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The paper focuses on the problem of transforming the discrete-time single-input single-output nonlinear state equations into the extended observer form, which, besides the input and output, also depends on a finite number of their past values. The simple necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the extended coordinate change and the output transformation, allowing to solve the problem, are formulated in terms of certain partial derivatives, related to the input–output equation, corresponding to the state equations. Moreover, a certain algorithm for transforming the state equations into the observer form is proposed.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the problem of transforming discrete‐time multi‐input multi‐output nonlinear state equations into the extended observer form, which, besides the inputs and outputs, also depends on a finite number of their past values. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the extended coordinate transformation are formulated in terms of differential one‐forms, associated with the input‐output equations, corresponding to the state equations. The difference between the single‐input single‐output and multi‐input multi‐output cases is described. The applicability of the conditions is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

We obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for a discrete-time nonlinear system to be locally state equivalent to the nonlinear observer form. The result looks similar to the continuous counterpart except for the fact that Ad-operation is utilized instead of ad-operation.  相似文献   

研究一类多输入多输出仿射非线性系统的状态观测器设计问题. 基于输入输出线性化方法提出了一类多输入多输出仿射非线性系统的状态观测器设计的新方法, 并给出保证状态估计误差渐近趋于零的充分条件. 算例表明了所得结果的有效性.  相似文献   

基于神经网络的非线性扩张状态观测器   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
自抗扰控制方法是一种新型的非线性设计方法,在自抗扰控制器中主要存在着确定待定参数的问题;非线性扩张状态观测器是自抗扰控制器的核心,在研究非线性扩张观测器中的参数整定问题时,将神经网络的思想引入参数整定,提出了基于神经网络的非线性扩张状态观测器的设计方法,运用该方法可以对任意阶的非线性扩张状态观测器进行参数设计;大量仿真算例表明,设计出的观测器具有良好的鲁棒性,有一定工程应用参考价值.  相似文献   

研究一类多输入多输出(MIMO)非线性时变系统的降维状态观测器设计问题,提出了一种非线性降维状态观测器设计方案,并从理论上证明了状态观测误差的指数收敛性,其中设计的降维状态观测器具有收敛速度可调的特性,最后给出了数值算例,仿真结果表明了本文方法的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a solution to the continuous output‐feedback finite‐time control problem is proposed for a class of second‐order MIMO nonlinear systems with disturbances. First, a continuous finite‐time controller is designed to stabilize system states at equilibrium points in finite time, which is proven correct by a constructive Lyapunov function. Next, because only the measured output is available for feedback, a continuous nonlinear observer is presented to reconstruct the total states in finite time and estimate the unknown disturbances. Then, a continuous output‐feedback finite‐time controller is proposed to track the desired trajectory accurately or alternatively converge to an arbitrarily small region in finite time. Finally, proposed methods are applied to robotic manipulators, and simulations are given to illustrate the applicability of the proposed control approach. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

黄东  孙国法 《控制理论与应用》2016,33(11):1501-1507
本文针对高阶时延系统同时存在系统不确定性和未知输入时延的情况,考虑控制器信号的复杂性问题,在动态面控制方法的基础上,引入自抗扰控制技术设计了自抗扰动态面控制器.利用反步法设计动态面控制信号,采用跟踪微分器对虚拟控制信号滤波,避免了由于对虚拟控制信号重复微分产生的\"复杂性爆炸\"问题;在控制信号的基础上叠加扰动补偿项,补偿项由扩张状态观测器实时在线估计产生,保证了控制信号的实时性,同时简化了控制器结构以便于实际应用.在闭环系统稳定性判别中运用李雅普诺夫理论做出详细分析.最后,数值仿真结果验证了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

研究一类增长率依赖输出非线性系统的输出反馈输出跟踪控制问题.利用系统结构特点,构造出系统实现输出跟踪时内部状态的渐近轨迹.通过建立状态与渐近轨迹偏差的动态方程,将输出跟踪问题转化为偏差系统的镇定问题,然后通过设计偏差系统的输出反馈镇定控制器给出输出反馈输出跟踪控制器.最后以仿真实例验证本文结论.  相似文献   

A robust passive non‐linear observer, utilizing the sliding mode concept and acceleration feedback (AFB) technique, is developed for ships. The main advantage of the proposed observer is that it is robust and that it takes the Coriolis‐centripetal matrix (C‐matrix) into account. The observer reconstructs velocities of ships and bias from slowly varying environmental disturbances. It also filters out the noise and wave frequency data from measurements to protect the actuators from wear and excessive fuel consumption. The sliding mode technique is introduced to improve robust performance against neglected disturbances, uncertainties, and unmodeled dynamics. The acceleration feedback technique and coordinate transformation are used for reshaping the inertia matrix and removing the C‐matrix from the mathematical model. Then, the observer design and stability analysis become simpler. An output feedback controller using observer backstepping and the Lyapunov redesign technique is derived, and the global stability of the observer and observer‐controller system is shown by Lyapunov stability theory. A set of simulations was carried out to verify the performance of the proposed observer and controller.  相似文献   

Algebraic necessary and sufficient conditions for a single output discrete-time system to be state equivalent to a (generalized) nonlinear observer canonical form with (or without) output transformation are derived. Our algebraic conditions are easier to verify for researchers unaccustomed to differential geometry. In addition, our proofs are constructive and contain the state and output transformations for (generalized) nonlinear observer canonical forms.  相似文献   

In this article, the problem of state observer design for a class of multi-input multi-output nonlinear systems is considered. Via state transformation and the constructive use of a Lyapunov function, the new observer design approach is addressed by introducing a parameter ? in the observer. Some sufficient conditions are given which guarantee the estimation error to asymptotically converge to zero under adaptive conditions. An example is included to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

