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This paper investigates rejection strategies for unconstrained offline handwritten text line recognition. The rejection strategies depend on various confidence measures that are based on alternative word sequences. The alternative word sequences are derived from specific integration of a statistical language model in the hidden Markov model based recognition system. Extensive experiments on the IAM database validate the proposed schemes and show that the novel confidence measures clearly outperform two baseline systems which use normalised likelihoods and local n-best lists, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper investigates various ensemble methods for offline handwritten text line recognition. To obtain ensembles of recognisers, we implement bagging, random feature subspace, and language model variation methods. For the combination, the word sequences returned by the individual ensemble members are first aligned. Then a confidence-based voting strategy determines the final word sequence. A number of confidence measures based on normalised likelihoods and alternative candidates are evaluated. Experiments show that the proposed ensemble methods can improve the recognition accuracy over an optimised single reference recogniser.  相似文献   

A Chinese handwriting database named HIT-MW is presented to facilitate the offline Chinese handwritten text recognition. Both the writers and the texts for handcopying are carefully sampled with a systematic scheme. To collect naturally written handwriting, forms are distributed by postal mail or middleman instead of face to face. The current version of HIT-MW includes 853 forms and 186,444 characters that are produced under an unconstrained condition without preprinted character boxes. The statistics show that the database has an excellent representation of the real handwriting. Many new applications concerning real handwriting recognition can be supported by the database.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an effective segmentation-free approach using a hybrid neural network hidden Markov model (NN-HMM) for offline handwritten Chinese text recognition (HCTR). In the general Bayesian framework, the handwritten Chinese text line is sequentially modeled by HMMs with each representing one character class, while the NN-based classifier is adopted to calculate the posterior probability of all HMM states. The key issues in feature extraction, character modeling, and language modeling are comprehensively investigated to show the effectiveness of NN-HMM framework for offline HCTR. First, a conventional deep neural network (DNN) architecture is studied with a well-designed feature extractor. As for the training procedure, the label refinement using forced alignment and the sequence training can yield significant gains on top of the frame-level cross-entropy criterion. Second, a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) with automatically learned discriminative features demonstrates its superiority to DNN in the HMM framework. Moreover, to solve the challenging problem of distinguishing quite confusing classes due to the large vocabulary of Chinese characters, NN-based classifier should output 19900 HMM states as the classification units via a high-resolution modeling within each character. On the ICDAR 2013 competition task of CASIA-HWDB database, DNN-HMM yields a promising character error rate (CER) of 5.24% by making a good trade-off between the computational complexity and recognition accuracy. To the best of our knowledge, DCNN-HMM can achieve a best published CER of 3.53%.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Offline Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) has been an active area of research due to its wide range of applications and challenges. Recently, many offline HTR...  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a recognition system for on-line handwritten texts acquired from a whiteboard. The system is based on the combination of several individual classifiers of diverse nature. Recognizers based on different architectures (hidden Markov models and bidirectional long short-term memory networks) and on different sets of features (extracted from on-line and off-line data) are used in the combination. In order to increase the diversity of the underlying classifiers and fully exploit the current state-of-the-art in cursive handwriting recognition, commercial recognition systems have been included in the combined system, leading to a final word level accuracy of 86.16%. This value is significantly higher than the performance of the best individual classifier (81.26%).  相似文献   

Deep convolutional neural networks-based methods have brought great breakthrough in image classification, which provides an end-to-end solution for handwritten Chinese character recognition (HCCR) problem through learning discriminative features automatically. Nevertheless, state-of-the-art CNNs appear to incur huge computational cost and require the storage of a large number of parameters especially in fully connected layers, which is difficult to deploy such networks into alternative hardware devices with limited computation capacity. To solve the storage problem, we propose a novel technique called weighted average pooling for reducing the parameters in fully connected layer without loss in accuracy. Besides, we implement a cascaded model in single CNN by adding mid output to complete recognition as early as possible, which reduces average inference time significantly. Experiments are performed on the ICDAR-2013 offline HCCR dataset. It is found that our proposed approach only needs 6.9 ms for classifying a character image on average and achieves the state-of-the-art accuracy of 97.1% while requires only 3.3 MB for storage.  相似文献   

