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Information regarding orthodontic service provision by general dental practitioners in Australia is limited. The aim of this survey was to determine the amount and variety of orthodontic services provided by general dental practitioners in the Melbourne Statistical Division, Victoria, Australia. A random sample of 307 dentists drawn from the Victorian Dentists Register was surveyed by mailed questionnaire: 218 (71%) replied. Data were collected using a fortnight log. During this time 59 per cent of the dentists saw at least one orthodontic patient; one dentist saw 66 orthodontic patients. Removable orthodontic appliances were used by 35 per cent of the dentists and fixed orthodontic appliances by 18 per cent. Twenty-six per cent provided comprehensive orthodontic treatment, 22 per cent aligned incisors, and 21 per cent corrected anterior crossbites. The general dental practitioners surveyed provided a wide range of preventive and interceptive orthodontic services to generally a small percentage of their patients.  相似文献   

It is argued that a general practitioner's ability to make accurate ratings of psychological distress is partly determined by the rate at which patients emit cues that are indicative of such distress. This study addresses the behaviours of doctors which influence the rates at which patients emit such cues. Consultations were videotaped involving six General Practice Vocational Trainees, three of them poor, and three of them able identifiers of emotional illness. Consultations were selected so that each trainee was rated interviewing 4 patients with low GHQ scores, and 4 patients with high scores. Behaviours are described which lead to increased cue emission and which are also practised more frequently by able identifiers, while other behaviours reduce cue emission and are practised less frequently by them. Another set of behaviours is no more frequent among the able identifiers, but when practised by able identifiers is associated with increased cue emission by the patients, and when practised by poor identifiers with unaltered or decreased cue emission. Interviews that are 'patient-led' are associated with increased rates of cue emission, while those that are 'doctor-led' are associated with lower rates. The implications of these findings for training doctors working in general medical settings are discussed.  相似文献   

The activities of monoamine oxidases, MAO-A and MAO-B, were separately determined in the cerebellum (CE) from adult rats neonatally exposed to 5 Gy X-irradiation. They were found to be markedly reduced: 58% and 66% of values from nonirradiated, littermate controls. Since the specific activities of both isoenzymes (per mg tissue weight) were not significantly different from controls, the reduction of activity per CE is basically explained by the irradiation-induced cerebellar atrophy. The unmodified MAO-A specific activity makes it highly improbable that the increase in the cerebellar noradrenaline content, characteristic of neonatally X-irradiated rats, could be due to a decreased neuronal metabolism of noradrenaline by this enzyme.  相似文献   

In a clinical trial, the influence of repeated intermittent prone position on pulmonary gas exchange was investigated in 6 patients with severe ARDS. Despite various intra- and interindividual differences, oxygenation index (calculated by the paO2:FiO2 ratio) was improved significantly by change from supine to prone position in the first two days of treatment, whereas paCO2 remained unchanged. Later on, a significant improvement of oxygenation could not be verified. In patients with proven or presumed densities of dorsal lung regions, body position changes from supine to prone position in the early phase of treatment may improve arterial oxygenation and may be regarded as a therapeutic principle in conventional ARDS treatment.  相似文献   

AIM: To obtain empirical evidence for the efficacy of local anaesthesia in dentistry. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of serial administrations of local anaesthesia. METHODS: Dentist and patient evaluations of the success of differing techniques (infiltration and block) of anaesthesia in a variety of general practice procedures. Results were analysed for correlation between dentist and patient using a 5-point scale. RESULTS: Complete data were analysed for 331 administrations. In the hands of experienced dentists over 93% of operations were assessed by both dentist and patient as comfortable or completely comfortable. Dentists were generally able to judge patient comfort (P < 0.001). Administrations requiring repeat injections were less comfortable. Dentists judged infiltration administrations more comfortable than block administrations (P < 0.001), but patient judgements of comfort failed to distinguish between differing techniques at the P < 0.05 level. CONCLUSIONS: Some variations in success rate exist between dentists the most dental procedures under local anaesthetic in general practice were assessed as being comfortable or better by both dentists and patients.  相似文献   

