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The aim of this study was to compare in an open trial the efficacy of 2 x 500 mg clarithromycin + 2 x 1000 mg amoxicillin + 40 mg pantoprazole/day given for 7 days (I. group, 48 cases), with that of 2 x 500 mg clarithromycin + 2 x 400 mg ranitidine bismuth citrate/day given for 14 days (II. group, 51 cases). The diagnosis of peptic ulcer was established endoscopically. HP infection was confirmed the modified Giemsa stain and rapid urease test. After eradication all patients were given 2 x 150 mg ranitidine for one month. Controls were performed 4-6 weeks after eradication. Peptic ulcer healing was proven in the group I in 93.0% and in the group II in 91.6% (p > 0.05). On intention-to-treat basis, HP was eradicated in 80.3% (confidence interval, CI: 73-92.7%) in the I. and 80.3% (confidence interval: 76-95%) in the II. group (p > 0.05). Per protocol analysis revealed eradication rates of 88.3% (CI: 81-97.6%) and 85.4% (CI: 80-97%) (p > 0.05). Side effects were recorded in 9.5% and 14.5% of the cases. Both regimens were equally effective in the eradication of HP and healing of peptic ulcers.  相似文献   

Eradication of Helicobacter pylori affects symptoms in non-ulcer dyspepsia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The efficient production of polyprotonated oligonucleotides, studied at n < or = 19, occurs from water/propan-2-ol solutions over an ammonium acetate concentration range between 2.5 and 40 mm and a pH range from 5 to 11. Average charge-state levels observed were approximately half of those found in mass spectra of polyanionic oligonucleotides, reflecting differences in sites of ionization: heterocyclic bases for protonation and phosphodiester backbone for deprotonation. Collision-induced dissociation mass spectra show three principal reaction paths: (1) release of protonated bases, with abundances dictated largely by base proton affinity; (2) phosphodiester chain cleavage at C3'-O3' indicative of sequence in the 3'-->5' direction; and (3) chain cleavage concomitant with base loss giving furan-type ions indicative of sequence in the 5'-->3' direction, analogous to reactions of polyanionic oligonucleotides. Thymine residues undergo very little protonation, resulting in characteristic absence of phosphodiester cleavage on the 3' side of T sites, producing mass-ladder gaps representing dinucleotides.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present review was to determine objectively the optimal treatment for the eradication of H. pylori amongst the currently used regimens. A comprehensive literature search provided a data-base relating to the following treatments: dual therapy with an anti-secretory drug plus either amoxycillin or clarithromycin; standard triple therapy, with or without additional anti-secretory drugs; proton pump inhibitor triple therapy; and H2-receptor antagonist triple therapy. Emphasis was placed on intention-to-treat analyses of eradication rates using all of the available evidence. The criteria used to select the optimal treatment were efficacy (eradication rates), frequency of side-effects, simplicity of the regimen (number of tablets per day and duration of treatment) and cost. The analysis showed that proton pump inhibitor triple therapy (that is, a proton pump inhibitor plus any two of amoxycillin, clarithromycin or a nitroimidazole) was the preferred treatment for the eradication of H. pylori. In particular, the 1-week, low-dose regimen with omeprazole plus clarithromycin plus tinidazole produced the highest eradication rates (> 90%) with the lowest frequency of side-effects and at only modest cost.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the efficacy and safety of combination therapy with amoxicillin (AMPC), lansoprazole, and plaunotol for the eradication of H. pylori in dialysis patients. The subjects consisted of 15 dialysis patients (10 men and 5 women, mean age of 56 +/- 2.4 years) in whom H. pylori was found in the stomach. H. pylori status was evaluated by histology, culture and rapid urease test with biopsy specimens of the gastric mucosa. The patients were treated with AMPC 500 mg once a day for 3 weeks, lansoprazole 30 mg once a day for 8 weeks and plaunotol 80 mg three times a day for 24 weeks. In addition, the concentrations of serum gastrin and gastric juice ammonia were measured. Fourteen patients completed the treatment schedule, while one discontinued treatment because of nausea and diarrhea. Among the 14 patients, H. pylori was eradicated in 11 without any side effects (eradication rate 78.6%). Concentrations of gastric juice ammonia and serum gastrin were reduced significantly in patients who became H. pylori-negative. The present study indicates that combination therapy with AMPC, lansoprazole and plaunotol is safe and efficient for the eradication of H. pylori in dialysis patients. The results also suggested that elevated concentrations of gastric juice ammonia and serum gastrin in dialysis patients can be attributed, at least in part, to H. pylori infection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of heparin in the postreperfusion coagulopathy during liver transplantation with heparinase-guided thromboelastography. DESIGN: A prospective, interventional study. SETTING: A university-affiliated hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-six patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). INTERVENTIONS: Blood drawn at five intervals for thromboelastography assessment with native (12 patients) or celite blood (14 patients) compared with simultaneous thromboelastography traces with added heparinase. MAIN RESULTS: In the native samples, the prolonged R (reaction) and K (coagulation) time and decreased alpha angle were corrected in heparinase thromboelastograph traces immediately before reperfusion and 10 minutes postreperfusion. In the celite-accelerated samples, the heparinase traces showed correction of the R and K times and alpha angle only at the 10-minute postreperfusion stage. In seven patients who had thromboelastography performed after protamine administration, there were no differences between celite and heparinase-celite traces. CONCLUSIONS: Heparinase-treated thromboelastography offered compelling evidence for the presence of heparin-like activity after liver graft reperfusion. The objective evidence provided by this modification of thromboelastography-guided protamine administration and was useful in identifying one of the many potential causes of postreperfusion bleeding in patients undergoing OLT.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Continent urinary diversion may be necessary in a range of urological abnormalities. In circumstances where the standard techniques are not possible, alternative innovative techniques may be used. METHODS: In a female patient with bladder exstrophy, a continent diversion was recommended. The appendix was not available, the ureters were not suitable and a continent stoma was fashioned from an isolated segment of colon. RESULTS: The stoma proved to be continent, although it was somewhat stenotic. However, clean intermittent catheterization maintained its patency. CONCLUSIONS: A continent catheterizable stoma may be constructed from a segment of colon. The technique may be considered when other well recognized methods are not feasible.  相似文献   

