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The current study identified the antecedents of being an Internet scam victim and how it impacts online privacy concerns and privacy protection behaviors. Structural equation modeling on data from a survey of 11,534 Internet users revealed that one indicator of weak self-control (i.e., willingness of risky investments) and two indicators of routine Internet activities (i.e., online shopping and opening emails from unknown sources) positively predicted being an Internet scam victim. Subsequently, being an Internet scam victim predicted increased online privacy concerns, which, in turn, predicted elevated privacy protection behaviors. Moreover, we found that being an Internet scam victim mediated the effects of routine Internet activities on privacy protection behaviors and that online privacy concerns mediated the effect of being an Internet scam on privacy protection behaviors. Unlike most Internet privacy studies using protection motivation theory only, the current study contributes to the understanding of the Internet scam victimization by incorporating three new theories—extended parallel process model, self-control theory, and routine activity theory. The research findings provided valuable implications for theory and practice related to Internet scam processes and prevention.  相似文献   

Online behavioural advertising (OBA) is a special form of targeted advertising. For OBA, it is necessary to collect data about online surfing behaviour, which is usually undertaken by installing ‘cookies’. The use of cookies is heavily debated by policy makers in the US and Europe. Central to this discussion is whether users should provide informed consent prior to the installation of cookies. However, to provide informed consent, it is vital that website users understand the mechanisms of OBA and cookies. This study investigates whether the existing knowledge is sufficient, whether website users are concerned about their privacy, and how they cope with OBA, cookies and the requested informed consent. An online questionnaire (N = 2022) was fielded briefly after new European cookie regulations were enacted. The results confirmed that the knowledge is still insufficient to obtain good understanding of this new advertising technique. In addition, the results showed that groups of Internet users did not differ in terms of knowledge, although they did differ in terms of privacy concerns. A comparison of privacy-concerned groups showed that a dual approach is needed in communicating about OBA, not only to inform but also to reduce worries, especially in older and less-educated groups.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of parents and the Internet in adolescents' online privacy concerns and information disclosing behaviors. Specifically, instructive and restrictive parental mediation, adolescents' self-disclosure to parents about their Internet experiences, time spent on the Internet, and participation in online communication activities were examined as factors that may impact adolescents' concerns about online privacy, willingness to disclose personally identifiable information, and actual disclosure of personal information online. A survey conducted in Singapore with 746 adolescents aged 12–18 revealed that instructive parental mediation based on parent-adolescent communication was more effective than restrictive parental mediation based on rule-making and controlling in reducing information disclosure among adolescents. Adolescents' self-disclosure to parents about their Internet experiences was found to be positively associated with their privacy concerns but did not foster privacy protection behaviors. While online chatting had a positive relationship with privacy concerns, excessive use of the Internet and frequent participation in social networking and online gaming resulted in increased information disclosure.  相似文献   

This study explores the antecedents and consequences of health information privacy concerns in online health communities by integrating the dual calculus and protection motivation theories. On the basis of survey data from 337 users, health information privacy concerns, together with informational and emotional support, significantly influence personal health information (PHI) disclosure intention. Privacy concerns are negatively influenced by two coping appraisals (i.e., response efficacy and self-efficacy) and positively affected by two threat appraisals (i.e., perceived vulnerability and perceived severity). The perceived health status differentially moderates the effects of privacy concerns and informational support on the PHI disclosure intention.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2016,53(7):868-877
This study elucidates the role of control in the context of information privacy to develop a better understanding of the interactions between general privacy concerns and transactional privacy concerns. We posit that general privacy concerns moderate the effects of information collection and profile control on transactional privacy concerns, which in turn, influence willingness to delegate profile to Facebook apps. We test the research model in the context of Facebook apps installation. Results support our propositions. Theoretical contributions and practical implications for service providers and users are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews how the notion of control has been conceptualised in relation to informational privacy and, from a perspective of consent and the revocation of consent, suggests that there are more sophisticated notions of control over personal data that can be proposed. The paper outlines some of the challenges underlying these enhanced notions of control in the context of privacy and consent.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine pricing strategies in the U.S. online book industry over two time periods, with an aim to understand whether and how the driving factors of price dispersion change over time. Our empirical results show that dispersion in prices has remained substantial over the period of 2001–2006, but the driving factors of these variations in price have evolved. In 2001 online book retailers generally engaged in obfuscation, frustrating consumer search by manipulating shipping options. As documented by prior literature and revealed in our 2001 data, higher prices charged by retailers were positively related with longer shipping time. This strategy has been abandoned, as shown by our results of a 2006 sample. Online retailers are now competing to ship items quicker than rivals and to pass fewer or no shipping costs on to consumers. The impact of trust assurance seals (e.g., seals of online security and privacy) on price has materialized over the period of 2001–2006. This is because as more consumers become security conscious, the effects of assurance seals on the price becomes better recognized. Moreover, although retailers are roughly clustered into three cohorts, they strategize prices across different product items within each cohort.  相似文献   

