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Dr. J. C. -I. Chuang N. R. Sollenberger D. C. Cox 《International Journal of Wireless Information Networks》1994,1(1):37-48
We propose a control architecture for implementing a dynamic channel assignment (DCA) algorithm which optimizes two-way channel quality in a TDMA portable radio system. Computer simulations are used to evaluate the performance of this DCA method. A common control frequency, which is frame-synchronized among base stations, provides (1) beacons for portables to locate base stations and obtain DCA information, (2) broadcast channels for system and alerting information, and (3) pilot signals to permit portables to evaluate downlink interference. This allows low-complexity radio ports and portables to mutually select channels to avoid interference and avoid creating excessive interference. Results from computer simulations demonstrate the good spectrum efficiency of this method and its potential for handling nonuniform traffic demand. This work is targeted toward understanding the implications to local exchange networks of wireless system alternatives that could provide access to those networks.A preliminary work with the same title was presented at the Second International Conference on Universal Personal Communications, October 12–15, 1993, Ottawa, Canada. 相似文献
A mathematical model that predicts the dynamic flows in cellular mobile networks that allocate channels using the Borrowing Channel Assignment (BCA) scheme is described in this paper. Two types of handoff procedures – the prioritized and non-prioritized schemes – will be considered in the model. Discrete event simulations were performed and the results were found to be comparable to the results obtained using the mathematical model. Application to comparative study of the dynamic behaviours of the BCA and the Fixed Channel Assignment (FCA) schemes is also presented. 相似文献
本文介绍了蜂窝移动通信系统中一种新的动态信道指配策略──基于紧凑模式的信道借用指配策略(CPCB).这种策略不仅具有基于紧凑模式的动态信道指配的优点,而且具有固定信道指配策略中信道借用的优点.作者将新算法在一种普遍采用的49个蜂窝的蜂窝通信网络上进行了仿真,分别对几种均匀和非均匀模式的业务分布情况进行了比较,结果表明:CPCB的系统平均阻塞率低于FCA、BDCL、基于CP的DCA和CPMCB等,而且随着负载的增加,其系统平均阻塞率的增长速率也明显低于上述各种策略. 相似文献
ZHAO Shao-gang XIAO Zhen-grong WU Wei-ling Institute of Information Engineering Beijing University of Post Telecommunications Beijing P.R. China 《中国邮电高校学报(英文版)》2004,11(Z1)
1 Introduction MultipleInputMultipleOutput (MIMO)havereceivedagreatdealofattentionasamethodtoachievelargecapacityandhighreliabilityoverwire lesslink .Accordingtovectorbroadcastchannel,thebasestationanduserinthissystembothhavemulti pleantennas.Costa[1 ] hadpointedoutthatifthein terferencesignalwasindependentoftransmitsignalanditwasknownatthetransmitterthenthechan nelcapacitywiththeinterferenceisthesameasiftheinterferencewasnotexist. Thoughthepreconditionofcosta sresultisscalarchannel.The… 相似文献
本文将固定信道分配(Fixed Channel Assignment)和动态信道分配(Dynamic Channel Assignment)相结合,提出了一种高效信道借用算法HEBCA(High Efficiency Channel Borrowing Algorithm).它利用预期信道可用率(Expected Future Channel Availability Rate)衡量信道借用对周围小区的影响,针对信道借用发生和信道借用结束设计了两种重排操作.计算机仿真表明,本算法的阻塞概率低于BDCL(Borrowing with Directional Channel Locking),对改善FCA在业务量低端的性能很有帮助.本算法的信道重排比率(Channel Reallocation Ratio)也明显低于BDCL. 相似文献
Chong Peter H. J. Leung Cyril 《International Journal of Wireless Information Networks》2001,8(3):155-165
Network-based dynamic channel assignment (DCA) schemes can be used to increase the capacity of TDMA cellular systems. In this paper, a new distributed network-based DCA scheme, known as DCA with interference information, DCA-WI, is proposed and its performance is studied. In this scheme, a base station (BS) assigns a channel in such a way as to minimize the effect on the availability of channels for use in its interfering cells. To accomplish this, each BS maintains an interference information table which contains information about the local cell and its interfering cells. DCA-WI does not require system-wide information. Channel reassignment for new and completed calls are used to further reduce the call blocking probability. Simulation results show that DCA-WI provides a lower call blocking probability compared to other existing schemes in both uniform and nonuniform traffic distributions. 相似文献
