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时代的浪潮簇拥着形形色色的企业在市场海洋中奋力前行,这就是大浪淘沙。今天,在世人的喋喋不休中,国企又一次站在时代的风口浪尖,面临前所未有的关注和争议,前所未有的挑战和压力。近日,据专业机构统计,已公布或披露年报(预报、快报)的1886家上市公司中,有16家公司的亏损额超过10亿元,有42家公司的业绩下降幅度超过1000%。这其中,一些著名国企的名  相似文献   

【2013达沃斯张维迎精彩语录】我更奇怪的是,包括我们总理,还有在座的人,所有人天天盯着当天的GDP数字;现在太多的人,从上到下都在被眼前的东西指挥着走,我们为什么不能够看得更远一点?——@中国经济学人【2013达沃斯张维迎精彩语录】好多人误以为国有企业就是全民的企业,就是老百姓的企业,从来都不是这样,国有企业其实只是有利于少数人,而不是有利于多数人,它破坏了社会的公平,也伤害了社会的道德,腐败只是问题的一个方面,国有企业的负面影响我们一般都看不到,包括人事任命、工作安排等等。  相似文献   

董明 《冶金分析》1984,4(6):1-1
硅碳棒接头的好坏,直接影响到管式高温炉的正常工作和硅碳棒的使用寿命。我们试制了一种制作简易的接头。在炉温处于1200~1300℃连续工作的条件下,使用这种硅碳棒接头,不易氧化,不会因跳火而烧坏,接触良好,安全可靠,使用寿命长,效果非常好。 制作方法是:用箱形电阻炉的废电炉丝(直径2mm,材料为Cr15Ni60或Cr20Ni80的合金)三根(两根长400mm左右,另一根长200mm左右。尺寸仅供参考。),首先,在长  相似文献   

提出了在氨三乙酸(NTA,活化剂)存在下,以Mn(Ⅱ)催化NaIO4氧化结晶紫的反应指示滴定终点,以自制的结晶紫选择性电极为指示电极,Mn(Ⅱ)为滴定剂,EDTA为阻抑剂,催化滴定测定微量铜的新方法.该方法对试剂用量,酸度,温度,滴定剂浓度,滴定速度及干扰消除等进行了探讨,选择了适宜的实验条件.用于火药中微量铜的测定,样品平均回收率为98.17%,相对标准偏差为1.02%,结果与原子吸收光谱法测定结果相符.  相似文献   

在当今的时代背景下,每个家庭只有一到两个孩子,随着人们生活的日益富足,越来越多的父母开始更加注重孩子的成长与未来,从某种角度上说,孩子的发展质量就预示着家庭的将来。不少年轻的父母"恨铁不成钢",省吃俭用,在孩子身上盲目投资,上各种培训班,学各种专业技能,期待把孩子培养成"绝世全才",但这股一浪高过一浪的风潮中却隐藏着一定的隐患,家长的选择不适合孩子的实际,选择的专业之多让孩子不堪重负,  相似文献   

孙忠贵 《钢铁》2014,49(4):18-24
 为解决降低成本,拓宽矿源的目的,对高铝矿终渣进行了细致且系统的研究。通过对黏度曲线的测量,动力学活化能的计算,热力学计算的手段,分析炉渣各组分析出规律及其变化,得出结果:炉渣稳定性与成分有较为紧密的关系,各超大型高炉炉渣成分相差不大,但黏度随温度变化规律确是大相径庭;一般来说,超大型高炉高温时炉渣活度差异较小,在160000~170000J,而在低温时活化能的变化率差异较大;高铝低镁渣的稳定性超过高铝高镁渣,如果能够使高炉中的镁降低可以大幅度提高炉料的冶金性能,降低渣量,是降低成本的有效措施;降低终渣中的镁含量不是否定镁对炉渣稀化作用,恰恰相反,提高渣中镁在液相中的作用效率;高铝渣未必就一定不稳定,应适宜调整炉渣其他组分,使高炉适应高铝渣操作。  相似文献   