Due to the widespread use of cameras, it is very common to collect thousands of personal photos. A proper organization is needed to make the collection usable and to enable an easy photo retrieval. In this paper, we present a method to organize personal photo collections based on “who” is in the picture. Our method consists in detecting the faces in the photo sequence and arranging them in groups corresponding to the probable identities. This problem can be conveniently modeled as a multi-target visual tracking where a set of on-line trained classifiers is used to represent the identity models. In contrast to other works where clustering methods are used, our method relies on a probabilistic framework; it does not require any prior information about the number of different identities in the photo album. To enable future comparison, we present experimental results on a public dataset and on a photo collection generated from a public face dataset.  相似文献   

The nearly ubiquitous use of online social networks generally entails substantial personal disclosure and elicits significant privacy concerns. This research uses Social Exchange Theory and the impression management (IM) literature to examine how privacy concerns can be counterbalanced by the perceived social benefits afforded by a social network’s ability to support IM. We frame social network use as an attempt to engage in IM, and we highlight the importance of a social network’s IM affordances in predicting social benefits from, and disclosure through, a social network. We test our model with a sample of 244 Facebook users, finding support for the proposed relationships and yielding the following contributions. First, this research provides a novel positioning of perceived IM affordances as a primary driver of both perceived social benefits and IM disclosure propensity. Second, this research illuminates that trust in both the social network provider and social network peers influences privacy concerns, social benefits, and perceived IM affordances. Our theory has important implications for researchers and practitioners interested in privacy issues within social networks.  相似文献   

在大数据时代,如何解决用户隐私问题已经成为近年来大数据领域学者研究的热点问题之一.文章提出从大数据收集、大数据存储和大数据应用三个阶段进行综合治理,各方联动以共同应对用户信息隐私问题,并针对具体阶段制定相应的对策.  相似文献   

Online portals provide personalization for “free”since the information acquired from consumers' usage of these services is valuable for advertising and targeted marketing purposes. Consumers' usage of services is determined by the tradeoff between their marginal value for personalized services and the resulting information privacy concerns and is captured by their personalization for privacy (P4P) ratio. A portal's decision to offer personalized services is dependent upon its cost of offering the services and revenue due to advertisers' marginal value for information (MVI) acquired therein. Through three models, our paper examines the strategic interaction between a portal that determines the service level to be offered and advertisers who pay the portal for placing advertisements through which they acquire information. Our first model of an independent portal finds that while all profits are increasing in the advertiser's MVI, with increasing P4P ratio the advertiser's profits are increasing at a faster rate than the portal's profits. In our second model, we consider an information sharing regime between two advertisers and find that a high MVI advertiser has a distinct first-mover advantage in announcing the services rate for the entire market. Our final model considers a portal that has its own advertising capabilities and we find that while this case is superior to others in the high MVI advertiser's and portal's profits, the consumer welfare and overall social welfare is dependent on the relative valuations of the two advertisers.  相似文献   

国土地籍数据采用分级管理机制,不同地区的地籍管理系统是异构的,为实现分布异构环境下,国土地籍数据网上汇交,不允许改变已有现有数据存放方式,不允许操作现有数据库,必须要在保证地籍数据安全的前提下,通过元数据技术定位下级数据存放服务器,实现异构数据库间表与字段的映射,通过数据监听实现数据变化的提取,通过Web和XML实现数据实时同步.通过地籍数据汇交中间件,建立了区、市、省,国家四级地籍数据的汇交机制.实践结果表明,地籍数据汇交中间件,具有通用性,同时独立于数据库平台,实现地籍数据的实时、准确传榆,但也存在着数据传输速度较慢的问题,有待下一步工作解决.  相似文献   

Trust and privacy features of websites have evolved as an important concern for any businesses or interactions, particularly in online networks. The study investigates the relationship between trust, privacy concerns and behavioural intention of users on the social network. The behavioural intention of users on the online social network (OSN) is captured by intention to disclose information and intention to interact with others in OSN. The study was conducted on a sample of 457 active users from one of the major social networking website, Facebook. Partial least squares based structural equation modelling was used for analysing the results. The findings of the study reveal that intention to disclose information mediates the relationship between trust in the website and the intention to interact with others. Another important finding of the study indicates that prior positive experience with the website significantly impacts the trust in website, and the trust in website also plays a crucial role while determining the information privacy concerns in the OSN.  相似文献   

