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The spatio‐temporal dynamics of the trophic state of a lake are crucial in defining its water quality, as well as biodiversity. Accordingly, this study focused on the spatio‐temporal variations of the trophic state, and the possible causes of the heterogeneous turbidity in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. The trophic state of the lake oscillated between a eutrophic and hypereutrophic condition, being found to be more eutrophic than reported in previous studies, indicating a progressive deterioration of its water quality. Inferences from the graphical representation of the deviations of total phosphorus and Secchi depth from the chlorophyll‐a trophic state indices revealed that the lake is predominantly phosphorus limited. Furthermore, the turbidity in the northern part of the lake is dominated by suspended sediment and dissolved coloured material. Discriminant analysis resulted in identification of three distinct trophic state regions in Lake Naivasha, namely the northern region, the mid and southern part and the more or less isolated Crescent Lake. The results of this study provide a good basis for further investigation of the current loading magnitude of both nutrients and sediments, in order to facilitate sustainable management to ensure community integrity and ecosystem functions of the lake.  相似文献   

Lake Naivasha is a freshwater lake in the Eastern Rift Valley of Kenya (0°45′S and 36°20′E). It has no surface outlet and is perceived to be under anthropogenic stress. Being situated at the basin of the rift valley, the lake acts as a sink for wastes from the town of Naivasha and the surrounding horticultural industry. Flux experiments were conducted to investigate the dynamics of heavy metals between the sediment–water interface in Lake Naivasha. In situ benthic flux experiments were conducted at two sites, one near the municipal wastewater inflow to the lake (site SS), and one at the papyrus field near the horticultural farms (site SH). Sediment samples from the exposed riparian land were collected during the dry season after the lake has receded, and the fluxes of selected metals were determined in the laboratory under simulated conditions. Aluminium in situ benthic flux at site SS averaged 7 mmol m?2 h?1, and was correlated positively with pH (Pearson correlation coefficient (r) = 0.89). While the in situ benthic flux of aluminium at site SH averaged 1 mmol m?2 h?1. In situ benthic fluxes of copper and manganese were predominantly positive at site SS, but not at site SH. The papyrus field at site SH played an important role in buffering of the lake in regard to the selected metals investigated in this study. Redox‐sensitive metals were precipitated in the benthic flux experiment for this site.  相似文献   

Lake Naivasha is a freshwater lake with no surface outlet, lying within a closed basin of the Kenyan Rift Valley. It is perceived to be a lake undergoing anthropogenic stresses. This study is intended to determine the speciation of some selected heavy metals in the sediments of Lake Naivasha, as an indicator of potential pollution of the lake. Sediment and water sampling of the lake was conducted in March and May 2003, during the dry and wet seasons, respectively. Analyses of the speciation of heavy metals in sediment samples (<63 µm faction) were performed on sediment samples collected from five sites within the lake. The study results obtained indicated that influent Malewa River was not a source of labile copper (Cu), lead (Pb) or zinc, despite the river having the highest percentage clay content during the wet season (86%). Copper was highly distributed in the residual sediment fraction (average of 90%). Among the labile sediment factions, the highest quantity of Cu was in the oxidizable phase (3.58 and 2.30 µg g−1 during the dry and wet season, respectively). Carbonate‐bound Cu was sparingly distributed during both the dry and the wet seasons, ranging between 0.74 and 1.81 µg g−1. Iron was highly distributed in the oxidizable sediment phase, exhibiting concentrations ranging between 2.0 and 6.0 (×103) µg g−1. Relative to the other heavy metals, manganese was distributed in lower proportions in the residual sediment fraction. High concentrations of Pb were observed in the oxidizable phase from most of the sampling sites along the lake shore. Zinc was distributed largely in the oxidizable phase, being highest at sampling site SS, which was located near a municipal sewage input to the lake. The sediments collected at the sampling sites located in the deep portion of the lake exhibited the highest concentrations of labile heavy metals.  相似文献   

Cyprinus carpio is the most important fish species in the Lake Naivasha fishery, comprising 51% of the total catch in the lake. Microflora, especially enteric bacteria of human or animal origin, are the causative agent for fish contamination and spoilage. Poor sanitation standards and poor sewage treatment and disposal methods within Lake Naivasha and its catchment pose a great threat for degrading the quality of C. carpio. The potential impact is rejection of the fish in the local, regional and international markets, risking the collapse of the Lake Naivasha fishery. This study determined the bacterial quality of water and C. carpio from three different sites within Lake Naivasha, namely Malewa River mouth, sewage discharge point and a mid‐lake site, based on plate count techniques. Physicochemical parameters characterizing the lake water also were also measured in situ. This study results indicated that both the fish and water in Lake Naivasha exhibited poor bacterial quality. All the physicochemical parameters were within the recommended range for fish culture, although they also were conducive to the proliferation of bacteria. Most of the sampling sites exhibited significant spatial variation in their bacterial abundance (P < 0.05). The sewage discharge sampling site exhibited the highest mean density values for bacterial densities and clearly degrade the quality of the fish in the lake. Proper sewage treatment, and the installation of modern sanitation facilities, is recommended to improve the bacterial quality of the fish.  相似文献   

