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为促进核电产业安全高效发展,加快落实中国核电“走出去”战略,由上海市核电办公室和中国能源建设集团广东省电力设计研究院有限公司(简称中国能建广东院)联合主办、中国核能行业协会和中国核工业勘测设计协会协办,诺本集团承办的第十一届中国核电技术发展高峰论坛于2016年8月26日在中国能建广东院召开。本次论坛高屋建瓴地探讨了我国核电发展的实践与展望,强调了加强安全监管对助力核电发展的重要性,探索了加强协同创新和技术创新对推动核电产业实现新突破的重要作用,介绍了我国在建的多种堆型核电厂的最新技术特点及工程建设的进展情况,包括具有自主知识产权的三代技术“华龙一号”、我国先进快堆技术、国家科技重大专项高温气冷堆示范工程等,同时就核电装备智能制造应用及通过技术创新提高电站的经济效率等进行了深入地探讨,本次论坛对推动中国核电技术的发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

从可持续发展的角度,阐述了快堆在我国核能总体战略中的定位.通过重点分析铀资源对热堆的保障能力、快堆嬗变在核废物最小化中的作用、快堆的成熟性和竞争力等因素,提出我国近期大规模部署快堆的条件还不成熟.从能源安全战略的高度.应重视快堆技术的研发.  相似文献   

从世界核能发展的趋势和我国核能发展的需求出发,分析了作为一个完整的系统工程,统筹安排和协调发展大型先进压水堆核电站、快堆核电站和相关的燃料循环技术的必要性和可能性,既可使我国核能工业适时赶上世界先进水平,并能保持充足的可持续发展的生命力。  相似文献   

在我国核电发展的背景下,核电机组持续增加,为保障核电的可持续发展,需认真考虑我国铀资源的供应、反应堆技术革新、乏燃料处置等一系列问题。在解决经济发展与资源环境之间的矛盾提出了看法,结合循环经济的理念,得出从铀矿资源、快堆技术的应用、分离与嬗变技术在乏燃料中的利用这几方面进行研究可使我国的核电进入循环可持续发展。  相似文献   

日本福岛核电站事故引发全球关于核电安全性的关注,核电是否能继续发展为世界提供清洁能源,其安全性成了一个重要的因素。为了解决能源发展困境和核电安全性的问题,拥有非能动安全性、高热效率等优势的第四代反应堆逐渐进入大众的视野;同时,具有安全、灵活、可靠、经济性好等特点的小型堆也应运而生。文章着重介绍第四代反应堆和小型堆的发展对核电领域带来的技术升级。  相似文献   

叙述了核能利用的沸水堆和压水堆的工作原理,共同特点以及主要区别,指出,压水堆相对于沸水堆的优势、发展趋势以及中国核电的安全设计。  相似文献   

据2013年11月6日《中国能源报》报道,除在建的两个项目(三门、海阳)外,三门二期、海阳二期、广东陆丰、辽宁徐大堡,以及湖南桃花江等内陆核电项目均拟选用AP1000技术,AP1000技术有望成为中国未来核电发展的主力堆型。中国核能行业协会副秘书长徐玉明在近日召开的“核电厂更高的安全规范要求及解决方案”国际研讨会上表示。  相似文献   

对世界核能概况和我国的核能现状做了较深入的分析,并就我国核电可持续发展的问题提出了若干建议;同时以广三核作为核电国产化的驱动项目,预测了我国核电发展的前景。  相似文献   

安全高效发展核电是我国改善能源结构,以及提高清洁能源供应的有效措施。为保障核能可持续发展,加快发展乏燃料后处理已成为当务之急。本文从国内外乏燃料后处理发展现状出发,分析了发展乏燃料后处理的必要性和紧迫性,并提出了有关发展建议。发展乏燃料后处理应匹配我国核电发展形势,逐步建立完善的乏燃料离堆贮存和后处理服务体系,实现乏燃料的统一规划部署、集中安全管理。  相似文献   

自美国三哩岛和前苏联切尔诺贝利核事故后,实现反应堆的固有安全成了核电站设计的关键问题。高温气冷堆是一种具有固有安全性、可用于高效发电和高温供热的先进反应堆,是当今世界第四代核能系统的首选堆型之一。我国在该领域的技术开发已经取得了突破性进展并已进入工业应用实施阶段,其安全性和经济性已经引起国内外高度关注。  相似文献   

From the thermal reactor to the fast reactor and then to the fusion reactor; this is the three-step strategy that has been decided for a sustainable nuclear energy supply in China. As the main thermal reactor type, the commercialized development phase of the pressurized water reactor (PWR) has been stepped up. The development of the fast reactor (FBR) is still in the early stage, marked by China experimental fast reactor (CEFR), which is currently under construction. According to the strategy study on the fast reactor development in China, its engineering development will be divided into three steps: the CEFR with a power of 65 MWt/20 MWe; the China prototype fast reactor (CPFR) with a power of 1 500 MWt/600 MWe; and the China demonstration fast reactor (CDFR) with a power of 2 500–3 750 MWt/1 000–1 500 MWe. With regards to the fuel cycle, a 100 t/a PWR spent fuel reprocessing pilot plant and a 500 kg/ a MOX fabrication plant are under construction. A project involving the construction of an industrial reprocessing plant and an MOX fabrication plant are also under application phase.  相似文献   

