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This article proposes several two-timescale simulation-based actor-critic algorithms for solution of infinite horizon Markov Decision Processes with finite state-space under the average cost criterion. Two of the algorithms are for the compact (non-discrete) action setting while the rest are for finite-action spaces. On the slower timescale, all the algorithms perform a gradient search over corresponding policy spaces using two different Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) gradient estimates. On the faster timescale, the differential cost function corresponding to a given stationary policy is updated and an additional averaging is performed for enhanced performance. A proof of convergence to a locally optimal policy is presented. Next, we discuss a memory efficient implementation that uses a feature-based representation of the state-space and performs TD(0) learning along the faster timescale. The TD(0) algorithm does not follow an on-line sampling of states but is observed to do well on our setting. Numerical experiments on a problem of rate based flow control are presented using the proposed algorithms. We consider here the model of a single bottleneck node in the continuous time queueing framework. We show performance comparisons of our algorithms with the two-timescale actor-critic algorithms of Konda and Borkar (1999) and Bhatnagar and Kumar (2004). Our algorithms exhibit more than an order of magnitude better performance over those of Konda and Borkar (1999).
Shalabh Bhatnagar (Corresponding author)Email:

逻辑马尔可夫决策过程和关系马尔可夫决策过程的引入,使得人们可能简洁地、陈述地表达复杂的马尔可夫决策过程。本文首先介绍有关逻辑马尔可夫决策过程和关系马尔可夫决策过程的概念,然后重点介绍它们与普通的马尔可夫决策过程根本不同的一些算法:①依赖于基本状态空间RL的转换法;②把Bellman方程推广到抽象状态空间的方法;③利用策略偏置空间寻求近似最优策略方法。最后对它们的研究现状进行总结及其对它们发展的一些展望。  相似文献   

洪晔  边信黔 《计算机仿真》2007,24(6):146-149
自治式水下机器人在复杂海洋环境航行时要求寻找一条从给定起始点到终止点的较优的运动路径,安全、无碰撞地绕过所有的障碍物.提出了一种基于部分可观察马尔可夫决策过程,并结合预测障碍物运动的全局路径规划新方法; 给出了部分可观马尔可夫决策的数学模型;建立了树状的分层部分可观马尔可夫决策模型,并在路径规划中应用;提出了短期预测和长期预测两种针对水下障碍物运动轨迹预测的方法;最后通过仿真实验对AUV的全局路径规划能力进行了仿真验证,为今后的实艇试验打下了很好的基础.  相似文献   

Modelling the long-term operation of hydroelectric systems is one of the classic applications of Markov decision process (MDP). The computation of optimal policies, for MDP models, is usually done by dynamic programming (DP) on a discretized state space. A major difficulty arises when optimizing multi-reservoir systems, because the computational complexity of DP increases exponentially with the number of sites. This so-called 'curse of dimensionality' has so far restricted the applicability of DP to very small systems (2 or 3 sites). Practitioners have thus had to resort to other methodologies for the long-term planning, often at the expense of rigour, and without reliable error estimates. This paper surveys recent research of MDP computation, with application to hydro-power systems. Three main approaches are discussed: (i) discrete DP, (ii) numerical approximation of the expected future reward function, and (iii) analytic solution of the DP recursion.  相似文献   

马尔可夫决策过程两种抽象模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
抽象层次上马尔可夫决策过程的引入,使得人们可简洁地、陈述地表达复杂的马尔可夫决策过程,解决常规马尔可夫决策过程(MDPs)在实际中所遇到的大型状态空间的表达问题.介绍了结构型和概括型两种不同类型抽象马尔可夫决策过程基本概念以及在各种典型抽象MDPs中的最优策略的精确或近似算法,其中包括与常规MDPs根本不同的一个算法:把Bellman方程推广到抽象状态空间的方法,并且对它们的研究历史进行总结和对它们的发展做一些展望,使得人们对它们有一个透彻的、全面而又重点的理解.  相似文献   