Ecosystem‐based fisheries management (EBFM) is an important complement to existing fisheries management approaches to maintain ecosystem health and function; to translate goals and aspirations for sustainability into operational objectives, the preferences of the fishing communities should be considered for successful implementation of EBFM. This study analysed the preferences of the fishing community for alternative EBFM developments for Lake Naivasha, Kenya, and estimated the willingness to pay, using a choice experiment approach. Protection of fish breeding grounds, improving tilapia fish abundance and accessibility of fishing zones were identified as relevant EBFM attributes for the choice experiment. A monetary attribute (payment for fishing permit) was also included. In addition to a conditional logit model, mixed logit models are estimated to account for heterogeneity in preferences. This study results indicated fishing communities are most concerned about tilapia fish abundance and protection of fish breeding grounds. The welfare measures reveal that members of the Lake Naivasha fishing community are willing to pay a considerable sum of money for ecosystem services improvement, relative to their low income derived from fishing. These study findings highlighted that evaluating the preferences of the fishing community and valuing the fishery at an ecosystem level are vital to prioritize and choose between alternative interventions for sound implementation of EBFM.  相似文献   

太湖沉积物的分布和动力扰动下最大侵蚀深度的确定   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用 2 0 0 2年对太湖沉积物空间分布的调查数据 ,将太湖划分成 69× 69个网格 ,利用最优插值法对整个太湖的沉积物总量进行了计算 ,得出太湖沉积物的蓄积量大约在 1 8 5 7亿m3左右 ,主要分布在西部沿岸和北部的梅梁湾 ,在湖心和东太湖 ,沉积物覆盖量很小 ,有泥区面积占整个水面积的 47 45 % ,在 60 %的有泥区中 ,沉积物厚度集中在 2 5m以下 ,小于 5 0cm和大于 3 5m的有泥区面积所占比例不大。此外 ,利用Shields方法计算了太湖沉积物上层 1m内不同深度上的临界切应力 ,采用SMB浅水波动模式 ,计算了夏季受东南风和冬季受西北风影响下的波切应力值 ,确定了不同扰动所能引起的最大侵蚀深度。计算结果说明 ,无论上述何种风向情况下 ,能产生悬浮的临界风速大约在 5 0m s左右 ,当风速大于临界风速时 ,悬浮深度随着风速的增加而增大 ,当风速达到 2 0 0m s时所能引起的最大侵蚀深度均在 3 0cm左右。  相似文献   

50 年来泥沙研究所主要研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
50年来,泥沙研究所几代科技人员勤奋工作,兢兢业业,对我国工程泥沙问题进行了大量针对性的研究,为一些重大工程提供了技术支撑。在三门峡、小浪底和三峡水库上下游的泥沙问题解决,黄河和长江等河道演变研究和治理、黄河口演变和治理等,无不包含着我所职工的心血。不少科研人员,在所里组织和个人自觉开展相结合的形式下,不间断地开展泥沙运动基本理论研究,经过一批研究人员的艰辛努力,研究成果颇为丰硕,如浑水异重流、泥沙运动随机理论、非均匀悬移质不平衡输沙、高含沙水流、水库淤积及河床演变等理论成果,其中一些达到了国际先进甚至领先水平,为将我院提升为国际一流科研机构做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

黄河流域是地表巨大的输沙系统之一,受气候变化和人类活动的影响,其输沙量经历了显著的变化。探讨了全新世以来黄河流域3个主要泥沙沉积汇的堆积变化过程以及黄河输沙量的变化过程,揭示出在人类活动逐渐增强的主要影响下,宋代以后黄河输沙量经历了加速增加的过程,近几十年来在气候变化以及水利水保措施作用下黄河输沙量又经历了逐渐减少的过程。与历史时期相比,近年来黄土高原坡面和沟道的侵蚀产沙量仍较大,仍需长期开展水土保持工作。20世纪中期以前,由于黄河输沙量逐渐增加,因此黄河下游与渭河盆地及小北干流年沉积量也都呈现一个逐渐加速的过程,两者沉积量年增加的比例比较接近,与黄河输沙量年增加的比例一致。近几十年来,下游主要受大堤防洪能力及来沙变化影响、渭河盆地及小北干流主要受三门峡水库水位和来沙变化影响,年沉积量起伏变化,2003年以来两泥沙汇都发生了持续冲刷过程。河套平原是黄河上游最大的泥沙汇,1949年以前400多a的平均沉积量接近0.9亿t/a,1950年以来年均沉积量较之前长期平均值高,受来沙系数变化影响,经历了两个起伏周期,近期进入低谷。  相似文献   

