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This paper studies both the full order and the reduced order dead-beat observer problem for a class of nonlinear systems, linear in the unmeasured states. A novel hybrid observer design strategy is proposed, with the help of the notion of strong observability in finite time. The proposed methodology is applied for the estimation of the frequency of a sinusoidal signal. The results show that accurate estimation can be provided even if the signal is corrupted by high frequency noise. A brief discussion of the robustness properties of the proposed observer with respect to measurement errors is also provided.  相似文献   

Full-order observer design for a class of port-Hamiltonian systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider a special class of port-Hamiltonian systems for which we propose a design methodology for constructing globally exponentially stable full-order observers using a passivity based approach. The essential idea is to make the augmented system consisting of the plant and the observer dynamics to become strictly passive with respect to an invariant manifold defined on the extended state-space, on which the state estimation error is zero. We first introduce the concept of passivity of a system with respect to a manifold by defining a new input and output on the extended state-space and then perform a partial state feedback passivation which leads to the construction of the observer. We then illustrate this observer design procedure on two physical examples, the magnetic levitation system and the inverted pendulum on the cart system.  相似文献   

一类死区非线性系统的自适应模糊控制设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现对具有时变摄动死区非线性系统的跟踪控制,本文提出了一种基于自适应模糊逼近器的Backstepping控制方法。该方法通过将死区特性合理分解,并将自适应模糊逼近器嵌入到Backstepping设计步骤中,逐步递推得到控制律。所提出的控制方法适用于高阶非线性系统,并且不要求被控系统满足匹配条件;所采用的模糊逼近器是非线性参数化的,亦即不要求其模糊基函数是完全确定已知的,从而降低了对先验知识的依赖性。为了得到未知参数的自适应律,本文先应用Taylor级数展开式将具有非线性关系的未知参数相互分离,使其呈现线性关系,然后根据Lyapunov稳定性定理给出在线可调参数的自适应律。此外,所设计的自适应律是对与未知参数向量的范数相关的变量进行在线调节,这样可以有效减少需要在线调节的参数数量,从而降低了控制器的在线计算负担,提高了系统的响应速度和控制精度。本文给出的控制设计能够有效地克服死区特性对系统性能的影响,使得闭环系统所有信号均指数收敛到原点的指定邻域内,系统输出可以按给定的精度跟踪参考信号。最后,本文用一个仿真实例验证了所给控制方法的有效性。  相似文献   

An observer-based adaptive fuzzy control is presented for a class of nonlinear systems with unknown time delays. The state observer is first designed, and then the controller is designed via the adaptive fuzzy control method based on the observed states. Both the designed observer and controller are independent of time delays. Using an appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, the uncertainty of the unknown time delay is compensated, and then the fuzzy logic system in Mamdani type is utilized to approximate the unknown nonlinear functions. Based on the Lyapunov stability theory, the constructed observer-based controller and the closed-loop system are proved to be asymptotically stable. The designed control law is independent of the time delays and has a simple form with only one adaptive parameter vector, which is to be updated on-line. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This article considers sampled-data output feedback control of a class of nonlinear systems in output feedback form. The underlying continuous-time controller is designed based on backstepping technique, employing a linear dynamic filter, and globally asymptotically stabilises the system. Rigorous analysis shows that when implemented with a sampling and zero-order hold device, the sampled-data version of the continuous-time controller semi-globally asymptotically stabilises the original system, given that the sampling period is smaller than a specific value, which depends on the initial values and nonlinearity of the system. Simulation results of a physical system are included in the end.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the control design problem for a certain class of continuous-time nonlinear systems subject to actuator saturations. The system under consideration consists of a system with two nested nonlinearities of different type: saturation nonlinearity and cone-bounded nonlinearity. The control law investigated for stabilization purposes depends on both the state and the cone-bounded nonlinearity. Constructive conditions based on LMIs are then provided to ensure the regional or global stability of the system. Different points, like other approaches issued from the literature, are quickly discussed. An illustrative example allows to show the interest of the approach proposed.  相似文献   

A simple backstepping design procedure is proposed and sufficient conditions for global partial state- and dynamic- feedback stabilization for a class of triangular systems with unknown time-varying parameters are derived.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the analysis and design of an output feedback controller for a perturbed nonlinear system in which the output is sampled and quantised. Using the attractive ellipsoid method, which is based on Lyapunov analysis techniques, together with the relaxation of a nonlinear optimisation problem, sufficient conditions for the design of a robust control law are obtained. Since the original conditions result in nonlinear matrix inequalities, a numerical algorithm to obtain the solution is presented. The obtained control ensures that the trajectories of the closed-loop system will converge to a minimal (in a sense to be made specific) ellipsoidal region. Finally, numerical examples are presented in order to illustrate the applicability of the proposed design method.  相似文献   

