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近年来, 区块链技术和产业的迅速发展为经济和技术创新注入了新的活力, 但随之而来的是不断涌现的欺诈行为。这些欺诈行为不仅对用户造成了经济损失, 也对区块链技术的信誉和发展带来了威胁。因此, 识别和预防欺诈行为对于保障区块链技术和产业创新的良性发展至关重要。另一方面, 区块链欺诈行为变化快、匿名性强, 具有多样性和复杂性, 给识别工作带来了巨大挑战, 针对这些挑战, 目前已提出了相当多的技术方法。 本文整理归纳了近五年来的相关文献, 清晰呈现区块链欺诈行为识别技术的最新进展。考虑到识别技术的多样性, 本文采用了两层的分类框架对其进行归纳。首先从业务场景出发, 划分出不同类型的欺诈行为, 涉及区块链洗钱、非法代币发行、庞氏骗局和钓鱼诈骗等八种行为。进而, 再针对每一类欺诈行为, 分析讨论对应的识别技术。通过对识别技术解析与归纳, 本文将识别技术从具体场景中抽象出来, 构建出一般化的识别技术体系。并基于这一体系对识别技术展开详细讨论, 包括: 区块链交易图构建技术、特征工程方法以及欺诈行为识别方法与模型。在识别方法上, 本文重点关注了近年流行的区块链去中心化生态下的一些反欺诈识别工作, 包括: 跨链洗钱识别、 去中心化平台的代币骗局识别等, 此类欺诈行为具有较高的复杂性和识别难度, 与之相关的识别技术还较少, 亟待得到更多的关注。最后, 本文依据当前区块链欺诈行为识别工作所面临的挑战和困难, 分析了未来技术趋势。  相似文献   

朱立  俞欢  詹士潇  邱炜伟  李启雷 《软件学报》2019,30(6):1577-1593
以上海证券交易所“去中心化的主板核心交易系统”作为业务场景,旨在研究高性能联盟区块链的优化算法.在联盟链关键技术研究的基础上,结合现有主板证券竞价交易系统的业务,提出了系统架构以及关键技术的实现.对业务逻辑与共识分离、存储优化和数字签名验证优化(包括合并验签和GPU加速)等可提高联盟链性能的优化策略进行了详细的介绍和分析.最后,通过一系列对比实验来验证优化策略的有效性.实验结果表明,这些优化手段极大地提高了去中心化的主板核心交易系统的性能.  相似文献   

区块链技术有着去中心化、可信度高、难以篡改的特点,能够解决传统访问控制技术中存在的信任难题.通过总结现有的基于区块链的访问控制机制,分别从基于交易事务和基于智能合约两种实现方式分析了将区块链技术应用于访问控制领域的独有优势.根据区块链应用中的关键问题,从动态访问控制、链上空间优化、隐私数据保护3个关键技术总结了现有的研...  相似文献   


Cloud computing is gaining increasing interest as an enabling technology for improved productivity, efficiency and cost reduction. It also has the potential to add value to reliability and scalability of organisation’s systems, which would allow organisations to better focus on their core business and strategies. This research paper aimed at exploring the perceived potential for value creation from cloud computing in Australian Regional Governments. Using the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework, the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory and Desires Framework (DF), a conceptual research model is devised. The key identified factors that are likely to influence adoption of cloud computing are identified along with the implications to current policies, anticipated benefits and challenges of adoption of cloud computing. The research employed a qualitative approach involving 21 in-depth interviews with Australian local councils’ IT managers. The findings of this research are mapped to the research model factors, thereby presenting and validating a number of value-adding concepts that are expected to contribute to investment decisions on cloud computing adoption.  相似文献   

The landscape of Blockchain research: impacts and opportunities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Blockchain technology has emerged as an important research domain in recent years. It not only supports the secure and efficient storage and processing of information but may also transform the business principles and processes embedded in traditional centralized organizations and societies. This editorial first provides a framework that identifies the emerging areas of blockchain research. The key characteristics of this framework in Blockchain 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 are defined and introduced. The impacts and opportunities associated with blockchain research are identified and discussed. At last, the six articles in this special issue are characterized using the proposed research framework of blockchain research.


