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Nuclear energy – A primary resource in the interconnected energy system. Against the background of renewed discussion of the use and future role of nuclear energy, the terms of reference for nuclear energy will be redefined. By contrast with fossil fuels, nuclear fuels are energy resources which can be used practically only for the provision of energy, and thus directly affect the conservation of more valuable resources. On the basis of the boundary conditions with respect to worldwide energy supply, the contribution of nuclear energy to electrical energy supplies will be illustrated in terms of national and world figures. Prospects will be considered as to the future possibility of further development of proven systems for nuclear energy utilization, while appraising the development and significance of advanced systems which will also open up new markets in the interconnected energy system for the primary resource nuclear energy.  相似文献   

On the way to a secure, economic, and environmentally compatible future of energy supply, the share of renewable energies will rise strongly as part of the energy transition. To ensure a constant and resilient energy supply, despite the fluctuations of renewable energies, efficient energy storage systems are crucial. One of the most promising technologies are redox flow batteries. They are of particular importance in the field of stationary applications, due to their flexible and independent scalability of capacity and power output as well as their high cycle stability, calendric service life, and operational safety.  相似文献   

世界润滑油基础油的供需状况和发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了世界润滑油基础油的分类、市场供需以及节能、环保和发动机技术发展对基础油的影响和要求,展望了全球润滑油基础油的发展趋势。尽管世界润滑油基础油市场在目前和今后相当长的时期内仍然是供大于求,但是随着费托合成润滑油基础油的出现及其产量的增加,高质量、低成本的润滑油基础油将是今后润滑油基础油发展方向。  相似文献   

分析研究了发达国家经济社会发展与能源消费的历史特点,提出了发达国家能源消费演变的七个共同特点和三种发展模式,以期探寻经济社会发展和能源转型之间的关系。未来能源消费、供应、技术和政策都将发生巨大变化,能源消费将更加集约、清洁、高效,能源供应结构将不断优化。对未来20年全球一次能源消费总量和结构进行了预测。  相似文献   

Oilseeds and their products, vegetable oils and oilcakes, are primary agricultural commodities on the world market. The current annual volume is ca. $3000 million and, with increasing world population and income, their production is expected to expand. Improved technology, which allows for substitution of oils from various sources in many products, has narrowed the price spread between different oils. If production increases as predicted, the price of vegetable oils may decline in the future. Oilcakes are used primarily for animal feed at present. Forecasts predict that consumption of oilcake should increase and prices remain stable. Since cottonseed is a byproduct of cotton fiber production, it does not readily respond to fluctuations in supply and demand. Two factors may significantly affect utilization patterns of cottonseed protein in the future. First is development of the liquid cyclone process for production of food-grade protein flour from conventional cottonseed. Second is development of commercially acceptable varieties of glandless cotton, the seed of which can be processed into food without special procedures. Exploitation of these developments could move significant amounts of cottonseed protein into food channels in both developed and lesser developed countries and alter use patterns for cottonseed.  相似文献   

Alaa El-Sadek 《Desalination》2010,250(3):876-884
Water Desalination is an indispensable industry for the most of the Arab countries. In the last four decades, the number and capacities of desalination units have increased dramatically (45% Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) and 42% Reverse Osmosis (RO) of world capacity); especially in the Gulf States. Almost all available conventional water resources in Egypt - represented by the Nile water, renewable groundwater, and some scant annual precipitation- have been exhausted. Further development measures require review of current water allocations in order to raise efficiencies and protect against pollution, in addition to exploring new options of non-conventional water resources to narrow the gap between water supply and demand. These measures are the pillars of Egypt's integrated water policy and have been clearly postulated in its National Water Resources Plan 2017. The objective of this paper is to study and investigate water desalination as a solution for water scarcity in Egypt. Moreover, the present work demonstrates the significance of seawater desalination for national development in Egypt. At present, Egypt is encouraging, not only the public sector but also the private sector, to apply modern technologies for desalination, which historically started with Distillation then Electrodyalisis and followed by RO. The great achievements in desalination technology have now moved the costs for desalting in many applications from the realm of "expensive" to "competitive". Current technology is feasible for tourist villages in the north coast and the Red Sea, due to its far distances from conventional sources that makes the cost of water conveyance very high and subject to pollution problems. The results indicated that, in spite of research and developments, still the energy requirement and membrane know-how are limiting factors. Thus, Egypt's future vision is non-traditional in the field of desalination. It is based on a real breakthrough towards the use of renewable energy, namely, solar energy to be harnessed for operating high compression pumps needed for reverse osmosis modular systems. The reasons are obvious, since Egypt has great potential of brackish water wells, immense amounts of solar radiation in remote areas and future integrated development projects are located at a distance from the Nile water. This trend is what Egypt is focusing on as a prospective future for wide applications of desalination. Finally, this research concluded that, the water desalination as a conventional water resource should be considered as an imperative measure for water security in Egypt. The future use of such resource for different purposes will largely depend on the rate of improvement in the technologies used for desalination and the cost of needed power.  相似文献   