1需求形势据国外媒体报道,2003年全球制造业对白银的需求量已上升到24358t,扭转了前两年连续下降的趋势。同时,白银的市场价格也平均上涨了6%。报道说,由于全球电子工业生产的上升和经济环境的好转,2003年,全球工业应用白银的数量增长了3%,达到9957t。中国2003年的白银消费量达到它空前的高水平,制造业对白银的需求量实际上升8%,工业用银数量达到了782t。报道说,首饰和银制品是消费白银的主要市场。2003年,这方面对白银的需求量增长了4.1%,实际用银用达到了7844t。增长幅度最大的是中国和泰国,中国上升22%,泰国上升13%。具有白银首饰消费传…  相似文献   

本文介绍了攀钢集团四川长城特殊钢股份有限公司万吨钛材生产线的建设方案,说明了该项目具有国际先进水平的装机水平,具有资源、技术和成本等优势,产品多样化,质量高,具有很强的竞争力.并指出该项目的建设将提高我国钛工业的整体水平,有利于我国的经济建设和国防建设,逐步改变世界钛材生产的格局,提高中国钛材生产的国际地位.  相似文献   

据国外媒体报道,2004年,南非的黄金生产降到了1931年以来的最低点——342t/a。从1885年南非矿山协会开始对采矿业建立官方统计以来,每年出口额最大的是黄金。现在,这个状况已经发生了变化,铂族金属的出口额已经超过黄金,占第一位。2004年,南非的矿业生产总额是1250亿兰特,黄金产值占293亿兰特,落后于333亿的铂族金属,居第二位。当年南非煤炭产值是276亿兰特。1970年代,南非的黄金产量是1000t/a,占当年全球矿山新生产的黄金的70%左右,一段时期以来,南非的黄金生产以每年5%的速度萎缩,而且近几年来,由于南非货币兰特处于强势,使这种萎缩的速度…  相似文献   

人们常说,画家所面对的挑战,是怎样在一张空白的画纸上,加上一些东西来使它变得有艺术性:而摄影师所面临的挑战则是迥然不同的,他们要从杂乱的环境中,充分运用构图技巧,把其中无关的景物除去,使画面看来具有艺术性。换句话说,作画是从一个空白的画面开始,然后决定把一些东西加进画面内,来表达自己的意念。摄影师所关注的,就是怎样安排现有景物内的元素,借以表达自己的意念。  相似文献   

Presents an obituary for Edward C. Webster, recipient of the 1982 Distinguished Award for Contributions to Canadian Psychology as a Profession and Professor Emeritus of McGill University. Webster died on February 15, 1989. His career was dedicated to the application of psychological principles to real life problems, not just in practice but in research, in administration, and in service to his profession and community. Although committed to the development of applied psychology generally, Ed's major impact on theory and research was in industrial psychology, particularly in personnel selection. Like many other practitioners, he made extensive use of the interview as an information gathering technique, upon which recommendations to hire were based. Another major contribution he made to Canadian professional psychology was undoubtedly the role he played in the Couchiching Conference on the training of applied psychologists, which culminated in the book he wrote in 1967, The Couchiching Report: Training in Professional Psychology in Canada. Ed Webster will be long remembered for his commitment to and promotion of applied psychology at McGill and in Canada, for his contributions to the literature in personnel selection, and for his support of the work of students and colleagues. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

鉴于杂质锌对顶吹炉生产中产品质量和生产率的不利影响,系统研究了入炉精矿中锌含量对铜熔炼顶吹炉系统冰铜、炉渣、烟尘的影响。结果表明,随着入炉精矿中锌的平均品位由0.88%上升至3.59%:冰铜中锌含量由0.68%上升至2.16%,不利于后续降低吹炼渣及精炼渣中铜含量;电炉渣中的锌含量由2.02%上升至5.80%,将导致更多的含锌铁尖晶石固相在高温下析出,使炉渣熔化温度出现升高趋势;上升烟道烟尘中锌含量增至3.34%,含锌物相增加将引入高熔点、高黏度锌铁尖晶石,诱发半熔融状或致密坚硬的结瘤物产生,难以破碎清除;电收尘系统烟尘率由0.96%提升至6.88%,烟尘中锌含量由4.25%增至8.44%,增加电收尘系统负担,降低除尘效率。  相似文献   