Organizations face manifold implementation barriers in blockchain adoption. Of particular interest is the pre-adoption phase, where knowledge and attitudes guide organizations’ approaches toward a new technology. This paper examines organizations’ approaches to blockchain through a sensemaking lens to identify how blockchain prototype development is guided by perceived business value of and sentiments toward the technology. Taking a critical realist perspective, we examine divergences between organizations’ approaches toward blockchain adoption, i.e., what they do, and why and how they approach blockchain. We differentiate between four types of approaches and provide recommendations how the pre-adoption phase can be considered in academic analyses.  相似文献   

In today’s digital information age, companies are struggling with an immense overload of mainly unstructured data. Reducing search times, fulfilling compliance requirements and maintaining information quality represent only three of the challenges that organisations from all industry sectors are faced with. Enterprise content management (ECM) has emerged as a promising approach addressing these challenges. Yet, there are still numerous obstacles to the implementation of ECM technologies, particularly fostered by the fact that the key challenges of ECM adaptation processes are rather organisational than technological. In the present article we claim that the consideration of an organisation’s business process structure is particularly crucial for ECM success. In response to this, we introduce a process-oriented conceptual framework that systematises the key steps of an ECM adoption. The paper suggests that ECM and business process management are two strongly related fields of research.  相似文献   

ContextContinuous Deployment (CD) is an emerging software development process with organisations such as Facebook, Microsoft, and IBM successfully implementing and using the process. The CD process aims to immediately deploy software to customers as soon as new code is developed, and can result in a number of benefits for organisations, such as: new business opportunities, reduced risk for each release, and prevent development of wasted software. There is little academic literature on the challenges organisations face when adopting the CD process, however there are many anecdotal challenges that organisations have voiced on their online blogs.ObjectiveThe aim of this research is to examine the challenges faced by organisations when adopting CD as well as the strategies to mitigate these challenges.MethodAn explorative case study technique that involves in-depth interviews with software practitioners in an organisation that has adopted CD was conducted to identify these challenges.ResultsThis study found a total of 20 technical and social adoption challenges that organisations may face when adopting the CD process. The results are discussed to gain a deeper understanding of the strategies employed by organisations to mitigate the impacts of these challenges.ConclusionWhile a number of individual technical and social adoption challenges were uncovered by the case study in this research, most challenges were not faced in isolation. The severity of these challenges were reduced by a number of mitigation strategies employed by the case study organisation. It is concluded that organisations need to be well prepared to handle technical and social adoption challenges with their existing expertise, processes and tools before adopting the CD process. For practitioners, knowing how to address the challenges an organisation may face when adopting the CD process provides a level of awareness that they previously may not have had.  相似文献   

王锋  张强  刘扬  刘琳琳  路阳 《计算机应用研究》2023,40(10):2896-2907
区块链集成密码学、分布式共识、P2P网络和时间戳等技术,可实现数据一致存储、难以窜改和防止抵赖等功能,解决了开放网络中不依赖任何可信第三方的信任问题。去中心化的特性使得区块链具有广阔的应用前景,但随着应用的深入与拓展,扩展性问题已成为挖掘区块链技术潜力的一个关键挑战。区块链本质上仍是分布式系统,基于此,从分布式系统的扩展性角度对区块链的研究工作进行综述,基于链上扩展、链下扩展和跨链扩展三个方面论述了区块链可扩展的思路和方法,总结了近年来的研究成果;通过对现有解决方案的总结分析,探讨了提高区块链可扩展性所面临的问题和未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

元宇宙是虚拟数字世界与真实物理世界无缝融合的新生态,近来引发了各界的广泛关注。区块链、人工智能、虚拟现实/增强现实及传感技术、移动通信及泛在计算等各种新型互联网技术愈发成熟,使元宇宙的进一步发展成为可能。关于元宇宙的研究主要涉及产业项目、基础设施、关键技术、隐私安全等方面,这些研究虽然涉及区块链技术,但未具体指出区块链应用于元宇宙的优势及具体应用方式。区块链技术不仅可以为元宇宙提供开放自由的去中心化环境,而且可以为其提供公平合理的数字资产分配机制。主要从区块链赋能元宇宙中数字身份和数字资产管理的角度出发,分析了元宇宙的发展历程和特征,讨论了元宇宙发展所需核心技术及面临的挑战。同时研究了区块链的关键技术,并从区块链的本质特征及与其他技术融合优势两个方面对区块链应用于元宇宙做可行性分析。进一步提出元宇宙生态体系架构,重点详细分析了基于区块链的自我主权身份管理模型、区块链-非同质化通证(NFT,non-fungible token)工作流程及其在元宇宙中的应用。结合区块链和元宇宙的最新研究进展,从基础设施、通信和计算资源管理机制、监管与隐私保护以及区块链可扩展和互操作性4个方面指出区块链应用...  相似文献   

