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TDD-CDMA系统的一种新的多径发送分集方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了TDD-CDMA系统的一种新的多径分集方案。它在发送端采用一个FIR滤波器,面在接收端采用RAKE接收机实现多径合并。分析结果表明对FIR滤波器的系统进行优化的问题椒于求解矩阵的牲玫特征向量的问题,而最大的特征值所对应的特征向量就是最佳FIR滤波器的抽头系数。本文还分析了多天线的情况,此时相当于2维时空信号处理。数值分析表明采用上述方案的系统的输出信噪比(SNR)较之通道的RAKE系统或  相似文献   

针对超宽带系统在室内环境中面临严重的多径衰落问题,通常在接收端需使用RAKE接收机来收集多径能量改善性能。该文提出了一种新的分集方案,在发送端信号进行预处理,在接收端使用RAKE合并收集多径能量,同时给出了基于信道矩阵特征值估计的最佳合并权重和时延参数估计算法。理论分析和仿真结果都表明,该算法得到的输出信噪比总是大于传统的RAKE接收机输出信噪比。  相似文献   

杨馨  尤肖虎 《电子与信息学报》2003,25(10):1373-1378
该文提出了采用实测的信道自相关系数作为权重的信道估计处理方法,并给出其误差性能的数学表达式,同时给出了经典的滑动平均信道估计方法的误差性能的数学表达式。理论分析及仿真结果表明所提的方法能自动适应移动信道的时变模型及衰落速率,具有有效地抑制噪声的优点;同时克服了滑动平均估计方法的估计长度对估计准确性影响较大的缺点,在移动速度固定及移动速度变化很大的环境下都具有稳定的误差性能;尤其在移动速度变化很大的环境下具有比滑动平均估计方法更低的估计方差,大大提高了RAKE接收机的性能。  相似文献   

结合多天线系统特点,提出一种应用RAKE接收的可行结构,导出它的误码率表达式。数值计算的结果表明,采用这种新的结构后,系统的性能得到了明显的改善。  相似文献   

一种新的盲自适应多用户检测技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于对传统RAKE接收机和自适应技术的研究,提出了一种新的盲自适应多用户检测技术方案,给出了这种盲自适应多用户检测接收机的模型,并对其进行计算机仿真。结果表明这种新的盲自适应多用户接收机具有优良的抗干扰性能。  相似文献   

空时发射分集CDMA的多径分集接收   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究了采用STTD(space time transmit diversity)技术的随机序列扩频CDMA(code division multiple access),在频率选择性慢衰落信道中的单用户RAKE接收机在径数很大情况下的性能,并与没有采用STTD的CDMA系统的RAKE接收机的性能进行了比较.结果表明,STTD技术的采用,增强了多址干扰环境中RAKE接收机的抗衰落性能.本文也给出了由STTD所引入的码间干扰及多址干扰对RAKE接收机性能的影响.  相似文献   

传统的多用户处理是在上行进行的,本文提出了应用于TDD-CDMA系统中下行方向的一种多用户处理方案.在TDD-CDMA系统中,可以利用上行信道参数对下行信道参数做出估计.本文提出了一种实时利用信道参数来降低CDMA中的多用户干扰的方法.在该方案中,其多用户处理的基本思路是通过优化系统的多用户扩频码字和解扩码字来降低多用户干扰.为了达到最大的信干比,本文提出了系统扩频码选择的优化准则,它能够充分利用信道的特性.本文根据一定的迭代算法给出优化问题的解.数值分析结果表明,采用上述方案的CDMA系统相对于采用Gold码的系统能够极大地降低多用户干扰,提高信干比.  相似文献   

本文推导了衰落信道中未知信道参数情况下相移键控信号多信道分集合并的最大似然序列估计算法,并在此最优方案的基础上提出了两新的次最优维持比算法,将该算法用于扩系统的RAKE接收机的模拟结果表明,对DQPSK和编码的QPSK信号的接收民理想接收十分接近。  相似文献   

黄晖  廖桂生  张林让 《电子学报》2002,30(3):335-338
本文针对DS-CDMA系统,提出了一种新的期望用户多径信号波达方向和时延联合估计方法。在匹配滤波器输出中,期望用户信号的平方与多址干扰信号的平方具有不同的频谱特性。对各个频率上的空域相关矩阵进行预处理后,本文采用两维unitary-ESPRIT算法完成角度时延的闭式估计和自动配对。本文方法计算量小,并且在存在远近效应的情况下,仍能完成参数的准确估计。  相似文献   

CDMA2000采用多载波和直接序列扩频两种方式来达到提供宽带数据业务的目的。针对CDMA2000前向信道的三载波调制方式,提出了一种基于带通RAKE接收机的多载波解调方法。这种方法避开了设计多比特的基带数字滤波器,从而大大降低了实现的复杂度。文章首先分析了三载波的调制结构。根据RAKE接收机的原理,推导出相应的带通RAKE接收机模型并给出解调结构,最后,用SPW软件对此模型进行仿真并给出了传真结  相似文献   

本文在研究海面的红外成像特性中,建立了基于刚体的双尺度成像模型,从被动成像方面讨论了海面辐射特性的变化规律.该模型仿真结果很好地说明了风向对海面红外被动成像特性的影响.  相似文献   

TDD-CDMA系统中支持非对称业务的动态信道分配算法研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在TDDCDMA系统中由于对上下行不对称业务的需求,使得不同小区间的上下行切换点不同,因此会产生严重的小区间干扰(基站和基站间干扰),需要使用动态信道分配算法(DCA)。该文提出了一种新算法(基于路径损耗的抗基站间干扰DCA),它通过路径损耗进行资源预留,同时通过尽量避免基站问的相互干扰机制来最大化提高系统容量。仿真结果表明提出的DCA能够显著改善非对称业务下系统的性能。  相似文献   

