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As part of an environmental abatement programme, through the application of bioremediation in the retting zones of Kerala, a microbiological survey was conducted during March 1999 in the Kadinamkulam kayal, a major retting zone in Kerala. Some selected physico‐chemical parameters were also analysed to assess the water quality in the context of retting activity. Comparatively low dissolved oxygen content coupled with high hydrogen sulphide observed at Stations 1 and 2 can be attributed to retting. Salinity distribution is of the mixohaline nature. Pseudomonas sp., E. coli and other coliform groups were found to be present in the area. Of these the most dominant was Pseudomonas sp. and hence its nature and plasmid profile were also studied. The study indicates an environmental degradation in the area, and the possibility of hotspots of pollution in the backwater biotopes in the State.  相似文献   

This study assessed the potential reuse of an aluminium coagulated drinking water treatment sludge (Al‐DWTS) as a main substrate in constructed wetland to replace soil for the treatment of P‐enriched wastewater. The adsorption isotherm and kinetics of phosphorus (P) removal from high‐P solution by Al‐DWTS and a local soil from Bailieborough, Ireland, were studied and compared. The P adsorption process was examined as a function of contact time, initial P concentration, pH and temperature. Data of P adsorption were well fitted to the Langmuir and the Freundlich isotherms but the Freundlich isotherm had a higher correlation coefficient. The P adsorption capacity on the Al‐DWTS and the soil tended to increase with an increase in temperature. The maximum P adsorption capacity of the Al‐DWTS and the soil was 39.4 mg P mg?1 and 9.5 mg P mg?1, respectively, at conditions of pH of 4.0 and temperature of 23°C. Kinetics studies show that adsorption in both cases followed pseudo‐second‐order kinetics. The fact that the Al‐DWTS exhibited a significantly higher P adsorption capacity at high P solution compared with the soil suggests that Al‐DWTS can be a ‘novel‐waste’ bioadsorbent with promising application in wastewater treatment engineering, such as constructed wetland systems.  相似文献   

Geotextiles are often used in roadway construction as separation, filtration, and reinforcement. Their performance as reinforcement in geotextile-reinforced bases depends on geotextile–soil interaction. This paper investigates the geotextile–soil interaction under a cyclic wheel load using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). In this study, soil was modeled as unbonded particles using the linear contact stiffness model, and the geotextile was modeled as bonded particles. The micro-parameters of the soil and the geotextile were determined using biaxial tests and a tensile test, respectively. The influence of the placement depth and the stiffness of the geotextile on the performance of the reinforced base was investigated. The DEM results show that the depth of the geotextile significantly affected the degree of interaction between the geotextile and the soil. Under the applied cyclic vertical load, the geotextile developed a low tensile strain. The effect of the stiffness of the geotextile on the deformation was more significant when the geotextile was placed at a shallower location than when placed at a deeper location.  相似文献   

A survey of 335 businesses in the Australian road industry has been carried out to ascertain those factors that make firms innovate. ‘Innovative’ is measured by adoption rates of advanced technologies and practices, and the range of innovation drivers reviewed encompasses business strategy and environment. The findings indicate that business strategies are more important than business conditions, and that the following three strategies are significant in differentiating between firms with high and low adoption rates: (1) hiring new graduates; (2) introducing new technologies; and (3) enhancing technical capabilities. The findings also highlight the importance of undertaking R&D and encouraging employee ideas for improvement. The public policy implications are that the quality of university graduates should be protected and advanced, as should technical skills within public sector client agencies.  相似文献   

Different concepts for modelling of soil-foundation in complete dynamic interaction analysis for a 110-m height 70-m span arched structure on 180 piles were investigated in this paper. The modelling approaches consisted of a sophisticated procedure to account for soil compliance and foundation flexibility by defining frequency-dependent springs and dashpots; namely, flexible-impedance base model. The results of this model were compared with those of the conventional modelling procedures; namely, fixed base model and flexible base model by defining frequency-independent springs. In the flexible-impedance base model, the substructure approach was employed through finite element modelling. To account for the kinematic interaction, the numerical model of the soil, foundation and piles were developed using a verified finite element model in ABAQUS. The free field time history and design spectrum were modified to obtain the foundation input motion. The impedance of pile groups with different length was obtained by the finite element model to assess the inertial interaction. The comparison of the results of the employed models showed that rocking and torsional responses were greatly affected by soil–structure interaction, indicating redistribution of seismic demands. It was also proven that the internal demands of the conventional model considering frequency-independent Winkler springs might be higher than those of the model including pile–soil–structure interaction effects.  相似文献   

