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The scattering of electrons with energy ?<12ms2 by acoustical phonons at very low temperatures T?ms2 is investigated.  相似文献   

分析了纳米颗粒的能级结构,建立了载流子弛豫的简化模型,运用数值模拟方法讨论了激发密度、表面态密度及俘获态电子的弛豫率对弛豫过程的影响。讨论结果表明,激发密度的增大及表面态的减少都会导致表面态上电子的饱和,使导带上出现电子的积累,导带电子寿命增大;深俘获态电子的弛豫是影响材料响应速度的主要因素。最后应用此模型对近红外泵浦探测实验的结果进行分析,表明模型可望在实验结果分析上得到应用。  相似文献   

We propose an analytic representation to study electron relaxation during an ultrafast process in a semiconductor quantum well. Gauss-type energy functions are used to simulate the peaks of nonthermal electrons, while the background electrons are described by a Boltzmann distribution function. The time variations of parameters describing the amplitudes and widths of Gauss-type functions, and the temperature of background electrons, are determined by solution of the Boltzmann equation with electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions.  相似文献   

It is found experimentally that the relaxation of bleaching in GaAs, which takes place when charge carriers are photogenerated by a high-power picosecond optical pulse, is slowed as the beam diameter F increases. Relaxation of the bleaching is caused by a decrease in the concentration of carriers due to recombination-induced superluminescence in GaAs. It is found that as the diameter F increases, the rate of superluminescence recombination slows, although the intensity of the superluminescent emission should increase. This apparent contradiction is explained with the help of theory. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 32, 542–545 (May 1998)  相似文献   

Zinc is a major residue impurity in the preparation of solar-grade silicon material by the zinc vapor reduction of silicon tetrachloride. This paper projects that in order to get a 17-percent AM1 cell efficiency for the Block IV module of the Low-Cost Solar Array Project,1the concentration of the zinc recombination centers in the base region of silicon solar cells must be less than 4 × 1011Zn/cm3in the p-base n+/p/p+ cell and 7 × 1011Zn/cm3in the n-Base p+/n/n+ cell for a base dopant impurity concentration of 5 × 1014atoms/cm3. If the base dopant impurity concentration is increased by a factor of 10 to 5 × 1015atoms/cm3, then the maximum allowable zinc concentration is increased by a factor of about two for a 17-percent AM1 efficiency. The thermal equilibrium electron and hole recombination and generation rates at the double-acceptor zinc centers are obtained from previous high-field measurements as well as new measurements at zero field described in this paper. These rates are used in the exact dc-circuit model to compute the projections.  相似文献   

The role of screening of the interaction of the electron-hole plasma with optical phonons is analytically evaluated by the example of gallium arsenide.  相似文献   

银粉的形状对低温固化导电银浆导电性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了银粉含量、形状、表面处理工艺对低温固化导电银浆导电性能的影响。结果显示,最理想的银粉质量含量在65%~70%之间。同时,鳞片状银粉和球形粉的混合体制成的浆料导电性能最佳。另外,最好的固化条件是150℃、2 h。  相似文献   

In the presence of an arbitrary number of deep donor levels volt-ampere and volt-farad characteristics are obtained for the Schottky barrier diode which contains a thin dielectric layer between the metal and the semiconductor. The analysis of these characteristics shows that the deep levels can significantly influence both the capacitance and the rectifying properties of the Schottky diode; the thicker the dielectric layer, the greater the effect of the deep levels upon volt-ampere relationship and the lesser upon volt-farad one. One can determine the parameters of the deep levels from these relationships. The results of the calculation are in agreement with the data of the experiment performed.  相似文献   

The electric characteristics of the p +-i-n + structures are analyzed for two types of GaAs epitaxial layers: the structures with an i layer based on undoped GaAs and an i layer based on GaAs:Cr. The forward currents of the first-type diodes are caused by recombination in the space-charge region. The reverse I–V characteristics at the voltages to 10–15 V are determined by the component of the generation current. At |U| > 20 V, the current growth is caused by the Poole-Frenkel effect, which is replaced by electron tunneling through the potential-barrier top with increasing the voltage as a result of the electron-phonon interaction. The forward branches of the I–V characteristics of the p +-i-n + diodes with the i layer based on GaAs:Cr are explained by the unipolar injection in the semiconductor, which is replaced by the bipolar injection with increasing the voltage. The reverse I–V characteristics are linear in the range of 1–15 V; at |U| > 20 V, an increase in current is caused by the impact ionization.  相似文献   

