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正2014年2月18日,北京《智能建筑与城市信息》杂志社与2014中国(上海)国际智慧城市建设与发展博览会组委会共同签署了战略合作协议,旨就"2014中国(上海)国际智慧城市建设与发展博览会"的媒体支持与合作达成一致,在推动博览会工作的全面开展和深入报道等方面将展开密切合作。2014中国(上海)国际智慧城市建设与发展博览会将于10月16-18日在上海世博展览馆举行。该展会由中国城市科学研究会数字城  相似文献   

在城市资源越来越紧缺的今天.西方国家开始反思对摩天大楼的崇拜并寻求更集约、高效的城市发展模式.“城市综合体“逐渐登上历史舞台.成为世界各国中心城市建设新的发展方向。在广西南宁,一年一度的中国一东盟博览会催生了南宁东盟商务区这个最初以会展商圈为定位的城市国际化前沿商贸区域。作为中国一东盟博览会的永久举办地.以及北部湾经济区发展战略的中心城市.世界的目光聚焦于此.将带给南宁国际性的商业、贸易和文化氛围。  相似文献   

在1992年塞维利亚世界博览会上,日本馆以其颇具东方神韵又不乏现代感的建筑风格备受世人关注,本文结合了日本建筑发展的历程对该馆的建筑特点及设计理念进行了剖析,并通过中日对比研究,从中得到发展我国大结构建筑的几点启示。  相似文献   

我国园林博览会发展迅速,园林博览会的选址,直接影响展会情况和后续利用水平。以我国主要园林博览会选址为研究对象,通过案例分析,将我国园林博览会选址类型分为四类,分别是:基于原有公共空间提升、基于旧城更新、基于新区建设和基于风景林地开发的园林博览会选址,并从距城距离、常见规模、兼具功能等方面进行阐述。在此基础上,筛选能够从一定程度上反映城市发展水平、体现城市规划需求、表达场地特征的重要选址指标要素,初步构建基于城市发展目标的园林博览会选址指标体系,为实现不同城市发展目标下的园林博览会选址提供依据。  相似文献   

正媒体支持共促智慧城市建设2月18日,《智能建筑与城市信息》杂志社与2014中国(上海)国际智慧城市建设与发展博览会组委会共同签署了战略合作协议,旨就"2014中国(上海)国际智慧城市建设与发展博览会"的媒体支持与合作达成一致,在推动博览会工作的全面开展和深入报道等方面将展开密切合作。2014中国(上海)国际智慧城市建设与发  相似文献   

圣胡斯塔火车站是近年来塞维利亚建设中最主要的建筑物之一,它所处的位置也相当重要。尽管它直当接近市中心,但新项目所选的地点几乎没有被城市发展所触动。仅与一个放弃了的老货物车站弧零零地位于一块巨大的凹地中。城市的铁路网受城河所限制,比如1992年的万国博览会是设在城河对面,当时西班牙铁路局和铁路公司有机会对塞维  相似文献   

日本对举办博览会非常热心,曾经成功举行过大大小小的各种博览会,其中特别值得一提的是神户人工岛博览会(1981年)、横滨博览会(1989年)和东京城市博览会(1996年).这三次博览会都是通过主办博览会来促进会场及周边地区城市开发的典范,这与上海世博会的会后利用及长远开发目标非常接近,非常值得上海世博会参考.通过两次国际竞赛,上海世博会规划已经有了比较良好的会场形态规划,也确定了会场外部包括轨道交通在内的交通骨架,从现阶段起规划决策工作的重心应当逐渐转移到世博会后场地的开发利用,以及利用当今高速发展的信息技术,从软件的角度充实、加强现有的世博会规划上.  相似文献   

当代,世界博览会不单是具有展示功能的国际盛会,还将成为促进生态城市发展的内在动力。以2014年青岛世界园艺博览会的中标方案为例,从城市生命支持系统和人居环境系统两大方面;通过水资源利用、能源利用、交通系统、绿地系统、生态建筑、生态景观、生态产业、环境教育8个要点,详细阐述了如何在大型博览会规划设计中贯彻生态城市的建设标准。提出以生态综合体的规划设计作为出发点,建设"生态城市的服务业集聚区"。  相似文献   

