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对于新兴的皮肤传导系统的搜寻应当作为皮肤研究中的焦点。目前,应用在个人护理产品的新兴方法大量地借鉴了药物的传导系统,甚至还包括一些新奇的方式如激光和超声波。下面介绍一下药物传导系统(DDS)  相似文献   

本文针对录井设备的检验工作要求逐渐变高,现在的脉冲信号检验设备和检测手段不能满足目前检验水平的发展,提出了开发了新型便携式脉冲信号检测系统,开发了具有针对性的检测应用软件,完成了配置修改、采集信号、显示数据等功能。软件采集端口舍弃板卡采集,改用串口模式..该系统已在新疆基地投入质检工作的运行。其便携、使用范围广的优势,非常适用于西部野外环境下的质量检测工作。  相似文献   

在总结大量文献的基础上,阐述了饮用水系统中抗性基因的来源、分布及转移机制,并深入探讨了膜过滤、生物活性炭、氯消毒、高级氧化工艺和光催化等饮用水处理方法对抗性基因去除的影响,并对未来的研究方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

单中刚  刘君丽  司乃国 《农药》2005,44(10):477-479
杀菌剂抗性风险是指病原菌抗药性发展使杀菌剂防效丧失或药效降低的可能性.一个农药新品种投入市场时,抗性风险评估、抗性检测技术和抗性治理策略也往往同时推出.通过药剂驯化、诱导、化学诱变、紫外线诱变等方法获得抗性菌株,并对抗性菌株的致病力和遗传稳定性进行研究,对新杀菌剂可能产生抗性的风险做出评估.植物病原菌对杀菌剂的抗药性风险的高低,是影响杀菌剂新品种在市场中使用时间长短和销量的关键因素,杀菌剂抗性风险评估是新品种市场预测和应用开发的重要依据.  相似文献   

昆虫抗性靶标部位及其在杀虫剂创制中的作用   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
本文从昆虫抗药性机理出发,重点评述了三种具有潜在开发价值的杀虫剂靶标部位(GABA受体,电压敏感性钠通道和乙酰胆碱酯酶),介绍了几种具有新颖作用机制的、无交互抗性的新农药品种,最后讨论了新杀虫剂创制的新途径及其意义。  相似文献   

张济航 《氮肥技术》2001,22(4):53-54
阐述了化工生产过程中信号联锁保护系统的重要性,并对联锁保护系统的设计方案进行了说明。  相似文献   

ESD是主要用于大型机组的安全保护系统,能有效地避免危险的扩大。气化炉ESD系统原始选择的分配器是多路的,分配器是15路信号为一体的信号分配器,每个信号分配器对应三个冗余AI卡件,一旦一个信号分配器出现故障,则会有多路现场信号同时出现故障,因此对系统的稳定运行是非常不利的。利用帕罗肯一分三新号分配器进行改造以后,多路变成单路,一旦信号分配器出现问题,只是影响到一个现场信号,不会引起系统失去控制,可以较好的实现集中管理与分散控制的目的。  相似文献   

详细说明HART协议智能仪表的信号采集方法及其在乙烯装置的DCS、SIS和成套机组系统中的应用。  相似文献   

从催化裂化主风机组控制系统中的采集系统工作原理入手,通过分析HART协议仪表功能,针对催化裂化主风机组控制系统的特点,提出在催化主风机组控制系统中HART信号的采集形式及实现的方法.  相似文献   

Sulfur has been previously reported to modulate plant growth and exhibit significant anti-microbial activities. However, the mechanism underlying its diverse effects on plant pathogens has not been elucidated completely. The present study conducted the two-year field experiment of sulfur application to control kiwifruit canker from 2017 to 2018. For the first time, our study uncovered activation of plant disease resistance by salicylic acid after sulfur application in kiwifruit. The results indicated that when the sulfur concentration was 1.5–2.0 kg m3, the induced effect of kiwifruit canker reached more than 70%. Meanwhile, a salicylic acid high lever was accompanied by the decline of jasmonic acid. Further analysis revealed the high expression of the defense gene, especially AcPR-1, which is a marker of the salicylic acid signaling pathway. Additionally, AcICS1, another critical gene of salicylic acid synthesis, was also highly expressed. All contributed to the synthesis of increasing salicylic acid content in kiwifruit leaves. Moreover, the first key lignin biosynthetic AcPAL gene was marked up-regulated. Thereafter, accumulation of lignin content in the kiwifruit stem and the higher deposition of lignin were visible in histochemical analysis. Moreover, the activity of the endochitinase activity of kiwifruit leaves increased significantly. We suggest that the sulfur-induced resistance against Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae via salicylic activates systemic acquired resistance to enhance plant immune response in kiwifruit.  相似文献   

Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) improves immunity of plant systemic tissue after local exposure to a pathogen. Guard cells that form stomatal pores on leaf surfaces recognize bacterial pathogens via pattern recognition receptors, such as Flagellin Sensitive 2 (FLS2). However, how SAR affects stomatal immunity is not known. In this study, we aim to reveal molecular mechanisms underlying the guard cell response to SAR using multi-omics of proteins, metabolites and lipids. Arabidopsis plants previously exposed to pathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst) exhibit an altered stomatal response compared to control plants when they are later exposed to the bacteria. Reduced stomatal apertures of SAR primed plants lead to decreased number of bacteria in leaves. Multi-omics has revealed molecular components of SAR response specific to guard cells functions, including potential roles of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and fatty acid signaling. Our results show an increase in palmitic acid and its derivative in the primed guard cells. Palmitic acid may play a role as an activator of FLS2, which initiates stomatal immune response. Improved understanding of how SAR signals affect stomatal immunity can aid biotechnology and marker-based breeding of crops for enhanced disease resistance.  相似文献   

