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禾子 《福建轻纺》2012,(9):14-14
“高钙”“低糖”“脱脂”……不少食品包装上宣传字眼醒目但营养含量模糊。卫生部今天宣布于2013年1月1日起正式施行的第一个食品营养标签国家标准《预包装食品营养标签通则》(GB28050--2011),将指导和规范营养标签标示,让消费者买得清楚吃得健康。  相似文献   

正如某位哲人所说:“一个民族的命运要看她吃的是什么和怎么吃”。 健康是生命之本。营养是生命质量和生命价值的决定因素。如何才能吃得健康?专家的建议是:平衡膳食,远离垃圾食品。寓医于食。如何才能得到营养?营养学家对营养所作的解释是:食物中的营养素和其他物质间的相互作用与平衡对健康和疾病的关系。摄入身体所需的营养素,是营养的基本保证。  相似文献   

正随着人们生活水平的提高,人们的饮食观念发生了很大的变化,从"吃得饱"向"吃得好、吃得精、吃得健康"转变,对食品的色、香、味和营养等方面都有了更高的要求。小麦粉作为主要的食品原料,其质量直接关系到食品的品质。人们在长期的生产实践中,创造出各种判断面粉质量的方法,其中拉伸仪主要通过对面团的能量、抗拉伸阻力和延伸度等性能指标的测定,对面团特性进行判定,从而判断面粉是否适合制作某种食品。  相似文献   

<正>古语说:"国以民为本,民以食为天,食以水为先"。这其中的食不仅仅是人们肚子是否饱的问题,还要吃得好,吃得健康、安全。当前我国食品的营养与卫生问题得到了社会各界的关注。近几年来,科技在不断发展,我国的生活水平、质量也不断提高,人民对食品营养与卫生方面将提出更高的要求,而当今社会上食品特色各种各样,所以我们要高度重视食品的营养强化和发展。下面我就个人看法来谈食品营养的强化和发展。  相似文献   

结合全球倡导的营养导向型农业和功能性食品的内容,首次提出“功能性小麦品种”的概念,将其定义为“含有对人体健康有益的活性成分,可调节人体有益代谢,能给人体健康带来某种益处或满足特定人群的特殊需求,同时可以作为日常食物的口感正常、无毒副作用的小麦品种类型”;结合疫情警示和我国进入后工业时代后,人们需求必将由“吃得饱”、“吃得好”向“吃得健康”转变,因而提出继高产品种、优质品种之后培育“功能性小麦品种”的育种目标。根据多年关于小麦淀粉、蛋白、酯类和其他成分的功能研究结果,介绍新育成的“麦黄酮”、“高色素”、“高抗性淀粉”、“富锌”、“低醇溶蛋白”和“低植酸”等功能性小麦新品种(系)的营养特性和农艺产量状况;根据“健康中国2030”规划等国家战略,进行“功能性品种培育是解决我国功能性食品‘卡脖子’的关键基础,一种功能性品种可以形成一类功能性食品,多种功能性品种可以形成我国功能性面制品产业,推动我国整个食品工业的发展”的前景展望;根据功能性品种及其食品的稳定性和可靠性是产品和市场的“生命线”,从对消费者负责的高度,提出关于“功能性农作物品种审定导向和组建功能性成分检测机构;编制有关功能性品种和食品的国家或行业标准,设立功能性食品和功能性农作物品种的商业标志,保证我国功能性农作物品种及其食品健康发展”等方面的具体建议。  相似文献   

日前,卫生部公布了第一个食品营养标签国家标准——《预包装食品营养标签通则》(GB28050-2011),将指导和规范营养标签标示,让消费者买得清楚吃得健康。《预包装食品营养标签通则》包括营养成分表、  相似文献   

