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The kinesin-like calmodulin binding protein (KCBP) is a new member of the kinesin superfamily that appears to be present only in plants. The KCBP is unique in its ability to interact with calmodulin in a Ca2+-dependent manner. To study the interaction of the KCBP with microtubules, we expressed different regions of the Arabidopsis KCBP and used the purified proteins in cosedimentation assays with microtubules. The motor domain with or without the calmodulin binding domain bound to microtubules. The binding of the motor domain containing the calmodulin binding region to microtubules was inhibited by Ca2+-calmodulin. This Ca2+-calmodulin regulation of motor domain interactions with microtubules was abolished in the presence of antibodies specific to the calmodulin binding region. In addition, the binding of the motor domain lacking the calmodulin binding region to microtubules was not inhibited in the presence of Ca2+-calmodulin, suggesting an essential role for the calmodulin binding region in Ca2+-calmodulin modulation. Results of the cosedimentation assays with the N-terminal tail suggest the presence of a second microtubule binding site on the KCBP. However, the interaction of the N-terminal tail region of the KCBP with microtubules was insensitive to ATP. These data on the interaction of the KCBP with microtubules provide new insights into the functioning of the KCBP in plants.  相似文献   

A protein factor found within the flagella of Chlamydomonas and sea urchin sperm is capable of stimulating the initiation of calf and chick brain tubulin dimer assembly in vitro.  相似文献   

Allylamine (AA, 3-aminopropene) is a specific cardiovascular toxin used experimentally to model myocardial necrosis and atherosclerosis. In these physiologic experiments, 10-day AA exposure (100 mg . kg-1 . day-1 by gavage) produced severe myocardial necrosis and increased heart rate but did not affect systolic blood pressure in rats. Mid-thoracic aortic ring segments were removed, and reactivity to contractile and relaxant agonists was tested. Aortic rings (approximately 3 mm) from AA-treated rats were contracted significantly more by high potassium (100 mM) and slightly more by norepinephrine (NE, 10 microM) than anatomically matched control aortic rings. No difference in aortic ring NE sensitivity or percentage relaxation in response to acetylcholine (1 microM) or sodium nitroprusside (100 microM) was detected between control and AA-treated rat aortic rings. Allylamine (1 microM-1 mM) induced modest, concentration-dependent contractions and tension oscillations in aortic rings from both control and AA-treated rats. Aortic rings from AA-treated rats, however, were more sensitive to AA. Vascular smooth muscle cells derived from control and AA-treated rat aortas had similar toxic sensitivity to AA in vitro using the MTT viability assay. The mechanisms by which AA exposure increased heart rate in vivo and contractility of aortic rings are unknown. These experiments support the previously proposed concept that AA-induced acute myocardial necrosis is due to coronary vasospasm and myocardial ischemia and cell injury.  相似文献   

Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is a constitutively expressed flavin-containing heme protein that catalyzes the formation of NO from L-arginine, NADPH, and molecular oxygen. We purified bovine endothelial NOS from transfected embryonic kidney cells by conventional chromatographic techniques and characterized the activity of the detergent-solubilized enzyme. Endothelial NOS displays a much lower specific activity of NO synthesis (143 +/- 11 nmol NO/min/mg enzyme) than the constitutive neuronal NOS or inducible NOS isoforms. Like the neuronal isoform, endothelial NOS requires binding of Ca2+/calmodulin to achieve Vmax NO synthase activity; however, we observed a basal level of NO synthesis even when Ca2+/calmodulin was omitted and 0.5 mM EDTA was present in the assay solution. Moreover, endothelial NOS demonstrates a high-affinity bonding interaction with calmodulin such that the enzyme as purified has a NO synthase activity at about 80% of Vmax. We also observed a more than twofold increase in NADPH consumption by endothelial NOS when it was coupled to arginine oxygenation as opposed to when oxygen is activated in the absence of substrate. Substrate binding was also shown to stimulate heme reduction in the absence of added calmodulin. Thus, the enzymatic synthesis of NO from L-arginine by endothelial NOS appears to be partially regulated by binding of both calmodulin and substrate. These findings for endothelial NOS represent a significant departure from the enzymatic properties of the other constitutive NOS isoform, neuronal NOS, and we interpret this result in terms of the physiological implications.  相似文献   