区块链技术作为分布式账本的关键技术之一,其在不依赖于任何第三方可信机构的前提下,解决开放网络中的信任问题,去中心化的特点使其有着广泛的应用前景,但面临着可扩展性不足的瓶颈.目前,区块链可扩展性的瓶颈主要体现在2个方面:性能效率低下、功能难以扩展.以比特币为例,从性能上讲,当前仅支持7笔/秒的交易吞吐量,显然无法满足现今数字支付的场景,也无法承载在数字支付领域外的其他应用.从功能上讲,当前不同区块链系统之间的资产或数据难以交互.在现实情况中,不同的区块链系统承载着不同的业务和需求.为此,需要实现链与链之间的交互,才能打通不同区块链之间的信息或价值通道,避免每一区块链成为信息或价值孤岛,并在此基础上实现价值互联网.区块链可扩展性的研究已经引起了学术界及产业界越来越多的关注,将从区块链性能提升及功能扩展2个角度出发,分别介绍区块链可扩展性领域的相关技术和研究进展,其中包括3类当前主流的、提升区块链交易吞吐量的方案:链下支付网络、Bitcoin-NG和分片机制;以及4类代表性的、实现区块链功能扩展的跨链互通技术.分析对比不同方案的特性、适合场景及可能存在的不足之处,并在此基础上给出进一步研究方向.  相似文献   


This paper presents a high-level overview of Emerging Services and Analytics in Cloud Computing virtual reality including the rationale, technologies involved, selected examples, and contributions. Examples in health care, business, climate change, and natural disaster have been demonstrated to support Emerging Services and Analytics by virtual reality, which can allow scientists to understand the complexity behind science and process thousands of data within seconds. Not only scientists with deep knowledge but also the general public can understand part of the outputs and illustrations from different types of examples and outputs from other disciplines. Businesses can achieve business agility, improvement in efficiency, monitoring the daily work, and analyzing key performance indicators up to date and in real time. We present the case of Emerging Services and Analytics by virtual reality to discuss its contributions and future directions.


Against a background of the low engagement of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in e-business, this paper investigates the emergence of, and potential for, critical e-applications defined as ‘an e-business application, promoted by a trusted third party, which engages a significant number of SMEs by addressing an important shared business concern within an aggregation.’ By a review of secondary data and empirical investigation with service providers and other intermediaries, the research shows that such applications can facilitate the engagement of SME aggregations. There are three key findings, namely: the emergence of aggregation-specific e-business applications; the emergence of collaboratively based ‘one to many’ business models; and the importance of trusted third parties in the adoption of higher-level complexity e-business applications by SMEs. Significantly, this work takes a deliberately provider perspective and complements the already considerable literature on SME IT adoption from a user and network perspective. In terms of future research, the importance of a better conceptual understanding of the impact of complexity on the adoption of information technologies by SMEs is highlighted.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of Internet-of-Things (IoT), more smart devices can be connected to the Internet, resulting in a dramatic increase of data transmission and communication. Software-Defined Networking (SDN), which separates the control planes and data planes, is considered as a promising solution to provide the scale and versatility necessary for IoT. However, SDN still suffers from several challenges, i.e., the centralized control plane would be a single point of failure. With the wide adoption of blockchain applications, such technologies can have a positive impact on SDN’s performance, i.e., blockchains allow non-confident individuals to interact with each other without the need for a central authority. However, attackers can still inject traffic to influence blockchain nodes from normal operations. Motivated by the recent development of blockchains and SDN, in this work, we focus on blockchain-based SDN and develop BSDNFilter, an IDS-based security mechanism that builds a trust-based filtration by using traffic fusion and aggregation to handle and reduce malicious traffic. Through collaborating with an IT organization, our evaluation in a real blockchain-based SDN environment demonstrates that our BSDNFilter is able to achieve better filtration performance against flooding attacks than similar approaches.  相似文献   

区块链是数字货币研究的主流技术和重要前提。作为一种去中心化的分布式计算技术,区块链具有共同维护、防窜改、可追溯等中心化技术所不具备的优势。以区块链的基本原理为基础,主要分析了哈希加密、共识机制以及智能合约方面的关键技术;以区块链中的首个应用比特币为基础,分析了以太坊、达世币、卡尔达诺、比特股等数字货币的发展演化历程。根据数字货币的研究现状及其所面临的诸多挑战,展望了区块链未来在数字货币的发行与监管、交易跟踪和海量交易数据分析方面的研究趋势。  相似文献   