A new non-destructive method is presented for obtaining true resistivity (ρ), mobility(μ), and electron concentration(n) topography on photoexcited, semi-insulating GaAs. The method is based on the use of two perpendicular light slits, which join four removable In contacts on the periphery of the wafer to form a classical Greek-cross configuration. By placing contacts all around the periphery the whole wafer can be mapped. We give results for 1.1 μm photoexcitation on a 3′ low-pressure, liquid-encapsulated Czochralski wafer and compare with EL2 results on the same wafer. A by-product of the analysis is the determination of electron lifetime. Finally, the possibility of nondestructive dark electrical topography is discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the extended phosphorus diffusion gettering (PDG) effect on chromium impurities (Cr) in p-type multicrystalline silicon (mc-Si) grown by Heat Exchanger Method (HEM). The study was made after phosphorous diffusion and according to different extended annealing temperatures. The secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis revealed a significant accumulation of 52Cr in heavily phosphorus doped (HPD) region. Using quasi-steady state photoconductance (QSSPC) technique, the apparent lifetime dependent minority carrier density curves have been obtained. The results showed an increment of the bulk minority carrier lifetime for specific annealing temperatures. Appropriate calculations based on QSSPC results allowed us to determine the lifetime curves associated to gettered impurities. Their fitting by Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) model reveal that the origin of the lifetime increment is the reduction of interstitial chromium (Cri) density in the bulk. Furthermore, the estimation of electron to hole capture cross-section ratio (k=σnp) through the modelling of apparent lifetime curves using Hornbeck–Haynes model, confirmed the effectiveness of Cri gettering and identified the nature of dominant recombination centres after gettering process.  相似文献   

We analyze the effect of the additional repulsive core on the ground state energy of the off-axis neutral donor in GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs cylindrical nanotube in the presence of the uniform magnetic field applied along the symmetry axis by using the recently developed fractal dimension method. Curves of the D0 ground state binding energies as a function of the donor distance from the axis and density states with randomly distributed donors show that the additional peaks in the curves of the density of impurity states appear due to the presence of the additional repulsive core in the middle's well. To take into account the mixing of the low lying subbands we express the wave function as a product of the combination of 1s and 2px,y wave functions with an unknown envelope function that depends only on electron-ion separation.  相似文献   

In thermally sputtered As2Se3 and As2Se3 + 0.1 at. % Sn films the tin impurity strongly influences the photoconductivity kinetics under stepped optical excitation. The tin quenches the “spike” on the section of increasing photocurrent, eliminates the dependence of the form of the decrease on the excitation intensity, and leads to a temperature-dependent delay in recombination onset. The effect of the impurity is attributed to an increase in trapping in deep localized states produced by the introduction of tin. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 31, 836–840 (July 1997)  相似文献   

The results of studying the diffusion of Cr impurity in GaAs according to electrical measurements are reported. Dependences of the diffusion coefficient and limiting solubility of electrically active Cr atoms in GaAs on temperature (at fixed pressures of As vapors) and on the pressure of As vapors (at fixed temperatures) are determined. The dependence of the Cr diffusion coefficient in GaAs on the ratio between the volume of the sample under study to the volume of the cell in the case of pronounced deviation from the crystal’s stoichiometry towards Ga excess is established. The obtained experimental data are analyzed on the basis of concepts concerning the dissociative mechanism of migration of Cr atoms in the GaAs crystal lattice; according to this mechanism, the diffusion coefficient depends heavily on the concentration of Ga vacancies.  相似文献   