This study examined the vertical distributions of total phosphorus (TP) and phosphorus fractions, and the iron and organic matter, in the littoral sediment in a macrophyte‐dominated, clearwater state in Lake Mogan between September 2005 and August 2006. Benthic macroinvertebrates and total bacteria in the sediment also were determined. No clear seasonal or depth‐related (0–20 cm) patterns were found in sediment concentrations for the measured parameters. The phosphorus release was quantitatively very low, and a negative phosphorus release (–0.132 µg m?2 day?1) was measured during the summer months. The TP concentrations of the sediment samples ranged between 675.00 and 1463.80 µg g?1 dry weight (DW), and the trophic level of the lake was eutrophic. On average, inorganic phosphorus fractions comprised the largest fraction (63%), while organic‐bound phosphorus (Org ≈ P) constituted 37% of the TP in Lake Mogan. The most important phosphorus‐immobilizing factors are high iron content (14 200–47 750 µg g?1 DW), the sediment's clay content (47.80–51.80%), and an abundance of macrophytes at the sampling station. The low abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates (510–850 individuals m?2), which depend on sediments with high iron and low organic matter (5.42–13.30%), played a role in the sediment phosphorus retention. Although bacterial abundance in the surficial sediment appeared to be positively correlated to temperature, the overlying water did not experience anoxic conditions, supporting a state in which bacteria were able to retain phosphorus in their cell structures. Long‐term changes in the sediments of Lake Mogan must be monitored lake. In order to optimize the management of the lake, and to determine the longevity of a clearwater state following management measures and continued external phosphorus loading, long‐term changes in the sediments of Lake Morgan must be monitored.  相似文献   

为揭示鄱阳湖和洞庭湖水文特征并综合分析其影响因素对湖泊水资源管理及江湖关系, 以两湖水系统为研究对象, 采用非参数秩次相关检验法( Mann2Kendall M2K) 分析方法和近 30 年两湖2流域2长江水位和流量长序列数据集, 解析湖泊水文变化特征、趋势和程度, 并通过两湖水文的对比来系统分析长江中游大型通江湖泊水文变化规律及其影响因素, 旨在对两湖流域水资源的整体认识和把控, 丰富对江-河-湖复杂水系统作用机制与内涵的深入理解。结果表明: 两湖水位在近 30 年总体上呈“上升-非稳定状态-下降” 3 个变化阶段。2003 年前, 鄱阳湖和洞庭湖水位总体呈上升趋势, 且在 1980- 2000 年间基本处于不稳定的波动状态, 2003 年后两湖水位呈明显的下降趋势。 Mann-Kendall 分析得出: 两湖水位可能在 2005 年左右发生明显突变, 且鄱阳湖和洞庭湖水位与之前相比, 最大降 幅分别可达 9. 4% 和 3. 4% , 表明两湖水位变化的趋势程度存在差异, 鄱阳湖水情变化的敏感程度要强于洞庭湖。 对长江干流的补水期洞庭湖为 4- 10 月, 鄱阳湖为 3- 8 月, 表明两湖对长江干流水文的不同调节补偿作用。  相似文献   

长江中下游地区是我国重要的粮棉油产地之一,但是频繁发生的旱涝灾害经常造成该区域作物减产。利用长江中下游地区72个气象站的逐月气象观测数据,采用标准化降水指数(SPI)、正交经验分解函数(EOF)等方法,结合GIS技术,分析了近50年长江中下游地区旱涝时空变化分布特征。结果表明:长江中下游地区的旱涝SPI3空间格局既有全区一致的现象,也存在区域内部南北、东西方向的差异,但是其主要特点依然为纬向分布型。由于受气候影响,长江中下游地区夏秋两季旱涝灾害交替发生,但以涝灾为主。  相似文献   

