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利用超声衍射时差法(Time-of-flight diffraction,TOFD)对管道进行周向扫查检测时,直达纵波传播路径与管道表面不平行,需分别对直达纵波上下区域内缺陷进行识别和定位检测。特别地,管道结构导致TOFD近表面盲区增大,缺陷衍射波与直达纵波发生混叠。针对上述问题,理论分析极坐标系下的管道TOFD周向扫查图像中缺陷衍射波特征,借此确定缺陷与直达纵波的相对位置。在此基础上,对盲区外缺陷进行定位检测,并结合自回归谱外推方法计算盲区内缺陷深度。试验结果显示,对于外壁半径100.0 mm,壁厚30.0 mm碳钢管道,在5 MHz中心频率和不同探头中心距(Probe center separation,PCS)的检测条件下,埋深4.0 mm的上表面开口槽与埋深16.0 mm的下表面开口槽均可检出,且定位误差不超过0.36 mm。缺陷衍射波特征与PCS直接相关,对管道进行周向扫查检测时应合理调整参数。  相似文献   

基于TOFD周向扫查的厚壁管道倾斜裂纹精准定量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用超声衍射时差法(TOFD)对厚壁管道实施周向扫查时,曲率表面与直通波路径不重合,引起倾斜裂纹长度和角度定量误差。为实现深层裂纹检测,提高探头中心距(PCS)进一步增加检测误差。考虑管道外壁曲率半径、PCS与裂纹端点深度之间的几何关系,开展厚壁管道倾斜裂纹精准定量研究。推导厚壁管道TOFD检测周向扫查时,裂纹长度和倾斜角度定量公式,并对比优化前后检测误差。仿真研究表明,对壁厚30.0 mm,外壁曲率半径148.0 mm的碳钢管道内,长度4.0 mm,倾斜角度10°~50°的裂纹实施检测时,长度和倾斜角度定量误差分别下降可达0.10 mm和1.58°。实验针对碳钢管道试块中长度4.0 mm,倾斜角度30°的裂纹,长度和倾斜角度定量误差从0.30 mm和2.74°,降低至0.27 mm和0.28°。所述方法可适用于不同曲率管道内部倾斜裂纹定量检测,应用范围较广。  相似文献   

结合自回归谱外推方法与超声衍射时差法(Time of flight diffraction,TOFD),抑制直通波脉冲宽度造成的近表面检测盲区。建立碳钢试块模型,并设置上尖端埋深d依次为2.5 mm、3.0 mm、5.0 mm及7.0 mm的底面开口槽,模拟选用中心频率5 MHz、探头中心距34.0 mm的TOFD探头实施检测。利用自回归谱外推方法扩宽傅里叶变换后的混叠信号频带,压缩时域脉冲宽度,分离了混叠的直通波与衍射波,将TOFD检测盲区深度由8.3 mm抑制到2.5 mm以内,实现四个底面开口槽的同时检出与定位。针对碳钢试块中埋深3.0 mm底面开口槽进行试验验证,定位误差为0.30 mm。与常规TOFD和频谱分析方法相比,自回归谱外推方法以高信噪比频带为基础,外推有效频带外的高频与低频范围数据,提高时间分辨率,为TOFD检测盲区内缺陷定位提供了新思路。  相似文献   

林乃昌 《机电工程》2013,30(8):967-970
为了解决传统衍射时差法超声检测技术(TOFD)法对埋藏在近表面的缺陷波无法辨识及近表面区域的测量误差大、深度分辨力差等近表面盲区问题,提出了一种新的近表面检测方法。该方法利用变型波波速较慢的特点,通过计算变型波、直通波及底面反射波,得出了变型波在纵波检测窗口出现的条件,并利用变型波对缺陷进行检测,以减小测量误差并提高检测分辨力,有效地解决了TOFD近表面盲区问题。在10个不同深度的人工缺陷中,对采用基于变型波的检测方法和传统检测方法的实验结果进行了比较和分析,并分别计算了其测量误差及检测分辨力。实验结果表明,该方法能够识别传统方法无法辨识的近表面缺陷,可有效检测到埋藏深度2.0 mm的人工缺陷,同时,该方法具有较高的测量精度和分辨力。  相似文献   