Existing research on women in construction focuses on engineers and entrepreneurs, yet little to no attention has been given to women in trades. Thus, the aim of this research is to review the literature on tradeswomen and to conduct a localized study to determine if demographic variables affect satisfaction with work, pay, opportunities, supervision, and people on the job for tradeswomen. These variables include age, education, number of dependents, number of trade years, duration of work, and frequency of work outside of the local area. Thirty-nine tradeswomen from the Cincinnati area were surveyed to assess their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with construction work. Currently, the literature review indicates that research on tradeswomen is limited and largely restricted to identifying measures that can attract and retain women in construction trades. Studies on motivation and job satisfaction of construction workers neither identify nor compare perceptions of tradeswomen about their work. Results of this exploratory study showed that pay, benefits, and job security are most important to women in their occupation. Although tradeswomen appear to be satisfied with the nature of work in construction trades, this is not the case in terms of pay, benefits, and job security. Demographic variables did not affect the level of job satisfaction for women in construction trades. Research on tradeswomen is essential and important as the industry tries to change its image and encourage diversity in order to mitigate labor shortage.  相似文献   

FRP Confinement of Square Masonry Columns   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The problem of masonry columns subjected to structural deficiency under axial load was studied and reported in this paper. The results of an extensive experimental campaign are presented in order to show the behavior of columns built with clay or with calcareous blocks, commonly found in southern Italy, especially in historical buildings. Rectangular masonry columns were tested for a total of 33 specimens; uniaxial compression tests were conducted on columns taking into account the influence of several variables: different strengthening schemes (internal and/or external confinement), curvature radius of the corners, amount of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement, cross-section aspect ratio, and material of masonry blocks. Materials characterization was preliminarily carried out including a mechanical test on plain masonry. For all cases the experimental results evidenced a significant increase in load carrying capacity and ductility after FRP strengthening, which identified the columns as ductile elements despite the brittle nature of the unconfined masonry. Differences in mechanical behavior, due to the geometry of the columns, to the nature of different materials, to different strengthening schemes, and to the amount of reinforcement, are presented and discussed in the paper. The calibration of design equations recently developed by Italian National Research Council, CNR was conducted to compare analytical prediction and experimental results. The same procedure was applied to calibrate an analytical model recently published, in which the existing coefficients are related only to clay. Here the model is applied to limestone for the first time. Thus, new important information is furnished to researchers and practitioners involved in structural assessment and strengthening of compressed elements in historical buildings.  相似文献   


In the last decades the European steel industry has made continuous efforts to reduce residues and byproducts and to increase recycling in order to reduce its environmental impact. While some steelmaking slags have been widely characterised and, to a certain extent reused, ladle furnace (LF) slag is used in different applications because of its specific properties. The main purpose of the case study presented in this paper concerns the reduction of potential LF slag environmental impacts, because of its intrinsic physicochemical properties. During the handling and cooling of LF slag, it disintegrates into a powder due to instability of the dicalcium silicate, causing an increase in dust emissions to the environment. The approach presented in this paper aims to reduce this phenomenon in order to achieve a more sustainable solution in term of reduction of powder dispersion in the environment, of costs saving and of nuisance reduction in the surroundings areas.  相似文献   

The delivery of infrastructure projects as long-term capital investments is impacted in most cases by critical issues of budget constraints, program delays, quality and safety concerns, and an increasingly complex stakeholder environment. Innovation, as it relates to the physical, process, organizational/contractual, and financial/revenue dimensions of a project, has a central role to play in not only contributing to the requirements set for a wide variety of project performance metrics but also improving upon them. Proposed in this paper is a theory in the form of a set of factors (drivers/inhibitors to innovation) and related state values that influence the potential for the identification and adoption of innovations that improve project efficiency or offer increased value. This theory is embedded in a supporting assessment framework to assist with selecting and structuring a project’s procurement mode to enhance the innovation potential of a project from the perspective of a government agency tasked with such decisions. The framework was developed in response to a lack of tools to help practitioners with tasks relating to innovation assessment, especially in regard to conducting a public sector comparator analysis when a public–private partnership procurement mode is being considered among others; and aligning terms and conditions in bid documents, requests for proposals, and concession agreements in a way that fosters beneficial innovations to the extent that factor states can be controlled. The framework provides the project evaluation process with a means of assessing project innovation potential at the very front end of the procurement mode selection process, and is meant to be comprehensive yet simple and easy to use in practice. It can also be used by researchers to help analyze on a postproject basis reasons why innovations were or were not adopted for a specific project context. The framework is applied to case studies on two infrastructure projects in Scandinavia and the United States to demonstrate its application and to assess the role that choice of procurement mode had in influencing the innovations used.  相似文献   

