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电视自动播控系统软件是电视自动播控系统的灵魂,与硬件同等重要,现代播控系统是否能达到减轻值班人员的工作强度,以及提高播出质量和实效,往往更大程度依赖于自动播控系统软件。◆ 自动播控系统软件发展过程概述国内早期电视播控系统无一例外的采用人工手动播出方式。80年代初,一些电视台开始引进国外的切换台和与之配套的自动播控系统软件,构成自动播控系统,这些播控软件都是英文版,学习掌握需费较多的时间和精力,而且最大的问题是价格昂贵,故未能普及应用,仅中央电视台、江苏电视台及天津电视台等大台引进使用。但自动播控方…  相似文献   

正2014年8月15日,歌华有线发布公告称,新闻出版广电总局已经给歌华有线下发《信息网络传播视听节目许可证》,允许其在全国范围内开展基于移动通信网的手机电视内容服务及互联网电视内容服务。按照国家新闻出版广电总局《关于同意北京广播电视台开展移动通信网手机电视内容服务和互联网电视内容服务的批复》要求,歌华有线完成了手机电视内容服务平台和互联网电视内容服务平台建设,并分别与国家新闻出版广电总局批准的手机电视集成播控平台运营机构、互联网电视集成播控平  相似文献   

随着科技的发展,我们的电视频道数量的增多及大量现场直播的采用,使得其播出系统正变得越来越复杂,如何保证播出安全,确保播出质量,减少停播时间,已经成为我们机房播控人员必须完成的责任和使命。我们要保证有线电视信号能安全优质播出,不仅需要我们从业人员有过硬的专业技术,能准确处理各种播出故障,对突发事件进行应急处置,更重要的是能在第一时间发现问题,解决问题。  相似文献   

在快速发展的计算机技术影响下,加上互联网时代背景推动,电视播出系统也随时代变化而不断革新,逐渐提升为硬盘自动播出系统,代替之前的磁带播出系统,从多个方面改善了电视播放质量和电台操作环境,是模拟到数字化革新的跨越。电视播出系统作为电台的信号聚集地,有向外发送电视节目的重要任务,若通道数量较少,存储容量较低,则会严重影响电视播出系统的效率。  相似文献   

陈学敏 《福建电脑》2009,25(6):214-215
现在电视播出字暮已成为电视节目的重要组成部分,播出线上叠加的字幕量越来越多。本文介绍了电视播出字幕的分类以及字幕播控系统的构成,着重论述字幕的网络化播出和角标的多样化播出,这些技术创新提高了电视字幕的播出效率及播出安全性。  相似文献   

随着计算机科学与数字技术的蓬勃发展,越来越多的新型电子技术被广泛地运用到实际工作和生活当中。在电视播控系统,也出现了许多前所未有的技术性突破,使电视播控系统在性能和技术上都有了很大提高,电视播控技术出现了欣欣向荣的发展趋势,逐步满足了人们客观的生活需求。由于播控系统技术的改进和提高,对播控系统中存储子系统的要求也越来越高,现有的播控系统中存储子系统急需升级改造,从而保证播控系统工作稳定,运行正常。探讨了播控系统中存储子系统的应用以及技术要点。  相似文献   

随着电子和IT技术的不断提高,海量的存储技术、视频数字压缩技术以及网络技术也得到了迅猛发展。同时,随着产业化的不断推进,数字化、自动化、网络化、智能化、集约化的数字自动硬盘播控系统被广泛应用到在各级电视台中。本文根据笔者多年相关工作的实际经验,就基于数字自动硬盘播控平台的现代化电子信息技术在电视播控系统中的运用进行了浅要探讨。  相似文献   

众所周知,电视的播出安全性一直是电视台技术人员工作的重中之重。电视播控系统经历了模拟技术时代的手动播出和半自动播出。如今,随着数字化时代的到来,硬盘播出成了各大电视台播控系统应用的主流方式。运用硬盘播出最大的优势就是大大降低了播控环节的人为故障率,将播出风险性向前推移,锁定在前期的上载工作环节中,为安全播出提供了有力的保障。  相似文献   

古福 《互联网周刊》2012,(16):50-51
大权在握的互联网电视牌照方,现在的核心问题是,如何从广电"事业"模式布局中走出来,进入市场化竞争的"企业"模式。22012年的上半年,互联网电视牌照方很忙。为进军互联网电视这一有"钱途"的市场,前有各家视频网站作为内容提供方与之寻求合作,后有电视机终端厂商忙着选择合作伙伴。国家广电总局先后给CNTV、百视通、浙江华数、中国国际广播电台、中央人民广播电台、湖南电视台、南方传媒7家广电播出机构颁发了互联网电视集成播控平台牌照,并于2011年11月下发了规范互联网电视发展的181号文件《持有互联网电视牌照机构运营管理要求》,将OTT TV互联网电视的内容播控权牢牢握在广电系手中,只有这7家互联网电视牌照商才具备在全国开展互联网电视的资格。  相似文献   

张海泉 《信息与电脑》2011,(3):161-162,164
本文从基础理论和实际应用两方面详细阐述了徐州广播电视总台全面建成并投入使用的全数字化硬盘播出系统,首先对整个播控大系统的总体设计、构架组成、工作流程以及实现的主要功能做了深入的理论探讨,对系统采用的SAN网络存储结构和THOMSON公司的Profi le XP视频服务器的结构组成、工作特点及系统的优越性做了深入细致的分析理解,在此基础上结合实际应用提供了硬盘播出系统运行过程中诸如硬件、软件、管理等方面问题的解决方案,对于系统中关键设备如Profile XP视频服务器和SQL Sever2000/MDC数据库服务器则提出了如何规范化维护,通过对典型故障的现象和处理办法以及日常科学的运行管理维护工作的要点进行详细地归纳总结,避免了电视播控系统从模拟向数字方式转换过程中许多人为的或不可预知因素的故障的发生,以及如何有效地预防、减少和迅速排除此类故障。通过制定切实可靠的数据库维护计划,对系统有限的存储空间进行合理的分配和高效的管理,大大减轻了值班人员的劳动强度,提高了播出的信号质量和工作效率以及值班人员应急处理排除突发故障的能力,增强了播出的安全性,降低了系统设备维修和运营成本,提高经济效益,有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