Enterotoxin production by Staphylococcus species other than Staphylococcus aureus has been reported. Staphylococcus strains (104 in toto) representing twelve species and subspecies were examined for enterotoxins using a commercial staphylococcal enterotoxin ELISA immunoassay (TECRA, International Bioproducts). Staphylococcus intermedius (24 strains) and S. aureus (7 strains) were positive with this test. Western blots of S. aureus exoproteins demonstrated proteins of approximately 30 kD, consistent with known staphylococcal enterotoxins. The major antigen in all S. intermedius strains, a 75 kD protein, was not analogous to previously described staphylococcal enterotoxins. This protein was unique to S. intermedius. Gel filtration data indicate that the protein is a subunit of a larger protein in vivo. The 75 kD protein cross-reacts with several enterotoxin antibodies. It is unclear whether the protein is a toxin, but its homology with S. aureus enterotoxins may indicate a shared toxic region, or this protein may create false positive results in screening for enterotoxin.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is one of the most important and abundant serine/threonine phosphatases in mammalian tissues and plays a role in gene expression, cell division, and signal transduction. PP2A is activated by ceramide, which is produced by the hydrolysis of membrane sphingomyelin in response to a variety of stress-related stimuli. To further study the role of ceramide-mediated signal transduction in cellular processes such as senescence and apoptosis, we designed and synthesized a series of low molecular weight aromatic compounds, mainly of the isoquinolone and tetralone classes, and evaluated their ability to inhibit enzymes known to be activated by ceramide. Those enzymes studied were ceramide-activated protein kinase, protein kinase C zeta and PP2A. Of these, only PP2A was found to be inhibited. A few of the compounds inhibited both ceramide-activated as well as basal PP2A activity. In addition, several of the compounds activated PP2A by up to 300% above basal enzyme activity, but only in the presence of ceramide. Thus, modulation (both inhibition and activation) of the catatylic activity of ceramide-activated PP2A is demonstrated by certain low molecular weight aromatic compounds.  相似文献   

We have mapped the vinculin-binding sites in the cytoskeletal protein talin as well as those sequences which target the talin molecule to focal contacts. Using a series of overlapping talin-fusion proteins expressed in E. coli and 125I-vinculin in both gel-overlay and microtitre well binding assays, we present evidence for three separable binding sites for vinculin. All three are in the tail segment of talin (residues 434-2541) and are recognized by the same fragment of vinculin (residues 1-258). Two sites are adjacent to each other and span residues 498-950, and the third site is more than 700 residues distant in the primary sequence. Scatchard analysis of 125I-vinculin binding to talin also indicates three sites, each with a similar affinity (Kd = 2-6 x 10(-7) M). We also detect a substoichiometric interaction of higher affinity (Kd = 3 x 10(-8) M) which remains unexplained. By expressing regions of the chicken talin molecule in heterologous cells, we have shown that the sequences required to target talin to focal contacts overlap those which bind vinculin.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the cardiac performance of conscious healthy dogs during stimulation with dobutamine. Eight healthy unsedated beagle dogs were used. Cardiac output was measured by the thermodilution technique and blood pressures by extravascular pressure transducers. Dobutamine challenge at a dosage ranging from 27.5 to 50 micrograms kg-1 min-1 induced a significant rise in cardiac power index (CPI), cardiac index (CI), stroke index (SI) and heart rate (HR) and a significant decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and systemic vascular resistance (SVR). The highest CPI was 2.05 times greater than its basal resting value. The CI was primarily responsible for this increase in CPI. The SI and HR contributed approximately 55 per cent and 45 per cent respectively of the maximal increase in CI.  相似文献   

pRb controls cell proliferation by restricting inappropriate entry of cells into the cell division cycle. As dephosphorylation of pRb during mitotic exit activates its growth suppressive function, identification of the protein phosphatase that dephosphorylates pRb, and characterization of the mechanism of its regulation, are essential to elucidating the mechanisms of cell growth control. By fractionating mitotic CV-1P cell extracts, we identify the protein phosphatase which dephosphorylates pRb as a type 1 serine/threonine phosphoprotein phosphatase (PP1). Molecular sizing analyses indicate that the catalytic enzyme (PP1c) is present in a high molecular weight complex, with a predicted molecular mass of 166 kDa. PP1-interacting proteins in the mitotic cell extracts are identified. Two PP1-interacting proteins (41 and 110 kDa) are shown to form distinct complexes with PP1c from fractions of separated mitotic cell extracts containing phosphorylase phosphatase activity. However, only the 110-kDa PP1-interacting protein is present in fractions containing pRb-directed phosphatase activity, identifying this protein as a putative activator of PP1 function toward pRb during mitosis.  相似文献   

