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An important midlevel task for computer vision is addressed. The problem consists of labeling connected components in N1/2 ×N2/2 binary images. This task can be solved with parallel computers by using a simple and novel algorithm. The parallel computing model used is a synchronous fine-grained shared-memory model where only one processor can read from or write to the same memory location at a given time. This model is known as the exclusive-read exclusive-write parallel RAM (EREW PRAM). Using this model, the algorithm presented has O(log N) complexity. The algorithm can run on parallel machines other than the EREW PRAM. In particular, it offers an optimal image component labeling algorithm for mesh-connected computers  相似文献   

An O(n2) time serial algorithm is developed for obtaining the medial axis transform (MAT) of an n×n image. An O(log n) time CREW PRAM algorithm and an O(log2 n) time SIMD hypercube parallel algorithm for the MAT are also developed. Both of these use O(n2) processors. Two problems associated with the MAT, the area and perimeter reporting problem, are studied. An O(log n) time hypercube algorithm is developed for both of them, where n is the number of squares in the MAT, and the algorithms use O(n2) processors  相似文献   

Two arrays of numbers sorted in nondecreasing order are given: an array A of size n and an array B of size m, where n<m. It is required to determine, for every element of A, the smallest element of B (if one exists) that is larger than or equal to it. It is shown how to solve this problem on the EREW PRAM (exclusive-read exclusive-write parallel random-access machine) in O(logm logn/log log m) time using n processors. The solution is then extended to the case in which fewer than n processors are available. This yields an EREW PRAM algorithm for the problem whose cost is O(n log m, which is O(m)) for nm/log m. It is shown how the solution obtained leads to an improved parallel merging algorithm  相似文献   

A model of parallel computation called broadcasting with selective reduction (BSR) can be viewed as a concurrent-read concurrent-write (CRCW) parallel random access machine (PRAM) with one extension. An additional type of concurrent memory access is permitted in BSR, namely the BROADCAST instruction by means of which all N processors may gain access to all M memory locations simultaneously for the purpose of writing. At each memory location, a subset of the incoming broadcast data is selected and reduced to one value finally stored in that location. For several problems, BSR algorithms are known which require fewer steps than the corresponding best-known PRAM algorithms, using the same number of processors. A circuit is introduced to implement the BSR model, and it is shown that, in size and depth, the circuit presented is of the same order as an optimal circuit implementing the PRAM. Thus, if it is reasonable to assume that CRCW PRAM instructions execute in constant time, the assumption of a constant time BROADCAST instruction is no less reasonable  相似文献   

Squared error clustering algorithms for single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) hypercubes are presented. The algorithms are shown to be asymptotically faster than previously known algorithms and require less memory per processing element (PE). For a clustering problem with N patterns, M features per pattern, and K clusters, the algorithms complete in O(k+log NM ) steps on NM processor hypercubes. This is optimal up to a constant factor. These results are extended to the case in which NMK processors are available. Experimental results from a multiple-instruction, multiple-data (MIMD) medium-grain hypercube are also presented  相似文献   

An application-specific architecture for the parallel calculation of the decimation in time and radix 2 fast Hartley (FHT) and Fourier (FFT) transforms is presented. A real sequence with N=2n data items is considered as input. The system calculates the FHT and the FFT in n and n+1 stages. respectively. The modular and regular parallel architecture is based on a constant geometry algorithm using butterflies of four data items and the perfect unshuffle permutation. With this permutation, the mapping of the algorithm in VLSI technology is simplified and the communications among processors are minimized. Organization of the processor memory based on first-in, first-out (FIFO) queues facilitates a systolic data flow and permits the implementation in a direct way of the complex data movements and address sequences of the transforms. This is accomplished by means of simple multiplexing operations, using hardwired control. The total calculation time is (Nlog2N)/4Q cycles for the FHT and N(1+log2N)/4Q cycles for the FFT, where Q is the number of processors ( Q= 2q, QN/4)  相似文献   