Several reports suggest that pretreatment of intracoronary thrombus with fibrinolytic agents may reduce the risk for complications during subsequent balloon angioplasty. We report a case, for the first time, of successful lysis of an extensive thrombus in a native coronary artery by administering a prolonged intracoronary infusion of streptokinase to facilitate subsequent angioplasty and discuss the management strategy when intracoronary thrombus is encountered.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to introduce general practitioners (GPs) to the existing emergency medical services (EMS) system, in order to improve the response to emergency residential calls. The study was based in Brussels, which has 1 million residents. A GP dispatcher (GPD) was placed in the emergency dispatch centre, with a stand-by GP, together with adequate equipment, at his or her immediate disposal. A comparative evaluation was conducted in 1994 to measure the changes brought by the availability of a stand-by GP to the emergency medical dispatching performed by the GPD in an experimental zone (EZ) in comparison with a control zone (CZ). The evolution between a first period at the beginning of the year and a second period in September was also analysed. In total, 1059 residential emergency calls were included in the study. The amount of missing data in the filing cards, collaboration between the emergency medical dispatcher (EMD) and the GPD, and evaluation of the emergency levels were improved by training the GPD and the stand-by GP. Intervention times of the stand-by GP varied according to the level of the emergency. The sending of supplementary assistance after dispatching an EMS ambulance, a stand-by GP or a GP of an on-call service was significantly different in the EZ compared with the CZ. The percentage of EMS ambulances and GPs sent increased. The evolution between the two periods was characterized in the CZ by the disappearance of the supplementary assistance performed by the stand-by GP or by the GP of the on-call service and in the EZ by a slight but not significant increased use of the mobile intensive care units (MICUs) for initial assistance. A stand-by GP was used in about 10% of the cases as supplementary assistance. A large number of non-vital urgent complaints arrive at the dispatch centre. The availability of a stand-by GP does not cause an increase (rather a decrease) in MICU use in initial care and supplementary assistance. It causes a decrease in the total EMS ambulances and transport to hospital and an increase in the use of EMS ambulances and stand-by GP as supplementary assistance. Following stand-by GP intervention, only 25% of visited people are hospitalized. Introduction of GPs is relevant because they are used to discerning critical events from a large number of non-critical disorders. The GPD can adapt the emergency medical dispatching by using a stand-by GP, without compromising the medical assistance to vital emergencies.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the terms used by general practitioners (GPs) to describe the patients considered by them to be depressed. 682 patients were diagnosed as depressed by 79 GPs selected at random in four regions of France. The frequency of the diagnosis of depression made by GPs in the total patient population was 3.6-5%. The GPs were asked to describe the main symptoms of these patients on a plain chart. The percentage of use of each term was calculated in each region. In all the regions, the most frequent symptoms were insomnia (31.8%), fatigue (29.9%) and anxiety (24.6%). The results suggest that the three main terms used by GPs to describe depression differ from those used by psychiatrists.  相似文献   

This paper describes a preliminary study of diagnosis and treatment of depression by general practitioners in England. They regarded primary care depression as a reactive mood disorder with both physical and psychological symptoms and associated with those groups who are most vulnerable to life stressors. Four groups were seen as at risk from depression: elderly persons, menopausal women, young mothers, and those in early adulthood. The practitioners relied primarily on their experience to diagnose depression rather than following any official diagnostic criteria. Although they were in favour of nondrug therapy in treating depression, they mainly practised drug therapy due to time pressure and limited availability of resources.  相似文献   

This study assessed by means of a postal questionnaire how general practitioners (GPs) manage patients at risk from stroke. Of the 640 GPs sent a questionnaire, 294 (46%) replied. In patients with a recent transient ischaemic attack or minor ischaemic stroke, 24% of responding GPs would not arrange any investigations. Sixty-one per cent refer under half of their patients for further investigation, although 99% of GPs would commence aspirin. Seventy-seven per cent of GPs were aware of the benefits of carotid surgery. For patients in atrial fibrillation, most GPs (77%) thought that warfarin reduced stroke rates, but only 20% would consider commencing warfarin, although 26% would commence aspirin. In hypertensive patients, the GPs' threshold for treatment ranged from 135 to 200mmHg systolic (median 160mmHg), and from 90 to 110mmHg diastolic (median 100mmHg). Most GPs (84%) would treat isolated systolic hypertension with a median threshold of 180mmHg (range 140-240mmHg). The results of this study suggest that some patients at risk from stroke may not receive optimal investigation and treatment in the community.  相似文献   