We consider a discrete time, finite state Markov reward process that depends on a set of parameters. We start with a brief review of (stochastic) gradient descent methods that tune the parameters in order to optimize the average reward, using a single (possibly simulated) sample path of the process of interest. The resulting algorithms can be implemented online, and have the property that the gradient of the average reward converges to zero with probability 1. On the other hand, the updates can have a high variance, resulting in slow convergence. We address this issue and propose two approaches to reduce the variance. These approaches rely on approximate gradient formulas, which introduce an additional bias into the update direction. We derive bounds for the resulting bias terms and characterize the asymptotic behavior of the resulting algorithms. For one of the approaches considered, the magnitude of the bias term exhibits an interesting dependence on the time it takes for the rewards to reach steady-state. We also apply the methodology to Markov reward processes with a reward-free termination state, and an expected total reward criterion. We use a call admission control problem to illustrate the performance of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

We will discuss an expected utility of rewards which are generated by Markov decision processes. This is applied to the optimal stopping problem with a utility treatment. Also a combined model of the decision processes and the stopping problem, called a stopped Markov decision, is considered under the utility.  相似文献   

Kearns  Michael  Mansour  Yishay  Ng  Andrew Y. 《Machine Learning》2002,49(2-3):193-208
A critical issue for the application of Markov decision processes (MDPs) to realistic problems is how the complexity of planning scales with the size of the MDP. In stochastic environments with very large or infinite state spaces, traditional planning and reinforcement learning algorithms may be inapplicable, since their running time typically grows linearly with the state space size in the worst case. In this paper we present a new algorithm that, given only a generative model (a natural and common type of simulator) for an arbitrary MDP, performs on-line, near-optimal planning with a per-state running time that has no dependence on the number of states. The running time is exponential in the horizon time (which depends only on the discount factor and the desired degree of approximation to the optimal policy). Our algorithm thus provides a different complexity trade-off than classical algorithms such as value iteration—rather than scaling linearly in both horizon time and state space size, our running time trades an exponential dependence on the former in exchange for no dependence on the latter.Our algorithm is based on the idea of sparse sampling. We prove that a randomly sampled look-ahead tree that covers only a vanishing fraction of the full look-ahead tree nevertheless suffices to compute near-optimal actions from any state of an MDP. Practical implementations of the algorithm are discussed, and we draw ties to our related recent results on finding a near-best strategy from a given class of strategies in very large partially observable MDPs (Kearns, Mansour, & Ng. Neural information processing systems 13, to appear).  相似文献   

We consider the problem of control of hierarchical Markov decision processes and develop a simulation based two-timescale actor-critic algorithm in a general framework. We also develop certain approximation algorithms that require less computation and satisfy a performance bound. One of the approximation algorithms is a three-timescale actor-critic algorithm while the other is a two-timescale algorithm, however, which operates in two separate stages. All our algorithms recursively update randomized policies using the simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) methodology. We briefly present the convergence analysis of our algorithms. We then present numerical experiments on a problem of production planning in semiconductor fabs on which we compare the performance of all algorithms together with policy iteration. Algorithms based on certain Hadamard matrix based deterministic perturbations are found to show the best results.  相似文献   

With a long‐run average performance as the primary criterion for a Markov decision process, variance measures are studied as its secondary criteria. The steady‐state variance and the limiting average variance along a sample path are discussed. The latter one is difficult to handle due to its special form. With a sensitivity‐based approach, the difference formula for the sample‐path variance under different policies is intuitively constructed and then the optimality equation is presented. Moreover a policy iteration algorithm is developed. This work extends the sensitivity‐based construction approach to Markov decision processes with non‐standard performance criteria. The difference between these two types of variance and bias criteria is illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

时延测试向量排序是降低测试功耗的有效技术。提出了基于马尔可夫决策模型的时延测试向量排序新方法。对时延测试向量进行重排序,利用基于转换频度的诱导开关方程和海明距离来定义测试向量序列的转移概率,根据转移概率决定测试向量的顺序,降低测试电路的开关翻转频率,以达到降低峰值功耗和平均功耗的目的。给出了完整的算法TVO-MDP并进行算法最优性和复杂性分析。实验结果证实了本方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Identification of the Wiener system composed of an infinite impulse response (IIR) linear subsystem followed by a static nonlinearity is considered.The recursive estimates for unknown coefficients of the linear subsystem and for the values of the nonlinear function at any fixed points are given by the stochastic approx-imation algorithms with expanding truncations (SAAWET).With the help of properties of the Markov chain connected with the linear subsystem,all estimates derived in the paper are proved to be strongly consistent.In comparison with the existing results on the topic,the method presented in the paper simplifies the convergence analysis and requires weaker conditions.A numerical example is given,and the simulation results are consistent with the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