Renewable energy sources and low-carbon power generation systems with carbon capture and storage (CCS) are expected to be key contributors towards the decarbonisation of the energy sector and to ensure sustainable energy supply in the future. However, the variable nature of wind and solar power generation systems may affect the operation of the electricity system grid. Deployment of energy storage is expected to increase grid stability and renewable energy utilisation. The power sector of the future, therefore, needs to seek a synergy between renewable energy sources and low-carbon fossil fuel power generation. This can be achieved via wide deployment of CCS linked with energy storage. Interestingly, recent progress in both the CCS and energy storage fields reveals that technologies such as calcium looping are technically viable and promising options in both cases. Novel integrated systems can be achieved by integrating these applications into CCS with inherent energy storage capacity, as well as linking other CCS technologies with renewable energy sources via energy storage technologies, which will maximise the profit from electricity production, mitigate efficiency and economic penalties related to CCS, and improve renewable energy utilisation.  相似文献   

王玥  郑晓洪  陶天一  刘秀庆  李丽  孙峙 《化工进展》2022,41(8):4530-4543
随着新能源汽车市场的蓬勃发展,锂离子电池作为新能源汽车的关键部件,面临着关键金属资源尤其是锂资源供给不足的风险,回收废锂离子电池中所含的二次锂资源将成为解决锂资源供需问题、推动行业可持续发展的重要途经。因此为实现废锂离子电池中锂元素的高效提取,分步或优先提取的选择性提锂工艺备受研究者们关注。本文介绍了火法、湿法、机械化学法和电化学法四种当前主流的选择性提锂工艺,在阐述其基础反应机理的基础上,总结归纳了各工艺最新的研究成果,并从提取过程中的工艺能耗、物耗、回收率、选择性、环境影响等多个角度对各工艺的优势和不足进行了深入分析。最后,对废锂离子电池中有价金属资源化回收的发展趋势及前景进行了展望,为未来研发更加清洁高效的回收工艺提供参考。  相似文献   

A critical view of the hydrogen economy . The goal of the hydrogen economy is to replace electrical energy, petroleum products, and natural gas wherever feasible by hydrogen as secondary energy. Apart from the coal the only primary energy source which be available in the near future will be nuclear energy, preferentially for supplying process heat for coal gasification (high temperature reactor). There will hardly be a future for thermochemical cyclic processes for cleavage of water; development of electrolytic process utilizing electrical energy from nuclear reactors appears technically and economically more promising. Exploitation of solar energy for generation of hydrogen appears unlikely in this century. The original concept of the hydrogen economy was associated with the discovery of hydrides of intermetallic compounds which are suitable for reversible storage of hydrogen. During the ensuing 15 years since the pioneering studies on this topic extensive detailed knowledge has accrued about the thermodynamic behaviour of hydride storage systems, their lattice structure, and the uptake and release of hydrogen. In any case, the hydrogen economy will be expensive with regard to both development and the necessary investment in this application.  相似文献   