近50 年来辽宁省气温和降水突变特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文首先运用气候趋势系数对辽宁省22个气象站点1959-2008年年均气温和降水量资料进行趋势分析,并采用Mann-Whitney-Pettit方法(MWP)对气温和降水量进行突变分析,最后利用Morlet小波分析进行周期性分析.结果表明:(1)气温总体明显呈上升趋势;突变年份为1988年,突变后多年平均气温比突变前增加12.7%;且存在7年左右的主周期.(2)近50年来,降水量总体呈下降趋势,但并未检测出显著的突变年份;存在9年左右的主周期.  相似文献   

60年来黄河河龙区间水沙变化特征及人类活动影响评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用线性分析、多年滑动平均、Mann-Kendall趋势检验等方法对黄河中游河龙区间1950-2012年的水沙变化特点和趋势进行了分析。结果表明:河龙区间年际水沙变化整体呈现递减趋势,且阶段性变化趋势差异较大;径流量和输沙量在年内分配不均,水文站径流量和输沙量主要集中在汛期;河龙区间年均输沙量分别在1979年和2000年存在两个显著突变点。应用距平累积曲线分析表明,1974年后人类活动对输沙的影响显著增强,1975-2012年人类活动总减沙量为179.75亿t,年均减沙量4.73亿t。研究结果可为流域生态和水利设施建设提供基础理论依据。  相似文献   

近 50 年潮河流域降雨-径流关系演变及驱动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
潮河流域是北京市城市供水的重要水源地。受环境变化影响,潮河流域降雨-径流关系发生了显著性变化,严重影响到北京城市供水安全。利用水文气象长系列数据(1961-2014年)分析了潮河流域降雨-径流关系的变化,采用经验统计分析法定量分析气候变化和人类活动对其径流变化的影响,研究发现:近50年来在降雨波动且微弱下降趋势下,其径流呈现出较大幅度变化且具有显著下降趋势,尤其是2000年以后;潮河流域降雨-径流关系发生突变的年份为1979年、1998年。1979年以后径流系数显著减少,其中1979-1998年人类活动对径流减少占主导地位,其影响贡献率为-109.75%,气候变化对径流影响为正效应,影响贡献率为9.75%;1999-2014年人类活动对径流减少影响贡献率为-88.97%,气候变化影响贡献率为-11.03%。  相似文献   

赣江外洲站近50年水沙变化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于赣江外洲站年径流量时间序列(1957-2008年)和年输沙量时间序列(1966-2008年),采用肯德尔秩次相关检验法、有序聚类分析和秩和检验法、小波分析法对赣江水沙变化规律进行分析.结果表明:年径流量时间序列趋势变化不明显,不存在显著跳跃点,当时间尺度为17时,存在以10~12a为周期的丰枯变化.年输沙量时间序列下降趋势明显,在1984年和1998年附近发生跳跃,周期性变化可分为两段,1966-1986年间,在时间尺度为6时平均变化周期约为4a,1986年后,在时间尺度为1时平均变化周期约为3.7a.水土保持、人工采砂、万安水库拦沙等是影响赣江输沙量显著变化的主要因素.  相似文献   

This study focused on providing a photodiagrammatic database illustrating various types of fishing gear and practical skills currently used in artisanal and commercial fishing in the shoreline, nearshore and offshore areas drainage systems of Kenya in the Lake Victoria drainage basin. It also identified the fish species typically caught by the fishing gear, and the gear catch per unit effort and selectivity. Four artisanal fishing gears (spear, trap, basket and hook) and two commercial gears (mosquito seine and purse seine) are used to fish in shoreline areas. Five commercial fishing gears (gill net, parallel tennis net, semicircular‐tennis net, sett net, long line) are used to fish in nearshore areas, while two commercial gears (drift net and offshore seine net) are used in offshore areas. For artisanal fishing, the basket is the most efficient gear for catching six fish species. The mosquito seine is the most efficient commercial fishing gear for catching 22 fish species. There is evidence for a chronological shift to more efficient artisanal and commercial fisher handmade fishing gear, resulting in overexploitation of diverse fish species. At the same time, the licensing and management policies for the use of various fishing gear are unclear, suggesting re‐evaluation of policies to cater for the use of handmade fishing gear.  相似文献   