针对汉字识别的超多类问题,将贝叶斯网络分类器引入小样本字符集脱机手写体汉字识别中.对手写大写数字汉字的小样本字符集构造识别系统,同时与传统的欧氏距离方法进行比较,实验表明该算法将识别率提高到92.4%,在小样本字符集脱机手写体识别中具有较强的实用性和良好的扩展性.  相似文献   

Handwritten text recognition systems commonly combine character classification confidence scores and context models for evaluating candidate segmentation-recognition paths, and the classification confidence is usually optimized at character level. In this paper, we investigate into different confidence-learning methods for handwritten Chinese text recognition and propose a string-level confidence-learning method, which estimates confidence parameters by directly optimizing the performance of character string recognition. We first compare the performances of parametric (class-dependent and class-independent parameters) and nonparametric (isotonic regression) confidence-learning methods. Then, we propose two regularized confidence estimation methods and particularly, a string-level confidence-learning method under the minimum classification error criterion. In experiments of online handwritten Chinese text recognition, the string-level confidence-learning method is shown to effectively improve the string recognition performance. Using three character classifiers, the character correct rates are improved from 92.39, 90.24 and 88.69 % to 92.76, 90.91 and 89.93 %, respectively.  相似文献   

A database for handwritten text recognition research   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An image database for handwritten text recognition research is described. Digital images of approximately 5000 city names, 5000 state names, 10000 ZIP Codes, and 50000 alphanumeric characters are included. Each image was scanned from mail in a working post office at 300 pixels/in in 8-bit gray scale on a high-quality flat bed digitizer. The data were unconstrained for the writer, style, and method of preparation. These characteristics help overcome the limitations of earlier databases that contained only isolated characters or were prepared in a laboratory setting under prescribed circumstances. Also, the database is divided into explicit training and testing sets to facilitate the sharing of results among researchers as well as performance comparisons  相似文献   

International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) - Despite some interesting results from different research groups, a public database for Uyghur online handwriting recognition and...  相似文献   

This paper presents an effective approach for unsupervised language model adaptation (LMA) using multiple models in offline recognition of unconstrained handwritten Chinese texts. The domain of the document to recognize is variable and usually unknown a priori, so we use a two-pass recognition strategy with a pre-defined multi-domain language model set. We propose three methods to dynamically generate an adaptive language model to match the text output by first-pass recognition: model selection, model combination and model reconstruction. In model selection, we use the language model with minimum perplexity on the first-pass recognized text. By model combination, we learn the combination weights via minimizing the sum of squared error with both L2-norm and L1-norm regularization. For model reconstruction, we use a group of orthogonal bases to reconstruct a language model with the coefficients learned to match the document to recognize. Moreover, we reduce the storage size of multiple language models using two compression methods of split vector quantization (SVQ) and principal component analysis (PCA). Comprehensive experiments on two public Chinese handwriting databases CASIA-HWDB and HIT-MW show that the proposed unsupervised LMA approach improves the recognition performance impressively, particularly for ancient domain documents with the recognition accuracy improved by 7 percent. Meanwhile, the combination of the two compression methods largely reduces the storage size of language models with little loss of recognition accuracy.  相似文献   

International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) - In handwritten text recognition, compared to human, computers are far short of linguistic context knowledge, especially...  相似文献   

