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中国汽车起重机制造商中联浦沅公布其雄心勃勃的计划,欲将液压起重机的出口从现在的10%提高到2010年的40%。浦沅年产12种型号的起重机2000台,产品已出口至  相似文献   

0简介中国正处在发展的关键时期,是否按照西方依赖资源的高消耗道路走向繁荣?或者中国应该去寻找另一条通向繁荣的道路,而直接改为对环境影响较小的社会发展,从而避免对资源的过度开发?中国政府的目标是明确的。他们明白,如果中国继续保持繁荣增长,必须设法降低其对不断消耗自然资源的依赖和日益增加的环境影响。不幸  相似文献   

郑州是今年年会的举办之地,延续惯例,我们与郑州当地的十几位代表性的设计师在古色古香的康百万庄园进行了交流和对话,试图对河南当地的设计做一个近焦的呈现。分享他们的爱与怕,他们的幸福与焦虑,他们当下的状态及对未来的期许。从中原出发,进而呈现整个中国当下设计的状态及未来发展的趋势,也是我们的愿望。为此,我们将开辟新的栏目对话设计界,不定期地就重要问题与设计界展开深入对话,希望可以建构全新的分享与交流的平台,呈现出多姿多彩、活泼感人,但同时也充满冲突与矛盾的真实设计世界。  相似文献   

0简介中国正处在发展的关键时期,是否按照西方依赖资源的高消耗道路走向繁荣?或者中国应该去寻找另一条通向繁荣的道路,而直接改为对环境影响较小的社会发展,从而避免对资源的过度开发?  相似文献   

建陶业的激烈竞争,拉高了营销渠道资源的市场地位,商家、建材超市等渠道资源,在市场链中越来越居于优势地位。作为建陶市场中的主角——建陶厂家,该如何在现实背景下整合渠道资源,自然成了考验各路高手的难题。对此,笔者近日拜访了重庆、成都的部分建陶营销老总,分享到了他们的不少真知酌见。总代理制下的渠道开发  重庆德佛建材何经理:为了维护市场秩序,确保代理商利益,大多数生产厂家在一个区域市场内,都是实行的总代理制。但现实中却出现了这样的问题,有的总代理不思进取,仅靠自己原有的资源坐享其成,并不配合厂家,积极地扩张市场…  相似文献   

在椅子上处理手头工作  相似文献   

Home ownership and access to opportunity are foundations of the American ethos. While little research has explicitly examined a relationship between home ownership and opportunity, considerable empirical work has examined how home ownership impacts important elements of local opportunity structures as well as individual subjective perceptions of those structures. Available evidence suggests that home ownership may affect the opportunity structure by enhancing neighbourhood stability and civic involvement in local voluntary and political affairs. Home ownership may also impact perceptions of opportunity by increasing financial resources, enhancing psychological and physical health, and influencing the behaviour of youth. There is a great need for additional research that directly assesses the impacts of home ownership on local objective opportunity structures and the perception of those structures.  相似文献   

Do markets lead us to make sustainable choices? If not, why not? And what would we need to do to remedy this? This paper takes a preliminary look at these questions. It identifies three categories of reasons why market choices may not be sustainable, related to valuation of the future, recognition of the benefits provided by environmental assets, and incorrect incentives. It gives examples of cases in which these problems have been corrected, and considers the scope for a more positive relation between market forces and conservation of the environment.  相似文献   

Rasna  Warah  王瀛 《人类居住》2005,(3):15-16
在城市地区提供充足的卫生设施一直是目际社会最缺乏资金并最不受重视的发展目标之一。虽然在《千年发展目标》的第七个目标中的第十一项提出到2020年要改善贫民窟居民的生活,第十项谈到更好地提供安全的饮用水.但是其他各项目标均未谈到改善卫生设施.  相似文献   

The US mortgage market has been characterised by a number of factors that have encouraged the growth of securitisation and this, in turn, has substantially reduced the need for mortgage lenders to hold own funds. The situation in Europe is rather different (see Boleat, 1985; Coles, 1999; European Mortgage Federation 1996). This paper looks at the key differences between the US and Europe, their implications with regard to capital adequacy regulation and why a similar evolution for Europe seems unlikely.  相似文献   