A model of the effect of random fluctuations in the number of impurity atoms in the depletion layer of a field-effect transistor (FET) is presented and analyzed. It is conducted that the range of space charge per unit area that must be anticipated on a chip containing N FET's each of area A is /spl Delta/S=q(2 ln N)/SUP 1/2/A/SUP -1/4/n~/SUP 1/2/. n~ is the doping level of the substrate.  相似文献   

The dependence of the Hall carrier density on bismuth concentration, n, p=f(N Bi), in PbSe:Bi:Se/BaF2 films has been studied. The films were grown by vacuum condensation from two independent molecular beams (PbSe:Bi and Se2) mixed directly at the surface of a (111)BaF2 substrate heated to 350°C. The bismuth concentration in the stock was 0–0.3 at. %. Two specific portions can be distinguished in the experimental n, p=f(N Bi) dependence. At N Bi>0.0375 at. %, the electron density is close to N Bi; at low bismuth concentrations, N Bi<0.0375 at. %, the linear run of the n=f(N Bi) dependence is violated, and the conduction changes to p-type. All the doped films under study are saturated with selenium. This is a necessary condition for obtaining the highest electron densities in the films at N Bi corresponding to the linear portion of the n=f(N Bi) dependence. The results are discussed in terms of a thermodynamic model of the impurity interaction with intrinsic defects in PbSe, taking into account the amphoteric behavior of bismuth atoms in lead selenide.  相似文献   

In this paper, the influence of poly-Si-gate impurity concentration, N/sub poly/, on inversion-layer electron mobility is experimentally investigated in MOSFETs with ultrathin gate oxide layer. The split capacitance-voltage C-V method is modified to directly measure an effective mobility, paying attention to both 1) accurate current-voltage I-V and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements with high gate leakage current and 2) correct surface carrier density, N/sub s/, estimation at a finite drain bias. It is demonstrated that the mobility in ultrathin gate oxides becomes low significantly for highly doped gate, strongly suggesting the contribution of remote Coulomb scattering due to the gate impurities, which is quantitatively discriminated from that of Coulomb scattering due to substrate impurities and interface states. It is also found that the mobility lowering becomes significant rapidly at T/sub ox/ of 1.5 nm or less. The mobility-lowering component is weakly dependent on N/sub s/, irrespective of N/sub poly/, which cannot be fully explained by the existing theoretical models of remote impurity scattering.  相似文献   

胶体金免疫民镜技术是利用抗原和抗体特异性结合,在电镜下检测与抗体结合电子密度高的胶体金,确定抗原位置。因此已成为研究细胞化学的重要技术,得到广泛应用。但被检的胶体金粒子直径一般在10nm左右,很难在低倍下、大视野观察不同细胞的标记情况,为此,增大胶体金颗粒十分必要。  相似文献   

It is shown that in semiconductors, in crossed steady electric and magnetic fields, at low lattice temperatures, the streaming plasma instability of photoelectrons is possible. The instability is studied in linear and nonlinear regimes. The electric field and electron mean velocity oscillations with frequency proportional to recombination rate are obtained.  相似文献   

Transport properties of the photoexcited electron-hole plasma in n-type InP have been studied by the spatial-imaged, time-resolved Raman scattering technique with 30μm and 0.1μm spatial resolution for lateral and perpendicular transport, respectively, and on a picosecond time scale. The plasma density ranging from 1 × 1016 to 2 × 1017 cm−3 was deduced from fitting of the Raman spectra with the plasmon-LO phonon scattering theory which took into account the contributions from free holes. In contrast to the experimental results of Young and Wan who found that ordinary diffusion equation was sufficient to fit their transient plasma density-time profiles in semi-insulating InP, our experimental measurements have shown that perpendicular transport (i.e., expansion into the bulk crystal) of the plasma in n-type InP can be very well described by a modified diffusion equation including the effect of drifting away from the surface based on a hydrodynamic model. The transient plasma density-time profiles were studied at T = 300K and for an initial injected plasma density n 2 × 1017 cm−3. The plasma has been found to expand laterally at a velocity V 5 × 104 cm/sec and perpendicularly into the crystal at a velocity Vp 1.5 × 105 cm/sec.  相似文献   

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