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The work and some general observations of the Emergency Management Project of the National Governors' Association in the United States are outlined. This is related to the concept of Comprehensive Emergency Planning and its applicability to state management of dangerous chemicals.  相似文献   

Introduction of threat analysis into the land-use planning process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The subject of this paper is a method for introducing risk assessment into the land-use planning (LUP) process. Due to adaptations of the results of risk assessment, which are needed to make the risk assessment usable by land-use planners, we term the overall process threat analysis. The key features of the threat analysis can be summarised as follows. (i) It consists of three main steps. The first is determination of the threat intensity level of an accident, the second is analysis of the environmental vulnerability of the surroundings of an accident, and the third, integrating the previous two, is determination of a threat index in the accident impact zone. All three are presented in GIS based maps, since this is a common expression in LUP. (ii) It can and should be applied in the early stages of the LUP process. The methodology is illustrated by an example in the context of renewal of a land-use plan for the Municipality of Koper in Slovenia. The approach of threat analysis follows directions of the Article 12 of the Directive 96/82/EC of the European Commission (the Seveso II Directive).  相似文献   

王金德 《认证技术》2010,(10):35-37
组织实施风险管理一般遵循11条风险管理原则,通过风险管理框架而展开。特别强调的是风险管理框架不是描述一个管理系统,风险管理框架只是协助组织将风险管理整合到整个管理系统中。因此,组织应该根据自己的需求来确定框架的组成部分(见图1)。一、风险管理过程的组成风险管理过程是管理方针、程序和惯例,对沟通、协商、确定环境(状况)、以及识别、分析、评价、处理、监测和评审风险活动的系统应用。风险管理过程是组织管理的有机组成部分,嵌入在组织文化和实践当中,贯穿于组织的经营过程。  相似文献   

经营管理领域中的一场深刻的变革正在席卷全球的企业界。这场变革的最主要的特性就是 ,企业的经营管理正在从高度的职能专业化方式向着面向顾客的过程方式转变。企业的标准化活动能否取得预期的成果 ,在很大程度上取决于其是否能够顺应企业经营管理活动的发展方向。如果顺应这个方向 ,则标准化活动就能够有效地促进各项经营管理活动的进行 ,否则就会起到阻碍的作用。因此 ,企业的标准化部门以及标准化工作者必须对当前正在进行着的这场改革有一个清醒的认识。一、变革的动因这场变革源自于企业所面临的经济与社会环境中 ,驱动和影响企业经济…  相似文献   

基于网络的协同过程管理系统   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 企业进行大批量定制生产时,必须尽量缩短交货期,加快产品形成过程. 过程管理能够对产品形成过程进行控制,提高工作效率,更好地满足客户个性化的需求.介绍了采用浏览器/服务器(B/S)结构的协同过程管理系统的原理、设计方法和基本功能,解决了建立基于网络的协同过程管理系统的关键技术问题.  相似文献   

企业过程控制系统管理的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过程控制系统的计量管理及其量值校准方法一直是企业计量工作的难点,文章针对这些问题,在总结济钢近年来实践经验的基础上,论述了过程控制系统量值校准和系统整体确认的方法,并确保过程控制系统计量和控制准确、各项功能安全可靠。  相似文献   

面向过程的管理必须对过程进行彻底的控制和改进,以使过程的输出质量可控、可预测。这就意味着必须明确那些对输出质量具有显著影响的过程条件,并使之保持在适当的状态。为了做到这一点,必须明确人员的职责,并使人们确实履行各自的职责。在大批量生产产品或重复性作业的场合,这种方式可以产生高度的经济性。要对过程进行有效的控制和改进面临着两方面的问题。其一是如果对于作为结果的产品质量和作为原因的过程之间的关系不清楚的话,就难以决定应当如何对过程进行控制才能得到预期的结果,而只能是摸着石头过河。再就是如果人们做不到按照预…  相似文献   


Software systems are developed by software projects. A software project generally associates with a process (software development process). A software project's process can be managed by process‐centered software engineering environments (PSEEs). In other words, PSEEs facilitate monitoring software projects. When a software project is being executed, many details may be uncertain in the early phases of the project. Therefore, managing uncertainty of a project's process becomes necessary. We identified existing approaches that can manage process uncertainty. Nevertheless, existing approaches suffer from drawbacks such as resource wasting. We thus propose two new approaches, which are pre‐defined semantics and incremental process program development. The former approach prevents duplicating the same code in a process program and the latter handles both predictable and unpredictable process uncertainty. This paper primarily presents the new approaches.  相似文献   

Database management systems for process safety   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several elements of the process safety management regulation (PSM) require tracking and documentation of actions; process hazard analyses, management of change, process safety information, operating procedures, training, contractor safety programs, pre-startup safety reviews, incident investigations, emergency planning, and compliance audits. These elements can result in hundreds of actions annually that require actions. This tracking and documentation commonly is a failing identified in compliance audits, and is difficult to manage through action lists, spreadsheets, or other tools that are comfortably manipulated by plant personnel. This paper discusses the recent implementation of a database management system at a chemical plant and chronicles the improvements accomplished through the introduction of a customized system. The system as implemented modeled the normal plant workflows, and provided simple, recognizable user interfaces for ease of use.  相似文献   