饮食是人类生存的基础,随着生活水平的提高,如何吃。怎样才能吃得科学,怎样才能吃得安全健康,作为食品工作者理应关注。认为应该平衡膳食,注重饮食结构,只有注重平衡膳食,才能对俗话说“民以食为天”、“人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌”的我们身体有益,避免疾病的发生。因为中华传统文化认为医食同源,只有讲究食物的营养平衡才能达到既能满足营养又能达到养生的目的。  相似文献   

《粮油食品科技》是由国家粮食和物资储备局主管、国家粮食和物资储备局科学研究院主办的食品工业类核心期刊,是中国科技核心期刊、中文核心期刊(2011版)和中国农业核心期刊(2006版),获得中国农学会全国优秀农业一等奖期刊。本刊主要报道粮食、食品等基础、理论和应用研究;设有特约专栏、专论、粮食加工、油脂加工、食品加工、质量安全、营养品质、生物工程、仓储物流、产业经济等。  相似文献   

张乾 《烹调知识》2009,(12):56-57
现代人不仅追求口感的鲜美,更讲究营养与健康。很多人以为自己已经吃得很营养了,没想到,营养学家们做了大量的调查之后认为,虽然食品丰富,但一些不科学的生活习惯却在不知不觉中将营养“抛光”。  相似文献   

食品的安全性与人的健康   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
食品的安全对消费者着切身利害关系,消费者已将其作为指导饮食消费方式的原则以及选取食品的首要标准。人类社会的发展和科学技术的进步,使人类的食物生产与消费发生了巨大的变化。一方面是现代饮食水平、健康水平普遍提高,食品的营养和安全性有了很大的改善;另一方面则是人类食物链环节增多和食品结构的复杂化,增添了许多新的饮食风险和不确定因素。社会的发展提出了在达到温饱以后如何解决吃得好、吃得安全的要求,食品的安全性自然而然地提上了人们的议事日程,而且涉及的内容越来越广。现代食品安全性可以归纳为“营养失控、生物性致病、自然毒素中毒、环境污染物、食品生产加工中的污染”5大类问题。  相似文献   

王善宇  赵玲  孙慧慧  刘淇  曹荣  薛勇 《食品科学》2023,44(6):344-350
为探究风味差异的形成机制,以凡纳滨对虾为研究对象,研究蒸制和微波加热2种烹饪方式对脂质组成、脂质氧化水解程度及挥发性物质的影响。结果表明,凡纳滨对虾在烹饪后总脂和脂质组成(磷脂、甘油三脂及游离脂肪酸)含量均显著降低(P<0.05)。蒸制和微波加热的对虾,其脂质组成也有所差别,与蒸制相比,微波加热虾肉中的磷脂含量偏高,而游离脂肪酸含量偏低。鲜虾烹饪后饱和脂肪酸含量显著下降,不饱和脂肪酸含量显著上升(P<0.05),可能与磷脂的水解有关。蒸制和微波加热加速了脂质的氧化水解,酸价和硫代巴比妥酸反应物值均显著升高(P<0.05)。电子鼻分析结果显示鲜虾、蒸制和微波加热虾肉的气味特征有明显不同,且微波加热气味变化更大。采用气相色谱-离子迁移谱从虾肉中分离鉴定出25种挥发性物质,其中2,3-戊二酮、2-丁酮、2-甲基丁醛、己醛、1-辛烯-3-酮和戊醛等是熟虾肉主要的风味物质,且在微波加热的样品中含量更高。Pearson相关性分析结果表明,脂质的氧化水解对风味形成有重要贡献,游离脂肪酸中的C14:0、C15:0、C16:1  相似文献   

In Part I we analysed hardness and colour of wheat endosperm and stated that these features are quite well correlated among kernels of individual varieties. In order to enhance knowledge of the biochemical basis of endosperm hardness, this study aimed at determining how the content and the composition of free and starch lipids influence it. Wheat samples (used previously in Part I) were milled in a way that reduced the number of non-endosperm particles in flour. Simple linear correlation coefficients between endosperm hardness and its lipid composition indicated that hardness was positively correlated with the content of free glycolipids (r=0.82) and negatively with the content of surface lipids of starch, especially with their non-polar fraction (r=-0.83). The typical feature of harder wheat varieties was a substantially higher content of oleic acid in lipids of the starch surface.  相似文献   

