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Following water withdrawal, riparian cottonwoods have declined downstream from some dams in western North America. Analyses of aerial photographs and field observations in the 1980s suggested that the black and narrowleaf cottonwoods (Populus trichocarpa and Populus angustifolia) along the Waterton River, Alberta, were declining due to drought stress following the 1964 damming and diversion. This raised concern for the riverine ecosystems and in 1991, “functional flows” commenced with 2 changes: (a) the minimum flow was increased from 0.9 to 2.3 m3/s (mean discharge 21.9 m3/s) and (b) flow ramping provided gradual stage recession after the spring peak. This provided an environmental flow regime that was delivered for 2 decades and this study investigated the consequent river flow patterns and riparian woodlands upstream and downstream from the Waterton Dam. Analyses of aerial photographs from 1951 to 2009 assessed 4 flow management intervals: (a) the free‐flowing predam condition, (b) the initial dammed interval to the mid‐1970s, (c) a drought interval in the 1980s, and (d) with the environmental flow regime after 1991. Analyses revealed woodland reduction from 1961 to 1985 due to losses through bank erosion with major floods and apparent decline due to low flows following a regional drought and water withdrawal for irrigation. With the subsequent environmental flow regime, there was apparent woodland recovery, despite drought in 2000 and 2001. This study demonstrated that the correspondence between river flow patterns and the extent of riparian woodlands and the benefit from the environmental flow regime that probably reduced drought stress and mortality.  相似文献   

The Platte River in central Nebraska responded to water development by rapid channel narrowing and expansion of native riparian woodland. Woodland expanded most rapidly in the 1930s and 1950s; open channel and woodland area stabilized in the 1960s and have remained stable for most reaches into the mid-1990s, despite relatively low flows and infrequent peak flows in the past decade. Open channel area may have been maintained or increased under recent lower flows because of increased erodibility of the floodplain as it has aggraded, developed vertical banks and as its woodland vegetation has become older, sparser and less protective of banks. One section of the Platte River, near Grand Island, has disequilibrated in the past decade by undergoing a 10% loss of channel area. The reach occurs below an area where vegetation has been removed to increase open channel area for migrating whooping and sandhill cranes and other water birds. Vegetation clearing may have liberated excess sediment, locally aggraded the channel and stimulated tree and shrub recruitment. This management practice needs to be examined before it is used more widely in the Platte River. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Effective river regulation requires consideration for environmental and economic aspects and also for social aspects including recreation. Our study investigated relationships between river hydrology and recreational flows (RF) for canoes, kayaks, rafts and other non‐motorized boats, for 27 river reaches in the Red Deer and Bow river basins of southern Alberta, Canada. A subjective RF method involved regression analyses of data from River Trip Report Cards, volunteer postcard‐style surveys rating flow sufficiency. A total of 958 trip reports were submitted for the rivers between 1983 and 1997 and about 30 reports permitted confident regression analysis for a river reach. Values from these analyses were very consistent with values from the ‘depth discharge method’, a hydraulic modelling approach that used stage–discharge ratings to determine flows that would produce typical depths of 60 and 75 cm for minimal and preferred flows, respectively. Values were also consistent with expert opinions from river guidebooks and maps and aggregate values were calculated from the combined RF methods. These were very closely correlated with mean discharge (Qm) across the rivers (r2 = 0.94 for minimal and 0.96 for preferred flows). The relationship best fitted a power function (straight plot on log versus log scales) with a consistent slope but vertical offset for minimal versus preferred flows. Close relationships between guidebook estimates of RF and Qm were also observed for rivers in the American Rocky Mountain states of Idaho (r2 = 0.55 and 0.74), Montana (r2 = 0.34 and 0.80) and Colorado (r2 = 0.43 and 0.51), but the association was weaker for the Pacific Northwest state of Oregon (r2 = 0.35 and 0.26). These analyses indicate that RF can be confidently determined through a combination of subjective and hydraulic methods and reveal that RF values represent a systematic function of discharge for a broad range of alluvial and constrained river reaches. From these analyses we provide the ‘Alberta equation’: minimal recreational flow = 3 × Qm0.59 (Qm in m3/s), and preferred flows would typically be 1.5 times higher. For other river regions the exponent ‘0.59’ may be relatively constant but adjustments to the coefficient ‘3’ could be applicable. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dam releases used to create downstream flows that mimic historic floods in timing, peak magnitude and recession rate are touted as key tools for restoring riparian vegetation on large regulated rivers. We analysed a flood on the 5th‐order Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam, Colorado, in a broad alluvial valley where Fremont cottonwood riparian forests have senesced and little recruitment has occurred since dam completion in 1962. The stable post dam flow regime triggered the development of novel riparian communities with dense herbaceous plant cover. We monitored cottonwood recruitment on landforms inundated by a managed flood equal in magnitude and timing to the average pre‐dam flood. To understand the potential for using managed floods as a riparian restoration tool, we implemented a controlled and replicated experiment to test the effects of artificially modified ground layer vegetation on cottonwood seedling establishment. Treatments to remove herbaceous vegetation and create bare ground included herbicide application (H), ploughing (P), and herbicide plus ploughing (H + P). Treatment improved seedling establishment. Initial seedling densities on treated areas were as much as 1200% higher than on neighbouring control (C) areas, but varied over three orders of magnitude among the five locations where manipulations were replicated. Only two replicates showed the expected seedling density rank of (H + P) > P > H> C. Few seedlings established in control plots and none survived 1 year. Seedling density was strongly affected by seed rain density. Herbivory affected growth and survivorship of recruits, and few survived nine growing seasons. Our results suggest that the novel plant communities are ecologically and geomorphically resistant to change. Managed flooding alone, using flows equal to the pre‐dam mean annual peak flood, is an ineffective riparian restoration tool where such ecosystem states are present and floods cannot create new habitat for seedling establishment. This problem significantly limits long‐term river and riparian management options. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify whether environmental flows released into two lowland rivers (the Glenelg and Wimmera Rivers, western Victoria, Australia) during the spring to autumn period had successfully ameliorated the negative effects of multiple human impacts. Macroinvertebrates and a range of physico‐chemical variables were sampled from three reaches in each river. Both rivers were sampled during three environmental release seasons with average‐sized releases (1997–1998, 1998–1999 and 2001–2002) and two drought seasons with limited releases (1999–2000 and 2000–2001). The effects of releasing average‐sized environmental flows on macroinvertebrates and physico‐chemical variables were assessed by comparison with data from the two drought seasons. For the Glenelg River, data from a reference season prior to the release of environmental flows (1995–1996) was also compared to data from the five environmental flow seasons. Multivariate analyses revealed four pieces of evidence indicating that the release of environmental flows effectively slowed the process of environmental degradation in the Glenelg River but not in the Wimmera River: (1) the magnitude of the river discharge was dependent on the size of environmental flow releases; (2) in the Wimmera River, water quality deteriorated markedly during the two drought seasons and correlated strongly with macroinvertebrate assemblage structure, but this was not observed in the Glenelg River; (3) the taxonomic composition of the macroinvertebrate assemblages among contrasting flow release seasons reflected the severe deterioration in water quality of the Wimmera River; (4) despite two drought seasons with minimal environmental flow releases, the macroinvertebrate assemblage in the Glenelg River did not differ from the average‐release seasons, nor did it return to a pre‐environmental flows condition. Therefore, it appears that environmental flow releases did sustain the macroinvertebrate assemblage and maintain reasonable water quality in the Glenelg River. However, in the Wimmera River, release volumes were too small to maintain low salinities and were associated with marked changes in the macroinvertebrate assemblage. Therefore, there are multiple lines of evidence that environmental flow releases of sufficient magnitude may slow the process of degradation in a regulated lowland river. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding the extent to which natural streamflow characteristics have been altered is an important consideration for ecological assessments of streams. Assessing hydrologic condition requires that we quantify the attributes of the flow regime that would be expected in the absence of anthropogenic modifications. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether selected streamflow characteristics could be predicted at regional and national scales using geospatial data. Long‐term, gaged river basins distributed throughout the contiguous US that had streamflow characteristics representing least disturbed or near pristine conditions were identified. Thirteen metrics of the magnitude, frequency, duration, timing and rate of change of streamflow were calculated using a 20–50 year period of record for each site. We used random forests (RF), a robust statistical modelling approach, to develop models that predicted the value for each streamflow metric using natural watershed characteristics. We compared the performance (i.e. bias and precision) of national‐ and regional‐scale predictive models to that of models based on landscape classifications, including major river basins, ecoregions and hydrologic landscape regions (HLR). For all hydrologic metrics, landscape stratification models produced estimates that were less biased and more precise than a null model that accounted for no natural variability. Predictive models at the national and regional scale performed equally well, and substantially improved predictions of all hydrologic metrics relative to landscape stratification models. Prediction error rates ranged from 15 to 40%, but were ≤25% for most metrics. We selected three gaged, non‐reference sites to illustrate how predictive models could be used to assess hydrologic condition. These examples show how the models accurately estimate pre‐disturbance conditions and are sensitive to changes in streamflow variability associated with long‐term land‐use change. We also demonstrate how the models can be applied to predict expected natural flow characteristics at ungaged sites. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The environmental conditions and timing of spawning of Murray cod and trout cod were investigated over three successive years in the regulated Murray River and in the nearby, unregulated Ovens River. Larvae were collected in drift samples from early November. Murray cod larvae were present for up to ten weeks, but trout cod larvae were present for only about two weeks. Cod larvae were collected in both rivers in each year sampled, despite a range of flow conditions. Spawning periods, estimated by back‐calculating larval ages and egg incubation times, were in part, concurrent for the two species, beginning in October when water temperatures had exceeded 15°C, allowing the occasional hybridization that has been noted between these two species. Trout cod larvae (10.0–18.2 mm) were significantly larger than Murray cod larvae (9.5–14.8 mm) in both years and the larvae of both species were significantly larger in 1995/6 than in 1994/5 in the Murray River. There was no relationship between larval size and water temperature, but later spawning times at the upper Murray River site coincided with lower water temperatures. Larval abundance varied significantly between sites, samples and years, with peak larval abundances occurring in November. Murray cod larval abundance was best explained by the explanatory variables of year, day length and change in flow over the previous 7 d. Environmental conditions for the spawning of Murray cod and trout cod are similar, and both species exhibit a similar larval dispersal strategy by emergence into the drift. Spawning occurred regularly under a range of flow conditions and it is likely that recruitment of these species in these rivers is driven by the subsequent survival of larvae and juveniles. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatio‐temporal variability in river flow is a fundamental control on instream habitat structure and riverine ecosystem biodiversity and integrity. However, long‐term riverine ecological time‐series to test hypotheses about hydrology–ecology interactions in a broader temporal context are rare, and studies spanning multiple rivers are often limited in their temporal coverage to less than five years. To address this research gap, a unique spatio‐temporal hydroecological analysis was conducted of long‐term instream ecological responses (1990–2000) to river flow regime variability at 83 sites across England and Wales. The results demonstrate clear hydroecological associations at the national scale (all data). In addition, significant differences in ecological response are recorded between three ‘regions’ identified (RM1–3*) associated with characteristics of the flow regime. The effect of two major supra‐seasonal droughts (1990–1992 and 1996–1997) on inter‐annual (IA) variability of the LIFE scores is evident with both events showing a gradual decline before and recovery of LIFE scores after the low flow period. The instream community response to high magnitude flow regimes (1994 and 1995) is also apparent, although these associations are less striking. The results demonstrate classification of rivers into flow regime regions offers a way to help unravel complex hydroecological associations. The approach adopted herein could easily be adapted for other geographical locations, where datasets are available. Such work is imperative to understand flow regime–ecology interactions in a longer term, wider spatial context and so assess future hydroecological responses to climate change and anthropogenic modification of riverine ecosystems. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During the early 1990s a multi‐component research programme was initiated by the Northern River Basins Study (NRBS) in Canada to answer the question: How does and how could flow regulation affect the aquatic ecosystem? Research focused on the major headwaters of the Mackenzie River, the Peace and Slave rivers, which became regulated in 1968 by the W.A.C. Bennett Dam in the Rocky Mountains. The lack of knowledge about the hydroecology of large northern rivers as well as a paucity of data for this relatively isolated basin required that studies be undertaken to assess how flow regulation had modified the physical template of this system. Research focused on quantifying the regulation effects on the flow regime, ice conditions, fluvial geomorphology and riparian vegetation of the Peace and Slave rivers and the Slave River Delta. Results of the NRBS studies indicate that regulation of the Peace River has shifted the pattern of seasonal flows and damped flow extremes creating a less variable annual regime. Increased winter releases from the reservoir have virtually eliminated the formation of a complete winter ice cover for a significant distance below the dam and delayed ice‐cover formation farther downstream. Higher ice levels that accompany increased winter flows are thought to affect the frequency and magnitude of ecologically important ice‐induced floods that occur during the spring. Although more difficult to link solely to the effects of flow regulation, pronounced morphologic and vegetation changes have been observed along the Peace River, including channel narrowing via the abandonment of secondary/backwater channels and in‐channel shoaling along the lower reaches. Vegetation succession has been especially evident on abandoned bar surfaces. Morphological changes were also observed in the Slave River Delta, particularly along the ecologically sensitive outer margin of the delta. Copyright © 2002 Environment Canada. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the causes and effects of the hydrogeomorphological alteration of the central reach of the Ebro River (NE Spain). The Ebro River is one of the largest Mediterranean rivers. In this reach, it develops a meandering planform in a wide floodplain. Geographic Information System (GIS) analyses of historic aerial photographs, analysis of hydrologic data and measurement of various indicators linked to the fluvial morphology and the structure and distribution of the riparian vegetation led to the establishment of the prevailing processes in the dynamics of this river. Statistical analyses conducted on some of the main components of the flow regime, including floods, droughts and flow duration curves, showed a role for these components in river dynamics. Similarly, a thorough analysis of the evolution of the aforementioned indicators was performed to identify and measure the effects of the hydrological regulation of the river. These indicators were measured in 1927, 1956 and 2003 for a 106 km reach. The geomorphic dynamics of the Ebro River in its central reach reflect a remarkable tendency for stabilization and rigidification of the channel. The active river corridor has largely been modified, primarily in the second half of the twentieth century. The corridor lost a huge portion of its width and extension, the channel suffered an intense narrowing and the natural mobility of the meander train decayed proportionally. The structure and distribution of the riparian vegetation were completely transformed. The riparian forest lost its original function, behaving as a linear corridor and was notably continuous and very close to the channel thalweg. The vegetation colonized most of the previously active channel, contributing to the loss of the natural dynamics of the river. The hydrological analyses suggest that the large morphological modification of the river planform and the parallel alteration of the riparian forests are not to be seen as a consequence of a loss of the attributes of natural floods. On the contrary, these extreme hydrological events only generate slight alterations due to river regulation and are not capable of enhancing the aforementioned evolution. Nevertheless, a profound change in the attributes of the low (summer) flows was found. The modification of the low flows was studied through its relationship with the global evolution of the geomorphic indicators and the riparian forest indicators. The results show the relative role played by high and low flows in the evolution of the river dynamics. These results are used to propose a future scenario of ecohydrological management in the central reach of the Ebro River. This scenario is intended to improve its ecological status and recover, at least partially, its natural dynamics. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The restoration of ecological continuity along the Sélune River (Normandy, France) involves the removal of two tall hydroelectric dams (36 m removed in 2019 and 16 m in 2021), a project without precedent in Europe. During the pre‐removal phase (2014–2018), we performed scientific monitoring of the vegetation that was colonizing alluvium in the former dam reservoir (length: 19 km; surface area: 151 ha). Our study aimed to analyse if spontaneous vegetation could ecologically restore the riparian zone and help maintain fine sediment after dam removal. We used colonization indicators related to vegetation structure, taxonomic richness and diversity, and composition. These indicators were calculated at two spatial scales (local, at a single site, and broad, along the reservoir). The aim was to (a) characterize the spontaneously established species pool; (b) analyse longitudinal patterns in vegetation colonization; and (c) assess temporal changes in the species community. Our results show that diverse plant communities have developed. Slight differences in longitudinal and lateral patterns existed; they were linked with habitat heterogeneity and the reservoir's slow pace of draining. We observed fast spontaneous terrestrialization, which has resulted in cover stabilization, decreased diversity, and the development of herbaceous riverbank communities, with very few invasive species. This finding suggests stabilization potential is high and passive ecological restoration could occur, at least locally. Further analyses focusing on functional traits could help inform future management decisions regarding revegetation on reservoir alluvium.  相似文献   

SWMM模型是当前国内外使用最为广泛的城市雨洪模型,对其模拟能力进行研究具有重要意义。在简要介绍SWMM模型的基础上,对模型处理城区河道和管道明满流等方面的能力进行了研究和分析。通过将SWMM模型模拟城区河道的结果与通用一维河网模型进行对比,对SWMM模型在处理和概化城区河道时存在的问题进行了分析,并论证了采用SWMM模型处理城区河道的可行性。采用具有复杂流态的经典环状排水管网算例对SWMM模型处理明满流的能力以及管道概化策略进行了研究和分析。研究结果表明:SWMM模型在保证合适的断面间距的情况下完全能够应用于城区河道水流计算,模拟结果与一般河网模型差别较小,同时SWMM模型具备模拟一维明满流的能力,在管道较长时,适当增加中间节点,可以在一度程度上改善模拟效果。  相似文献   

寒区河道凌汛灾害河势“弯道效应”的量化评估十分重要。基于分形理论提出河道横断面-纵剖面-平面多维度河势分形维数计算方法及其物理机制,并探讨黄河内蒙古段不同维度河势演变分形特征及其与凌汛灾害的关联关系。结果表明,黄河内蒙古段不同维度河势均具有多尺度自相似分形特征,且具有多年记忆周期的长程相关性;冰坝(严重性冰塞)发生频次与河道主槽弯曲分形维数呈正相关指数型函数关系,与河相系数、深泓点高程和河段平均底坡分形维数负相关,与水深-面积分形维数正相关,总体表明冰坝灾害更易发生于主槽偏移摆动大、蜿蜒曲折、河湾发育程度高的宽浅型弯曲河道,研究成果可为凌汛期冰塞冰坝灾害易发河段诊断及预测提供重要理论依据。  相似文献   

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