The effects of pH, ultra‐violet irradiation and temperature on the persistence and breakdown of dieldrin, endosulphan, gamma‐HCH and pyrolan were studied in leachates from a loam soil. Except for dieldrin which remained exceptionally stable throughout the pH range, persistence of pesticides decreased progressively as pH increased. After exposure to ultra‐violet irradiation of 2537°A wavelength, dieldrin was appreciably broken down in activated charcoal. Pesticide losses from covered leachates incubated at different temperatures increased with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

Intact soil column leaching experiments were used to assess the role of water dispersible soil colloids with diverse physicochemical and mineralogical composition in co‐transporting Pb in subsurface soil environments. There was essentially no elution of Pb (0 to < 1%) in 10mg/L control Pb solutions, suggesting a near complete attenuation by the soil column matrix. When the control Pb solutions were mixed with 300mg/L soil colloid suspensions, Pb transport increased by 10–3,000 times over that of control solutions. The presence of colloids increased the transport of both, the colloid bound and the soluble Pb fraction. Colloid‐induced transport was enhanced by increasing colloid surface charge, pH, organic carbon, and soil macroporosity and inhibited by increasing colloid size, Al, Fe, and quartz content. However, increased soil organic carbon content appeared to compensate for some of these limitations. Colloid binding and co‐transport appeared to be the dominant mechanism for increases in Pb transportability, but physical exclusion of soluble Pb species from matrix exchange sites blocked by colloids, competitive sorption, and organic complexation were also important. These findings suggest that the colloids play a dual role as Pb‐carriers and facilitators in the migration process and could have important ramifications on contaminant transport prediction and remediation applications.  相似文献   

Soil and water samples from the vicinity of Agbabu bitumen field of Southwestern Nigeria were analysed by GC‐FID for n‐alkanes, in order to characterize their distributions and to gather information on the degree of contamination by bitumen exploration and processing and other biogenic contributions. Total concentrations of n‐alkanes in water and soil samples analysed ranged from 61.5 to 472.7 µg L?1 and 422.8 to 2289.4 ng g?1 dw, respectively. On the basis of the total n‐alkane concentrations, carbon preference index (CPI) values and the odd‐even carbon predominance, it is suggested that both natural (e.g. aquatic input) and anthropogenic (e.g. bitumen and synthetics) sources contribute to the n‐alkanes load in soil and water samples of the area studied.  相似文献   


In this paper, the effects of soil–structure interaction (SSI) on the response of a girder bridge pier is evaluated by assessing the energy distributions in the barge–pier collision system. The finite-element models of two example piers of St. George Island Causeway Bridge, which have different structural and geometrical characteristics, are developed in LS-DYNA software to simulate the barge–pier collision scenarios. By comparing the energy distribution results among the barge and pier components, it is obtained that barge bow component has greater value of the internal energy contribution than pier components in the barge collision with more stiff pier. While, in the barge collision with more flexible pier, the pier components including the pier structure, piles and SSI have more internal energy contributions than the barge component. In addition, From the comparison of energy absorbed by the pier structure between the cases with and without SSI, it is found that the effect of the substructure and its relevant SSI on the response of the more flexible pier affected by the produced large deformations and relative displacements of the pier substructure, is more than that of stiff pier which displaces with semi-rigid and global deflections.  相似文献   