Broadcast MSCs     
Message sequence charts (MSCs) have proven to be a useful modeling technique especially within the requirements analysis phase of software development. MSCs, however, do not support the concept of broadcast communication, which is frequently used in technical applications. In this paper, we present an extension to MSCs for the modeling of broadcast interaction scenarios. Based on the mathematical framework of timed streams we also introduce a semantics for broadcast MSCs. We thoroughly discuss methodological benefits and semantic properties of this approach, consider alternative solutions, and address its scaleability with respect to complex real-time systems applications.Our research was supported, in part, by the DFG within the priority program SoftSpez (SPP 1064) under project name InTime, and by the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (CAL-(IT)2).Received October 2002Accepted in revised form November 2003 by M. Broy, G. Lüttgen and M. Mendler  相似文献   

擅长为汽车广告打造精妙视效的A52公司,最近刚荣获了克里奥视觉效果奖。今天我们要介绍的,则是A52刚刚在Goodyear轮胎产品的一则广告中的视效创作。这部名为「螺丝钉」的广告片长30秒,讲述了一个很平常的故事……  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2001,35(2-3):223-236
In a traditional anti-jamming system a transmitter who wants to send a signal to a single receiver spreads the signal power over a wide frequency spectrum with the aim of stopping a jammer from blocking the transmission. In this paper, we consider the case that there are multiple receivers and the transmitter wants to broadcast a message to all receivers such that colluding groups of receivers cannot jam the reception of any other receiver. We propose efficient coding methods that achieve this goal and link this problem to well-known problems in combinatorics. We also link a generalisation of this problem to the Key Distribution Pattern problem studied in combinatorial cryptography.  相似文献   

Broadcast encryption's bright future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As a vehicle for content protection, broadcast encryption promises more flexible and resilient security compared with traditional public key cryptography techniques.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of broadcasting a message in the n-cube, Qn, equipped with wormhole switching. The communication model assumed is one-port, and the broadcasting scheme is path-based whereby, during broadcasting along a path by a node, all the nodes on that path will receive the message. The wormhole path length is m where –m's concurrently (cube-based broadcast). The second method is based on the concept of Gray codes (GCs), and at every given step, it forms the Hamiltonian path of appropriate size as the broadcast path (GC-based broadcast). It is shown that the steps required in GC-based broadcast is fewer than or equal to those needed by cube-based broadcast. Furthermore, comparison of time complexity of GC-based broadcast to the lower bound reveals that this algorithm is near-optimal, and in fact optimal in many cases. This work improves on the best algorithm developed for path-based broadcast in one-port hypercube both in complexity and in simplicity.  相似文献   

随着无限通信技术的成熟,使得通过信息交换和交通信息分发式改善交通安全和预防交通拥堵成为可能.为了分发紧急信息给驾驶员,广播技术通常被采纳,但是又经常受到隐藏节点、干扰、信息冗余和竞争问题的影响.提出一种事件驱动的基于时间预测的广播(TPB,Time-based Predictions Broadcast),适合双向多车道高速公路上的车辆合作防碰撞.信息中继节点的选择基于接收车辆节点的位置、速度、方向.仿真结果表明该协议能够有效地分发紧急信息,降低时延,信息跳数减少,重播次数减少.因此通过中继节点的选择能够减少信息冗余,降低“广播风暴”发生的概率.  相似文献   

In this paper, we leverage network coding to reduce the bandwidth consumption for data broadcast. We use the concept of mixing in a different way from the traditional network coding. Traditional network coding mixes all data items together. However, we mix each data item from only some data items according to the queried and stored data of receivers. Therefore, each receiver in our approach is required to receive fewer coded data to decode the required information, and the sender thereby is able to broadcast fewer data items. We formulate an optimization problem with integer-linear programming to minimize the bandwidth consumption in data broadcast. We prove that the problem is NP-hard and design an approximation algorithm that can be implemented in the data server. In addition, we show that different mixings of data items lead to different decoding costs for receivers. We design an algorithm to optimally code the data items with the minimum decoding cost.  相似文献   

广播加密方案的一个注记   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
匡建民  谷大武 《计算机工程》2006,32(2):147-148,259
广播加密方案是一种应用广泛的群组通信方案,在视频音频网络直播、视频会议和证券实时行情发布等场合具有良好的应用前景。该支分析了4种广播加密方案,在分析的基础上提出了一个改进的广播加密框架和改进后的方案。新方案具备用户扩展能力,并且在消息长度上和同等用户规模的现有方案相仿。  相似文献   

An innovative approach is presented to the design of fault-tolerant distributed systems that avoids the several rounds of message exchange required by current protocols for consensus agreement. The approach is based on broadcast communication over a local area network, such as an Ethernet or a token ring, and on two novel protocols, the Trans protocol, which provides efficient reliable broadcast communication, and the Total protocol, which with high probability promptly places a total order on messages and achieves distributed agreement even in the presence of fail-stop, omission, timing, and communication faults. Reliable distributed operations, such as locking, update, and commitment, typically require only a single broadcast message rather than the several tens of messages required by current algorithms  相似文献   

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