本文介绍了用于中速率TDMA系统中的一种新型解调器TR-MODEM,该方案所需报头短,需8—16比特,并能以相干方式对各分帧进行解调。在本文中还提出了在TDMA系统中对各分帧分别实现各自的AFC与AGC算法,而不是对所有的分帧一起处理,它易于采用全数字技术,实现中速率的TDMA解调。该调制解调器可应用在卫星TDMA通信系统中。 相似文献
Hendessi Faramarz Sheikh Asrar U.H. Hafez Roshady M. 《Wireless Personal Communications》2000,12(3):239-253
In this paper, the impact of co-channel and adjacent channel interference in mobile cellular radio systems on the cellular system capacity are studied. Simple empirical expressions for average signal to co-channel, signal to adjacent channel and signal to total interference ratios are obtained. The simple empirical results developed in this paper are easier to use in a cellular system design. The maximum number of bits/sec that can be transmitted over a cell area for a given bit error rate and total bandwidth, is proposed as a new definition of capacity of digital cellular systems. The capacity of a cellular system is shown to depend on the excess bandwidth and the number of active users. 相似文献
This paper presents a channel sharing scheme, Neighbor Cell Channel Sharing (NCCS) , based on region partitioning of cell coverage for wireless cellular networks. Each cell is divided into an inner-cell region and an outer-cell region. Cochannel interference is suppressed by limiting the usage of sharing channels in the inner-cell region. The channel sharing scheme achieves a traffic-adaptive channel assignment and does not require any channel locking. Performance analysis shows that using the NCCS scheme leads to a lower call blocking probability and a better channel utilization as compared with other previously proposed channel assignment schemes. 相似文献
Jos Paulo A. Albuquerque Raimundo Sampaio-Neto 《International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking》1992,10(1):21-30
This paper analyses and compares possible access schemes to be used in satellite networks with a large number of small earth-stations. Basically, frequency division (FDMA), time division (TDMA), and spread spectrum multiple access (SSMA) are considered. For TDMA, one single carrier originated in one particular earth-station is transmitted in each sub-band and therefore a single-channel-per-carrier system results (SCPC/FDMA). For TDMA and SSMA, it is assumed that groups of earth-stations using either of these access schemes share the full available band in FDMA. The corresponding systems are thus TDMA/FDMA and SSMA/FDMA. Moreover, for SCPC/FDMA and TDMA/FDMA individual carriers may be spread to the extent that the available bandwidth is always fully occupied. Spectral efficiencies for these three access modes (Spread SCPC/FDMA, Spread TDMA/FDMA and SSMA/FDMA) are computed and compared for transmission through a non-linear satellite channel and optimum operating points for the non-linear amplifier are also determined. Comparisons are also performed for the situation in which transmitting earth-stations are bounded to obey an off-axis emission constraint. 相似文献
In this paper, we study the system capacity and access control for the TDMA/SS (time division multiple access with spread spectrum) cellular networks supporting multimedia services. In the TDMA/SS system, time is divided into frames and each frame is further divided into slots. Only one user is allowed to transmit in a slot and spread spectrum technique is adopted to combat inter-cell interference. A packet can occupy more than one slot, depending on the user's data rate and quality of service requirement. We derive a necessary and sufficient condition for a group of users to be admissible for the TDMA/SS system