张瑞霞  仲兆平  黄亚继 《节能》2008,27(6):16-19
对生物质热解液化技术及其液化机理进行阐述,并介绍国内外生物质热解反应器类型及其发展现状,分析热解过程中的影响因素。生物质热解液化技术很大程度上能缓解当今社会的能源危机和环境污染,是人类开发可再生资源的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

An increase in the world population has accelerated the consumption of fossil fuels and deepened the pollution of global environment. As a result of these human activities, it is now difficult to clearly guarantee the sustainable future of humankind. An intuitional ‘must-go path’ scenario for the sustainable development of human civilization is proposed by extrapolating the human historical data over 30 years between 1970 and 2000. One of the most important parameters in order to realize the ‘must-go path’ scenario is the sustainability of energy without further pollution. In some countries an expanded use of nuclear energy is advantageous to increase sustainability, but fast reactor technology and closed fuel cycle have to be introduced to make it sustainable. In other countries, the development of cost-effective renewable energy, and the clean use of coal and oil are urgently needed to reduce pollution. The effect of fast nuclear reactor technology on sustainability as an option for near-term energy source is detailed in this paper. More cooperation between countries and worldwide collaboration coordinated by international organizations are essential to make the ‘must-go path’ scenario real in the upcoming 20 or 30 years.  相似文献   

    目的   以光伏、风电为代表的可再生能源装机占比的提高和煤电比例的不断降低使得电网对于优质调节资源的需求不断增加,也给核电调峰带来新的压力。通过系统升级改善核电调峰能力,从而提高核燃料利用效率、系统安全性和经济性是亟待解决的重点问题。    方法   调研了氢能的制备、储运及利用现状,探究了适合用于核电调峰的氢储能技术路线,并以某核电站现有运行情况为例,分析了不同氢能利用技术路线的经济效益。    结果   利用富余核电制氢能够提高核电利用效率,并具有较好的经济效益应用潜力。    结论   随着技术的进步和设备成本的降低,利用富余核电开展氢气制备,不仅能够提高核电机组的利用效率获得更好的经济效益,还有助于氢能产业的发展。作为高能量密度的绿色能源,氢能在节能减排中起到极为重要的作用,将助力碳中和目标的实现。  相似文献   

Interest in nuclear power has been revived as a result of volatile fossil fuel prices, concerns about the security of energy supplies, and global climate change. This paper describes the current status and future plans for expansion of nuclear power, the advances in nuclear reactor technology, and their impacts on the associated risks and performance of nuclear power. Advanced nuclear reactors have been designed to be simpler and safer, and to have lower costs than currently operating reactors. By addressing many of the public health and safety risks that plagued the industry since the accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, these reactors may help break the current deadlock over nuclear power. In that case, nuclear power could make a significant contribution towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, significant issues persist, fueling reservations among the public and many decision makers. Nuclear safety, disposal of radioactive wastes, and proliferation of nuclear explosives need to be addressed in an effective and credible way if the necessary public support is to be obtained.  相似文献   

China’s ambitious nuclear power program motivates the country’s nuclear community to develop advanced reactor concepts beyond generation III to ensure a long-term, stable, and sustainable development of nuclear power. The paper discusses some main criteria for the selection of future water-cooled reactors by considering the specific Chinese situation. Based on the suggested selection criteria, two new types of water-cooled reactors are recommended for future Chinese nuclear power generation. The high conversion pressurized water reactor utilizes the present PWR technology to a large extent. With a conversion ratio of about 0.95, the fuel utilization is increased about 5 times. This significantly improves the sustainability of fuel resources. The supercritical water-cooled reactor has favorable features in economics, sustainability and technology availability. It is a logical extension of the generation III PWR technology in China. The status of international R&D work is reviewed. A new supercritical water-cooled reactor (SCWR) core structure (the mixed reactor core) and a new fuel assembly design (two-rows FA) are proposed. The preliminary analysis using a coupled neutron-physics/thermal-hydraulics method is carried out. It shows good feasibility for the new design proposal.  相似文献   

基于铀资源需求和乏燃料积累预测,论证了我国发展快堆闲式核燃料循环的必要性,通过国内外调研,重点对影响我国快堆闭式循环的三个关键因素:钚元素积累、快堆技术、乏燃料后处理及快堆燃料技术的现状进行分析,并提出了展望和建议。  相似文献   

从减排、能源结构调整、环境保护角度分析核电在我国能源结构和我国科技体系中的定位及核电发展的必要性,根据我国运行核电厂的实际情况和自主设计的先进核电厂特性说明核电的安全性,同时根据运行核电厂放射性排放数据论述核电厂对环境和公众不造成任何有害的影响,并对核燃料循环、核废物对策和处理措施进行了论述。预测核电中长期发展情景,通过评估核电及配套核燃料产业能力,以及装备及相关行业发展情况,表明我国工业基础能够支撑核电的规模化发展;并反过来,核电将促进相关行业大发展,提高其技术水平,高科技含量,发展成高端产业,有利于我国经济转型。  相似文献   

核电是一种安全、低碳、功率密度高、可大规模利用的能源,具有高效和CO2等化学气体零排放的优点.从中国核电站建设政策推进,核电站安全性,核电技术特别是中国"华龙一号"和小型多功能模块式压水堆ACP100"玲龙一号"核电站技术的建设、运营和效益等各方面在内陆建站的概况,利用核电和H2对有关产业实现CO2超低排放和零排放的影...  相似文献   

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