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林桐 《木工机床》1995,(1):49-56
3 刀具 3.1刀具材料 如果提到刀具的材料,那么应当区分刀体的材料和刀具切削部分的材料。在上一世纪末,用不同材料制造刀体和刀具的切削部分属个别情况,而当今,两者用同一材料制造却属个极个别情况。用不同材料制造刀体和刀具的切削部分在一般情况下有好处,因为: 1.刀具材料很贵,特别是当它用优质材料制造时,而刀体材料则便宜很多,即使它由质量最好的材料制成。  相似文献   

曹平祥  周之江 《木工机床》1997,(4):16-20,47
1.引青高速工具钢和硬质合金是木材工业最受欢迎的刀具材料。随着木质复合材料的发展和难加工材料的出现,以上刀具材料的耐磨性不能满足生产的需要。在正常切削过程中,常常出现工件表面起毛、纤维援起、撕裂,甚至烧焦发黑等现象。这是因为刀具很快磨损变钝所致高温高压合成的聚晶金刚石是用来制造刀具的一种超硬材料。尽管其韧性很差,但硬度很高,红硬性好,耐磨性大约是碳化钨硬质合金刀具的IOO~250倍。金刚石涂层刀具是把金刚石的高硬度和抗磨性与传统刀具材料的韧性和抗冲击性结合起来,既具备良好的冲击韧性,又有极高的耐磨性…  相似文献   

刀具行业在数控机床已成为制造装备主流的今天,肩负着为制造业提供关键装备——数控刀具的重任。制造业的加工技术水平受刀具行业整体水平的影响较大,而制造业的发展也会促进刀具行业的发展。根据制造业发展的需要,多功能复合刀具、高速高效刀具将成为刀具发展的主流。面对日益增多的难加工材料,刀具行业必须改进刀具材料、研发新的刀具材料和更合理的刀具结构。  相似文献   

本文对国内木工刀具硬质合金化基本情况,硬质合金化所使用的刀具材料及性能,木工硬质合金刀具的应用进行阐述,主要供使用这类刀具的人员参考。  相似文献   

徐杨 《木工机床》2010,(4):1-3,19
文章对我国木工刀具应用材料概况进行了论述,并针对目前应用的工具钢、高速钢、硬质合金、陶瓷材料、聚晶材料等具体材料的发展应用过程、分类和性能特点进行了详细论述,根据刀具应用材料的发展和应用的现状预测了木工刀具材料未来发展趋势  相似文献   

张春友 《木工机床》1990,(2):44-47,52
前言近年来,我国湖南、广东、福建、吉林、北京、新疆等省市从西德等国引建了叁拾余条人造板生产线。目前这些厂家的刨刀、削片刀、多尔剪刀和某些易损零部件的国产化问题尚未很好解决,有的厂家需花大量外汇从国外引进,有的厂家因选材不当,造成刀刃崩缺、卷刃,甚至刀具断裂而损坏机器。致使停机、停产频繁,严重影响经济效益。因此为解决刀片国产化问题,达到引进消化的目的,特提出了高速软切削的刀具研制课题。一、刀具对材料的性能要求刨花机刀、削片机刀等是一种高速软切削刀具。它在切削过程中要承受很大的切削抗力和冲击、震动负荷。同时刀刃部分还存在着很大的摩擦力,因此要求制作刀具的材料应具备下列特性。  相似文献   

刀具行业是一个比较特殊的行业,肩负着为制造业提供关键装备——数控刀具的重任,制造业的水平如何往往会受刀具行业整体水平的较大影响,而制造业的发展也会促进刀具行业的发展,两者可以说是相互影响相互制约。随着制造业的持续发展,为制造业提供关键装备的刀具行业必将快速、稳步发展,根据制造业发展的需要,多功能复合刀具、智能刀具、高速高效刀具必将成为时代的新宠,面对日益增多的难加工材料,刀具行业必须在改进原有的刀具材料、研发新的刀具材料及寻找更合理的刀具结构方面多下功夫,以解决制造业面临的越来越多的加工难题。  相似文献   

在刀具材料方面,由于汽车零部件材料本身的要求提高,超硬刀具材料如cBN(立方氮化硼)、PCD(聚晶金刚石)刀具和新型硬质合金刀具被大量采用。在国内汽车用户所选择的刀具材料中,使用最多的仍然是硬质合金刀具,占64.1%。  相似文献   

经济的不断发展与科技的日益进步,使社会生产过程中遇到的难以加工的生产材料越来越多,现代加工技术所需要的多个功能复合型加工刀具以及高效高速加工刀具、智能加工刀具也渐渐成为了机械加工机床生产中不可或缺的中坚力量。伴随着工业的发展,加工刀具材料的使用上和加工刀具的使用结构上也产生了更多的变化和发展。本文针对切削技术以及切削的刀具的制作工艺、刀具结构等方面进行详实的分析和阐述,并对未来的发展前景进行研究探讨。  相似文献   

从铣刀装夹结构;新型结构装配式铣刀;降噪木工刀具;硬质合金刀具材料;聚晶金刚石刀具;刀具的选用与使用等6方面,介绍了国内外木工刀具发展现状,为弥补差距提供了思路.  相似文献   