夏欣  邹涵 《华中建筑》2012,(11):106-109
园林博览会这项起源于西方的博览形式在我国发展已逾十年。作为重要的城市事件,其规模和影响力迅速扩大,同时也面临着形式化的盲目攀比、自然资源的严重浪费、经济上的入不敷出与文化创造力的匮乏等发展瓶颈。该文以近年来国际上具有代表性的园林博览会为研究对象,旨在通过对其成功经验与失败教训的总结和分析,为我国园林博览会在规划和运营方面的相关问题提供借鉴,对如何通过规划先行、多元创新性设计等方法促进我国园林博览会的可持续发展作了分析与思考。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和区域经济一体化的深入发展,会展活动越来越成为促进各国间经贸往来的重要平台,受到世界各国的广泛关注。以中国—亚欧博览会为研究对象,采用灰色关联分析法分析亚欧博览会对乌鲁木齐经济的影响机理,结果表明:亚欧博览会对乌鲁木齐的影响主要是通过对乌鲁木齐城市基础设施建设的带动作用,提升对外开放水平、促进产业结构升级和提高城市消费水平来实现的,而对就业水平的带动作用不是很明显。  相似文献   

In the second half of the 1970s, during the Spanish transition to democracy, a new generation of young architects in Seville reassessed the city in relation to Italian debates and their strong political drive. Concerned about the destruction of Seville’s historical centre by the Franco regime’s urban planning, these architects found in Aldo Rossi not only their main figure of reference, but also a powerful object of fascination. Moreover, Rossi’s presence in Seville between 1975 and 1978 had a fundamental influence on the early work of young Sevillian architects and the subsequent planning of the city under the first democratic administrations. However, a particular analysis of Rossi’s ideas in comparison to the works of that time in Seville showed how these young local architects did not always fully bring on board Rossi’s political position through their architectural projects. Rather, these architects’ reading of Rossi favoured figure over structure, visual aspects over relational ones, and ultimately had an important impact in the way the city’s historical centre developed in the 1980s and 1990s.  相似文献   

As a first step towards the exploration of the particularities urban social exclusion in Spain, the research presented here evaluates the significance of the urban territorial factor at neighbourhood level in order to develop relevant conclusions for the design of urban policies. After comparing the structure and dynamics of socio-spatial inequalities in five large Spanish cities (Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Seville and Murcia), we analyse how different disadvantaged neighbourhoods – inner city districts and peripheral housing estates – affect the life trajectories of different vulnerable social groups: long-term unemployed males, undocumented immigrants, single mothers, old people living alone and young people with a low education level and job problems. We identify the existence of significant differences between inner city districts and peripheral housing estates regarding the way they affect the life chances of their inhabitants. Furthermore, we show how different social groups are unequally affected by the characteristics of the neighbourhood in which they live. This all leads us to stress the importance of urban public policies being sensitive to the diversity of socio-spatial conditions of cities.  相似文献   


Immigrants’ neighbourhood choices are key to understanding today’s dominant socio-territorial dynamics, especially in urban areas. We analysed the factors involved in the housing search at the early stages of the economic migrant influx in Seville, Spain (Andalusia region, Europe’s southern border) and their impact on the development of residential segregation in this city. Using a qualitative methodology approach based on focus groups, unstructured interviews and discourse analysis, the implicit and explicit social determinants that influence economic migrants’ residential behaviours were examined. In line with previous studies, the results highlight the importance of socio-economic determinants and a trend towards self-segregation. Social discourse analysis reveals how the host society’s ethnoracial preferences and prejudices – from the outset of the economic migrant influx – translate into barriers to accessing the housing market, which plays a crucial role in understanding economic migrant residential mobility and its impact on and consequences for the residential segregation process.  相似文献   

Chengdu, located at the western edge of the Sichuan Basin, is the provincial capital of Sichuan Province. The fertile and well-watered basin has given the city a long and splendid history, which has left significant and lasting imprints on its urban form, landscape and cultural life. In the planned economy period, Chengdu serviced as the economic, cultural, logistical and technological center for southwest China, and built a competitive and broad industrial base which now helps the city maintain its leading position in the region. In 2007, Chengdu was assigned as one of two pioneer cities in coordinating urban–rural development. This paper introduces the urban development of Chengdu as a historical city, summarizes the city’s economic growth, urban spatial transformation and infrastructure construction as a major city in western China, and discusses its recent efforts in coordinating urban–rural development as a pioneering city in China.  相似文献   