Oilseeds and their products, vegetable oils and oilcakes, are primary agricultural commodities on the world market. The current annual volume is ca. $3000 million and, with increasing world population and income, their production is expected to expand. Improved technology, which allows for substitution of oils from various sources in many products, has narrowed the price spread between different oils. If production increases as predicted, the price of vegetable oils may decline in the future. Oilcakes are used primarily for animal feed at present. Forecasts predict that consumption of oilcake should increase and prices remain stable. Since cottonseed is a byproduct of cotton fiber production, it does not readily respond to fluctuations in supply and demand. Two factors may significantly affect utilization patterns of cottonseed protein in the future. First is development of the liquid cyclone process for production of food-grade protein flour from conventional cottonseed. Second is development of commercially acceptable varieties of glandless cotton, the seed of which can be processed into food without special procedures. Exploitation of these developments could move significant amounts of cottonseed protein into food channels in both developed and lesser developed countries and alter use patterns for cottonseed. One of 11 papers presented in the symposium “The World Supply of Edible Oils and Proteins,” AOCS Meeting, Atlantic City, October 1971.  相似文献   

David G. Argo 《Desalination》1978,25(2):135-149
In the service area of the Orange County Water District in Southern California there are 1.5 million people who rely upon a complex water supply system composed of local groundwater and imported water from the Colorado River and from Northern California. Every gallon of water distributed in the area requires the expenditure of energy to place the water at the point of demand. The water is either energized to pressure from groundwater or pumped great distances over the Mohave Desert or the length of the San Joaquin Valley and over the Tehachapi Mountains. Southern California is in a chronic drought condition, as the local supply can furnish only one-third of the annual demand. Because of the intense competition for supplemental water supplies throughout the state and the West in recent years, there has been a growing interest in recycling wastewater as a supplement for use in irrigation and groundwater recharge. This supply will also require energy for treatment and distribution.The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the energy requirements of all available water sources so as to provide our communities with a continuing supply at a reasonable cost. The energy necessary to produce a potable supply through wastewater reclamation and reuse, as practiced at Water Factory 21, is compared to the energy necessary to transfer water great distances through challenging terrains, such as that required by the Colorado River and State Water Project aqueduct systems. As energy supplies lessen and the costs of those remaining energy supplies increase, it is apparent that the incremental costs of energy to supply water will be the controlling factor in future water resource economics.  相似文献   

储能电介质材料是制作脉冲功率电容器的核心材料,在脉冲功率电源、高功率电子器件、高能量密度武器、智能电网系统等基础科研和工程技术领域均有着广阔的前景。微晶玻璃具有很高的电击穿强度,是一类重要的电介质储能材料。本文在简要介绍储能电介质材料的性能评价参数及其相关物理意义的基础上,概述了微晶玻璃储能材料的主要制备方法及其优缺点,重点阐述了微晶玻璃储能材料的主要研究体系及其相关研究进展,最后探讨了微晶玻璃储能材料的未来发展方向及应用前景。  相似文献   

李旭初 《化肥工业》2013,40(2):17-18,30
结合公司发展情况和今后的发展思路,概述了目前硝基复合肥行业各企业的产能情况和将来的发展趋势。目前,硝基复合肥年产能约3000kt,加上在建和拟建的年产能将超过10000kt;硝基复合肥市场行情走势向好,局部货源紧缺。同时也指出了硝基复合肥仍存在安全性、水溶性差、防爆剂价格高、市场推广力度不够等问题。  相似文献   

结合美国咨询公司CMAI提供的信息,简要分析了世界宏观经济和能源形势,预测了世界及亚洲地区聚酯、PTA和对二甲苯的市场情况和未来发展态势。认为未来几年世界PX供应会比较紧张,建议国内企业抓紧建设PX装置。  相似文献   