魏荣帅  冶金辉  程仲贺 《一重技术》2023,(6):32-34+8+61
介绍超声自串列扫查技术的原理、特点,以及在环焊缝CRC坡口检测上的应用。将自串列扫查技术与PAUT相控阵检测技术相结合,可确保整个焊缝区域缺陷的检出和精确定量,通过与AUT自动超声检测技术对比实验,证明可取代AUT检测方法,避免AUT检测系统造价高,设备重,数据分析判读难等问题。  相似文献   

基于IPC的超声自动扫查系统研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对高压容器环焊缝经常存在未熔合、夹渣、裂纹等焊接缺陷,设计了一套利用示波器卡采集超声波检测仪KF端口输出的射频信号,对工件超声检测的时域信号实行全波列采集的自动扫查系统.介绍了该系统的工作原理、系统组成、硬件配置和软件结构,并分析了实现超声波采样与位置坐标采集同步的关键技术.  相似文献   

针对最大相关峭度解卷积(MCKD)降噪效果受滤波器阶数影响的问题,提出了自适应MCKD方法。针对频率切片小波变换(FSWT)在强背景噪声中提取冲击故障特征的不足,提出了自适应MCKD和FSWT相结合的齿轮故障特征提取方法。首先用自适应MCKD对噪声齿轮信号进行降噪处理,然后对降噪后的信号进行频率切片小波变换和故障特征提取。齿轮故障诊断实例的分析结果验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

该文设计了一款针对管道腐蚀检测的自动扫查器,该扫查器由圆周导轨加橡胶轮的组合结构实现在管道外表面的轴向移动;同时,直线导轨搭载相控阵探头,以圆周导轨为路径在管道外表面进行周向扫描,从而实现对管道腐蚀的全方位检测。相比于手动检测,避免了由于人为因素造成的误差,提高了检测效率,降低了作业强度。  相似文献   

基于稳态模型的气体管道泄漏定位方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于管道中气体流动的稳态模型,根据对温度的处理方式,分别提出气体管道泄漏定位的等温定位法和变步长龙格-库塔法。通过实际气体管道泄漏的实验验证对模型法的应用场合进行了分析,并对两种方法的定位效果进行了对比。通过非等温天然气管道泄漏的仿真试验,对温差大小、气体特性估算的准确度和算法中模型的简化程度对定位效果的影响进行了研究。仿真研究表明,管道两端气体特性估算的准确程度决定了算法的定位精度,而算法中的管道模型可以进行适度的简化。此外,变步长的龙格-库塔法在非等温管道上的泄漏定位效果要优于等温定位法。  相似文献   

许冯平  邓宗全 《机械设计》2005,22(10):11-13
基于模糊数学和系统可靠性的理论,提出了一种管道机器人可靠性分析的模糊评判方法,该方法是将机器人分为若干子系统,各子系统可靠性影响因素相同,而每个子系统的因素重要程度模糊子集和单因素评判矩阵不同,这样不仅从评判模型上考虑了各影响因素的不同作用,而且在方法上考虑了各影响因素对不同子系统的不同作用程度,因此更具有综合的特点。  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to develop an accurate, efficient, and robust algorithm for the minimum zone (MZ) straightness and flatness. In this paper, we use an interval bias adaptive linear neural network (NN) structure together with least mean squares (LMS) learning algorithm, and an appropriate cost function to carry out the interval regression analysis. From the results, we can see that both the straightness and flatness results from the interval regression method by NN can converge closer to the definition of the MZ straightness and flatness, respectively, than that of the least-squares (LSQ) method. The interval regression method by NN developed in this paper is applicable in the linear regression analysis that has a complicated constraint, and where the LSQ method cannot be used.  相似文献   