While ISO 9000 certification is increasingly becoming 'a passport for business' in the marketplace, its effectiveness in enhancing an organization's performance is highly controversial. In recent years, some researchers have argued that the effectiveness of ISO 9000 is highly dependent on management's attitudes to and understanding of the standard. Specifically, we conducted empirical research in the electronics industry to study how the 'objectives of gaining ISO certification', the 'attitudes to implementation' and 'confidence of understanding the standard' among senior management affect the development of a quality management system (QMS) and subsequently organizational performance. We found that although senior management's confidence in their understanding of the standard and quality management is the most influential factor for the development of their QMS and to the induction of changes in systems, it does not improve organizational performance. On the other hand, organizations that believe the ISO 9000 should be adopted for operational objectives and serve as a system foundation for operations achieve the best organizational performance. Our research suggests that ineffectiveness of the ISO 9000 is largely due to incorrect management objectives and expectations from the standard.  相似文献   

TRIZ在管理流程优化中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 TRIZ理论是基于专利分析提出的用于解决发明创造问题的方法论,已经在工程技术领域取得丰硕成果.随着TRIZ研究的不断深入,其基本思想和分析工具已开始在管理领域使用.由于管理问题非结构化的特点,TRIZ工具和解决问题的流程很难直接应用到管理问题中,缺乏TRIZ在管理领域应用的系统化方法.在分析大量文献的基础上,将TRIZ解决问题的一般流程和六西格玛的DMAIC流程作为基础,提出一种TRIZ在管理流程优化中的应用流程——DTSIC (define-translate-solve-improve-control,定义—转化—解决—改进—控制).并详细分析了每一阶段可以使用的TRIZ方法和工具以及可以结合的管理流程优化工具,给出了一些选择工具的原则.该流程将管理方法与TRIZ原理和工具包有效结合,在不断循环过程中使流程得到改善.  相似文献   

分析了NGOSS中策略管理和过程管理的互补性,研究了NGOSS中策略管理的策略间协作需求,提出了一种在NGOSS中综合应用策略管理和过程管理的方法,即运用过程管理来改进策略管理中存在的不足的方法,并对其进行了实验验证。实验证明,这种方法实现了NGOSS中策略之间的协作,改进了策略管理中存在的不足,实现了基于策略的“闭环”方式的管理系统,提高了NGOSS系统的管理功能。  相似文献   

6.检查记录表检查记录表应起到两方面的作用:一是提示审核思路和审核的轨迹。二是记录审核证据和审核发现。但在目前的审核实践中,很多审核员的核查记录表仅起到了第二个目的,且在其针对标准条款的记  相似文献   

ISO 9001标准所规定的质量管理体系是一个以过程为基本单元的管理体系,显然,较之按标准条款审核或者按部门审核,以过程为审核对象更贴近组织运作的实际.但在管理体系认证审核的实践中,却很少得到真正地展开.本文拟分两次就过程方法审核实践中的一些具体问题进行探讨.  相似文献   

Abstract and Key Results
–  This study examines the impact of nationality composition within subsidiary top management teams (STMTs) on subsidiary performance. It first gives a review of the multinational team literature. It concludes that nationality diversity is beneficial when it is relevant to a multinational team’s task. The study then draws upon two complementary theoretical perspectives: knowledge and legitimacy.
–  It proposes that a heterogeneous STMT nationality composition may enhance subsidiary performance with the effect being stronger in subsidiaries of longer years of operation. Hypotheses were tested in a sample of STMTs from Japanese Multinational Corporations. The study finds that STMT nationality heterogeneity was positively related to subsidiary labor productivity. An interaction effect was also found. As the number of years a subsidiary had been in operation increased, so did the effect of STMT nationality heterogeneity on subsidiary performance.

A baseline survey was conducted in 1995 on management perspectives of occupational health and safety (OHS) structures and practices in Kenya. This was achieved by interviewing management and supervisory staff attending 1 week multi-disciplinary courses that were organized by the Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) and the International Labour Office (ILO) at hotel venues in Kenya. The purpose of the survey was to gain some insight into work safety conditions in Kenya and to assess the potential for a new OHS manual to meet existing knowledge gaps. The manual was locally developed in 1993/4 by Kenyan OHS experts in collaboration with colleagues from the Swedish National Institute for Working Life. Results of the survey from 65 participants indicated that most workplace managers were not familiar with the Kenyan work safety legislation. Work injuries were largely attributable to working with dangerous machinery. Occupational diseases and HIV/AIDS were cited as other causes of workplace morbidity and mortality. Although most respondents (70%) were satisfied with their work safety conditions, only 37% said their workplaces were annually audited by labour inspectors while 45% said injured workers were not treated well by management. Many workplaces (65%) violated the mandatory legal requirement on the establishment of health and safety committees. The OHS resource person and course content were rated highly by most respondents (96%). The foregoing results provided the basis of a needs analysis for future OHS programs in Kenya.  相似文献   

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