This paper describes a partnership between the University of Missouri–Rolla and the Université Abou-Bekr Belka?d de Tlemcen in Algeria in order to support the development of programs of instruction and faculty training in Algeria in the areas of engineering and construction management in order to create a self-sustaining educational infrastructure in Algeria. Specifically, the partnership aims to provide educational and technical assistance to Algeria in order for them to develop: (1) new graduate programs in engineering and construction management and (2) modern teaching methodologies including Internet and distance learning. Objectives of the partnership were to provide engineering and construction management skills and expertise in order to achieve international standards in the management area. The desired impact is summarized in terms of the ability to identify operations problems and implement solutions for improved strategic competitiveness, make sound decisions, plan, and control the key resources of an organization—money and people, critically analyze, evaluate, improve, or adapt existing technical and managerial systems, design and develop new technical and managerial systems, and coordinate different projects with a better harmony and cost effectiveness. The long-term expected outcomes of the partnership are Algerian faculty with strong backgrounds in engineering and construction management, a self-sustained learning environment for Algerian institutions, including engineering management and construction management graduate programs, continuing education, and short courses, and Internet-based multimedia teaching material for collaboration between the Algerian institutions and local industry.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of ochre formation in geotextile filters. Ochre is a substance found sticking to solid surfaces of drainage systems that may cause clogging. The accumulation of such materials in a drainage system may have undesirable implications, such as a decrease in drainage flow capacity and an increase in soil pore pressure; instability of soil masses and retaining systems; and alteration of the direction of flow and development of pipes. Ochre formation is the result of microbial activities on iron compounds naturally found in seepage water. Even though geotextiles have been widely used in drainage systems, very few studies have considered ochre formation in the tests. Laboratory column filter tests were conducted to simulate the ochre formation process under similar conditions to those in geotechnical works and to assess the long-term performance of a geotextile. Ochre is most likely to be formed at an aerated/nonaerated interface in the filter. In order to obtain this condition, the underneath face of the filters was opened to the atmosphere. Three different types of geotextile—nonwoven polyester, nonwoven polypropylene, and woven polypropylene—were used in the tests. Control tests were also conducted with a sand filter to provide a basis for comparison. Hydraulic conductivity changes and iron retention within the permeameters were monitored throughout the tests. Ochre was formed under the presence of iron ions and iron bacteria. During the test period, the filters were not clogged to such an extent as to induce a global reduction in the permeability of the drainage system. Nevertheless, at the end of the tests a considerable amount of ochre was found in all filters and there was a significant variation in the permeability of the geotextile filters when tested in isolation. These studies may contribute to discovering whether ochre can be considered as a biofilm, evaluating the clogging potential and defining mitigating measures.  相似文献   

We often experience intense emotions when we enter fictional worlds in film and literature and often shed real tears. The goal of this study was to determine whether emotional reactions (sadness and anxiety) to fiction are distinguishable from emotional reactions to fact. Fifty-nine young adults rated their sadness and anxiety levels in response to 4 film clips, 2 presented as fiction, 2 as nonfiction, and in response to the recall of an actual sad event personally experienced. Participants experienced equivalent levels of sadness and anxiety in response to films presented as fictional or factual. They also experienced equivalent levels of sadness in response to films and in response to a sad personal event. Anxiety levels, however, were significantly higher in response to personally experienced events. The fact that sadness elicited by films is unadulterated by the anxiety that accompanies the sadness of personal experience may explain, in part, the pleasure we derive from watching sad films. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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