A comprehensive Arabic handwritten text database is an essential resource for Arabic handwritten text recognition research. This is especially true due to the lack of such database for Arabic handwritten text. In this paper, we report our comprehensive Arabic offline Handwritten Text database (KHATT) consisting of 1000 handwritten forms written by 1000 distinct writers from different countries. The forms were scanned at 200, 300, and 600 dpi resolutions. The database contains 2000 randomly selected paragraphs from 46 sources, 2000 minimal text paragraph covering all the shapes of Arabic characters, and optionally written paragraphs on open subjects. The 2000 random text paragraphs consist of 9327 lines. The database forms were randomly divided into 70%, 15%, and 15% sets for training, testing, and verification, respectively. This enables researchers to use the database and compare their results. A formal verification procedure is implemented to align the handwritten text with its ground truth at the form, paragraph and line levels. The verified ground truth database contains meta-data describing the written text at the page, paragraph, and line levels in text and XML formats. Tools to extract paragraphs from pages and segment paragraphs into lines are developed. In addition we are presenting our experimental results on the database using two classifiers, viz. Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and our novel syntactic classifier.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a multiple classifier system (MCS) for on-line handwriting recognition. The MCS combines several individual recognition systems based on hidden Markov models (HMMs) and bidirectional long short-term memory networks (BLSTM). Beside using two different recognition architectures (HMM and BLSTM), we use various feature sets based on on-line and off-line features to obtain diverse recognizers. Furthermore, we generate a number of different neural network recognizers by changing the initialization parameters. To combine the word sequences output by the recognizers, we incrementally align these sequences using the recognizer output voting error reduction framework (ROVER). For deriving the final decision, different voting strategies are applied. The best combination ensemble has a recognition rate of 84.13%, which is significantly higher than the 83.64% achieved if only one recognition architecture (HMM or BLSTM) is used for the combination, and even remarkably higher than the 81.26% achieved by the best individual classifier. To demonstrate the high performance of the classification system, the results are compared with two widely used commercial recognizers from Microsoft and Vision Objects.  相似文献   

o raise the reliability, a hybrid multiple classifier system is proposed by integrating the cooperation and combination of three classifiers: SVM [1], MQDF [3], and leNet5 [2]. In combination, we apply the total probability theorem to the classifiers at the rank level. Meanwhile, differential measurement and probability measurement are defined for the rejection option on different types of classifiers. Considerable improvement has been observed, and the final recognition rate of this system ranges from 95.54 to 99.11% with a reliability of 99.54 to 99.11%. The text was submitted by the authors in English. Chun Lei He received an MS and BS degree in applied mathematics from Jilin University, China, in 2000 and 1998, respectively. Currently, she is a research assistant and graduate student at the Center for Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (CENPARMI) at Concordia University, Canada. Her research interest is handwriting recognition using expert systems techniques. Ching Y. Suen received an MS degree in engineering from the University of Hong Kong and a PhD degree from the University of British Columbia, Canada. In 1972, he joined the Department of Computer Science of Concordia University, where he became a professor in 1979 and served as chairman from 1980 to 1984 and as associate dean for research of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science from 1993 to 1997. He has guided/hosted 65 visiting scientists and professors and supervised 60 doctoral and master’s graduates. Currently he holds the distinguished Concordia Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, and is the director of CENPARMI, the center for PR and MI. Prof. Suen is the author/editor of 11 books and more than 400 papers on subjects ranging from computer vision and handwriting recognition to expert systems and computational linguistics. A Google search of “Ching Y. Suen” will show some of his publications. He is the founder of The International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages and served as its first editor-in-chief for 10 years. Presently he is an associate editor of several journals related to pattern recognition. A fellow of the IEEE, IAPR, and the Academy of Sciences of the Royal Society of Canada, he has served several professional societies as president, vice-president, or governor. He is also the founder and chair of several conference series including ICDAR, IWFHR, and VI. He had been the general chair of numerous international conferences, including the International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages in August 1988 held in Toronto, International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition held in Montreal in August 1995, and the International Conference on Pattern Recognition held in Quebec City in August 2002. Dr. Suen has given 150 seminars at major computer industries and various government and academic institutions around the world. He has been the principal investigator of 25 industrial/government research contracts and is a grant holder and recipient of prestigious awards, including an ITAC/NSERC cash + grant award from the Information Technology Association of Canada and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada in 1992 and the Concordia “Research Fellow” award in 1998.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the automatic reading of unconstrained omni-writer handwritten texts. It shows how to endow the reading system with learning faculties necessary to adapt the recognition to each writer's handwriting. In the first part of this paper, we explain how the recognition system can be adapted to a current handwriting by exploiting the graphical context defined by the writer's invariants. This adaptation is guaranteed by activating interaction links over the whole text between the recognition procedures of word entities and those of letter entities. In the second part, we justify the need of an open multiple-agent architecture to support the implementation of such a principle of adaptation. The proposed platform allows to plug expert treatments dedicated to handwriting analysis. We show that this platform helps to implement specific collaboration or cooperation schemes between agents which bring out new trends in the automatic reading of handwritten texts.  相似文献   

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