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由于聚酰亚胺骨架结构刚硬和分子链间有较强的相互作用,使其具有高熔点和软化温度,且在多数有机溶剂中的溶解性和黏结性较差等一系列缺点,限制了其应用范围。综述了卤素、杂环、杂原子、不饱和键和其他方面等五种改性类型对聚酰亚胺改性方法及对聚酰亚胺的溶解性、耐热性及热稳定性的影响。  相似文献   

<正> 聚酰亚胺(PI)是一种耐热性、电气特性、机械特性优异的树脂,它具有其它材料无法比拟的强度、耐磨性以及优良的耐高温性能,所以很适合高性能的应用领域。而完全亚胺化的这类聚合物通常是不溶不熔的,给加工带来了困难。为了改善加工性或赋予粘接性,国外近几年来在PI改性方面进行了大量的研究,通过改变PI  相似文献   

介绍了聚酰亚胺(PI)胶粘剂改性的研究进展,详细讨论了缩合型PI胶粘剂、热塑性PI胶粘剂和加成型PI胶粘剂的发展现状、最新进展、性能(物理机械性能、耐热性、耐化学性和成型加工性)及其在各领域中的应用。总结了PI胶粘剂存在的具体问题和未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

聚酰亚胺胶粘剂的改性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

聚酰亚胺树脂是一种耐热性好、机械强度高且介电性能优异的高分子材料。该文综述了聚酰亚胺的合成与改性方面的研究,并对聚酰亚胺的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

聚酰亚胺的改性研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了聚酰亚胺改性方面的内容。聚酰亚胺具有高强高模、耐辐射、绝缘好等特性,加工流动性及溶解性不佳、易水解等悬其不足。对聚酰亚胺合成改性、结构改性或与其他材料复合后,其原有的一些缺点得到了改善,并赋予了新的功能。另对聚酰亚胺的应用前景做了展望。  相似文献   

总结了近年来PI(聚酰亚胺)胶粘剂改性方法的研究进展。重点介绍了目前典型的无机粒子[如黏土、多壁碳纳米管(MWNT)、纳米二氧化硅(SiO2)、纳米二氧化钛(TiO2)和纳米氧化铝(Al2O3)等]与PI形成的复合胶粘剂的改性进展。最后对PI胶粘剂的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

聚酰亚胺的改性及应用进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了聚酰亚胺的合成工艺路线和研究动向,重点介绍了可溶性聚酰亚胺和透明性聚酰亚胺.对聚酰亚胺在新领域中的应用进行了概述,尤其采用光敏聚酰亚胺应用于紫外光(UV)固化耐高温涂料体系的可行性进行了展望.  相似文献   

Plasma polymerization of allylpentafluorobenzene (APFB) on the plasma-pretreated polyimide (PI) films was carried out. The fluorinated aromatic groups of the plasma-polymerized APFB (pp-APFB) could be preserved, to a large extent, by controlling the glow discharge parameters. The effect of the glow discharge parameters, including the type of the carrier gas and the input RF power, on the surface composition and chemical structure of the pp-APFB films were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. The surface topography of the APFB plasma-polymerized PI (pp-APFB-PI) films was studied by atomic force microscopy. For plasma polymerization carried out at a high RF power and using argon as the carrier gas, an ultra-hydrophobic pp-APFB-PI surface was also obtained. The ultra-hydrophobic surface exhibited advancing/receding water contact angles (θA/θR) of 174°/135°. The effectiveness of the carrier gas in defluorinating the pp-APFB films followed the order of O2>N2>H2>Ar. Thus, the role of the carrier gas in improving the surface hydrophobicity of the resulting pp-APFB-PI films followed the order of O222® tape adhesion test.  相似文献   

