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为了在避免对主用户系统产生有害干扰的同时 提高频谱利用效率,要求认知无线电系统的频谱感知算法能在极低的信噪比下快速检测出主用户信号。由于可以避免能量检测面临的噪声不确定性问题,基于协方差矩阵的检测算法是一种有效的盲频谱感知算法。为了进一步提高极低信噪比下的性能,本文提出了一种基于随机共振的协方差矩阵频谱感知算法。该算法通过在接收信号中加入优化的特定信号,利用随机共振原理,增大有无主用户信号下的检测统计量概率分布函数的分离度,提高频谱感知的性能。仿真结果表明,相对于现有的协方差矩阵频谱感知算法 ,在相同的虚警概率下,所提算法可以显著提高极低信噪比下的检测概率,同时大幅度缩减检测时间。 相似文献
针对现有频谱感知算法在低信噪比(SNR)环境中性能检测不佳的问题以及传统随机共振(SR)检测弱信号的方法在实际应用中存在的局限性,通过设置最优门限,计算出最优的协作用户数量,提出了一种基于随机共振的双门限协作频谱感知算法,并对提出的算法进行了性能分析。DCSSR算法通过将位于双门限不确定区域的统计数据经过随机共振系统,进一步提高频谱感知算法在低信噪比下的检测性能。仿真结果表明,在不同信噪比和虚警概率下,DCSSR算法相较于传统单门限能量协作算法、双门限能量协作算法以及单门限随机共振协作算法,检测性能都得到了提升。在信噪比为-20 dB时,提出的DCSSR算法相较于传统单门限能量检测协作算法,检测概率提高了80%。 相似文献
基于压缩感知和最小二乘的分布式协作频谱感知 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对认知无线电(CR)集中式频谱感知算法对融合中心要求高,而且对节点失效的容忍性也不高等缺点,提出了一种基于压缩感知的分布式多节点协作算法.认知无线电网络中每个CR节点在接收信号频谱后,首先根据压缩采样理论在本地获取压缩采样测量值,然后利用l1范数约束的最小二乘算法在本节点估计频谱,把在此节点估计的频谱传给下一相邻节点,以此进行迭代优化直到算法收敛.理论分析和仿真结果表明,所提算法不仅计算复杂度低,收敛速度快,而且精确重构性能好,可靠性较高. 相似文献
摘要:传统的航空无线电协作频谱感知算法无法区分节点的性质(普通/恶意),而新的加权序贯检测(weighted sequential probability ratio test,WSPRT)算法虽然解决了这个问题,但在具有频谱感知数据篡改(spectrum sensing data falsification,SSDF)攻击节点的环境中,无法保持高的感知正确率。提出了一种改进型WSPRT 算法,在传统的 WSPRT 算法基础上改进了信誉度奖惩方案,增加了临近时间内感知稳定度的量化。从实验仿真结果看,改进后的算法不仅时间复杂度更低,而且能够有效地识别恶意节点,对于恶意用户的判定更准确。 相似文献
Sensing the spectrum in a reliable and efficient manner is crucial to cognitive radio. To combat the channel fading suffered by the single radio, cooperative spectrum sensing is employed, to associate the detection of multiple radios. In this article, the optimization problem of detection efficiency under the constraint of detection probability is investigated, and an algorithm to evaluate the required radio number and sensing time for maximal detection efficiency is presented. To show the effect of cooperation on the detection efficiency, the proposed algorithm is applied to cooperative sensing using the spectral correlation detector under the Rayleigh flat fading channel. 相似文献
This paper investigates linear soft combination schemes for cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. We propose two weight-setting strategies under different basic optimality criteria to improve the overall sensing performance in the network. The corresponding optimal weights are derived, which are determined by the noise power levels and the received primary user signal energies of multiple cooperative secondary users in the network. However, to obtain the instantaneous measurement of these noise power levels and primary user signal energies with high accuracy is extremely challenging. It can even be infeasible in practical implementations under a low signal-to-noise ratio regime. We therefore propose reference data matrices to scavenge the indispensable information of primary user signal energies and noise power levels for setting the proposed combining weights adaptively by keeping records of the most recent spectrum observations. Analyses and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed linear soft combination schemes outperform the conventional maximal ratio combination and equal gain combination schemes and yield significant performance improvements in spectrum sensing. 相似文献
Shabnam Sodagari Alireza Attar Victor C.M. Leung Sven G. Biln 《Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies》2012,23(5):454-465
We focus on a specific class of denial‐of‐service (DoS) attacks that is executed through Channel Eviction Triggering (CET), whereby adversary nodes unduly invoke mechanisms inherent in a cognitive radio (CR) network (CRN) operation to protect the licensed users and thus disrupt secondary access to the otherwise idle licensed bands. Skewing the spectrum sensing decision of CRN through sensing misreports is a manifestation of CET attacks. Whereas most studies in the literature focus on making the cooperative sensing more robust against such sensing misreports, we tackle the problem from the novel perspective of incentive alleviation. We distinguish two classes of such DoS attacks, which we refer to as CET and CET‐jamming attacks. In the former case, the incentive of adversary CRs is to remove the competition of truthful CRs in accessing the licensed spectral ranges. The latter class of DoS attack deals with scenarios in which the adversary nodes are mainly interested in denying the chances of communication of CRN over primary bands and as such their incentive cannot be modelled by the same utility maximisation model as truthful CRs. We propose a solution for each class of attacks, and our numerical results verify the effectiveness of the proposed CET defence scheme in both cases. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
频谱移动的目的是使网络状态变化尽可能快地平滑进行,以确保频谱切换中对通信性能的影响最小。采用基于协作检测的协同频谱感知方法,研究频谱移动的策略,分析频谱池容量对系统性能的影响,设计合适的跨层策略,减小切换延迟,最小化频谱切换对各层的影响。 相似文献
针对认知无线电的核心问题——频谱感知,采用性能好的协作频谱感知,这里研究了认知无线电系统中一种多天线协作频谱感知方案,此方案中的噪声信号和主用户的信号均认为是独立复高斯随机信号。同时,次用户将检测到的信号通过波束成形后传向融合中心,而优化函数为发射功率受限的条件下,最大化全局的检测概率。理论推导和方针结果表明,所提出的方案有效地提高了检查概率,充分发挥了空间分集和多用户分集的优势,普遍提高了系统的感知概率。 相似文献