针对永磁驱动器工作效率较差的问题,提出一种导体盘上周向开梯形槽的永磁驱动器,采用有限元仿真确定了永磁驱动器导体盘的开槽个数,联合中心复合设计和响应面法建立了响应变量与设计变量之间的响应面模型。基于该模型,选择适当的约束条件,以传动转矩最大和涡流损耗最小为优化目标,利用自适应遗传算法对永磁驱动器的开槽结构参数进行优化。优化结果使开槽结构永磁驱动器的传动转矩与原始设计相比增加了24.439 8 N·m,涡流损耗减小了36.44 W,重量减小了3.748 1 kg。有限元仿真实验验证了开槽结构可以优化涡流路径,减少杂散电流,进一步提高永磁驱动器的传动转矩。  相似文献   

According to ISO 1101, “A geometrical tolerance applied to a feature defines the tolerance zone within which that feature shall be contained”.The main goal of the minimum zone tolerance (MZT) method is to achieve the best estimation of the roundness error, but it is computationally intensive. This paper describes the application of a genetic algorithm (GA) to minimize the computation time in the evaluation of CMM roundness errors of a large cloud of sampled points.Computational experiments have shown that by selecting the optimal GA parameters, namely a combination of the five genetic parameters related to population size, crossover, mutation, stop condition, and search space, the computation time can be reduced by up to one order of magnitude, allowing real-time operation.Optimization has been tested using seven CMM samples, obtained from different machining features. The performance of the optimized algorithm has been validated using four benchmark samples from the literature and with certified samples.  相似文献   

Along with the developments of manufacturing and machining technology, spherical parts with high-precision are widely applied to many industrial fields. The high-quality spherical parts depend not only on the design and machining techniques but also on the adopted measurement and evaluation approaches. This paper focuses on the minimum zone evaluation model of sphericity deviation in Cartesian coordinate system. A new method, i.e. intersecting chord method, is proposed to solve the problem of constructing 3 + 2 and 2 + 3 models of the minimum zone reference spheres (MZSP). The modelling method employs intersecting chords rather than characteristic points to construct the geometrical structure of evaluation model. Hence, the efficiency of processing data is improved without compromising the accuracy of deviation evaluation. In the modelling process, the two concentric spheres of minimum zone model are simplified as an intersecting chords structure, the virtual centre generated by the intersecting chords can be used to judge whether the searched object is the maximum object or not, which decrease the positioning error of the minimum zone centre and reduce the difficulty of constructing models. To test and verify the performances of intersecting chord method, two experiments are performed to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method, and the results indicate that the proposed method is more trustworthy against accuracy and computation time than other methods required to achieve the same results.  相似文献   

The application of the adaptive growth method is limited because several key techniques during the design process need manual intervention of designers. Key techniques of the method including the ground structure construction and seed selection are studied, so as to make it possible to improve the effectiveness and applicability of the adaptive growth method in stiffener layout design optimization of plates and shells. Three schemes of ground structures, which are comprised by different shell elements and beam elements, are proposed. It is found that the main stiffener layouts resulted from different ground structures are almost the same, but the ground structure comprised by 8-nodes shell elements and both 3-nodes and 2-nodes beam elements can result in clearest stiffener layout, and has good adaptability and low computational cost. An automatic seed selection approach is proposed, which is based on such selection rules that the seeds should be positioned on where the structural strain energy is great for the minimum compliance problem, and satisfy the dispersancy requirement. The adaptive growth method with the suggested key techniques is integrated into an ANSYS-based program, which provides a design tool for the stiffener layout design optimization of plates and shells. Typical design examples, including plate and shell structures to achieve minimum compliance and maximum bulking stability are illustrated. In addition, as a practical mechanical structural design example, the stiffener layout of an inlet structure for a large-scale electrostatic precipitator is also demonstrated. The design results show that the adaptive growth method integrated with the suggested key techniques can effectively and flexibly deal with stiffener layout design problem for plates and shells with complex geometrical shape and loading conditions to achieve various design objectives, thus it provides a new solution method for engineering structural topology design optimization.  相似文献   

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