In conventional CDMA receivers, the detection of multipath components and RAKE finger management is normally based on the received signal energy per path. These schemes essentially overlook the interference component contaminating the total received power. Consequently, they exhibit poor multipath detection capability especially at low signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR). In this paper, we present a new scheme for multipath detection that takes into consideration the interference level in each resolved path individually. Specifically, the proposed scheme is devised to estimate and cancel the interference per path before detection. To account for the hardware limitations of the receiver, we propose a low complexity version of the above scheme which can be easily incorporated into the receiver structure. Our results show that the proposed scheme provides significant improvements in the detection probability of multipath components over the energy-based schemes.  相似文献   

将酉空时分组编码技术应用于时频调制系统中,该文提出了一种可变发射分集增益的空时/时频调制编码新方案。将已调的时频信号分解为互正交的两子信号,同时运用不同的排列组合方案即可得到不同的分集增益。计算机仿真结果表明,新方案抗平坦衰落的性能优于Alamouti空时分组编码方案及空时/频移键控编码方案,且当新方案获得二重分集增益时,其相应编码速率优于获得四重分集增益时的编码速率,但抗衰落性能劣于获得四重分集增益时的性能,所得结论与理论分析完全一致。  相似文献   

一种新的两用户协作分集方案及其性能研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
该文提出了一种基于信道编码和分布式空时分组码级联下的两用户协作分集方案,并且在准静态的瑞利衰落信道下对此方案的系统容量,中断概率以及误比特率进行了理论推导和系统仿真,分别给出了解析表达式和数值结果。通过将信道编码和空时码引入到协作分集中,系统容量得到显著改善,同时中断概率也明显降低。在协作用户间信道存在噪声的情况下,对卷积码与分布式空时分组码级联下的发射方案进行了性能分析和仿真。仿真结果表明:即使协作用户间的信道存在噪声,该文所提方案在各方面都优于传统协作分集,系统容量明显增大,中断概率及误比特率大大降低。  相似文献   

Space-time spreading (STS) is an appealing open-loop transmit diversity scheme, which has recently been included into the cdma2000 standard. It has been shown that the performance of the STS scheme is highly sensitive to fading coefficient estimation errors, particularly when the channel is highly time dispersive. In practical systems, channel estimation is normally performed after the multipath components are resolved, which suggests that improving multipath detection reduces such estimation errors. Motivated by this, we address, in this paper, the problem of multipath detection in STS-based code division multiple access (CDMA) systems. We first extend the conventional energy-based multipath detection scheme (EMDS) to cope with the spatial channel structure. We derive approximate expressions for the probability of detection and probability of false alarm. It is shown that the errors produced by the conventional scheme in detecting the potential multipath components severely impact the performance of the receiver. To improve upon the EMDS, we introduce and analyze an improved multipath detection scheme (IMDS) based on the estimation of the interference power in the individual resolved multipath components. The efficacy of the proposed scheme stems from the fact that the interference in each potential path is estimated and subtracted before that path is detected. We also present a simple and realizable version of the proposed IMDS detection scheme. Our results show that the proposed scheme not only improves the bit-error-rate performance significantly but also utilizes the pilot power much more efficiently.  相似文献   

Discrete maltipath propagation is generally considered to impose severe limitations on the performance of receiving systems, and hence, on the information transmission capacity of a communication link. Much work has been directed to the problems of relieving multipath effects, generally concentrating on correction of the performance realized with the resultant of the multiple-path outputs. In this paper, the emphasis is on separating the outputs of a small number of discrete paths not only for freeing the output of at least one usable path, but also possibly for combining the various path outputs in constructive ways to take advantage of the additional signal energy that each path provides. Novel techniques for accomplishing this are described, based on converting directional and propagation-delay differences into very distinctive frequency differences by synthetic Doppler methods. These techniques are of course applicable to facilitate the separation of various time and frequency overlapping signals arriving from different directions.  相似文献   

Multiple antennas are useful in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems for providing transmit and receive diversity to overcome fading. Typically, these designs require considerable separation between the antennas. Spatial correlation is introduced when antennas are not well separated, and it often leads to performance degradation in a flat fading environment. However, in frequency selective fading channels with rich multipath diversity, OFDM receivers can overcome this performance degradation due to antenna correlation. This is due to transformation of a highly spatially correlated channel impulse response to a less spatially correlated channel frequency response inherently by an OFDM system in the presence of rich multipath diversity. We illustrate this for a simple receive diversity OFDM system and hence introduce the concept of space sampling at the receiver where antennas are placed relatively close to each other. The minimum separation required between the antennas under such circumstances is derived analytically, and it is shown that even with a separation of only$0.44lambda$, the required spatial correlation in the channel frequency response becomes sufficiently low. Simulated performance results with such spacing for various multiple antenna OFDM systems corroborate the analytical results.  相似文献   

程欢  肖丽萍 《电子技术》2009,46(3):35-37
提出了基于多用户MIMO-OFDM和多用户MISO-OFDM的两种信号传输预处理技术方案,构建了两方案的系统模型,并依据系统模型推导出了数据发送及检测算法。两方案均可大大降低移动终端的数据检测复杂度。通过在TDD系统应用环境中的仿真,比较了两方案与预瑞克的系统误比特率性能,表明多用户信号传输预处理技术方案有更好的系统误比特率性能。  相似文献   

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