The neoplasms and gastric mucosa colonization with Helicobacter pylori was studied in 40 stomachs resected for expansive (n = 20) and infiltrative (n = 20) carcinoma using Giemsa staining histological sections, histochemical reactions to oxyreductase, and urease test. In expansive carcinoma of the stomach, H. pylori was identifiable both in the tumour and surrounding gastric mucosa in 70 per cent of cases; infiltrative carcinoma appeared to be associated with gastric mucosa H. pylori in 80 per cent, whereas tumour H. pylori were recordable in 30 per cent of cases, which fact is dependent upon the histological structure of carcinoma. The role H. pylori plays in cancerogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The most extensively studied Helicobacter pylori eradication regimen comprises omeprazole, clarithromycin and metronidazole. Macrolide antibiotics other than clarithromycin should achieve similar efficacy, but they have not yet been thoroughly tested. AIM: To determine the efficacy and safety of a triple therapy regimen using lansoprazole, roxithromycin, and metronidazole on the basis of multicentre outpatient care in an open pilot study. METHODS: 163 patients with duodenal ulcer and proven H. pylori infection received lansoprazole 30 mg b.d., roxithromycin 300 mg b.d. and metronidazole 500 mg b.d. for 7 days followed by another 7 days of lansoprazole 30 mg once daily. H. pylori status was determined by urease quick test, histology, microbiology and 13C-urea breath test before starting and at least 4 weeks after completing treatment. RESULTS: 150 patients were available for evaluation; H. pylori was successfully eradicated in 84.7% (127/ 150) as determined by urease quick test, 78.0% (117/150) by histology, 81.3% (109/134) by 13C-urea breath test; and in 75.3% (113/150), at least two tests were negative. Side-effects were reported in 34 patients (most commonly diarrhoea and changes in liver function tests), in two cases the study medication was interrupted. Prior to treatment, 23% of the H. pylori isolates were resistant against metronidazole and 3.4% against roxithromycin. After unsuccessful treatment, 84% of the isolates were resistant against metronidazole and 21% against roxithromycin. Primary resistance to metronidazole increased the chance of treatment failure approximately sevenfold (7% vs. 53%). CONCLUSIONS: For H. pylori eradication, the combination of lansoprazole, roxithromycin and metronidazole proved to be as safe as other current triple therapy regimens, while a comparison of efficacy rates yet remains to be assessed in prospective controlled trials. The metronidazole-resistant H. pylori is not rare in Germany and, in the present study, has strongly influenced treatment success.  相似文献   