In modern organizations it is overly simplistic to assume that a uniform, organization‐wide climate for safety develops. Workgroup‐level safety climates are more likely to arise in decentralized organizations and their influence on occupational health and safety (OHS) behaviour is likely to be stronger when work is non‐routine, as in construction. The existence of workgroup‐level safety climates was examined in the Australian construction industry. A group‐level safety climate survey was conducted in a road maintenance and construction organization. The clear factorial structure produced in a larger sample of Australian defence logistics workers was not replicated and factors splintered, possibly due to the subject‐to‐item ratio in the construction study. However, the internal reliability consistency of the factors produced in the earlier pilot study was found to be acceptable for the construction industry data. Two requisite conditions for the existence of group‐level safety climates, i.e. (1) within‐group homogeneity; and (2) between‐group variation, were satisfied within the road construction and maintenance organization. The results indicate that distinct workgroup safety climates exist in construction, providing a theoretical explanation for why some workgroups perform better in OHS than others, despite having similar risk exposure.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effects of soil–structure interaction (SSI) on the response of base-isolated multistory buildings founded on an elastic soil layer overlying rigid bedrock and subjected to a harmonic ground motion. Initially a four-degree-of-freedom system (4-DOF) is developed and the equations of motion are formulated in the frequency domain. Frequency independent expressions are used to determine the stiffness and damping coefficients for the rigid surface foundation on the soil-stratum underlined by bedrock at shallow depth. Assuming the foundation mass to be negligible, an equivalent two-degree-of-freedom (2-DOF) system is derived. The first mode of motion of the equivalent 2-DOF system appears to be sufficient to describe the response of the overall system for all ranges of stiffness and inertia properties of the structure and its isolation. An extensive parametric study demonstrates that SSI effects are significant, primarily for squat, light structures, founded on soil-stratum of low stiffness. The methodology could serve as a means to perform a preliminary seismic design of base-isolated building structures founded on homogenous soil-stratum over bedrock.  相似文献   

Adding Fe(III) into a MEC – anaerobic reactor enhanced the degradation of organic matters. To clarify the respective effects of combining Fe(III) dosage and a MEC and Fe(III) dosage only on strengthening anaerobic digestion, three anaerobic reactors were operated in parallel: a MEC – anaerobic reactor with dosing Fe(OH)3 (R1), an anaerobic reactor with dosing Fe(OH)3 (R2) and a common anaerobic reactor (R3). With increasing influent COD from 1500 to 4000 mg/L, the COD removal in R1 was maintained at 88.3% under a voltage of 0.8 V, which was higher than that in reactor R2 and R3. When the power was cut off, the COD removal in R1 decreased by 5.9%. The addition of Fe(OH)3 enhanced both anaerobic digestion and anodic oxidation, resulting in the effective mineralization of volatile fatty acids (VFAs). The reduced Fe(II) combined with electric field resulted more extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production. Quantitative real – time PCR showed a higher abundance of bacteria in the anodic biofilm and R1. Pyrosequencing and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis revealed that the dominant bacteria and archaea communities were richer and more abundant in the anode biofilm and R1.  相似文献   

Resuspension of microbes in floor dust and subsequent inhalation by human occupants is an important source of human microbial exposure. Microbes in carpet dust grow at elevated levels of relative humidity, but rates of this growth are not well established, especially under changing conditions. The goal of this study was to model fungal growth in carpet dust based on indoor diurnal variations in relative humidity utilizing the time-of-wetness framework. A chamber study was conducted on carpet and dust collected from 19 homes in Ohio, USA and exposed to varying moisture conditions of 50%, 85%, and 100% relative humidity. Fungal growth followed the two activation regime model, while bacterial growth could not be evaluated using the framework. Collection site was a stronger driver of species composition (P = 0.001, R2 = 0.461) than moisture conditions (P = 0.001, R2 = 0.021). Maximum moisture condition was associated with species composition within some individual sites (P = 0.001-0.02, R2 = 0.1-0.33). Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Wallemia were common fungal genera found among samples at elevated moisture conditions. These findings can inform future studies of associations between dampness/mold in homes and health outcomes and allow for prediction of microbial growth in the indoor environment.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted among employees of a large Australian construction firm. Comparisons were made between employees who differed by gender and work location. Male employees in site‐based roles reported significantly higher levels of work to family conflict and emotional exhaustion than male employees who worked in the regional or head office. Site‐based male employees were also less satisfied with their pay than male respondents who worked in the regional of head office. Few significant differences were found between women who worked in different locations. Neither were significant differences between men and women who worked in the same location reported. The results are explained in terms of women's tendency to work in administrative, secretarial or support services roles, which typically demand fewer hours. The paper concludes that the experiences of site‐based construction employees, particularly men, warrant further attention to explore the sources of work‐life imbalance and burnout.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the anthropogenic contribution to lead (Pb) concentrations in surface soils in high latitude ecosystems is central to our understanding of the extent of atmospheric Pb contamination. In this study, we reconstructed fallout of Pb at a remote sub-arctic region by using two ombrotrophic peat cores and assessed the extent to which this airborne Pb is able to explain the isotopic composition (206Pb/207Pb ratio) in the O-horizon of tundra soils. In the peat cores, long-range atmospheric fallout appeared to be the main source of Pb as indicated by temporal trends that followed the known European pollution history, i.e. accelerated fallout at the onset of industrialization and peak fallout around the 1960s-70s. The Pb isotopic composition of the O-horizon of podzolic tundra soil (206Pb/207Pb = 1.170 ± 0.002; mean ± SD) overlapped with that of the peat (206Pb/207Pb = 1.16 ± 0.01) representing a proxy for atmospheric aerosols, but was clearly different from that of the parent soil material (206Pb/207Pb = 1.22-1.30). This finding indicated that long-range fallout of atmospheric Pb is the main driver of Pb accumulation in podzolic tundra soil. In O-horizons of tundra soil weakly affected by cryoturbation (cryosols) however, the input of Pb from the underlying mineral soil increased as indicated by 206Pb/207Pb ratios of up to 1.20, a value closer to that of local soil minerals. Nevertheless, atmospheric Pb appeared to be the dominant source in this soil compartment. We conclude that Pb concentrations in the O-horizon of studied tundra soils - despite being much lower than in boreal soils and representative for one of the least exposed sites to atmospheric Pb contaminants in Europe - are mainly controlled by atmospheric inputs from distant anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   