The expediency of application of terminal control in sea observation systems is shown on the example of a system of profile measurements of the ocean environment constructed on the basis of controlled diving buoys, sea probes. The model of motion of a diving buoy with controlled buoyancy is given. The control law is synthesized according to basic ideas [1], as applied to the digital controller. A method of choosing the controller parameters is proposed, and an algorithm for program implementation of the synthesized control law is developed. It is shown that the constructed iterative algorithm of calculation of the control signal possesses the adaptability property. The results of simulation of control processes under the action of perturbations on the system and variation of the plant parameters are presented.  相似文献   

This paper examines the privacy implications of the different online practices in which young people disclose personal information, and how associated configurations of choice and control create possibilities for violations of online privacy. The implications of the commercial and non-commercial use of young peoples' personal information are examined, with a specific focus on how this can potentially facilitate cyberbullying. The paper suggests that educational strategies should more clearly focus on encouraging young people to protect their online privacy, encourage control over disclosure practices, and consider the potential commercial and non-commercial uses of their information. There is a need for development of these strategies to be informed by empirical research exploring the everyday contexts and social norms which influence young peoples' online behaviour. Such an evidence-base can inform a critical review of educational, legal and regulatory actions which aim to protect their online privacy and safety.  相似文献   

执法是守法的必要措施,行政规制体现法治水平与执法能力。个人信息数据收集乱象在网络空间领域成为常态,严重影响着互联网生态与个人信息安全。文章通过重点剖析互联网产品的数据收集乱象,从行政角度探讨了国有电信企业在数据治理领域的缺位问题,提出了信息数据管理的行政创制构想。文章还对当前行政试点大数据管理局的职能缺陷和空白进行了剖析,并依托正在起草研究的《信息安全法》立法规划,对个人信息数据网络收集与管理的行政规制进行探究。  相似文献   

As advertisers increasingly rely on mobile-based data, consumer perceptions regarding the collection and use of such data becomes of great interest to scholars and practitioners. Recent industry data suggests advertisers seeking to leverage personal data offered via mobile devices would be wise to acknowledge and address the privacy concerns held by mobile users. Utilizing the theoretical foundation of communication privacy management (CPM), the current study investigates commonly understood privacy concerns such as collection, control, awareness, unauthorized secondary use, improper access and a newly adapted dimension of location tracking, trust in mobile advertisers, and attitudes toward mobile commerce, to predict mobile commerce engagement. Data from this study indicate that control, unauthorized access, trust in mobile advertisers, and attitude toward mobile commerce significantly predicted 43% of the variance in mobile commerce activity.  相似文献   

The last decade has witnessed the development and uprising of social media web services. The use of these shared online media as a source of huge amount of data for research purposes is still a challenging problem. In this paper, a novel framework is proposed to collect training samples from online media data to model the visual appearance of social events automatically. The visual training samples are collected through the analysis of the spatial and temporal context of media data and events. While collecting positive samples can be achieved easily thanks to dedicated event machine-tags, finding the most representative negative samples from the vast amount of irrelevant multimedia documents is a more challenging task. Here, we argue and demonstrate that the most common negative samples, originating from the same location as the event to be modeled, are best suited for the task. A novel ranking approach is devised to automatically select a set of negative samples. Finally the automatically collected samples are used to learn visual event models using Support Vector Machine (SVM). The resulting event models are effective to filter out irrelevant photos and perform with a high accuracy as demonstrated on various social events originating for various categories of events.  相似文献   

As concerns about personal information privacy (PIP) continue to grow, an increasing number of studies have empirically investigated the phenomenon. However, researchers are not well informed about the shift of PIP research trends with time. In particular, there is a lack of understanding of what constructs have been studied in what contexts. As a result, researchers may design their study without sufficient guidance. This problem can lead to unproductive efforts in advancing PIP research. Therefore, it is important and timely to review prior PIP research to enhance our understanding of how it has evolved. We are particularly interested in understanding the chronological changes in contexts and research constructs studied. We use a chronological stage model of PIP research we develop, a set of contextual variables identified from prior literature, and the four-party PIP model suggested by Conger et al. (2013) as theoretical foundations to conduct a chronological literature review of empirical PIP concern studies. We find several PIP research trends during the last two decades, such as the quantity of PIP research has drastically increased; the variety of contexts and research constructs being studied has increased substantially; and many constructs have been studied only once while only a few have been repeatedly studied. We also find that the focus of PIP research has shifted from general/unspecified contexts to specific ones. We discuss the contributions of the study and recommendations for future research directions. We propose a fifth party as an emergent player in the ecosystem of PIP and call for future research that investigates it.  相似文献   

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