以江苏、黑龙江和辽宁3个产地的4个稻谷品种为试材,建立“鸟枪法”磷脂组学鉴别我国不同地区和品种的稻谷。利用“鸟枪法”质谱技术鉴定稻谷中磷脂种类,通过偏最小二乘判别分析(PLS-DA)进行品种间的差异分析。结果发现,稻谷中磷脂种类达67种,主要包括磷脂酰胆碱、磷脂酰乙醇胺、磷脂酰甘油、溶血磷脂酰胆碱、溶血磷脂酰乙醇胺和溶血磷脂酰甘油,不同品种稻谷中磷脂含量存在差异。结合PLS-DA的方法可以区分4个稻谷品种,确定不同品种磷脂差异的贡献组分,可实现不同稻谷品种间磷脂特征的差异分析。因此,“鸟枪法”质谱结合PLS-DA分析,可以快速鉴定稻谷品种。  相似文献   

稻谷中脂类及其储藏特性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈银基  鞠兴荣  董文  马广鹏 《食品科学》2012,33(13):320-323
与稻谷中含量较多的淀粉和蛋白质相比,脂类更容易促使稻谷陈化变质,脂类的变化被认为是导致陈化的最主要因素。稻谷淀粉脂肪体中的脂肪酸对淀粉的糊化特性有很大的影响,脂肪酸的烃链能与直链淀粉生成螺旋状的络合物,抑制淀粉的膨润作用。研究认为具有长链、饱和单甘酯的脂肪酸-直链淀粉复合体稳定性更好,而不饱和脂肪酸中的双键阻碍了脂肪酸与直链淀粉复合体的形成,并会影响淀粉糊化。本文综述稻谷脂类形态、功能特性、脂类变化与代谢途径。  相似文献   

SUMMARY— The lipids extracted from five different muscles of four Angus steers were separated into phospholipids, free fatty acids, and a fraction containing the triglycerides. The phospholipid concentration for a given muscle was relatively constant in all four animals. The concentration of total lipids varied considerably more than that of phospholipids. The diaphragm had the highest total lipid and phospholipid content. The diaphragm also differed from the other muscles studied in the palmitic and steak acid concentration of the phospholipids. The free fatty acid concentration varied from muscle to muscle, however, two distinct patterns of free fatty acid distribution were observed in the four animals. The triglycerides and phospholipids differed in the qualitative composition of their fatty acids. Approximately 20% of the phospholipid fatty acids, but only a trace of triglyceride fatty acids, were above C20. The phospholipids contained a much greater amount of polyunsaturated acids than the triglycerides.  相似文献   

The properties of starch lipids and the effect of defatting on properties of starch granules from eight rice sorts were studied. Content of lipids associated with starch prepared by sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (DoBS) extraction of protein from rice flour ranged from 0.03 to 0.44%. Major lipids were free fatty acids and lysophosphatidyl choline. Major fatty acids were linoleic, palmitic, and oleic or myristic acid. Defatting reduced the gelatinization temperature and the gel viscosity of starch. Various methods of starch preparation were compared.  相似文献   

功能红曲醋的制备及其降血脂功能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文镜  张静  常平  郭豫  赵江燕 《食品科学》2007,28(9):510-513
目的:改进传统酿造工艺,在原来红曲醋酿造的基础上增加了功能红曲米为原料制备功能红曲醋,通过动物实验验证功能红曲醋的降血脂作用。方法:功能红曲醋制备工艺为:大米→清洗→粉碎→浸水→蒸饭→添加红曲及功能红曲米发酵→液化→糖化→醋酸菌发酵→过滤→灭菌。分别给高脂模型小鼠和大鼠灌胃普通红曲醋和功能红曲醋60d,测定血清总胆固醇,甘油三脂和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇含量。结果:与高脂对照组比较,灌胃普通红曲醋的动物血脂三项指标没有显著性差异;灌胃功能红曲醋的动物血清总胆固醇和甘油三脂水平显著降低(p<0.05)。结论:改进传统酿造工艺制备的功能红曲醋具有一定的降血脂功能。  相似文献   