Strigolactones are low-molecular-weight phytohormones that play several roles in plants, such as regulation of shoot branching and interactions with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and parasitic weeds. Recently, strigolactones have been shown to be involved in plant responses to abiotic and biotic stress conditions. Herein, we analyzed the effects of strigolactones on systemic acquired resistance induced through salicylic acid-mediated signaling. We observed that the systemic acquired resistance inducer enhanced disease resistance in strigolactone-signaling and biosynthesis-deficient mutants. However, the amount of endogenous salicylic acid and the expression levels of salicylic acid-responsive genes were lower in strigolactone signaling-deficient max2 mutants than in wildtype plants. In both the wildtype and strigolactone biosynthesis-deficient mutants, the strigolactone analog GR24 enhanced disease resistance, whereas treatment with a strigolactone biosynthesis inhibitor suppressed disease resistance in the wildtype. Before inoculation of wildtype plants with pathogenic bacteria, treatment with GR24 did not induce defense-related genes; however, salicylic acid-responsive defense genes were rapidly induced after pathogenic infection. These findings suggest that strigolactones have a priming effect on Arabidopsis thaliana by inducing salicylic acid-mediated disease resistance.  相似文献   

Fibrotic diseases, such as liver, pulmonary and renal fibrosis, are common end-stage conditions and represent a major global health problem. Furthermore, effective therapeutic measures are presently unavailable. Extracellular matrix accumulation is the most prominent characteristic in the pathogenesis of fibrotic disease. Retinoic acid, including all-trans retinoic acid, 9-cis and 13-cis retinoic acid, play important roles in various physiological processes, such as in embryonic development, reproduction, vision, cell growth, differentiation, apoptosis and inflammation. Present studies report that retinoic acid treatment may affect various processes involved in the onset and progression of fibrotic disease. However, the therapeutic effects of retinoic acid in such diseases remain controversial. Several reports indicate that retinoic acid positively affects the progression of fibrosis and alleviates the accumulation of the extracellular matrix, whereas other studies report the opposite; that retinoic acid exacerbates fibrosis and induces extracellular matrix accumulation. Signaling pathways might be an important influencing factor and differences in signaling events might be responsible for the contradictory role of retinoic acid in fibrotic diseases. Since there was no review available that investigated the role of retinoic acid and the signaling pathways involved, we retrospectively studied the literature and provide a comprehensive analysis of retinoic acid’s role in fibrotic diseases, and provide an overview of the signal transduction pathways involved in its pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The remarkable capacity of the generalist aphid Myzus persicae to resist most classes of pesticides, along with the environmental and human health risks associated with these agrochemicals, has necessitated the development of safer and greener solutions to control this agricultural pest. Oligogalacturonides (OGs) are pectin-derived molecules that can be isolated from fruit industry waste. OGs have been shown to efficiently stimulate plant defenses against pathogens such as Pseudomonas syringae and Botrytis cinerea. However, whether OGs confer resistance against phytophagous insects such as aphids remains unknown. Here, we treated Arabidopsis plants with OGs and recorded their effects on the feeding performance and population of M. persicae aphids. We also identified the defense mechanism triggered by OGs in plants through the analysis of gene expression and histological approaches. We found that OG treatments increased their resistance to M. persicae infestation by reducing the offspring number and feeding performance. Furthermore, this enhanced resistance was related to a substantial accumulation of callose and reactive oxygen species and activation of the salicylic acid signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Rice plants contain high basal levels of salicylic acid (SA), but some of their functions remain elusive. To elucidate the importance of SA homeostasis in rice immunity, we characterized four rice SA hydroxylase genes (OsSAHs) and verified their roles in SA metabolism and disease resistance. Recombinant OsSAH proteins catalyzed SA in vitro, while OsSAH3 protein showed only SA 5-hydroxylase (SA5H) activity, which was remarkably higher than that of other OsSAHs that presented both SA3H and SA5H activities. Amino acid substitutions revealed that three amino acids in the binding pocket affected SAH enzyme activity and/or specificity. Knockout OsSAH2 and OsSAH3 (sahKO) genes conferred enhanced resistance to both hemibiotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens, whereas overexpression of each OsSAH gene increased susceptibility to the pathogens. sahKO mutants showed increased SA and jasmonate levels compared to those of the wild type and OsSAH-overexpressing plants. Analysis of the OsSAH3 promoter indicated that its induction was mainly restricted around Magnaporthe oryzae infection sites. Taken together, our findings indicate that SA plays a vital role in immune signaling. Moreover, fine-tuning SA homeostasis through suppression of SA metabolism is an effective approach in studying broad-spectrum disease resistance in rice.  相似文献   

水杨酸及其衍生物   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了水杨酸,水杨酸异戊酯,水杨酸异丙酯的生产现状及新的合成工艺。  相似文献   

吡啶催化合成乙酰水杨酸的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林沛和 《化工中间体》2006,(9):18-19,25
用吡啶催化剂,以水杨酸和乙酸酐为原料合成乙酰水杨酸.结果表明,当水杨酸用量为2.0g,乙酸酐用量为5.9 mL,吡啶用量为水杨酸质量的5%时,80℃反应30min,纯化乙酰水杨酸收率可达80.2%,且吡啶是合成乙酰水杨酸的优良催化剂.  相似文献   

贾林 《火炸药学报》2004,27(1):77-79
根据在酸性环境中水杨酸根离子和铁离子起显色反应,提出测定火药中的水杨酸及其衍生物盐含量的分光光度法。平均回收率为99.76%(n=11),实验标准偏差为2.10%。该方法的优点是简单、准确。  相似文献   

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