We report on a sibship in which three members were affected by Gaucher disease. Molecular analysis of the patients showed homozygosity for a novel mutation (C5390G) of the beta-glucocerebrosidase gene, resulting in the substitution of the arginine 353 with a glycine. Western blot analysis showed a reduced amount of beta-glucocerebrosidase-related polypeptides in fibroblasts. The phenotype resulting from this mutation is characterized by visceral and skeletal manifestations. In addition, the presence of seizures and electrophysiological abnormalities only in the 3 patients and in none of the other unaffected sibs suggests that the mutation is responsible for neurologic involvement.  相似文献   

From January 1988 through June 1996, 12 patients who had extrahepatic bile-duct cancer received preoperative radiotherapy at doses of 40.6 Gy to 58.4 Gy. At restaging, 1 patient was found to have liver metastases and the remaining 11 patients were taken to surgery. Nine patients underwent resection, and 8 of the 9 received intraoperative radiotherapy. Complications occurred in 4 patients, 3 of whom died postoperatively. The 2 patients who died of intraabdominal complications received both preoperative radiation doses of more than 55 Gy and intraoperative radiotherapy doses of 14 Gy or more. Histologic evidence of irradiation effects was present in all specimens. Irradiation effects on perineural invasion were observed in varying degrees. Two of the four patients who had marked irradiation effects on perineural invasion developed local recurrence, which was found at autopsy to have infiltrated the hepatic hilum without obstructing the hepatic ducts. One patient who had minimal irradiation effects on perineural invasion developed local recurrence with obstructing the hepatic ducts. Of the 2 patients who had positive margins, the patient with marked irradiation effects on perineural invasion survived 18 months, but the patient with slight irradiation effects on perineural invasion survived only 5 months. The high complication rate requires modification of this strategy. The propriety of combining preoperative radiotherapy with intraoperative radiotherapy as well as the radiation dose should be reinvestigated.  相似文献   

In 1982 a spiral gram-negative bacterium was first cultured from human gastric mucosa. Helicobacter pylori causes chronic active gastritis, which is the most common chronic infectious disease worldwide. The fact that this bacterial infection is furthermore linked to the majority of all duodenal and gastric ulcers is now commonly accepted after initial scepticism. Some fundamentals of this infectious disease like the extrahuman reservoir of pathogens and the mode of transmission are only partially understood. Some of the bacterial virulence factors allowing mucosal colonization and inflammation have been described. So are some details in the bacterial interaction with the host's immune system. The specific feature of this infection is the inability of the immune system to eliminate H. pylori. Finally no immunity but lifelong chronic infection results. The question, why some individuals infected will have merely gastritis, while others will suffer from peptic ulcer disease, or even gastric carcinoma cannot be answered sufficiently by now. Environmental factors may play a role as well as varying pathogenicity of bacterial strains. Furthermore the age at which infection was acquired and genetic differences in the host's susceptibility to disease are of importance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The combination of a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) such as omeprazole with amoxicillin and clarithromycin constitutes one of the most effective treatments for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Nevertheless, the mechanisms of interaction between these drugs remain unclear. It has been shown that minimal inhibitory concentration values of both antibiotics are considerably lower at neutral pH levels than in an acid environment. Further, omeprazole possesses bacteriostatic activity. To evaluate the significance of these mechanisms we replaced omeprazole with famotidine, a drug which only suppresses acid production, but has no intrinsic antimicrobial activity. METHODS: We evaluated the efficacy of a 1-week course of famotidine 80 mg b.i.d., amoxicillin 1000 mg b.i.d. and clarithromycin 500 mg b.i.d. in a pilot study (20 patients), and then confirmed our results in a larger replication study (87 patients). A total of 107 patients with H. pylori-associated duodenal ulcer (n = 54), gastric ulcer (n = 14) or non-ulcer dyspepsia (n = 39) were included. Endoscopy was performed at baseline and 4-6 weeks after discontinuation of treatment. H. pylori status was assessed by the urease test and histology. RESULTS: H. pylori was successfully eradicated in 94 of 104 patients who completed the study (90.4%; CI 95%, 83.0-95.3%). By intention-to-treat analysis, the eradication rate was 87.9% (CI 95%, 80.1-93.4%). Ulcer healing was observed in 98.1% of duodenal ulcers and 92.9% of gastric ulcers (based on per-protocol analysis). Mild side effects that did not require termination of treatment were reported by seven patients (6.7%). CONCLUSION: A 1-week course of famotidine, amoxicillin and clarithromycin is a highly effective, simple and safe eradication regimen. Our data indicate that acid suppression is the crucial mechanism by which the activity of amoxicillin and clarithromycin against H. pylori is enhanced, whereas additional antimicrobial activity or other specific effects of PPIs seem to be less important.  相似文献   