During the last 50 years the ecosystem of Lake Erie has experienced major environmental changes, from anthropogenic eutrophication in 1930–1960s, to nutrient and pollution abatement in the 1970s, and then the introduction of exotic dreissenids in the 1980s. We used multivariate statistical techniques to examine long-term changes in the zoobenthic community, comparing contemporary collections (2009, 2011–2012) and historical data (1963–1965, 1978–1979, 1993, and 1998). The Lake Erie benthic community underwent significant changes during each decade examined, showing signs of recovery following ecosystem restoration in the 1970s, but then experiencing major structural and functional changes after dreissenid (Dreissena polymorpha and D. r. bugensis) introductions. There was a significant temporal trend in community composition changes from 1963 to 2012, and the largest difference was found between pre- and post-dreissenid invasion communities. Currently the lake-wide benthic community is dominated by dreissenids both in density (41%) and total wet biomass (97%), followed by oligochaetes and chironomids. The largest benthic density was found in the central basin, and the greatest biomass in the eastern basin. The number of exotic species found in benthic surveys increased every decade, from 1 in 1963 to 10 in 2009–2012, and the majority of the invaders were molluscs. Whereas the role of benthic invaders in community diversity is still low, their impact has had enormous consequences for the whole ecosystem.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from Lake Qarun provide a record of mid-late Holocene climatic changes in Northern and Eastern Africa as well as environmental changes due to the activities of ancient Egyptians. We used sedimentological, mineralogical, and geochemical analyses of the cores to investigate long-term variations in lake level due to changing hydrologic inputs. An age model based on three paired 14C and paleomagnetic measurements suggests that the base of the sediment cores is as old as ∼ 5000 B.C.E. Geochemical analyses indicated that lake sediments were derived from Nile floods with an admixture of Saharan sand. Laminated endogenic carbonate-rich clayey silt lithofacies with benthic diatoms are indicative of relatively low lake levels, saline waters and dry conditions; massive lithofacies with planktonic diatom species are indicative of relatively high lake levels, fresh waters and humid conditions. Faintly laminated clayey silt lithofacies suggest intermediate conditions. Variations in lithology as well as diatom composition suggest that the lake level has varied from relatively high levels in its early history to lower levels in later years although there have been numerous cycles in water level over the past 7000 years. A combination of climate changes in the source area of the Nile River as a result of monsoon dynamics; climatic changes in the setting area of the Lake Qarun; and human activities through the dynasties in Egypt produced these variations in lake level.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms are increasing in frequency, duration, and severity globally in freshwater ecosystems. The Laurentian Great Lakes are prone to toxin-producing cyanobacterial blooms and have experienced annually recurring blooms. Because of its oligotrophic nature, Lake Superior has been relatively free of bloom occurrences. However, in recent years, Dolichospermum blooms have occurred with increasing frequency, especially in the western arm. During a Dolichospermum bloom in 2018, opportunistic samples were collected from the offshore bloom and investigated with shotgun metagenomics. We identified a near-complete Dolichospermum genome that is highly similar to genomes from cultures recovered in Lakes Erie and Ontario. The genomes from the Laurentian Great Lakes are typified by their putative ability to produce a suite of secondary metabolites like anabaenopeptin, but not toxins like microcystin. Additionally, we recovered a Dolichospermum lemmermannii 16S rRNA gene from the bloom and using datasets collected from the epilimnion and sediments in Lake Superior show this organism is ubiquitous and that several strains may exist. While there is much to learn about Lake Superior cyanobacterial bloom development and triggers, understanding this organism is endemic to the region, what its genome is capable of and that specific strains may have provenance within the lake provides a distinct ecological basis for understanding and working towards a predictive framework for future blooms.  相似文献   

Light is the factor that fundamentally determines the level of primary production. Primary productivity is controlled by bottom‐up factors (nutrient levels), with secondary effects due to biological factors (zooplankton grazing). The light regimen experienced by algae is determined largely by mixing of the water column. The processes of photoinhibition and light attenuation combine with the resultant light–dark adaptation to shape the vertical productivity profile and it is important to determine their importance separately because they vary spatially and temporally. Daily variations in productivity can be as large as longer‐term changes and events causing high productivity may not be important in whole‐lake terms. At approximately 0.5 m depth, there is maximal photosynthesis causing depletion of nutrients, but there is vertical homogeneity in productivity control and horizontal similarity in productivity levels. There is zero productivity below 5 m depth due to light attenuation but, if the benthos becomes productive due to an environmental change, such as decreased turbidity, overall productivity may rise appreciably. Self‐shading was investigated by incubating serial dilutions of whole lakewater with filtered water to reduce the density of algal cells. Photosynthetic efficiency was calculated as productivity per unit of chlorophyll a. Self‐shading showed different responses for conditions of ‘low’ and ‘high’ productivity. With low productivity, there was a shading loss of 17%, while for high productivity this was 46%. Thus, self‐shading is seen to have a considerable impact on potential productivity and may affect phytoplankton–cyanobacterial community structure with implications for lake management.  相似文献   

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