A linear-time algorithm is developed to perform all odd (even) length circular shifts of data in an SIMD (single-instruction-stream, multiple-data-stream) hypercube. As an application, the algorithm is used to obtain an O(M2+log N) time and O(1) memory per processor algorithm to compute the two-dimensional convolution of an N×N image and an M×M template on an N2 processor SIMD hypercube. This improves the previous best complexity of O(M2 log M+log N)  相似文献   

An efficient parallel algorithm is presented for convolution on a mesh-connected computer with wraparound. The algorithm does not require a broadcast feature for data values, as assumed by previously proposed algorithms. As a result, the algorithm is applicable to both SIMD and MIMD meshes. For an N×N image and a M×M template, the previous algorithms take O (M2q) time on an N×N mesh-connected multicomputer (q is the number of bits in each entry of the convolution matrix). The algorithms have complexity O(M2r), where r=max {number of bits in an image entry, number of bits in a template entry}. In addition to not requiring a broadcast capability, these algorithms are faster for binary images  相似文献   

Optimal broadcasting on the star graph   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The star graph has been show to be an attractive alternative to the widely used n-cube. Like the n-cube, the star graph possesses rich structure and symmetry as well as fault tolerant capabilities, but has a smaller diameter and degree. However, very few algorithms exists to show its potential as a multiprocessor interconnection network. Many fast and efficient parallel algorithms require broadcasting as a basic step. An optimal algorithm for one-to-all broadcasting in the star graph is proposed. The algorithm can broadcast a message to N processors in O(log2 N) time. The algorithm exploits the rich structure of the star graph and works by recursively partitioning the original star graph into smaller star graphs. In addition, an optimal all-to-all broadcasting algorithm is developed  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to achieve balanced load among processors, reduce the communication overhead of the load balancing algorithm, and improve respource utilization, which results in better average resonse time. A communication protocol and a fully distributed algorithm for dynamic load balancing through task migration in a connected N-processor network are presented. Each processor communicates its load directly with only a subset (of the size √ N) of processors, reducing communication traffic and average response time. It is proved that the given algorithm will perform task migration even if there is only one light load processor and one heavy load processor in the system. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can save up to 60% of the protocol messages used by the broadcast algorithms and can reduce the average response time  相似文献   

Parallel algorithms for several important combinatorial problems such as the all nearest smaller values problem, triangulating a monotone polygon, and line packing are presented. These algorithms achieve linear speedups on the pipelined hypercube, and provably optimal speedups on the shuffle-exchange and the cube-connected-cycles for any number p of processors satisfying 1⩽pn/((log3n)(loglog n)2), where n is the input size. The lower bound results are established under no restriction on how the input is mapped into the local memories of the different processors  相似文献   

A new parallel algorithm is proposed for fat image labeling using local operators on image pixels. The algorithm can be implemented on an n×n mesh-connected computer such that, for any integer k in the range [1, log (2n)], the algorithm requires Θ(kn1k/) bits of local memory per processor and takes Θ(kn) time. Bit-serial processors and communication links can be used without affecting the asymptotic time complexity of the algorithm. The time complexity of the algorithm has very small leading constant factors, which makes it superior to previous mesh computer labeling algorithms for most practical image sizes (e.g. up to 4096×4096 images). Furthermore, the algorithm is based on using stacks that can be realized using very fast shift registers within each processing element  相似文献   

A hypercube algorithm to solve the list ranking problem is presented. Let n be the length of the list, and let p be the number of processors of the hypercube. The algorithm described runs in time O(n/p) when n=Ω(p 1+ε) for any constant ε>0, and in time O(n log n/p+log3 p) otherwise. This clearly attains a linear speedup when n=Ω(p 1+ε). Efficient balancing and routing schemes had to be used to achieve the linear speedup. The authors use these techniques to obtain efficient hypercube algorithms for many basic graph problems such as tree expression evaluation, connected and biconnected components, ear decomposition, and st-numbering. These problems are also addressed in the restricted model of one-port communication  相似文献   

