with three different strain paths ranging from equi-biaxial to approaching plane strain. The shape of the forming limited diagram(FLD) is found to be significantly different from FLDs commonly used in room temperature stamping. The effects of temperature on final thickness distribution, dome height and cavitation were investigated for the case of equi-biaxial stretching. Increasing temperature in free bulge forming can improve the thickness distribution of final parts but have no significant effect on dome height. The results indicate that determination of forming limits in SPF cannot be represented with a simple FLD and additional metrics such as external thinning and internal cavitation needed to determine the SPF potential of a material. 相似文献
B. Obert K. Ngo J. Hashemi S. Ekwaro-Osire T. P. Sivam 《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》2000,9(4):441-448
In aging aircraft, the synergetic interaction between corrosion and fatigue has been shown to reduce the life expectancy of aluminum alloys. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of corrosion, in terms of mass loss per unit area, on the static strength and fatigue life of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy. This was an experimental study in which test specimens were corroded in a laboratory environment. The corrosion process was accelerated by use of a corrosion cell. Test specimens were cut from flat sheets of aluminum and covered with masking material to restrict corrosion to a confined area. After testing, the fatigue life, ultimate tensile strength (UTS), and hardness of the specimens were observed to drop significantly with small amounts of corrosion. After the initial decrease, the UTS was observed to decrease linearly with increasing corrosion levels. The fatigue life of the specimens decreased in an inverse exponential fashion as mass loss per unit area increased. The hardness values of the corroded surfaces were also observed to drop. The topology of the pits and the related subsurface damage produced areas of high stress concentration resulting in the immediate reduction of UTS and fatigue life of the specimens. Subsurface corrosion damage was responsible for the reduction in hardness. 相似文献
镁合金AZ31B板材热拉深成形工艺参数优化 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
在不同温度、不同压边力和不同拉深速度下,针对厚度为0.8mm的AZ31B镁合金板材的成形性能用有限元分析软件进行模拟与分析。在25~220℃的温度范围内,采用直径为140mm的坯料进行冲压成形,研究成形温度、拉深速度以及压边力对AZ31B镁合金板成形性能的影响。结果表明:成形温度为200℃时的极限拉深比达到了2.8;成形温度在200℃以下时,随着成形温度的升高。镁合金板材的成形性能越来越好。这证明AZ31B镁合金具有良好的热拉深性能;此外,拉深速度和压边力对AZ31B镁合金的拉深成形也有重要影响。 相似文献
工业AA1200铝合金薄板拉伸成形模拟和实验研究(英文) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对工业AA1200铝合金薄板拉伸成形的模拟和实验结果进行比较和评估。采用单向拉伸试验得到模拟所需输入参数。根据von Mises和Hill-1948屈服准则,采用Abaqus/Explicit有限元软件分析成形过程。将冲压力和应变分布的模拟结果与实验结果进行比较和验证。结果表明:在这两种情况下,使用各向异性屈服准则模拟的结果与实验结果更吻合。 相似文献