To define the clinical characteristics, prognosis and treatment of myocardial infarction (MI) in the elderly, we retrospectively compared the files of 101 patients aged > or = 75 years (mean: 82 +/- 4 years) and of 120 others aged < or = 65 years (mean: 55 +/- 4.7 years). The figures corresponding to younger patients are presented in brackets. The elderly group included 60.4% women (5%: p < 0.001), 58.9% hypertensive subjects (38.3%: p = 0.005); 30.4% diabetics (11.7%: p = 0.0013) and 12.6% smokers (66.1%: p < 0.001); 20.8% of the elderly had a history of MI (10%: p = 0.002), 15.8% of arteriopathy of the lower limbs (8.3%: p = 0.001) and 6.9% of cerebrovascular accident (1.7%: p = 0.02). Elderly patients were admitted after an average of 26.6 hours (10.4 hours: p < 0.001). Only 56.4% (79.2%) reported typical MI pain, 22.8% (7.5%) had a painless form, 31.8% (4.2%) an initial left ventricular failure, 21.8% (7.5%) a global cardiac dysfunction and 20.8% (4.2%) a cardiogenic shock (p < 0.001 for all comparisons). 63.4% had an anterior MI (40.8%: p < 0.001), 40.6% a Q-form (29.6%: p = NS) and 22.2% an atrial fibrillation (0.8%: p < 0.001). Serum myoglobin and total CK concentrations were significantly lower in elderly subjects. 20.8% of them received beta-blockers (86.7%), 43.6% aspirin (80%), 14.6% oral anticoagulant (56.7%), but 63.4% were given diuretics (25.2%) and 31.7% digitalis alkaloids and positive inotropic drugs (6.7%) (p < 0.001 for all these comparisons). Heparin, nitrates, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors and antiarrhythmics were prescribed as often regardless of age. Only 10 elderly patients (9.9%) were treated with thrombolytics (77: 65%: p < 0.001); 6 (5.9%) underwent coronary angiography (43: 35.8%: p < 0.001), 2 (2%) angioplasty (11: 9.2%) and one (1%) coronary bypass surgery (12: 10%). 35 elderly patients (34.7%) died while in hospital (5: 4.2%), 22 suddenly, 10 in cardiogenic shock and 3 due to arrhythmias. 38 cases (37.8%) of heart failure (21: 17.5%), 21 (20.8%) recurrences of coronary insufficiency (8: 6.7%) and 11 (10.9%) mechanical complications of MI (4: 3.3%) were also observed (p < 0.001 for all these comparisons). Due to lack of sufficient data, we could not define the status of the surviving patients discharged from hospital. The wider use of thrombolytics, angiography and angioplasty (coronary bypass surgery still having a heavy mortality and morbidity) is probably the best way to improve the prognosis of MI in the elderly.  相似文献   

The question of why vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) became epidemic in the United States can be answered on at least three basic levels: (1) molecular and genetic, (2) factors affecting host-microbe interactions, and (3) epidemiological. This article will address the epidemiological issues and seek to defend the assertion that, once VRE had evolved, its spread throughout hospitals in the United States was all but assured. Nosocomial VRE outbreaks were reported first in the mid- and late-1980s. Since that time, scientific reports of VRE have increased over 20-fold. Among hospitals participating in the National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System from 1989 to 1997, the percentage of enterococci reported as resistant to vancomycin increased from 0.4% to 23.2% in intensive-care settings and from 0.3% to 15.4% in non-intensive-care settings. Factors leading to the spread of VRE in US hospitals include (1) antimicrobial pressure, (2) sub-optimal clinical laboratory recognition and reporting, (3) unrecognized "silent" carriage and prolonged fecal carriage, (4) environmental contamination and survival, (5) intrahospital and interhospital transfer of colonized patients, (6) introduction of unrecognized carriers from community settings such as nursing homes, and (7) inadequate compliance with hand washing and barrier precautions. Guidelines developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee address each of these factors. The impact of these guidelines on the spread of VRE within individual institutions has been variable, and the overall impact of the guidelines nationally is unknown.  相似文献   

AIM: This study aimed to examine changes in the provision of vascular services in the Oxford region over 5 years. METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to all general surgeons in the region asking of their involvement in vascular surgery. Data were obtained from the Department of Health concerning vascular procedures and inpatient codes for each district in the Oxford Region from 1990-1991 to 1994-1995. Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (OPCS) data for abdominal aortic aneurysm repair and femoral artery reconstruction were validated against data collected prospectively for West Berkshire. RESULTS: Eighteen of 45 surgeons who replied to the questionnaire carried out elective and emergency arterial work. All were members of the Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland (VSS). All but one took part in the general surgical rota. Eight surgeons carried out emergency arterial surgery only; only two of these were members of the VSS. Of 19 surgeons undertaking no arterial surgery, 15 operated on primary and 11 on recurrent varicose veins. The number of arterial reconstructions rose from 20.8 per 100000 population to 28 per 100000 throughout the study. The greatest increase occurred in districts where a new vascular consultant had been appointed. Similar results were obtained with endovascular procedures. The number of major amputations remained fairly constant at approximately 11 per 100000 population. The number of inpatient episodes for arterial disease also rose, from 35.7 to 47.6 per 100000. In validating OPCS codes against prospectively collected data, discrepancies for individual years were noted but the annual trend was reflected fairly accurately by the codes. CONCLUSION: There has been an increase in vascular activity in the region, but variations still exist between different districts.  相似文献   

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