We design a decentralised observer-based sampled-data controller with quantised output for a class of interconnected nonlinear systems. Instead of quantising the output directly, we quantise the sampled output to avoid sudden jump. It can be proved that by choosing suitable design parameters, global stability of the system is achieved. An example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper deals with fault detection for nonlinear continuous-time systems. A procedure based on interval analysis is proposed to build a guaranteed qLPV (quasi-Linear Parameter-Varying) approximation of the nonlinear model. The interval qLPV approximation makes it possible to derive two point observers which estimate respectively the lower and the upper bound of the state vector using cooperativity theory. A set guaranteed to contain the actual value of the residual is then designed. The modelling uncertainties and measurement errors are taken into account at the design stage. The proposed methodology is illustrated through numerical simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, a fault-tolerant control (FTC) scheme is developed for a class of nonlinear sampled-data systems. First, a Euler approximate discrete model is used to describe the plant under the sampling. Under this model, an observer-based fault estimation method is proposed. To guarantee the accuracy of both the state and fault estimation values, the conditions to make the approximate model consistent with the exact model are presented. Then, an active fault-tolerant controller, which has a constraint condition for the sampling time, is designed to make the faulty system stable. Finally, an inverted pendulum is used to show the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Networked control design for linear systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper we study a systematic networked control method designed specifically to handle the constraints of the networked realization of a linear time invariant control system. The general structure of the proposed controller requires switching between the open loop and closed loop subsystems of the controller which is dictated by the behaviour of the communication network.  相似文献   

In this paper, the tracking problem for a class of discontinuous piecewise affine (PWA) systems is addressed. We propose an observer-based output-feedback control design, consisting of a feedforward, a piecewise affine feedback law and a model-based observer, solving the tracking problem. These synthesis results can also be employed to tackle the master-slave synchronisation problem for PWA systems. It is shown that for certain classes of PWA systems the design is characterised in terms of linear matrix inequalities. The results are illustrated by application to mechanical systems with discontinuous friction characteristics.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of relaxed observer design of discrete-time nonlinear systems is studied by developing a novel ranking-based switching mechanism. To do this, the useful ranking information of the normalized fuzzy weighting functions is utilized in order to give a denser subdivision of the normalized fuzzy weighting function space and therefore essentially yields the proposed ranking-based switching mechanism. Based on the obtained switching mechanism, a family of switching observers can be developed for the purpose of guaranteeing the estimation error system to be asymptotically stable with less conservatism than the existing results available in the references. Finally, two numerical examples are presented to illustrate the advantages of the proposed method.  相似文献   

S.N. Huang  K.K. Tan  T.H. Lee 《Automatica》2005,41(12):2161-2162
In Kim et al. [(1997) A dynamic recurrent neural-network-based adaptive observer for a class of nonlinear systems. Automatica 33(8), 1539–1543], authors present an excellent neural network (NN) observer for a class of nonlinear systems. However, the output error equation in their paper is strictly positive real (SPR) which is restrictive assumption for nonlinear systems. In this note, by introducing a vector b0 and Lyapunov equation, the observer design is obtained without requiring the SPR condition. Thus, our observer can be applied to a wider class of systems.  相似文献   

基于观测器的非线性互连系统的自适应模糊控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对一类不确定非线性MIMO互连系统,提出一种自适应模糊控制算法.通过设计观测器来估计系统的状态,因此不要求假设系统的状态是可测的.给出的自适应律只对不确定界进行在线调节,从而大大减轻了在线计算负担.该算法能够保证闭环系统的所有信号是一致有界的,并且跟踪误差指数收敛到一个小的零邻域内.仿真结果表明了算法的可行性.  相似文献   

对一类非线性离散时间系统提出了模糊辨识方法,此方法用与未知参数向量成线性关系的模糊逻辑系统作为辨识模型,并通过自适应学习律对此模糊逻辑系统中的未知参数进行自适应调节,文中证明了此方法可使辨识误差收敛到原点的一个邻域内。仿真结果验证了此方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The paper deals with the robust asymptotic stabilization of a class of nonlinear singularly perturbed systems using sliding-mode control techniques. The approach consists of decomposing the original system into two reduced order systems, for which stabilizing sliding-mode controllers are applied and combined in a two-time scale sliding-mode control for the full order system. A stability analysis allows us to provide sufficient conditions for the asymptotic stability of the full order closed-loop system. An example illustrates the design procedure and performance of the proposed control scheme. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the previous work of Huang et al., a decentralized direct adaptive fuzzy H tracking controller of large-scale nonaffine nonlinear systems is obtained predicated upon the assumption that the mismatching error dynamics stay squared integrable. In this note, we focus in the absence of the conservative assumption upon developing a robust decentralized direct adaptive output feedback fuzzy controller. By combination of a state observer, a fuzzy inference system and robust control technique, the previous controller design is modified and no a priori knowledge of bounds on lumped uncertainties is required. All the signals of the closed-loop large-scale system are proved to be uniformly ultimately bounded. The effectiveness of the developed scheme is demonstrated through the simulation results of interconnected inverted pendulums.  相似文献   

文中研究了一类控制系数未知的更一般高阶不确定非线性系统的全局稳定自适应控制设计问题.尽管现有文献已解决了该问题,但对于n维系统,现有构造稳定自适应控制的方法至少需要设计n+1个未知参数的动态调节律,即动态补偿器的维数至少为n+1,存在较为严重的过参数问题.文中通过定义新的需动态调节的未知参数,运用增加幂积分和有关自适应技术,成功地解决了已有方法中的过参数问题,给出了构造只含有一个参数调节律的稳定自适应控制设计新方法.仿真算例验证了文中所给方法的有效性.  相似文献   

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