为了解决非线性扩张状态观测器(NLESO)对大幅度扰动估计能力有限的问题,本文提出一种线性/非线性切换扩张状态观测器.首先分析了非线性扩张状态观测器对大幅度扰动估计能力有限的原因,然后提出在NLESO的非线性区间引入一段线性扩张状态观测器(LESO)弥补NLESO的缺陷,其次从理论上证明了提出的线性/非线性切换扩张状态观测器的收敛性.最后,通过数值仿真验证了提出的线性/非线性切换扩张状态观测器的可行性.  相似文献   

惠宇  池荣虎 《控制理论与应用》2018,35(11):1672-1679
针对一类带扰动有限时间内重复运行的离散时间非线性非仿射不确定系统,本文提出了一种基于迭代扩张状态观测器的数据驱动最优迭代学习控制方法.首先,提出了改进的迭代动态线性化方法,将被控系统线性化为与控制输入有关的仿射形式,并将不确定性合并到一个非线性项中;然后,设计了迭代扩张状态观测器对非线性不确定项进行估计,作为对扰动的补偿;最后,设计了性能指标函数,通过最优技术,提出了参数迭代更新律和最优学习控制律.本文通过数学分析,证明了跟踪误差的有界收敛性.仿真结果验证了方法的有效性.所提出的新型迭代动态线性化方法可很大程度上降低线性化后的控制增益的动态复杂性,使其易于估计.所提出的迭代扩张状态观测器可以在重复中学习,对非重复扰动可进行有效的估计.此外,本文控制器的设计与分析是数据驱动的控制方法,除了被控系统的输入输出数据以外,不需要任何其他模型信息.  相似文献   

In this paper, the tracking problem is concerned for a class of nonlinear system. The primary objective is to achieve fixed-time control performance in the presence of nonvanishing mismatched uncertainties and nonparametric external disturbance. Firstly, in order to estimate disturbance, a fixed-time extended state observer with fractional power term is developed, the order of which is reduced to alleviate peaking value phenomenon. By reasonably switching among different estimation patterns, both transient and steady-state performances are balanced. Secondly, by means of fuzzy logic system theory, an ESO-based adaptive fuzzy control strategy with time-varying gains is presented, and thus the mismatched nonlinearities are approximated, and the external disturbance is compensated in real time simultaneously. Moreover, by constructing a mixed barrier and quadratic type of Lyapunov function, the fixed-time stability analysis is put forward for tracking error dynamics based on backstepping methodology. Finally, the advantages and effectiveness are illustrated by a numerical example on wheeled mobile robot. The main characteristic of this paper is to integrate ESO methodology into fuzzy control architecture in fixed-time sense. As a consequence, not only the output tracking purpose, but also desirable transient performance can be achieved.  相似文献   

朱亮  姜长生  方炜 《信息与控制》2006,35(6):705-710
针对一类不确定非线性系统,基于轨迹线性化控制方法(TLC)及非线性干扰观测器技术(NDO)研究了一种新的非线性鲁棒控制策略.TLC是一种有效的非线性跟踪和解耦控制方法,但当系统中存在内部未建模动态和外界干扰时,当前TLC控制器性能将显著下降.本文利用NDO对系统中的不确定项进行估计,其输出与TLC控制律结合来对消不确定性的影响.最后通过一个数值仿真实例验证了本文提出的方法的有效性,仿真结果表明该鲁棒轨迹线性化控制方法具有很好的干扰衰减能力和鲁棒性能.  相似文献   

Many well studied classes of dynamical systems such as actuator‐constrained linear systems and dynamic artificial neural networks can be written as discrete‐time Luré systems with sector‐bounded and/or slope‐restricted nonlinearities. Two types of observer‐based output feedback control design methods are presented, compared, and analyzed with regard to robustness to model uncertainties and insensitivity to output disturbances. The controller designs are formulated in terms of LMIs that are solvable with standard software. The design equations are illustrated in numerical examples. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为实现导弹对目标的高精度拦截, 本文提出了基于加权齐次函数的非线性自抗扰拦截制导设计方法. 首先, 提出了基于加权齐次函数的非线性扩张状态观测器在线估计视线角速率和由目标加速度等内外不确定性因素构成的总扰动. 其次, 设计了基于非线性扩张状态观测器的非线性自抗扰三维制导律对总扰动进行补偿, 该制导律克服了高阶非线性项与强耦合项等不利因素的影响, 提高了拦截制导精度. 本文通过分析误差系统的动力学行为证明了闭环制导系统的稳定性和收敛性. 本文提出的方法在拦截精度等方面优于已有的基于线性扩张状态观测器和基于fal函数的扩张状态观测器的自抗扰制导方法. 仿真结果验证了本文所提出方法的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

In this paper, output feedback adaptive control is investigated for a class of nonlinear systems in output-feedback form with unknown control gains. To construct output feedback control, the system is transformed into the form of the NARMA (nonlinear-auto-regressive-moving-average) model, based on which future output prediction is carried out. With employment of the predicted future output, a constructive output feedback adaptive control is given with the discrete Nussbaum gain exploited to overcome the difficulty due to unknown control directions. Under the global Lipschitz condition of the system functions, the boundedness of all the closed-loop signals and asymptotical output tracking are achieved by the proposed control. Simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

一类不确定非线性系统的鲁棒输出反馈跟踪   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
讨论了一类严格反馈型不确定非线性系统的输出反馈跟踪问题. 所讨论的不确定性不满足线性增长条件. 先设计高增益观察器估计输出偏差的微分, 并将由此获得的信号的符号用于变结构观察器, 随后用backstepping过程设计输出反馈控制器. 得到的控制器可以保证闭环系统的所有信号都是有界的, 且跟踪误差可以任意地小.  相似文献   

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