以江苏省种植的直链淀粉含量和蛋白质含量相近的20个粳稻品种为实验材料,采用聚类分析将稻米脂肪含量分为低脂、中脂和高脂三种类型,探究不同脂肪含量稻米回生过程中淀粉热力学特性、米饭食味品质、质构特性变化差异.结果 表明,中脂类型品种未脱脂米粉具有较高的糊化热焓值、较低的回生热焓值和回生度,米饭食味品质和质构特性显著优于低脂...  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on bond and free lipids of buckwheat grain and isolated starch. As regards free and bond lipids, fraction composition (percentages of neutral and polar fraction) and fatty acids were determined. It was found that the content of free lipids in buckwheat grain was twice higher than of bond lipids. On the other hand, in case of starch percentage of free lipids was twice lower than of bond lipids. As regards free and bond lipids of buckwheat grain and starch, main fraction was represented by the neutral one. Percentages of glycolipids and phospholipids amounted to only from 5 to 7%. Fatty acids were predominated by unsaturated acids C18:2 and C18:1. Fire and steam hydrothermal processing resulted in several quantitative changes, the most important ones being an increase of free lipid content in the grain and of bond lipid content in the starch, changes in the percentage of glycolipids and phospholipids, an increase of saturation of free lipid fatty acids in the grain, and of saturation of bond lipid fatty acids in the starch.  相似文献   

Wheat flour non-starch lipids (lipids not bound to starch) were quantitatively extracted with water-saturated n-butanol (WSB), benzene-ethanol-water (10:10:1, by vol.) or ethanol-diethyl ether-water (2:2:1, by vol.) in 10min at 20 °C. Starch lipids (lipids bound to starch) were subsequently extracted with WSB at 90–100 °C. Carotenoid pigments were quantitatively extracted with the non-starch lipids. There was no significant hydrolysis of esterified fatty acids and no detectable autoxidation of unsaturated acids in the hot solvent extracts. Non-starch and starch lipids from a high grade spring wheat flour and three grades of winter wheat flour were separated by thin-layer chromatography and quantified as fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) by gas-liquid chromatography (g.l.c.) using heptadecanoic acid (or its methyl ester) as internal standard. Total flour and starch lipids after acid hydrolysis were also converted to FAME for quantitation by g.l.c. Non-starch lipids consisted of 59–63% non-polar (neutral) lipids, 22–27% polar glycolipids and 13–16% phospholipids. Steryl esters, triglycerides, and all the diacyl galactosylglycerides and phosphoglycerides were present only in non-starch lipids. Starch lipids consisted of 6–9% non-polar (neutral) lipids (mostly free fatty acids), 3–5 % polar glycolipids and 86–91 % phospholipids (mostly lysophosphatidyl choline). Starch lipids were almost exclusively monoacyl lipids. Factors are given for converting weight of FAME into weight of original lipid for all individual lipid classes in wheat which contain O-acyl groups. Factors for total lipids are: total starch lipids = FAME × 1.70, total non-starch lipids = FAME × 1.20, and total flour (non-starch + starch) lipids = FAME × 1.32. Similar factors could be used to convert weight of lipids obtained by conventional acid hydrolysis methods into weight of unhydrolysed lipids. Phospholipid contents are given by: total starch phospholipids = P × 16.51, total non-starch phospholipids = P × 23.90, total flour phospholipids = P × 17.91.  相似文献   

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