Molecular layer deposition(MLD) for the deposition of polyimide(PI) at low temperature of 110 °C has been firstly introduced into the field of membrane separation. With the optimized MLD deposition parameters, such low deposition temperature has successfully expanded the application of MLD for the surface modification of polymeric materials. Globular PI particulates grow on both the free surfaces as well as the pore walls of the polypropylene(PP) membranes as isolated islands during progressive precursor exposures. The PI-deposited PP membranes exhibit synergistically improved performances in various aspects. Evidently improved surface hydrophilicity and permeation performance(30%) have been achieved via the MLD deposition of polyimide films. The overall separation efficiency maintained higher than 85% even after 250 cycles of MLD deposition. More importantly, the thermal stability has been improved and the integrity of the porous structure for PI-deposited PP membranes has been well preserved even after harsh treatment, which ensures its potential application in industries.  相似文献   

超支化聚酰胺酯因其独特的结构和性能特点,已在许多领域获得应用,成为目前商业化生产的超支化聚合物之一。根据端基基团不同,超支化聚酰胺酯可以分为端羟基超支化聚酰胺酯和端羧基超支化聚酰胺酯。超支化聚酰胺酯的端基具有活性可修饰的特点,因此可以通过适当的端基修饰(如引入长链烷烃、不饱和基团或叔胺等)改变其结晶性、溶解性、耐热性等性能,以适应不同的应用场合。本文综述了端羟基超支化聚酰胺酯的合成及改性研究进展,同时对超支化聚酰胺酯今后的研究方向作了展望。  相似文献   

聚烯烃表面改性对润湿性影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
表面改性能有效提高聚烯烃的表面润湿性,从而扩大聚烯烃的应用领域。本文介绍了近几年国内外通过等离子体处理、表面光接枝、辐射接枝、化学接枝、等离子体接枝等方法对聚烯烃表面润湿性改性的研究进展。并介绍了各种改性对聚烯烃润湿性的影响。  相似文献   

锰锌铁氧体是一种软磁性功能材料,在电子技术领域具有非常广泛的应用。本文较为系统地综述了近年来锰锌铁氧体材料性能改进方面的研究现状及进展情况。认为:新型添加剂的加入、生产工艺的改善与优化及新型煅烧设备的开发是提高锰锌铁氧体性能的关键所在。  相似文献   

本文简单介绍了聚酰亚胺的合成及改性的研究,同时也介绍了聚酰亚胺在航空、航天以及电子领域的应用进展。  相似文献   

Xuesong Jiang 《Polymer》2006,47(9):2942-2945
A novel negative photoinitiator-free photosensitive polyimide (PFPS-PI) was synthesized through introducing the photosensitive 4,4-bis[(4-amino)thiophenyl] benzophenone (BATPB) into backbone chain and methyl acrylate group into side-chain of the polyimide, respectively. Photosensitive properties study revealed its good photolithographic properties, with a resolution about 5 μm and a sensitivity of 150 mJ/cm2.  相似文献   

香精香料微胶囊的研究新进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了香精香料微胶囊的结构、制备、评价、应用及发展状况。随着科学技术的发展 ,微胶囊技术将会在香精香料领域中得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

Arnab Chakrabarty 《Polymer》2010,51(12):2786-16628
Addressing the wide span of timescales, where various important phenomena takes place in a polymer system, is inconceivable through a typical molecular dynamics simulation. Coarsening of simpler polymer systems has demonstrated significant potential in computationally characterizing and simulating systems at larger timescales. Addressing the need to extend existing coarsening methodologies on multifunctional materials to help design future generation materials is both promising and challenging. In this paper we present development of an atomistically informed coarse grain bead model of piezoelectric polyimide copolymers for large-scale simulations of thermal, mechanical and especially electrical properties. The coarsening approach generated a gain of two and a half orders of magnitude in terms of computational time and an order of magnitude gain in system size (equivalent to ∼ 360,000 atomistic model) while retaining the physical characteristics specific to the piezoelectric polymer. Reasonable agreement was observed between simulation results of the coarse grained and the atomistic model. Specifically mechanical moduli, density, dielectric constant, yield behavior, work hardening, response under dynamic loading and glass transition behavior were analyzed and compared.  相似文献   

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