The conservation of the carboxyl-terminal "heat shock" domain among small (sm) cytoplasmic and chloroplast heat shock proteins (HSPs) suggests that these smHSPs perform similar functions. Previous studies have established that cytoplasmic smHSPs are found in higher order structures in vivo (approximately 500 kDa). To determine if the chloroplast smHSP is found in similar complexes, we examined the size of the 21-kDa chloroplast smHSP from Pisum sativum, PsHSP21, under non-denaturing conditions. Following sedimentation of chloroplast stromal extracts on sucrose gradients PsHSP21 is detected in fractions corresponding to 10-11 S. Upon non-denaturing gel electrophoresis, PsHSP21 was detected in two high molecular mass complexes of approximately 230 and 200 kDa, in good agreement with the sucrose gradient data. These PsHSP21-containing particles were stable under different salt and Mg2+ conditions, and their integrity was not affected by 1.0% Triton X-100 or 10 mM ATP. To study assembly of the high molecular weight complexes containing PsHSP21, in vitro translated PsHSP21 was imported into chloroplasts and its size was examined. Following import into chloroplasts isolated from heat-stressed plants, greater than 50% of PsHSP21 was recovered in the higher molecular weight forms. In contrast, following import into chloroplasts isolated from control plants the protein was recovered exclusively in a 5 S (approximately 42-kDa) form. These data suggest that preexisting PsHSP21 or other heat-induced factors may be required for assembly of the higher molecular weight particles. We propose that the 10-11 S particles are the functional form of PsHSP21.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Injection of DEAE dextran into Lewis rats can produce proteinuria and has been reported as a model of IgA nephropathy. METHODS: Cationic diethyl aminoethyl (DEAE) dextran of molecular weight 500 kDa was injected into male Lewis rats. After a pre-immunization period of 3 weeks, the animals were divided into two groups: group 1 (n = 14) received daily i.v, injections of 3.5 mg of antigen, group 2 (n = 14) was injected with 1.5 mg three times per week for a total period of 6 weeks. I.v. treatment was initiated with gradually increasing doses of DEAE dextran in both groups for 1 week, after which the maintenance dose was reached. RESULTS: We observed the appearance of proteinuria in a nephrotic range after 5 weeks of i.v. injections in group 1 (urinary excretion: 332 +/- 83 mg/24 h, controls: 53 +/- 14 mg/24 h). In group 2, the proteinuria was almost equal to protein excretion of healthy rats of the same weight (67 +/- 20 mg/24 h). The serum and urine creatinine were normal. By light microscopy of kidney biopsies, the presence of focal and segmental proliferation of mesangial cells after 6 weeks of i.v. injections was identified. Immunohistochemistry revealed no deposition of IgA, IgM, IgG, or C3. Using anti-ED1 antibodies, there was no evidence of interstitial infiltration of monocytes/macrophages after 6 weeks of i.v. injections. Staining for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) did not show the presence of proliferating cells either in glomeruli or in the interstitium. Staining with FITC-WGA lectin revealed focal and segmental loss of the negative charge in the capillary wall. By electron microscopy there was deposition of dextran in the basal membrane and segmental and focal damage of the podocyte foot processes. As the chemokine RANTES may be involved in glomerular injury, we examined the kidneys of proteinuric and non-proteinuric rats for the presence of RANTES. By indirect immunofluorescence only the proteinuric rats showed RANTES deposition in the mesangium. CONCLUSIONS: Injection of rats with DEAE dextran leads to dose-dependent proteinuria without deposition of immune complexes but with podocyte damage. This is associated with local expression of the chemokine RANTES which may play a role in proteinuria of glomerular disease.  相似文献   

