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介绍迳古潭偏压双连拱隧道洞口处理情况:采用注浆三排长管棚,注浆固结洞口松软土体和型钢支护及小导管注浆增强受压处自稳相结合的方法,顺利通过严重偏压双连拱隧道洞口地段。希望能给同行施工同类型工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

建设和谐社会是党中央的一项重大决策,高校是传播知识,传承文明,造就人才,发展科技,服务社会的重要场所,因此,构建和谐校园具有重要的意义,而做好校园基本建设是形成和谐校园的前提基础,做强校园文化建设是提升和谐校园的基本内涵,突出生态环境是构建和谐校园的必然要求,管理好工程质量是构建和谐校园的基本保证。  相似文献   

<正>I think walk1to school is good for us.At first,walking to school is a good way to exercise and it’s good to2health.Next,it’s fun to walk together with friends every day.We can talk about interesting something3and know each other better.What’s more,if we go to school on foot,our parents won’t have to drive us to school.They will have more time to  相似文献   

Past studies have attempted to identify the correlates of citizen response to proposals for governmental integration. The inconsistency of the findings of such research indicates the need to formulate a general conceptual model in order to assess the interrelationships among the variables previously considered and to estimate the adequacy of current efforts in order to explain response to governmental integration proposals. Such a general model is formulated and tested using survey data. The inadequacy of the general model used in explaining citizen responses to a proposed type of governmental integration, city-county consolidation, by respondents living in unincorporated areas adjacent to the City of Atlanta, suggests the need for development and inclusion of explanatory variables designed to represent contextual variations specific to a particular metropolitan setting.  相似文献   

此篇论文针对改革开放以来,我省基建工程竣工结算工作中存在的各种问题进行科学的剖析,同时,就其危害性提出了“控制工程投资,提高经济效益,务必加强工程竣工结算的审核工作”的新举措。审核工作政策性强,既要讲原则,按法律法规办事,又要正确处理好双方关系,力求合理解决纠纷。  相似文献   

Problem: Rates of walking and bicycling to school have declined sharply in recent decades, and federal and state governments have committed funds to reverse these trends. To increase rates of walking and biking to school will require understanding why many parents choose to drive their children to school and how well existing programs, like Safe Routes to School, work.

Purpose: We aimed to understand why many parents choose to drive their children even short distances to school, and what implications this has for programs to increase walking and biking to school.

Methods: We used data from a telephone survey to explore why parents drive their children to school.

Results and conclusions: We found that 75% of parents driving their children less than 2 miles to school said they did this for convenience and to save time. Nearly half of parents driving their children less than 2 miles did not allow their child to walk to school without adult supervision. Accompanying a child on a walk to school greatly increases the time the household devotes to such a trip. Few Safe Routes to School programs effectively address issues of parental convenience and time constraints.

Takeaway for practice: Safe Routes to School programs should take parental convenience and time constraints into account by providing ways children can walk to school supervised by someone other than the parent, such as by using walking school buses. To be effective, such programs need institutional support. Schools should take a multimodal approach to pupil transportation.

Research support: This research was funded by the Active Living Research program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the U.S. and California Departments of Transportation through the University of California Transportation Center.  相似文献   

根据代建制的内涵,在代建实践工作中的认识,分析了建设项目前期、设计、施工各阶段的主要工作职责,即设计方案及图纸优化,创造和谐的工作氛围,做好参建各方之间的协调工作,加强合同管理,监督各方切实履行各自职责,严格控制工程质量、投资、进度,竣工验收后移交使用方。  相似文献   

许国模 《中外建筑》2005,(2):117-118
在深基坑支护中采用测斜监测技术对基坑支护的安全进行监测,根据预定的安全控制标准和监测频次对基坑支护体系的安全性进行评价,根据评价结果及时调整施工工艺和施工参数,确保基坑施工的安全和正常进行.并为以后基坑支护设计和施工提供依据.  相似文献   

常低温下EGSB处理生活污水的影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在15~26℃的常低温条件下,采用EGSB处理生活污水,考察了进水流量、回流比、液体上升流速(Vup)、温度等因素对运行效果的影响。结果表明,当温度为26℃左右时,对于9~11 L/h的低进水流量,宜采用高回流比(1.6~2.5),对COD的去除率最高可达90%;对于15~24L/h的高进水流量,宜采用低回流比(0~0.6),对COD的去除率最高可达84%;当进水流量提高至30 L/h时,不宜回流,对COD的去除率降至77%;当进水流量分别为9、11、15、24、30 L/h时,最佳Vup分别为4.0、(3.1~3.6)、(2.7~3.4)、3.0和3.8 m/h,此时对COD的去除率分别高达90%、(87%~89%)、(83%~84%)、83%和77%;在无回流的条件下,适宜的进水流量为15~24 L/h,相应的HRT为0.5~0.8 h。当温度为15~26℃时,EGSB适宜的运行条件是高进水流量(15~24L/h)、高Vup(3.0 m/h)和低回流比(0~0.6),此时对COD的去除率高达81.9%以上。  相似文献   

周利兵 《山西建筑》2005,31(1):126-127
针对施工企业对高层次、复合型人才的需要,就如何经营好人才,提高企业综合实力和核心竞争力等问题进行了探讨,以适应现代企业制度,从容应对加入WTO的挑战。  相似文献   