Retrospective maternal report of fetal activity level was compared with developmental diagnosis in 608 consecutively referred children. Maternal history of fetal activity level was also obtained from 140 unmatched well children in a general pediatric clinic. Fetal hyperactivity was positively associated with a diagnosis of child hyperactivity, and fetal hypoactivity was positively associated with a diagnosis of mental retardation in the children. Maternal histories of fetal activity level in the control group weakened the strength of the association between fetal hyperactivity and child hyperactivity but did not affect the association between fetal hypoactivity and mental retardation in children.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A protocol was conducted to evaluate the compliance and results of Helicobacter pylori infection treatment in patients with ulcer disease. To know the metronidazole, clarithromycin and amoxicillin activities of Helicobacter pylori strains from such patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 35 patients with ulcer disease (27 duodenal ulcer and 8 gastric ulcer) were studied. Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection was performed by urease test and culture of mucosal gastric samples from patients undergoing endoscopy. The patients received the following treatment during 7 days: omeprazole (20 mg bid), clarithromycin (500 mg bid) and amoxicillin (1 g bid), OCA x 7. Susceptibility was determined by E-test system on Wilkins-Chalgren blood agar and read after 5 days. RESULTS: 22/24 patients who had completed the protocol design eradicated Helicobacter pylori (91.7%), 11 patients (31.4%) refused second endoscopy to verify control of eradication. After treatment 10 patients presented with pyrosis "de novo" (28%). The overall metronidazol, claritromycin and amoxicillin resistance rate was 50%, 1.5% and 0% respectively. CONCLUSIONS: OCA x 7 treatment obtains a eradication rate higher than 90% in our patients with ulcer disease, despite smoking habit, but with a significative number of patients presenting pyrosis after treatment. We recommend a non-endoscopy method to verify eradication rate, because of its poor acceptance. 3. Metronidazol resistance rate is high in our series but clarithromycin susceptibility is maintained.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is the major cause of antral gastritis in children, however, it is not always associated with symptoms. The exception to this occurs in duodenal ulcer disease with which H. pylori is linked in children albeit less strongly than in adults. Duodenal ulcers do not recur in older children following eradication of H. pylori. The importance of asymptomatic carriage of H. pylori in children, particularly in relation to the duration of this infection and the subsequent development of gastric cancer, remain to be established. Helicobacter pylori is associated with both hypochlorhydria and persistent diarrhoea in children in developing countries, but the significance of this association is still unknown. Although there is no consensus on the optimal regimen for treating H. pylori infection in children, dual therapy with amoxycillin and bismuth subcitrate for 2 weeks followed by monotherapy with bismuth subcitrate for a further 6 weeks will eradicate H. pylori infection in the majority of children. Those who relapse may be treated with a repeat course plus metronidazole for 4 weeks. Compliance with such regimens is a problem and shorter treatment courses that are equally effective in children need to be defined. Similarly, studies are required on the influence of the intrafamilial reservoir of H. pylori infection on relapse after treatment and the need for whole family eradication therapy.  相似文献   

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