We study the classification problem that arises when two variables—one continuous (x), one discrete (s)—evolve jointly in time. We suppose that the vector x traces out a smooth multidimensional curve, to each point of which the variable s attaches a discrete label. The trace of s thus partitions the curve into different segments whose boundaries occur where s changes value. We consider how to learn the mapping between the trace of x and the trace of s from examples of segmented curves. Our approach is to model the conditional random process that generates segments of constant s along the curve of x. We suppose that the variable s evolves stochastically as a function of the arc length traversed by x. Since arc length does not depend on the rate at which a curve is traversed, this gives rise to a family of Markov processes whose predictions are invariant to nonlinear warpings (or reparameterizations) of time. We show how to estimate the parameters of these models—known as Markov processes on curves (MPCs)—from labeled and unlabeled data. We then apply these models to two problems in automatic speech recognition, where x are acoustic feature trajectories and s are phonetic alignments.  相似文献   

应用Markov决策过程与性能势相结合的方法,给出了呼叫接入控制的策略优化算法.所得到的最优策略是状态相关的策略,与基于节点已占用带宽决定行动的策略相比,状态相关策略具有更好的性能值,而且该算法具有很快的收敛速度.  相似文献   

An actor-critic algorithm for constrained Markov decision processes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An actor-critic type reinforcement learning algorithm is proposed and analyzed for constrained controlled Markov decision processes. The analysis uses multiscale stochastic approximation theory and the envelope theorem' of mathematical economics.  相似文献   

Mahadevan  Sridhar 《Machine Learning》1996,22(1-3):159-195
This paper presents a detailed study of average reward reinforcement learning, an undiscounted optimality framework that is more appropriate for cyclical tasks than the much better studied discounted framework. A wide spectrum of average reward algorithms are described, ranging from synchronous dynamic programming methods to several (provably convergent) asynchronous algorithms from optimal control and learning automata. A general sensitive discount optimality metric calledn-discount-optimality is introduced, and used to compare the various algorithms. The overview identifies a key similarity across several asynchronous algorithms that is crucial to their convergence, namely independent estimation of the average reward and the relative values. The overview also uncovers a surprising limitation shared by the different algorithms while several algorithms can provably generategain-optimal policies that maximize average reward, none of them can reliably filter these to producebias-optimal (orT-optimal) policies that also maximize the finite reward to absorbing goal states. This paper also presents a detailed empirical study of R-learning, an average reward reinforcement learning method, using two empirical testbeds: a stochastic grid world domain and a simulated robot environment. A detailed sensitivity analysis of R-learning is carried out to test its dependence on learning rates and exploration levels. The results suggest that R-learning is quite sensitive to exploration strategies and can fall into sub-optimal limit cycles. The performance of R-learning is also compared with that of Q-learning, the best studied discounted RL method. Here, the results suggest that R-learning can be fine-tuned to give better performance than Q-learning in both domains.  相似文献   

马尔可夫决策过程复杂性的熵测度   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
应用Shannon熵和其他熵指数来度量马尔可夫决策的复杂性.将马尔可夫链的复杂性、不确定性和不可预测性的度量扩展到马尔可夫决策,提出一套基于信息理论的复杂性度量方法,可用于随机和确定性策略下的完全观测和不完全观测马尔可夫决策.对有关数值进行仿真研究,并给出了计算结果.  相似文献   

The recursive algorithms are given for identifying the single‐input single‐output Wiener system which consists of a moving average type linear subsystem followed by a static nonparametric nonlinearity. The input is defined to be a sequence of mutually independent Gaussian random variables. The estimates for coefficients of the linear subsystem as well as for f(v) at any v are proved to converge to the true values with probability one. A numerical example is given, justifying the theoretical analysis. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

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