根据煤矿开采现状提出了煤矿开采中硫对地下水环境影响的内容、方式及预防措施,针对煤矿开采对地下水的接影响给以分析,与传统环境影响评价相比增加了煤炭开采中硫对地下水水质影响分析.  相似文献   

谭志明 《中外建筑》2013,(12):126-127
人类对于艺术、技术的追求,从古至今从未改变。在今天的中国,我们究竟需要什么样的博物馆,才能承载当代的我们,以及后世子孙的艺术梦想?我们究竟需要用什么方式才能表现出博物馆地域性的特征?我们究竟需要用什么方式才能表现出博物馆特有的场所精神?我们究竟需要用什么样的技术手段才能实现对当代博物馆的良好诠释?  相似文献   

本文试图从功和能的角度分析抽水井的能量转化。抽水过程是通过抽水设备输入一定能量,克服井管内外的摩阻,把水由地下提升到地表的作功过程。抽水设备输入的有用功是决定水井出水量分配和产生能量转化,即引起水头下降的根本原因。按能量守恒定律,抽水设备输出的有用功,一部分消耗于井管内的阻力损失;另一部分传递到井底推动地下水向井汇流。  相似文献   

The main objective of the website for the Castle and Town of Colditz is to attract visitors to the town and so contribute to the local economy. There is a virtual tour of the town and its castle, instructions how to get there, where to stay and what else there is to see in the region. If there is a general lesson applicable to most websites, it is the need to have a very clear set of objectives from the outset. The Colditz website is meeting its objectives and is proving a useful adjunct to more conventional means of marketing of the town  相似文献   

Electric narrow gauge railroads near highways are torn up to provide space for exhaust‐spewing buses. New apartments and hotels are added to seaside resorts to increase the amount of unfiltered sewage in the sea. Venice and Bruges discharge untreated human faeces into the canals sailed by oblivious tourists, while Europe heralds with joy the era of the plastic container but no new dumps.

Totally ignorant of the environmental disaster to which America just awoke, other countries seem to be determined to emulate the United States in a headlong rush to destruction.

“Give Earth a chance”, is the author's cry. The author does not wish to be a prophet of doom, but evidence produced by scientists of repute points to the urgent need to sacrifice some of the aspects of the “easy life”, to reduce industrial pollution, to restrict demands for energy, and to control the population explosion. The alternative is an unhabitable Earth or a substandard geoecosystem housing a debilitated humanity.  相似文献   

Since the initial smoke detector was developed, research has been ongoing to reduce the response times to fire sources and improve the ability of detectors to ignore nuisance sources. Research has been conducted to analyze the signatures from cooking activities, ranging from normal cooking to the flaming ignition of food products with the intent of identifying the precursors to flaming ignition. In particular, the goal of the research is to provide an alarm sufficiently prior to flaming ignition to allow homeowners to take corrective actions to prevent a fire. For the 11 experiments analyzed, the optical density measured in the range hood was the most accurate precursor signal, having the greatest ability to predict the imminent transition to a flaming fire with a minimum of false positives. Though plagued by false positives, the temperature of the heating element and response of an ionization detector provided a faster response than the optical density measure. Given that this research only included 11 experiments, further research should be conducted on a broader range of cooking styles and items being cooked.  相似文献   

许多学校实行了教授分级制,教授分级制的初衷或许在于激励教授们勤勉于学、励志于事。但在实施过程中由于各种因素的影响,存在着不少问题。实施教授激励政策应从以下几方面进行:严把教授职称评定的关口;建立有利于教授提升的平台;隐性激励机制应规范,显性激励机制应弱化;教授的衡量与学生的评价、社会的认可结合起来。  相似文献   

某大跨度预应力混凝土系杆拱桥在施工过程中,由于运梁车需从桥面通过,故上部钢管拱桥需滞后施工。此时,系梁荷载达到4 480t,而上部通过的运梁车自重达1 200t。因此,有必要参考实际施工过程对本项目中满堂支架的强度、刚度、稳定性进行验算并给出施工参考性建议,以保证结构施工的安全性。  相似文献   

日本集合住宅及老人居住设施设计新动向   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文对日本的集合住宅和老人居住设施的设计新动向分别进行了介绍。前者主要包括:在户型设计上求新求变以适应多样化的居住需求,在结构形式上追求广义的耐久性以适应人生不同阶段的居住需求;在居住心理环境设计上,从单纯注重私密性转向适度开放以促进邻里之间的交流和社区的自然形成;使住宅空间向立体化方向发展。后者主要包括:使老人居住设施与地区的特性更好地结合,使其有家的感觉;为老人创造 出有利于保持自立和尊严的个性化空间;促进设施规模的小型化;注意公共空间与个人空间之间的连接;将设施对外开放以促进与外部的交流;创造多样化的休憩场所,加强空间之间的有机联系等等。  相似文献   

彭丹阳  黄静  赵晓群 《建筑电气》2009,28(10):22-26
分析了变电站自动化系统的通信过程、对通信网络的要求以及通信网络的具体构成,研究了将工业以太网应用于数字化变电站时需要注意的问题.并讨论了采用IEC61850标准时的相关问题。  相似文献   

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