简述了纳米材料的基本性质,介绍了几种典型的纳米材料在陶瓷刀具中的应用,并探究其对陶瓷刀具材料的作用原理。同时也指出了纳米材料在陶瓷刀具中的应用要注意的技术问题以及纳米技术在陶瓷刀具中应用研究的方向。  相似文献   

The current state of knowledge about wood cutting tool wear is assessed by reviewing the published work in this area. Research concerned with tool wear which deals primarily with the tool material, with the work material and with tool-work interactions is considered.  相似文献   

The paper presents a study of the effect of momentary disturbances due to variations in wood structure on the lateral cutting force. Density, shape and fibre-direction of the disturbances, and the degree of wear of the cutting tool are taken into consideration. The paper shows that high density gradients result in high lateral forces. The highest momentary lateral force noted has a value of approximately 40 N. The geometrical shape of the cutting tool in terms of degree of wear has a big impact on the lateral force. The work indicates a potential to increase the cutting performance by a more accurate supervision of the condition of the cutting tools.  相似文献   

Shown is a dynamic model of periodic circular cutting of oriented wood tissue in which both the properties of the material and the dynamic properties of the machining system have been considered. The cutting or exciting force is the result of internal and external modulation. The internal modulation is the result of the effect of the properties of the machined material which are given by specific cutting pressure k s, while the external modulation is the consequence of the varying material flux which is affected by relative displacements between the workpiece and the tool. Relative displacements, which are the consequence of the manner of excitation and dynamic properties of the machining system, are also the cause of self-excitation occurrence. As in the process of cutting, the cutting or self-exciting force depends on relative displacements between the tool and the workpiece, the dynamic model developed is non-linear. By simulation of a dynamic model it is possible to analyse the process of cutting wood tissue in its entirety, and it can thus be employed to optimize the selection of tools and the processing parameters of machining.  相似文献   

简述了造纸机械中冷硬铸铁压光辊的车削工艺,介绍了粗车和半精车的刀具材料、几何参数、切削用量及使用效果,说明了刀具的主要数据选择原则和实验结果分析.  相似文献   

聚晶立方氮化硼(PcBN)刀具材料不仅热稳定性好、化学惰性强,而且硬度高,是目前加工黑色金属材料以及实现加工领域的高效、高速和高精度的最佳工具材料。文章旨在对高温高压下不同粘结剂在PcBN的烧结过程中的行为规律作一个总结,以期进一步指导我们寻找更优的粘结剂组分和配比,了解PcBN的高压烧结机理,制备出高性能的PcBN刀具材料。  相似文献   

气割下料加工工艺制造大型圆法兰,费时费料,且制造精度差.根据三辊卷板机的工作原理设计的简易法兰成型机,在3只辊子上分别加工出合适宽度和深度的槽,使置于其中的条形坯料在移动中受到压力作用产生塑性变形,理论上可以制作直径小至几十厘米大到几米的圆法兰.该法兰成型机是一种用于制作圆法兰的简易设备,其结构简单,工作可靠,可以较大程度地节省材料和工时.  相似文献   

Medium density fiberboard (MDF) is a?wood based panel which main feature is the distribution of wood fibers, uniform and dense in the full panel thickness, allowing for very precise machining on the edges and in the faces of the board. However, and due to its manufacturing process, a?density profile is produced with external layers being heavier than the core of the panel. These differences generate a?variable surface quality across the panel when machined. The tool characteristics and the cutting process kinematics also determine the resulting surface roughness of the processed material. With regard to the cutting energy, there are important variations when machining conditions are modified, or when some tool characteristics are changed. The aim of this paper is to determine the cutting energy required to rip sawing MDF and to study its relationship with the resulting surface roughness across the panel profile when the density of the material changes. The findings lead to the conclusion that there is a?close relationship between cutting energy and surface roughness, being particularly sensitive to changes in specific gravity within the profile of the panel, and in particular to changes in cutting condition expressed as mean chip thickness.  相似文献   

The article deals with dynamic analysis of the influence of the manner of excitation of a machining system on the stability of the process of periodic circular cutting of wood tissue at an invariable frequency of cutting, taking into account dynamic properties of the machining system. For stability analysis we used a dynamic model developed for this purpose (Bu?ar and Kopa? 1996). The manner of excitation of the machining system has been defined by the radial immersion of the tool and the workpiece, taking into consideration, in modelling the process of cutting, both internal and external modulation of the cutting or exciting force. The internal modulation is the result of the effect of the properties of the machined material which are given by specific cutting pressurek s, while the external modulation is the consequence of the varying material flux which is affected by relative displacements between the workpiece and the tool. Relative displacements, which are the result of the manner of excitation and dynamic properties of the machining system, are also the cause of self-excitation occurence. The results of analyses point to it that the manner of excitation of a machining system with known dynamic properties is of the essence for the stability of the process of periodic circular cutting of wood tissue.  相似文献   

钛合金以其优良的性能在航空航天、化工能源、医疗、体育、船舶等领域中有广泛的应用,然而它的难加工性限制了它的发展,文章针对钛合金的加工特性,对PcBN刀具材料的性能特点进行了分析总结。  相似文献   

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