While several studies note the challenges that people with disabilities face when using public transit, little work has investigated how mobile transit information apps affect accessibility. To address this gap, we recruited transit riders who are blind, who have low vision, who use mobility devices, and who have no disabilities. We asked them to use a transit information app, Tiramisu, for 21 days during their regular travel. We observed participants struggling with a number of barriers that had previously been reported. However, the localized transit information also removed barriers to travel; we observed participants engaging in less preplanning and more opportunistic travel. We also identified new opportunities to improve transit use through mobile information.  相似文献   

我们为什么要发展绿色建筑?一是由于我国处在城镇化高速发展时期;二是由于我们国家还是一个资源,能源短缺的国家。因此在党的第17次全国代表大会上,建设生态文明被第一次写入大会报告。绿色建筑倡导节能、节地、节水、节材和环境保护,是建  相似文献   

传统零售(菜)市场是过去经济未发展起来的产物,摊贩问题是城市中长久以来的弊病,面临快速的城市现代化,传统零售(菜)市场已经逐渐失去原来照顾百姓生活的功能,而摊贩问题如何以疏导方式导入正规的经营方式?如何将这些活在城市历史中的记忆重新改造?以达到城市环境改善,城市再生等均为本文研究的重点。  相似文献   

调研北京市冷冻、冷藏市场的冷负荷,对氨吸收式机组、回收高压管网压力能及回收LNG冷能3种方式用于冷库制冷和冷藏车时的天然气耗量进行了分析。  相似文献   

Creav is是德居萨公司创新过程中不可分割的一部分。Crea v is在特征化学品领域为整个德居萨公司开发了新的创新业务活动,确保卓越的想法转化为优秀的产品。为了能够用最好的办法支持工作方法和工作流程,并充分地完成毫微光电子出现的新要求,以前分散在若干建筑物中的工序和功能都要汇集到一栋新建筑之中,就是毫微光电子科学商贸中心。设计充分考虑了新式车间设备的定性要求。所有员工的视觉连接和相互沟通受到特别的重视。在建筑物通道的交汇处,市场设计成一个半开放区域,一方面充当沟通和合作的空间,另一方面连接实验室、办公室和技术区。这个空旷的平台为创新原则作准备(沟通、思考、实验)。所有的过程序列:研究、应用开发和销售,都可以在毫微光电子科学商贸中心一个屋檐下运作。The Creavis is an integral part of the Degussa corporate innovation process.Creavis develops new innovative business activities in the field of special chemicalsfor the entire Deguss...  相似文献   

Infrastructure services are essential to human development. Yet, the drivers of service access at a global scale remain largely unexplored. This paper presents trends and global patterns in access to water, sanitation, electricity, and telephony services. Using a panel data set from 1990 to 2010, we empirically explore plausible determinants of access rates to key infrastructure services. Although per-capita GDP is correlated with access rates, access still varies significantly at comparable income levels. Much of this variation is explained by differences in population density. Access levels are higher for urban areas and highest for water, followed by sanitation, electricity, and telephony.  相似文献   

Like most developing countries, Botswana—a middle-income country—has experienced rapid urban growth, which has brought in its wake many social and economic problems. One of the key challenges has been the lack of access to land and housing for the poor who have moved into the urban centres in large numbers in search of employment and economic survival. Many programmes and strategies have been introduced by both central and local governments to address this problem. These include: squatter settlement upgrading; public housing through site, service and self-help housing; subsidised plot allocation; financial incentives for housing construction, etc. Many challenges have hampered the implementation of these strategies and programmes including fast urbanisation, which outstrips supply of land and housing for most urbanites; unaffordability of many of these schemes; poor targeting; high defaulting rates and poor management of these schemes. This paper calls upon the government, the private sector and local communities to devise holistic solutions to enable low-income households to procure decent accommodation in urban areas.  相似文献   

日本起重机制造商多田野公司将投资75亿日元(5350万欧元)以期在2008年底将其在日本的三个工厂产量提高30%。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代开始,我国的基础设施建设投资逐年加大,促进了工程机械行业的飞速发展,工程机械租赁业也随之蓬勃兴起,租赁业务已在全国各地施工现场全面展开。企业为提高经济运行效益和规避风险,尽量减少设备的购买,对租赁业务兴趣很浓。一些个人施工企业因实力、资金等原因无  相似文献   

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