SKP1 is involved in the ubiquitination of certain cell cycle and nutritional regulatory proteins for rapid turnover. SKP1 from Dictyostelium has been known to be modified by an oligosaccharide containing Fuc and Gal, which is unusual for a cytoplasmic or nuclear protein. To establish how it is glycosylated, SKP1 labeled with [3H]Fuc was purified to homogeneity and digested with endo-Lys-C. A single radioactive peptide was found after two-dimensional high performance liquid chromatography. Analysis in a quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer revealed a predominant ion with a novel mass. Tandem mass spectrometry analysis yielded a set of daughter ions which identified the peptide and showed that it was modified at Pro-143. A second series of daughter ions showed that Pro-143 was hydroxylated and derivatized with a potentially linear pentasaccharide, Hex-->Hex-->Fuc-->Hex-->HexNAc-->(HyPro). The attachment site was confirmed by Edman degradation. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of trimethylsilyl-derivatives of overexpressed SKP1 after methanolysis showed the HexNAc to be GlcNAc. Exoglycosidase digestions of the glycopeptide from normal SKP1 and from a fucosylation mutant, followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis, showed that the sugar chain consisted of D-Galpalpha1-->6-D-Galpalpha1-->L-Fucpalpha1-->2-D- Galpbeta1--> 3GlcNAc. Matrix-assisted laser-desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis of all SKP1 peptides resolved by reversed phase-high performance liquid chromatography showed that SKP1 was only partially hydroxylated at Pro-143 and that all hydroxylated SKP1 was completely glycosylated. Thus SKP1 is variably modified by an unusual linear pentasaccharide, suggesting the localization of a novel glycosylation pathway in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) is the enzyme regulating the release of arachidonic acid in most cell types. A high molecular mass, 85-kDa soluble form of PLA2 (cPLA2) has recently been identified, the activity of which is stably increased by stimulation of cells with hormones and growth factors. Growth factor stimulation of cells has been reported to result in increased phosphorylation of cPLA2 on serine residues, but the kinases mediating this effect have not been identified. We report here that human cPLA2 is phosphorylated in vitro by two growth factor-stimulated serine/threonine-specific kinases, p42 MAP kinase and protein kinase C (PKC). Phosphorylation of the cPLA2 enzyme by either kinase results in an increase in catalytic cPLA2-specific activity. Domains of the cPLA2 molecule have been expressed in Escherichia coli, and the fusion proteins purified. PKC and p42 MAP kinase give different patterns of phosphorylation of the recombinantly expressed cPLA2 fragments. p42 MAP kinase selectively phosphorylates the domain of cPLA2 containing a MAP kinase consensus sequence, whereas PKC phosphorylates sites in all three recombinantly expressed domains of the enzyme. Peptide mapping indicates that the site phosphorylated by p42 MAP kinase is different from those phosphorylated by PKC. The combined action of both of these kinases is likely to mediate the effects of growth factor stimulation on arachidonic acid release through the activation of cPLA2.  相似文献   

A general method for isolation of high molecular weight DNA from eukaryotes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new method for isolation of high molecular weight DNA from eukaryotes is presented. This procedure allows preparation of DNA from a variety of tissues such as calf thymus or human placenta and from cells which were more difficult to lyse until now (e.g. Crypthecodinium cuhnii, a dinoflagellate). The DNA obtained in such a way has an average molecular weight of about 200 X 10(6) d and contains very few, if any, single strand breaks.  相似文献   

The extraction behaviour of trivalent rare earths namely La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy and Ho including Y (M(III), where M represents rare earths and yttrium ) from chloride medium has been studied with the solutions of high molecular weight carboxylic acids such as cekanoic, naphthenic, neo-heptanoic and Versatic 10 in dodecane. The effects of equilibrium pH, extractant concentration, metal ion concentration etc have been investigated. Using slope analysis technique it has been inferred that the metal ions form monomeric complex of the type [M(HA2)3] with carboxylic acids (H2A2, the dimer form). The stoichiometry of the species has also been confirmed using non-linear least square regression method. The carboxylic acids show different behaviour for Y extraction, it resembles to that of heavy rare earth (Ho), for sterically hindered acids (neo-heptanoic and Versatic 10) and to that with lighter rare earths (Ce, Pr) for the less sterically hindered acids (cekanoic and napthenic). The extraction order for the rare earths has been found to be the same with the four acids, i.e., La < Ce < Pr < Nd < Sm < Gd < Dy < Ho. The extraction constant (Kex) of the systems and the separation factor amongst the rare earth pairs have been evaluated.  相似文献   

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