This study aimed to reveal the soil properties in the research area by using various geophysical methods. Physical parameters determining soil characteristics give us a chance to approach how the soil behaves during an earthquake. Thus, precautions can be taken to minimize earthquake damage. Also, safe construction against earthquake effects is important. The studied area is a tectonically and geothermally active area. İzmir Fault zone is passing through the investigation area and trending E–W direction. To investigate soil parameters at this active tectonic region, microtremor method data were recorded and the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) method at 27 profiles was implemented in the study area. Additionally, these methods were supported by the spatial auto correlation (SPAC) method in center spot. Shear wave velocities up to 30 m, soil classification according to the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP), site amplification, predominant site period, amplification factor, ground vulnerability index, and shear wave velocity changes up to 300 m were obtained by evaluating the data collected from the applied geophysical methods. VS30 values varied between 700 and 1100 m/s in the southernmost part of the study area, corresponding to a C and B type as soil classification. While the predominant period values were taken as the lowest value of 0.2 s, it was observed to increase up to 5.5 s on the alluvial unit in the northern parts of the study area. The ground vulnerability index, which is directly related to the probability of earthquake damage, was found to be quite high in some parts of the study area. In this paper, we propose microzonation maps for the Balçova district, based on the variation of the soil dynamic parameters.


The central nervous system's immune interaction appears to play a role in the psychosocial influence on immunologically resisted and mediated disease. Malathion is a known inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase activity. The accumulation of acetylcholine in nerve tissue affects organs with consequent symptoms that mimic the central nervous system action of acetylcholine. Subchronic and sublethal doses of malathion also suppressed the immune response. Nyctanthes arbor‐tristis has a immunopotentiative and pesticidal property. The effects of Nyctanthes arbor‐tristis on acetylcholinesterase (AchE) activity in the serum and brain was studied by treating the Swiss albino mice with an aqueous extract of N. arbor‐tristis [HL(aq)], as well as malathion‐immunosuppressed mice. The results revealed that the inhibition of AchE activity is reduced in malathion‐treated serum and brain tissue samples of mice, when they were given a HL(aq) extract treatment. Moreover, there was greater enhancement of AchE in serum than in brain tissue samples in HL(aq)‐treated mice. Thus the effect of malathion on AchE activity can be antagonised by HL(aq) treatment.  相似文献   

The ecosystem‐watershed concept, which originated with the Hubbard Brook Watershed Ecosystem study, provides an important framework for research into contemporary processes in many environments. Integration of freshwater lakes into the basic model allows such studies to be extended back in time, and the typicality of present‐day landscapes and processes to be adjudged. In many ecosystem‐watersheds, inputs, outputs and processes are dominated by cultural factors. Many effects of Man upon environmental systems are thus transmitted and expressed via the material pathways of ecosystem‐watersheds. The ecosystem‐watershed concept is thus uniquely suited to integrative and interdisciplinary analysis of many environmental problems.  相似文献   

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