贾倍思 《新建筑》1999,(1):15-17
在社会和经济发展的许多方面,保护环境和实现可持续发展已成为中国城市发展的目标,在城市零星 建筑设计中,与保护环境有关的具体措施,包括增加绿地面积,已开始逐步实施,然而对于城市在可持续发展中的地位和推进城市可持续发展战略的认识依然有限,对于21世纪新的城市概念,新的城市形态和模式的研究还刚刚开始。已有百年历史的“花园城市”理论仍在毒化人的心灵和全球环境,因为这种城市模式在发达国家和部分发展中国家中实  相似文献   

宣莹 《规划师》2007,23(10):43-47
概念性城市设计对于城市新区的建设具有重要意义.新区概念性城市设计具有概括性和策略性的特点,即应当体现整体、动态、灵活的设计观,且应注重与城市空间形态之间的联系.新区概念性城市设计的落实必须与城市规划管理工作充分衔接,可采用的主要方式是在工作程序上的预先协调与整合,以及在成果内容上的控制与引导.  相似文献   

通过对城市灾害作用过程阶段的分解以及对灾害不同途径的破坏强度进行比较分析,发现了城市灾害造成人员伤亡和财产损失的主要途径,建立起"灾害作用—空间破坏—人员伤亡"的灾害过程认识,结合国内外研究判断,提出以"规划干预—空间手段—灾害防治"的思路逻辑,建立以城市空间为着力点的空间途径应对灾害的框架,并从城市外围环境、城市内部空间和空间形态三个方面阐释了与灾害的联系,形成了动态适应灾害变化的规划干预方法框架体系。  相似文献   

Susan Larson   《Cities》2003,20(6):395
Compared to some major urban centers in Spain that have successfully participated in the fierce competition over cultural capital since the 1980s (such as Barcelona, Seville, or Bilbao), Madrid seems not so much to look outward to the international community to sell its image but to more reflectively construct and critique life, on the periphery of what was previously the center of an extremely centralized state. The power to build and shape Madrid during the 1980s and 1990s often found inspiration in the more disposable and ephemeral forms of culture circulating in its immediate environment, just as cultural forms and cultural content drew directly from the desire to represent human reactions to this urban setting. The conservative Partido Popular has taken credit for the positive urban reforms of the Socialists and criticized them for the failures, while giving Madrid over to the car and abandoning the progressive social housing policies of earlier years, which were based on rational Modernist planning and the political possibility of the Modernist project. Much recent literature and film about Madrid focuses on the resulting ideological, political and economic shifts.  相似文献   

Bern is a classic example of a so-called secondary capital city, which is defined as a capital city that is not the primary economic center of its nation. Such capital cities feature a specific political economy characterized by a strong government presence in its regional economy and its local governance arrangements. Bern has been losing importance in the Swiss urban system over the past decades due to a stagnating economy, population decline and missed opportunities for regional cooperation. To re-position itself in the Swiss urban hierarchy, political leaders and policymakers established a non-profit organization called “Capital Region Switzerland” in 2010 arguing that a capital city should not be measured by economic success only, but by its function as a political center where political decisions are negotiated and implemented. This city profile analyses Bern's strategy and discusses its ambitions and limitations in the context of the city's history, socio-economic and political conditions. We conclude that Bern's positioning strategy has so far been a political success, yet that there are severe limitations regarding advancing economic development. As a result, this re-positioning strategy is not able to address the fundamental economic development challenges that Bern faces as a secondary capital city.  相似文献   

郑静 《规划师》2000,16(1):57-60
作者主要研究城市空间形态问题,认为城市空间发展策略应成为城市与区域规划法定序列中的独立部分。作者以广州为例,全面分析其自然条件、空间扩张历史与发展现状,预计广州城市规模将进一步扩大,城市功能空间将继续分异,未来广州城市空间发展将面临一系列问题。就此,作者建议以传统中心城区为一极,以相距40公里的经济技术开发区为另一极,采取“双残’发展策略,并且积极推动南部生活居住组团发展,最终在今后二十年内形成“双城三极”空间形态。  相似文献   

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