and prove that its admission region contains that of the TDMA/CDMA system. In the TDMA/CDMA system, time is also divided into frames and each frame consists of several slots. The difference is that every packet occupies exactly one slot and multiple users can transmit their packets in the same slot. Numerical results show that the admission region of the TDMA/SS system can be significantly larger than that of the TDMA/CDMA system. To further increase bandwidth utilization and guarnatee delay bound requirements, several access control schemes are proposed. Simulation results are obtained for these access control schemes. 相似文献
宽带无线TDMA系统的自适应调制技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
无线多媒体业务的快速增长促进了宽带无线TDMA通信系统的研究和开发,宽带无线TDMA通信系统方面出现了一些新的技术和系统设计概念。讨论宽带无线TDMA系统中采用的自适应调制技术。 相似文献
The conventional approach of hybrid channel assignment strategy in cellular networks is rather inefficient due to the fact that it does not take advantage of the FCA scheme to the extreme. In this paper, we divide a cell into two parts: inner cell region and outer cell region, and apply the dynamic channel assignment and the fixed channel assignment schemes to the inner region and out region, respectively, in an attempt to fully utilize the strengths of the channel assignment schemes. In the performance evaluation, we demonstrate that the channel reuse efficiency has been improved compared to the FCA and DCA schemes. We also calculate the probability of an intracell handoff due to the use of the space partitioning. The proposed scheme can be adapted to a multi-tier structure with high/low speed mobile users, and hot spots. 相似文献
1IntroductionThetremendousgrowthofthemobileuserpopulahonrequiresefficientreuseofscarceradiospectrUmallocatedtomobilecommunications.InmobilenetWorks,co-channelinterferencecausedbyfrequencyreuseisthemostrestrainingfactorontheoverallsystemcapacity.Inthecurrentcellularsystems,themainideabehindchannelallocationistomakeuseofradiopropagationpathlosscharacteristicsinordertondnindzethecaacer-tointerferenceratio(CIR)andhencetoincreasetheradiospecmimreuseefficiency.MicrocellularsystemshaveshowngreatPO… 相似文献
1introductionWithregardtomobilecommunicationsystems,theincreasingdemandformobilecommunicationserviceandthefinitespectrumallocatedtothisserviceleadtotheproposalofthecellularstructure.Thefrequencyreuseconceptisthecoreofthecellularmobilecommunicationsystems.Mostcellularnetworkstodayusefixedchannelallocation(FCA),inwhichasmallnumberofchannelsareallocatedpermanentlytoeverycell.Tosupporthighsubscriberdensities,differentdynamicchannelallocation(DCA)schemes11avebeenstudiedtoincreasethechannelutiliza… 相似文献
Vidhyacharan Bhaskar 《International Journal of Wireless Information Networks》2005,12(3):159-168
In this paper, a detailed theoretical analysis of fading margin in an asynchronous code division multiple access (A-CDMA) system is discussed. Rayleigh and Rician frequency-selective slowly fading channels are considered. Probability distribution and density functions of the probability of error are derived for Rayleigh and Rician fading channels. The fluctuations in the channel capacity are proved to be directly proportional to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) variations. Fading margin is calculated for both Rayleigh and Rician fading channels as a function of the probability of error specification and the probability of unsatisfactory operation. 相似文献
智能天线系统中基于载干比的动态信道分配 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
智能天线系统实现了同道在同小区的重用,其空域波束分配可以有效抑制同道干扰;信道分配可以充分结合其他信道资源。在Matlab系统级仿真中,充分利用定时器的特性,真实地建立移动台和基站之间在线服务的多线程通信仿真模型,对载频、时隙和码字中任一种或多种结合在空域位置形成的信道,提出基于载干比测量的动态信道分配策略,并对其进行了仿真研究和性能分析。仿真结果与理论分析吻合,同时得到一些有意义的参数。 相似文献
FDMA/DAMA卫星通信网的资源分配过程是为满足卫星链路高效、可靠使用卫星资源的综合决策过程。地球站参数、卫星参数、载波调制编码方式和雨衰等都是影响高效、可靠分配卫星资源的重要因素。在综合分析多种影响链路可用性因素基础上,提出了适用于FDMA/DAMA卫星通信网的资源动态分配策略,并设计了具体的分配流程和软件实现方案。通过比较某系统优化前后的运行数据,测试验证了优化分配策略的有效性和科学性。 相似文献