Multiple-instruction multiple-data (MIMD) algorithms that use multiple processors to do median splitting, k-splitting and parallel splitting into t equal sections are presented. Both concurrent read, exclusive write (CREW) and exclusive read, exclusive write (EREW) versions of the algorithms are given. It is shown that a k-splitting problem can be easily converted into a median-splitting problem. Methods for finding multiple split points quickly and application of k-splitting to merging and sorting are discussed  相似文献   

An algorithm for convolving a k×k window of weighting coefficients with an n×n image matrix on a pyramid computer of O(n2) processors in time O(logn+k2), excluding the time to load the image matrix, is presented. If k=Ω (√log n), which is typical in practice, the algorithm has a processor-time product O(n 2 k2) which is optimal with respect to the usual sequential algorithm. A feature of the algorithm is that the mechanism for controlling the transmission and distribution of data in each processor is finite state, independent of the values of n and k. Thus, for convolving two {0, 1}-valued matrices using Boolean operations rather than the typical sum and product operations, the processors of the pyramid computer are finite-state  相似文献   

Parallel algorithms on SIMD (single-instruction stream multiple-data stream) machines for hierarchical clustering and cluster validity computation are proposed. The machine model uses a parallel memory system and an alignment network to facilitate parallel access to both pattern matrix and proximity matrix. For a problem with N patterns, the number of memory accesses is reduced from O(N 3) on a sequential machine to O(N2) on an SIMD machine with N PEs  相似文献   

A parallel algorithm is proposed for the two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform (2-D DFT) computation which eliminates interprocessor communications and uses only O(N) processors. The mapping of the algorithm onto architectures with broadcast and report capabilities is discussed. Expressions are obtained for estimating the speed performance on these machines as a function of the size N×N of the 2-D DFT, the bandwidth of the communications channel, the time for an addition, the time T( FN) for a single processing element to perform an N-point DFT, and the degree of parallelism. For single I/O channel machines that are capable of exploiting the full degree of parallelism of the algorithm, attainable execution times are as low as the time T(FN) plus the I/O time for data upload and download. An implementation on a binary tree computer is discussed  相似文献   

Several fast and space-optimal sequential and parallel algorithms for solving the satisfaction problem of functional and multivalued dependencies (FDs and MVDs) are presented. Two frameworks to verify an MVD for a relation and their implementation by exploring the existing fast space-optimal sorting techniques are described. The space optimality means that only a constant amount of extra memory space is needed for the sequential implementations, and O(M) amount of extra memory space for parallel algorithms that use M processors. This feature makes the algorithms attractive whenever space is a critical resource and I/O transfers should be reduced to the minimal, as is often the case for relational database systems. The time requirements for in-place FD and MVD verification are given in terms of M and of N, which is the number of tuples in a relation. The effect of relation modification on FD and MVD verification is examined  相似文献   

A simultaneous access design of a dictionary machine which supports insert, delete, and search operations is presented. The design is able to handle p accesses simultaneously and allows redundant accesses to occur. In the design, processors performing insert or delete operations are free to perform other tasks after submitting their accesses to the design; processors that perform search operations get their response in O(log N) time. Compared to all sequential access designs of a dictionary which require O(p ) time to process p accesses, the presented design provides much higher throughput; specifically, O(p/log p) times better. It also provides a fast mechanism to avoid the sequential access bottleneck in any large multiprocessor system  相似文献   

Exact analytical expressions are obtained for the likelihood and likelihood gradient stationary autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models. Denote the sample size by N, the autoregressive order by p, and the moving average order by q. The calculation of the likelihood requires (p+2q+1)N +o(N) multiply-add operations, and the calculation of the likelihood gradient requires (2p+6q+2)N+o(N) multiply-add operations. These expressions may be used to obtain an iterative, Newton-Raphson-type converging algorithm, with superlinear convergence rate, that computes the maximum-likelihood estimator in (2 p+6q+2)N+o(N) multiply-add operations per iteration  相似文献   

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