Ensuring that work practice is compliant to regulations and industrial standards is an increasingly important issue in business systems. Whereas as an understanding of control objectives that stem from various legislative, standard and contractual sources may be found at strategic or tactical levels, an assessment of their effective adoption in operational practices is extremely hard. In this paper, we propose a method for assessing the level of compliance in business work practice. The method builds upon business process management platforms, and provides the ability to objectively measure the compliance distance of existing processes within the organization. This in turn empowers process designers and business analysts to quantify the effort required to achieve a compliant process.  相似文献   

The rapid emergence of novel virus named SARS-CoV2 and unchecked dissemination of this virus around the world ever since its outbreak in 2020, provide critical research criteria to assess the vulnerabilities of our current health system. The paper addresses our preparedness for the management of such acute health emergencies and the need to enhance awareness, about public health and healthcare mechanisms. In view of this unprecedented health crisis, distributed ledger and AI technology can be seen as one of the promising alternatives for fighting against such epidemics at the early stages, and with the higher efficacy. At the implementation level, blockchain integration, early detection and avoidance of an outbreak, identity protection and safety, and a secure drug supply chain can be realized. At the opposite end of the continuum, artificial intelligence methods are used to detect corona effects until they become too serious, avoiding costly drug processing. The paper explores the application of blockchain and artificial intelligence in order to fight with COVID-19 epidemic scenarios. This paper analyzes all possible newly emerging cases that are employing these two technologies for combating a pandemic like COVID-19 along with major challenges which cover all technological and motivational factors. This paper has also discusses the potential challenges and whether further production is required to establish a health monitoring system.  相似文献   

Enterprises in today’s networked economy face numerous information management challenges, both from a process management perspective as well as a decision support perspective. While there have been significant relevant advances in the areas of business process management as well as decision sciences, several open research issues exist. In this paper, we highlight the following key challenges. First, current process modeling and management techniques lack in providing a seamless integration of decision models and tools in existing business processes, which is critical to achieve organizational objectives. Second, given the dynamic nature of business processes in networked enterprises, process management approaches that enable organizations to react to business process changes in an agile manner are required. Third, current state-of-the-art decision model management techniques are not particularly amenable to distributed settings in networked enterprises, which limits the sharing and reuse of models in different contexts, including their utility within managing business processes. In this paper, we present a framework for decision-enabled dynamic process management that addresses these challenges. The framework builds on computational formalisms, including the structured modeling paradigm for representing decision models, and hierarchical task networks from the artificial intelligence (AI) planning area for process modeling. Within the framework, interleaved process planning (modeling), execution and monitoring for dynamic process management throughout the process lifecycle is proposed. A service-oriented architecture combined with advances from the semantic Web field for model management support within business processes is proposed.  相似文献   

As the first and last line of defence in many cases, authentication is a crucial part of a system. With authentication, any unauthorised access to the system can be prevented. This work maps the research landscape through two means. The first is a comprehensive taxonomy of blockchain technology in authentication over networking. The second is identification of different types of authentication systems under various platforms that use blockchain technology. This work also provides useful and classified information which can enhance the understanding of how various authentication systems can be combined with blockchain technology. In addition, problems associated with this blockchain technology and proposed solutions are surveyed to fulfil the requirements of the network applications. Moreover, this work highlights the importance, capabilities, motivations and challenges of blockchain technology with distinct applications in various fields. Finally, recommendations and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Blockchain platforms, such as Ethereum, allow a set of actors to maintain a ledger of transactions without relying on a central authority and to deploy programs, called smart contracts, that are executed whenever certain transactions occur. These features can be used as basic building blocks for executing collaborative business processes between mutually untrusting parties. However, implementing business processes using the low-level primitives provided by blockchain platforms is cumbersome and error-prone. In contrast, established business process management systems (BPMSs), such as those based on the standard Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), provide convenient abstractions for rapid development of process-oriented applications. This article demonstrates how to combine the advantages of a BPMS with those of a blockchain platform. The article introduces a blockchain-based BPMN execution engine, named Caterpillar. Like any BPMN execution engine, Caterpillar supports the creation of instances of a process model and allows users to monitor the state of process instances and to execute tasks thereof. The specificity of Caterpillar is that the state of each process instance is maintained on the (Ethereum) blockchain and the workflow routing is performed by smart contracts generated by a BPMN-to-Solidity compiler. The Caterpillar compiler supports a large array of BPMN constructs, including subprocesses, multiple-instance activities, and event handlers. The paper describes the architecture of Caterpillar and the interfaces it provides to support the monitoring of process instances, the allocation and execution of work items, and the execution of service tasks.  相似文献   

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