自2016年OPEC+首次承诺集体减产以来,全球原油市场的扰动因素更多地来自于供给端,各产油国的产能管理和协调措施成为影响油价走势的主要决定因素,在一定程度上缓冲了全球经济复苏缓慢背景下能源需求增长疲软对油市的冲击,对国际原油价格走势起到"稳定器"的作用。2020年3月OPEC+联盟减产协议破裂以及沙特增产降价开启了全球原油供给端增产战和价格战,4月中旬OPEC+虽勉强达成减产协议,但减产力度远不及预期,协议的后续执行仍存变数,这也意味着主要产油国产能管理近乎失效。而此次全球范围内新冠疫情扩散背景下原油市场面临的不仅是供给端"稳定器"失效,需求端的萎缩以及未来进一步的利空预期也带来巨大的下行压力,国际原油市场未来总体将呈现供需两弱格局,加之当前中东地缘政治乱局,未来原油价格将加快进入剧烈震荡的下行区间。  相似文献   

Meeting future energy demands with more efficient, lower emission, and safe energy technologies has top priority in the medium term. Consumer-friendly energy concepts, integrated into regional and supraregional energy supply structures, represent further elements. These will make important contributions to resource-conserving and environmentally compatible power supplies utilizing local energy sources including renewable resources. Supplying energy to large areas involves additional tasks, from compensation of large amounts of fluctuating energy to the transport of fluctuating energy to the transport of renewable energy over long distances. Solar dish, parabolic section, and tower power generating plant have considerable economic and CO2-reduction potential in sunny countries, such as in the Mediterranean region, However, the costs of solar-thermal electricity generation have to be reduced by a factor of 1.5 to 2. Fuel cell systems can attain particular significance as efficient low-emission energy conversion systems in power plant and automative engineering once their technical and economic potential can be realized.  相似文献   

The demand for sustainable energy sources, like biomass, solar energy, hydro and wind power, is connected to challenges like energy storage and fluctuating energy supply. Regarding the second challenge, industry has to evolve their existing processes from steady state processes to dynamic ones. This work is concerned with the conception of an inline spectroscopy-based optimization routine for chemical reactions under dynamic process conditions, which implements the search for a well applicable optimization algorithm. The studied reaction to reach this goal is a nitroaldol condensation.  相似文献   

介绍了2011年中国TDI、MDI的市场供应、需求、价格和进出口情况。探讨了未来发展前景,床垫、冷库是拉动我国TDI、MDI发展的重要动力和新的经济增长点;并简单介绍了脂肪族二异氰酸酯(ADI)的市场情况。  相似文献   

作为一种关键原材料,锂是生产新能源汽车锂离子电池必需的战略金属。随着新能源汽车产业的快速发展,对锂的需求量持续骤增。然而,我国锂矿石等一次资源储量低,对外依存度目前已高达70%,难以满足快速增长的市场需求,供需矛盾日渐突出。因此,高效清洁提取废锂离子电池中的锂必将成为锂资源的重要补充,对有效避免废锂离子电池对生态环境和人体健康的二次污染风险、保障战略金属锂的安全供给和新能源汽车行业的可持续发展意义重大。鉴于湿法冶金具有回收率高、回收产物纯度高、能耗低等优点,本研究综述了近年来以湿法冶金为主提取废锂离子电池中锂的研究进展,重点分析了废锂离子电池预处理、浸出、锂分离与提取的主要方法及其优缺点,并提出了进一步强化选择性提取锂相关技术研发及废锂离子电池全组分清洁利用的建议,同时对废锂离子电池回收工艺的发展趋势及前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

The requirements for chemical and food production technologies will change in the future as a result of shorter time to market and increasing market volatility. Especially the rising use of renewable resources will require the implementation of flexible and fast to install small-scale production technologies. The increasing number of necessary apparatuses and their distributed operation, however, will constitute major challenges, both economically and procedurally.The proposed solution to face the economic challenge is modularization and standardization. For food production, dewatering represents a key issue. Thus, biomass processing should first be divided into small-scale water separation steps and then into further large-scale processing steps. As dewatering usually happens thermally and heat exchangers often benefit from the economies of scale, heat supply and energy consumption or heat transfer with little capital investment are further issues. Therefore, temperature levels should be decreased and the use of solar heat increased. For the production of biofuels and chemicals from biomass, process integration and process simplification are proposed to improve the efficacy of production equipment and processes. Choosing raw materials with molecular structures, similar to the desired chemical building block, will lower the need for heat exchange and make small-scale manufacturing of fuels and chemicals possible.  相似文献   

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